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      • Customer-oriented New Product Design using Means-end Theory : A Case Study of a Fashion Design T-shirt

        Phallapa Petison,Songwut Thongthou,Kanittha Lekmoung 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        This action research applied a means-end theory as a frameto explore customer’s preference on product attributes, benefitsand value that drive purchasing decision in order to utilize themarket information in design and development of new productsto meet customer expectation. A case study of a new fashiondesign T-shirt brand namely “COMMON-T” by local Thai designerwas selected. Style, design, price, and brand name arefound as preferred attributes that lead to purchasing decision. Mix & Matchable feature, uniqueness, cost-worthiness, and beingThai brand are perceived as benefits that serve customers’value of satisfaction, belongingness, and self fulfillment. Understandingthese customers’ insight, the designer attempts to emphasizeon building a brand identity and offer the most-up-todatetrend T-shirt at an affordable price. Positioning itself asthe Thai designer brand whose products offer global standardquality not only allows COMMON – T to differentiate itselffrom counterfeiters, but is also a key to accomplishment.

      • KCI등재


        ( Phallapa Petison ),( Songwut Thongthou ),( Kanittha Lekmoung ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        了解市場?生産出高于顧客期望價?的新産品是新産品開發的關鍵所在, 尤其在靈活多變的時?服裝業(Jin, Park, and Ryn, 2010; Palladino, 2010)。現今, 消費者注重時?的同時更加在意産品的價錢是否合理(Palladino, 2010)。以泰國爲例, 時裝業的本國設計師不僅把注意力單獨放在未開發的市場與品牌建設中, 同時還要抵制?制品的湧入。因此, 在市場中穩住??的關鍵是要了解消費者在産品屬性、利益以及價?方面的偏好, 進而産生購買欲, 以此利用新産品設計與開發的市場信息來滿足消費者期望。爲了獲取相關信息, 此硏究以名爲“COMMON-T” 的泰國當地時裝品牌爲案例進行硏究。該公司時裝設計T恤衫的賣點在于其時?的款式。“COMMON-T”, 與其他新興的時裝品牌壹樣,都在面臨各種挑戰, 包括開發目標市場, 了解顧客需求, 尋?産品定位, 塑造品牌意識, 與對手的競爭, 這其中也包括?制品。本硏究運用方法-目的理論?出至爲重要的屬性與能?對這些屬性引起興趣的結果與個人價?(Gutman, 1982; Olson andReynolds, 2001; Costa, Dekker and Jongen, 2004; Søndergaardand Harmsen, 2007, Mulvey and Kavalam, 2010)。顧客導向型的屬性、結果與價?的相關信息有助于時裝設計師設計新産品。本硏究采用階梯訪談法對20名COMMON-T的普通顧客進行訪談以獲取相關數據。每次面對面訪談的時間在壹個半小時左右。首先將對話按照屬性、結果與價?分類爲三組。將相同意思的詞語歸納到壹組。將數據進行處理?開始設計模型以便于確定不同組答案間的關系。在LaddermapTM中輸入模型數據以分析結果。對階梯訪談的軟件分析出13種可以影響消費者購買決定的屬性, 分別爲繡花、顔色、款式與設計種類、布料質量、店鋪形象、圖案、甄別技術、服務、價格、款式、樣式、品牌與設計。但是, 通過LaddermapTM的程序分析, HVM顯示只有7種屬性可以産生結果。其中, T恤衫的設計可以成爲消費者對時?潮流的導向, 這是購買COMMON-T品牌的收益之壹。硏究結果顯示, 8個對COMMON-T的感知結果分別爲潮流趨勢、動感樣式、混搭特色、漂亮、舒適、特別、物有所?與泰國品牌。但是, LaddermapTM程序?忽略掉了少數消費者提到的動感樣式這壹項。數據分析與程序結果同時得出COMMON-T對于顧客的價?有3點, 分別爲滿足感, 歸屬感以及自我價?實現。本硏究的數據分析將新産品的設計提高到戰略性的高度。商家現在的重點是生産出個性?符合潮流的T恤衫。?外, 生産線有待擴大。硏究結果顯示出混搭的益處, 因此, 除T恤衫之外,還應該引進新産品的生産線比如緊身?, 連衣裙, 以此創造新商機。爲了抵制?制品, 設計師要使服飾具有個性、符合時?潮流?且價錢合理。其中壹組消費者提到, 泰國本土品牌是促進顧客購買COMMON-T的?壹重要因素。商家正在嘗試通過維護神秘浪漫主義理念個性化的特性創造出品牌形象。消費者指出能?反映出消費者身?的强烈的品牌形象是他們購買COMMON-T的原因。單是泰國本土品牌?不能保證品牌的成功。成功的關鍵是要將泰國品牌的産品打造出國際化標准質量。這樣, 泰國本土品牌才是促進消費者購買時裝的賣點。這樣的調整與變化是MEC方法結果的運用, 以保證品牌可以在靈活多變, 競爭力强的時裝業屹立不倒。 This action research applied a means-end theory as a frame to explore customer``s preference on product attributes, benefits and value that drive purchasing decision in order to utilize the market information in design and development of new products to meet customer expectation. A case study of a new fashion design T-shirt brand namely “COMMON-T” by local Thai designer was selected. Style, design, price, and brand name are found as preferred attributes that lead to purchasing decision. Mix & Matchable feature, uniqueness, cost-worthiness, and being Thai brand are perceived as benefits that serve customers`` value of satisfaction, belongingness, and self fulfillment. Understanding these customers`` insight, the designer attempts to emphasize on building a brand identity and offer the most-up-todate trend T-shirt at an affordable price. Positioning itself as the Thai designer brand whose products offer global standard quality not only allows COMMON - T to differentiate itself from counterfeiters, but is also a key to accomplishment.

