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        Priscilla T. Choi 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한국이슬람연구소 2016 Muslim - Christian Encounter Vol.9 No.1

        The aim of this paper is to bring forth some Evangelical Church’s response to 2015’s massive influx of Muslim refugees into Germany and Belgium. In order to better understand church’s present and future ministries, it is vital to see the church’s engagement with the refugee crisis of 2015 in Europe. By doing so, Evangelical Christians can gain better present and future perspectives of Muslim evangelism in Europe. The first section of the paper will deal with some information and statistical data about the origin and destination of refugees from Muslim backgrounds, the 75% of 1.26 million who arrived in Europe in 2015. The second section of the paper will present what seem to be the key descriptive and prescriptive aspects of the challenges of Muslim evangelism. The descriptive part will demonstrate challenges to Muslim refugee evangelism using the German interview and the prescriptive part will be shown in the development of networking and channeling as mission strategies to maximize effectiveness of evangelism efforts among Muslim refugees.

      • KCI등재

        Challenges of Marriage in Islam: A View from Social Cultural Anthropology

        Priscilla Choi 한국신학정보연구원 2019 Canon&Culture Vol.13 No.2

        오늘날 이슬람교의 결혼에 관한 문헌은 더 이상 희귀한 것이 아니다. 이는 연구주제를 일부다처제에 관한 무슬림 혼인전통의 발전으로 한정하는 경우에도 마찬가지이며, 남편이 보유한 일방적인 이혼권(talaq)에 관한 분쟁에 대해서도 다양한 논의가 진행되었다. 하지만 흥미롭게도 ‘임시결혼’과 관련해서는, 그것이 이슬람의 오래된 혼인전통임에도 불구하고, 매춘을 합법적으로 은폐하기 위한 것으로 알려진 시아파의 악명높은 ‘임시결혼’(muta nikah) 관행에 초점을 맞춘 일단의 연구를 제외하면 다양한 문헌연구가 집적되지 못한 현실이다. 수니파에서 지속되고 있는 ‘임시결혼’(misyar nikah) 관행에 관한 연구는 더욱 희귀하며, 그나마 최근에서야 BBC등과 같은 비무슬림 대중매체로부터 관심을 받게 된 정도이다. “결혼이란 무엇인가”라는 질문은 근본적으로 누가 결혼이라는 제도를 지배할 수 있는 권한을 보유하고 있는지에 대해서 묻는 것이다. 결혼은 그리스도인에게 있어서는 성사(sacrament)이지만, 무슬림에게 있어서는 민사계약(civil contract)에 해당한다. 기독교인의 결혼관은 보통 “죽음이 우리를 갈라 놓을 때까지”라는 결혼서약을 통해서 표현되는 남편과 아내 사이의 신성한 연합(sacred union)으로서, 이는 하나님 앞에서 그리고 하나님과 맺은 언약으로서의 결혼이라는 관계를 지켜나가겠다는 약속을 의미한다. 반면 이슬람교에서의 결혼은 언약(covenant)이라기 보다는 일종의 민사계약 개념으로서 부부생활의 의무를 강화시켜 줄 수 있는 결혼의 종교적 측면을 현저히 약화시켜버린다. 이 논문은 현대 이슬람교와 기독교 상호간에 특징적으로 구별되는 결혼에 관한 최소 4가지 범주의 주요 사상을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 첫 번째 범주는 결혼의 기본 개념에 대해서 기독교와 이슬람교에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 비교하는데 주안점을 두고 있다. 축약하면 이슬람교는 결혼을 민사계약으로 분류한 결과로서 기본적인 성 편견적 구조와 지침을 잔존시키는 동시에, 혼인에 대한 책임을 부여하기 보다는 오히려 부정의를 영속화하고 있다. 그밖에 본 논문이 다루고 있는 또 다른 3가지 범주의 사상은 ‘다른 종류의 결혼제도’, ‘복혼관행’, ‘이혼관행’으로서, 최근 이에 관한 내용은 비무슬림 사회규범 및 법리연구를 통해서 확인되고 있다. There is no shortage of literature on marriage in Islam, even when the subject matter is narrowed down to the development of Muslim marriage traditions on polygamy. A multiplicity of discussion also exists on disputes repudiation about the husband’s unilateral rights of divorce (talaq). Interestingly, not much literature is found on the topic of ‘temporary marriages’ despite its long-standing traditions within Islam, except for some studies focusing on the Shia’s infamous practice of ‘temporary marriages’ (muta nikah) known to cover-up legalized prostitution. Even less research seems to be available on the Sunni’s practice of ‘temporary marriages’ (misyar nikah) which have persisted nevertheless. Only very recently Sunni’s misyar began receiving attention from non-Muslim public media sources as the BBC. The question ‘What is marriage?’ is fundamentally asking who has the authority to govern the institution. While marriage is a sacrament for Christians, it is a civil contract for Muslims. The Christian idea of marriage as a sacred union between husband and wife is commonly expressed in the wedding vow, ‘until death do us apart,’ promises to keep the marriage bond as a covenant with and before God. The Islamic idea of marriage as a civil contract, rather than as a covenant, significantly weakens the religious dimension of marriage that would strengthen the marital duty. This article aims to present at least four essential categories of ideas about marriage which are particularly dissimilar between modern Islam and Christianity. The first category is brought to a focus by comparing how Christianity and Islam differ on the basic idea of marriage. The consequence of labeling marriage as a civil contract, while retaining the basic gender-biased structure and guideline, perpetuates injustice, rather than provide accountability. The last three areas have also been recently identified through non-Muslim societal norms and jurisprudence: ‘different kinds of marriages,’ ‘practice of polygamy,’ and ‘practice of divorce.’

