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      • Development of Small Farms in the Agro-Industrial Complex

        Petrunenko, Iaroslav,Pohrishchuk, Oleg,Plotnikova, Mariia,Zolotnytska, Yuliia,Dligach, Andrii International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.3

        Modern small farms are important link components in the structure of the world agro-industrial complex. It ensures the food and nutritional sustainability of the country exclusively at the local regional level. The purpose of the research is to examine the role of farming in ensuring nutritional security and food stability based on the analysis of the Food Sustainability Index (FSI). Research methods: modeling, abstraction, analogy, analysis, synthesis, formalization, logical abstraction, theoretical cognition, systematization and classification, abstract-logical, etc. Results. Having analyzed the Food Sustainability Index for 2018, it has been established that there is a lack of a clear relationship between the pace of economic development and the level of food and nutritional sustainability. In addition, this study has identified the countries with the largest number of small farms, as well as the number of farms within the region. The correlation between the size of the farm and the area of agricultural land that it cultivates has been determined. The problems faced by small farms in the process of their activity have been analyzed. The programs implemented in the field of agro-industrial complex development by international profile institutions have been systematized. Particularly, the regional structure of agricultural development programs under the guidance of IFAD is defined, as well as the areas to which they are directed. Specific measures taken by governments to stimulate the development of small farms have been outlined. Reasonable conclusions have been formed based on the study. The direction of future research is seen in the assessment of the export potential of small farms in terms of range, volume of export deliveries and geographical direction of movement of their products.

      • Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for Improving the Economic Security of the State

        Petrunenko, Iaroslav,Pohrishcuk, Borys,Abramova, Maryna,Vlasenko, Yurii,Halkin, Vasyl International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.3

        Ensuring the economic security of agro-industrial complexes of Ukrainian regions has become a top-priority task of state regional policy, as their stable functioning is an essential element of economic security of the whole country. It is overcoming threats to the development of the agro-industrial complex that ensures its further effective functioning and has a significant impact on the economic security of our state. Methods: logical method; methods of system analysis; synthesis; economic and statistical method; method of expert assessment; SWOT analysis; economic and mathematical modelling and planning. Results. Characteristic features of economic security have been given. The essence and significance of the agro-industrial complex in improving the economic security of the state have been determined. It has been noted that in recent years, the agro-industrial complex, which acts as a driver of the domestic economy and has a direct impact on the development of the country, has been growing (in 2019 the cereal and legume harvest exceeded 75 million tons, 20,269 thousand tons of potatoes were dug, more than 15 million tons of sunflower, 9,688 thousand tons of vegetables and 2,119 thousand tons of fruits and berries were harvested, meat and egg production increased by 137.5 thousand tons (or 5.8%) and 545.5 million pieces (or 3.4%), respectively, the number of employed population in agriculture increased by 139.8 thousand people (or 4.9%), the labour productivity in crop production increased by UAH 294.4 thousand (or 44.6%), in livestock production - by UAH 311.3 thousand (or 61.8%)). Based on the system of production and economic indicators, the analysis of the state of the agro-industrial complex has been carried out. Taking into account the results of the obtained data and using SWOT-analysis, the major threats to the development of the agro-industrial complex have been identified. Ways of overcoming threats enhancing the economic security of Ukraine have been proposed.

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