      • KCI등재

        From means to end: Understanding the millennial mind when buying luxury jewelry brands

        Ratakam Pavida,Petison Phallapa 한국마케팅과학회 2023 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.14 No.1

        For those in the luxury fashion industry, the global fine jewelry market has rebounded from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the participation of millennials. Understanding the attitudes and values that drive millennials’ decision-making processes, as well as acquiring better knowledge of how their needs change, is essential to aid the survival of luxury brands. This research applied the means-end theory as a framework to explore millennials’ preferences regarding the product attributes, benefits, and values that drive purchasing decisions. Thirty Thai millennials participated in the hard laddering interviews. The means-end chains obtained were analyzed using the LadderUX software. Brand, product function, and beauty are the key attributes that drive the purchasing decision, as they have a stronger link to the top values – happiness and self-confidence – of the millennial mindset.


        Pakamon Puttipinyo,Phallapa Petison 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Understanding consumer insight in luxury watch purchase is crucial in the current situation where the industry is recovering from a downturn. Today, the consumer does not only purchase a luxury watch to impress others as in the past. Using the means end chain approach, this study discovers that branding, together with design, function and price are key attributes that customers consider. Consequently, the consumer benefits from having a sense of personal identification. In addition, today the consumer perceives the benefit of luxury watch purchase as an investment. Therefore, they seek product distinction, durability, and a value-work product, in order, to serve the perceived value of capital investment. The results of the study reflect a changing trend in the luxury consumer. Prestige value is not the only key factor determining the purchase decision as was found in previous studies. Therefore, the luxury watch players, in an effort to elicit increased sales, should consistently build the brand profile by offering both functionality and design. Furthermore, communication of focus on quality leads to durability that would be considered as an investment asset from generation to generation. Introduction In the luxury watch industry, despite the start of a recovery, from a downward trend, the growth rate is forecast to be at a slow pace (ReportLinker, 2017; Deloitte, 2016). The global luxury watch players face the challenge of decreasing demand as per the change in consumer behavior (Financial Time, 2017). Like other luxury goods, the luxury watch is considered as a product that is not entirely necessary but the drive behind the buying intention is due solely to the personal desire of the consumer In addition, individual perception as well as consumer purchasing power, has a strong link with decision making. Why a consumer buys a luxury watch today is rather different from why they bought one ten years ago (Adams, 2017). This study is conducted in order to understand luxury watch consumer insight using the means end theory, in ways of appropriation, and examine variations in consumer willingness-to-pay (Gengler & Mulvey, 2017). Luxury consumption behavior There are numerous studies to be found that explore luxury product consumption starting from extrinsic themes like consumer purchasing power (e.g. Veblen, 1899), consumer characteristics (e.g.Dubois & Laurent, 1993); (O'cass & McEwen, 2004), consumer behavior (Vigneron & Johnson, 1999; Kastanakis, & Balabanis, 2012) to intrinsic themes like consumer motivation (e.g.Xiao-hui, 2006; Truong & McColl, 2011), consumer perception (e.g. Zhan & He, 2012; Vigneron & Johnson, 2017) and at a more subjective level of consumer value (Sukhdial, Chakraborty, & Steger, 1995; Moraes, Carrigan, Bosangit, Ferreira, & McGrath, 2017; Vigneron, & Johnson, 2017). This is because the nature of the consumer has changed. The current consumer does not view purchasing a luxury item as a vehicle to impress others but much more to serve their own perspectives (Wiedmann, Hennigs & Siebels, 2009). Thus to cope with this downtrend, it is necessary, nowadays, for luxury brand suppliers to have a deep and detailed understanding of customer insight. Means end chain theory (MEC) and laddering MEC has been regarded as one of the most felicitous theories in consumer research since 1980 (Grunert et al. 2001). It was developed to help understand consumer insight in the decision making process (Gengler, Mulvey, & Oglethorpe, 1999) starting from how the consumer thinks about a product and why they buy it. Through MEC (Olson and Reynolds, 1983; Gutman, 1982; Howard, 1977; Young and Feigin, 1975), the researcher and marketer can discover the salient meanings consumers associate with products, both in services and behavior. The chain explains the linkage; starting from attributes through to consequences, and then to values in the form of a hierarchial model Gutman, 1982; Gengler, Mulvey, & Oglethorpe, 1999; Leao and Mello, 2007). Beginning with the first level, attributes are characteristics of the product/service the consumer is expecting which can be both tangible and non-tangible features. However, attributes will mean nothing to the consumer, without so called consequences (Klenosky, 2002). At the second level of the hierarchical model, consequences are benefits that take part in explaining why those attributes are important to consumers (Olson and Reynolds, 1983). The consumer is looking for particulars benefits when purchasing that certain product or service (Voss and Gruber, 2006). The final level is value. The consumer judges the benefit of the product based on the perceived value, in the mind of the customer (Gutman, 1982; Olson and Reynolds, 1983; Costa, Dekker, and Jongen, 2004). It is notable that the higher the hierarchial level, the greater the level of abstraction (Woodruff & Gardial, 1996). Using the MEC helps gain consumer insight information which allows the luxury brand supplier to offer products which are best suited for their targeted consumers (Petison, Thongthou and Lekmoung, 2012). Methodology By its nature, the MEC is adopted as a qualitative research method. In order to understand why a consumer is interested in a product and makes a purchasing decision (Smith and Swinyard, 1999); the decision making process can be revealed using the laddering interview (Gutman, 1982; Olson & Reynolds, 1983; Ozguven, 2012). Through the laddering interview, researchers decide to apply a soft laddering interview; an open answer question, rather than hard laddering interview; or a fixed answer question, to enjoy the benefits of go by the flow (Ozguven, 2012). Furthermore, soft laddering interview is well suited to the elite in a sense that interviewer can adjust questions depending on answers and ambience (Harvey, 2011). In this study a total of 30 luxury watch consumers; 18 females and 12 males, who recently bought luxury watches in 2017 were interviewed. This is because the researchers want to obtain the most up to date information. This group of consumers tended to purchase a luxury watch every year. The most popular brands these consumers purchased are Rolex, Patek Philippe, Panerai and Audemars Piguet. In face to face time, a semi structure interview was applied based on Reynolds and Gutmam (2001), who suggested questions such as; What affects your purchasing decision?, How do you feel about the product? Why do you want to wear this watch? etc. All interviews were recorded and verbatim transcripts produced. Content analyses were applied following the interviews. The preliminary categorization was into groups of attribute consequence and value, and recurring words with similar meanings collected in clusters. Research triangulation was applied to ensure validity. The researchers created a hierarchical value chain for each consumer then analyzed the findings by using LaddermapTM software. Results According to the content analysis process, a total of 28 attributes, 22 consequences, and 15 values were found in the study. Through the LaddermapTM software analysis only 7 attributes, 11 consequences, and 9 values can be reported as in figure 1. Figure 1: Hierarchial value map of luxury watch purchase Brand is the most important attribute from the viewpoint of the luxury consumer followed by design, price and function. For example, one consumer mentioned that “…brand helps one who wears it by identification…it reflects a certain lifestyle…wearing a Rolex is easy to take care of because of its quality as well as the ease to wear on any occasion…it is value for money… but more than this as it constantly appreciates in value.…” In addition, brand is a key attribute that leads to two most important consequences which are personal identification and investment. However, impressing others, which used to be a key rationale for purchasing luxury product is found to be absent from the top consumer benefits nowadays. However, today, luxury brand consumers are more concerned with distinction, durability, and value-work product as a consequence of watch purchase. For example, one consumer said that “…normally, women do not wear Pannarai. I love to be different…so I bought a limited edition….I wear it constantly for both work and leisure activities…although the price is high, I feel secure with the price paid…it has a warranty and good after- sales service…” Among reported values, monetary satisfaction is found to be the most the important followed by self- image and pleasure. For example, one consumers said that “…I always buy Rolex…my parents also use Rolex. From my parent’s experience of use, it was made aware that the Rolex is fabulous due to its quality and resale price. …I have never ever changed my mind about Rolex…it is excellent value as an investment…I am happy and satisfied with the money I have spent…” This study also found other consumers who expressed their satisfaction with money invested in comparison with another investment options such as gold or stocks. Moreover, it is an investment that can be passed on to their children. Discussions and Implications Nowadays, brand, design, price and function are the key attributes that luxury consumers focus on. Luxury brand suppliers should pay particular attention to a design that reflects the unique identity of the brand and distinguishes it from competitors. This is a consistent finding of Subhadip, Jain, &Matta (2018) that the luxury product ought to reflect its own creativity, artistry, and uniqueness. Moreover, consumers prefer a luxury watch that offers various functions that they can be used with ease on any occasion. In addition, the luxury consumer does not only purchase a watch that represents their self-image and bring in pleasure value, but also monetary satisfaction which is found to be most important nowadays so that the luxury watch player should advertise their brand based on this distinctive study finding. Durability is a reflection of quality brand. Warranty is the linkage between quality and value for money. Monetary satisfactory also comes from the benefits of investment and a generation to generation heritage.


        Kitravee Siwatkittisuk,Phallapa Petison 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        As millennials are continuously growing; hence they are considered today's fine jewelry business treasure. Understanding why they buy fine jewelry using the means-end theory is the key objective of this study. Brand, function and beauty are means that lead to happiness and self-confidence, the end value of millennials mindset

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