      • KCI등재

        The Moderating Role of Psychological Capital on the Association between Psychological Distress and Well-Being among College Students in India

        Priscilla Rose Prasath,Justine K. James,Ananya Ruth Samuel,Christine Suniti Bhat,Mutharasi Paramasivan 한국상담학회 2023 Journal of Asia Pacific counseling Vol.13 No.2

        This study used a cross-sectional survey design to examine the moderating role of psychological capital (PsyCap) on the association between psychological distress (depression, anxiety, and stress) and well-being among 387 college students in India. PsyCap refers to an individual’s positive psychological state of development that is comprised of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism. There was a negative association between psychological distress and well-being, whereas a positive association was found between PsyCap and well-being. As hypothesized, PsyCap moderated the association between psychological distress and well-being. The PsyCap components of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism each acted as a moderator in the association between psychological distress and well-being. The practical implications of enhancing PsyCap to positively affect well-being and reduce psychological distress in college students are provided through the lens of positive psychology.

      • Integration and benefit of ICT for visually impaired students

        Priscilla Mubanga,Milee Ahn(안미리),Yunja Hwang(황윤자) 한양대학교 교육공학연구소 2008 학습과학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        국제사회에서는 세계 모든 어린이들이 부모의 경제적 차이, 성별 혹은 신체적인 차이에 상관없이 균등한 교육의 기회를 보장받아야 한다고 강조하고 있다(UNAIDS,2003). 모든 어린이는 교육받을 기회를 가질 권리가 있으며 어떠한 이유도 차별받거나 다른 수준의 교육을 제공하는 등의 차별은 있을 수 없다. 그렇다면 ICT를 활용한 교육도 예외가 아니다. 이는 ICT를 접한다는 사실만이 아니라 ICT를 통한 세계에 대한 이해, 기술문명에 대한 이해 등 더 넓은 의미의 세상을 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구는 시각장애를 가진 학생들이 ICT를 활용해 학습하는 과정에서 어떻게 ICT가 학습에 도움을 주는지 연구하였다. 구체적으로는 시각장애학생들이 어떻게 ICT를 활용하는지, 어떤 정보에 접근이 가능한지, 어떻게 ICT활용이 학습에 도움을 주는지, 그리고 ICT활용의 혜택은 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 연구방법으로는 문헌조사와 장애학교에서 시각장애인을 가르치는 교사를 인터뷰하였으며, 연구결과 시각장애학생들이 ICT를 활용할 경우 학생들의 학습 효과만이 아니라 자신감 외에 학생들의 삶에 대한 긍정적인 힘을 경험하였다. 본 연구결과는 한국과 잠비아 교육 정책자와 NGO 리더들이 시각장애 학생들에게도 ICT를 활용할 수 있는 접근의 기회를 확대해 주도록 정책입안 혹은 다각적인 노력을 요구한다. 이는 시각장애학생들이 ICT를 통해 자신의 삶과 세계화 추세에 맞는 인간의 모습을 영위할 수 있도록 ICT는 중요한 안내와 힘을 줄 것으로 기대한다. UNAIDS (2003) article emphasis children’s right on education regardless of gender, physical impairment, nor parent’s economic status. All children have right to equal access to education with no segregation or discrimination. This includes access to and learning with ICT. Children learn about the world and life at different culture and technologies using ICT. This study attempted to learn how blind pupils learn by using ICT, and possible use of ICT for visually impared students. How do vidually impaired students access information with ICT materials, what are the benefits, and issues. Specific objectives of the study were: (1) how blind pupils learn with ICT material, (2) what different materials could the blind students use to learn, (3) how they access the ICT materials, (5) what are the benefits of ICT use for the blinds. To gather data, researcher interviewed a teacher teaching blind students at a public school for special education in Seoul. The results of the study shows that for those students using ICT benefits and it empowers the students to be self-reliant. The study recommends that educational planners and NGO work together to enable blind students to learn with ICT. The implication of this study supports that teachers should use ICT to teach visually impaired students, and should provide access to ICT in this world of globalization.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamic Analysis of a Steel Floor System with Dry Slabs Subjected to Vibrations Due to Human Walking

        Priscilla I. S. Ribeiro,André V. S. Gomes,Adenilcia F. G. Calenzani 한국강구조학회 2020 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.20 No.3

        One of the contemporary architecture trends is the design of structural elements that cover longer clearances to provide fl exibility in the architecture of buildings. The technological and constructive evolutions in civil engineering assure the feasibility of such trends due to the use of structural elements with increased slenderness and reduced weight, such as steel structures that utilize dry slabs. However, structures of this type present greater susceptibility to the vibrations related to human activities. Hence, this study aims to evaluate, from the human comfort point of view, the dynamic behavior of an existing steel fl oor system with composite structural panels, subjected to vibrations due to human walking. To obtain the dynamic responses, the present study employs: (1) simplifi ed procedures of the AISC and SCI design guidelines and (2) modal and transient analyses performed to a numerical model developed using the ANSYS software. The dynamic responses were compared with human comfort criteria prescribed by design guides, ISO 10137:2007 and the Brazilian standards. The infl uence of the value taken for structural damping and eff ect of more than one walking individual simultaneously on the structure may be evaluated through numerical results. It was concluded that the simplifi ed procedures underestimate the dynamic responses of the fl oor system under study.


        Priscilla Y. L. Chan,P. Y. Mok 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Western social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc are banned in China. In their places, Weibo, WeChat, Youku and more are the main social media channels in China and thus the main battlefields of social marketing for brands entering China Market. WeChat is the largest social network in China, with over 900 million users daily, for nearly all types of services, including booking flights, restaurant table reservation, shopping, paying bills, etc. To cater the needs of the new generation of Chinese digital natives, a mobile app eM++ was developed that creates new customer services and enables tailored fashion marketing. This new mobile app eM++ works well in China, will this be also well received in other countries? This research investigates consumers’ perception of this new fashion e-tailoring e-shopping concept in UK. Will this type of e-tailored services be welcome in UK? Will consumers welcome this type of e-shopping service in UK? Or they prefer the traditional way of tailoring and shopping? Which social media platforms should be used for promotion? The sample population of this research covers both male and females from China and UK aged 18 years old or above with experience of searching and/or buying clothing items online. Convenient sampling and snow-balling sampling methods are used. In UK, recruitment of volunteers for this project will be via emails to colleagues and previous students, as well as via posters of recruiting volunteers for this project posted on campus. Details of the project and experiment will be included in both emails and posters. Volunteered participants are asked to answer a pre-experiment online questionnaire. Based on their answers, suitable participants will be invited to participate the experimental part (which is trying a fashion app and then answer the post-experiment questionnaire). Participants successfully completed the experiment and post-experiment questionnaire will be given their own body measurements with a 3D model in user’s customised shape, as well as a discount coupon for future use when the app is officially launched. This research will have mainly quantitative data analysis, SPSS will be used to analyse the data. There will have a few open-ended questions that qualitative data analysis method will be employed. This research will explore the feasibility of this service in UK and formulate a cross-cultural comparison between China and UK.


        Priscilla Y. L. Chan,P. Y. Mok 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Digital technological development has created different new possibilities. New products and services are developed to cater the needs and wants of these digital consumers (or digital natives). It has also changed the means of marketing communications. Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives, thus social media marketing is found in the marketing strategy of every brand. Western social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so on are banned in China. In their places, Weibo, WeChat, Youku and more are the main social media channels in China and thus the main battlefields of social marketing for brands entering China Market. WeChat is the largest social network in China, with over 900 million users daily. Chinese users spend an average of over 70 minutes a day using WeChat, for nearly all types of services, including booking flights, restaurant table reservation, shopping, paying bills, hailing taxi, transferring money, and posting Moments on their walls, etc. Not only that, WeChat allows companies and celebrities to create official accounts to generate content for promotional purposes. Moreover, WeChat allows one-to-one personalized interaction between brands and the users. To cater the needs of the new generation of Chinese digital natives, a mobile app eM++ was developed that creates new customer services and enables tailored fashion marketing. The eM++ app has three components. The first core component is 1Measure, which users can obtain their body measurements by skimpily taking two photographs of themselves in normal clothing anywhere and anytime. Without the involvement of expensive equipment, users can enjoy similar benefit of body scanning but more flexibility and convenience, they not only instantly receive their measurements but also have their digital body model and a shape analysis report. Based on this information, the second component of the app eShop allow users to shop fashion items currently available in different online fashion stores like ASOS, Zara, and H & M, etc. In eShop, users are suggested the right sizes to order for different fashion items, based on their measurements and shape information, and also mix-and-match recommendations. The last component is eTailor, where users can order clothing like suit jackets, pants and shirts that tailored made for them, but save the need to take body measurements in a physical store. This new digital service will first be launched in China as there is high demand on Made-to-Measure fashion and marketing through WeChat social media platform. This paper will discuss how to market this new digital service using social media like WeChat in China and consumers’ reactions to this new business model in this digital world.

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