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        Unsteady Simulations of the Flow in a Swirl Generator, Using OpenFOAM

        Petit, Olivier,Bosioc, Alin I.,Nilsson, Hakan,Muntean, Sebastian,Susan-Resiga, Romeo F. Korean Society for Fluid machinery 2011 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.4 No.1

        This work presents numerical results, using OpenFOAM, of the flow in the swirl flow generator test rig developed at Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania. The work shows results computed by solving the unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations. The unsteady method couples the rotating and stationary parts using a sliding grid interface based on a GGI formulation. Turbulence is modeled using the standard k-${\varepsilon}$ model, and block structured wall function ICEM-Hexa meshes are used. The numerical results are validated against experimental LDV results, and against design velocity profiles. The investigation shows that OpenFOAM gives results that are comparable to the experimental and design profiles. The unsteady pressure fluctuations at four different positions in the draft tube is recorded. A Fourier analysis of the numerical results is compared whit that of the experimental values. The amplitude and frequency predicted by the numerical simulation are comparable to those given by the experimental results, though slightly over estimated.

      • KCI등재

        Litter Decomposition Process in Coffee Agroforestry Systems

        Petit-Aldana, Judith,Rahman, Mohammed Mahabubur,Parraguirre-Lezama, Conrado,Infante-Cruz, Angel,Romero-Arenas, Omar Institute of Forest Science 2019 Journal of Forest Science Vol.35 No.2

        Decomposition of litter is a function of various interrelated variables, both biotic and abiotic factors. Litter decomposition acts like a natural fertilizer play a prime role in maintaining the productivity and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems. There are few studies of decomposition carried out in agroforestry systems with coffee; so it is necessary to perform more research work to fill the research gap, which will allow a better understanding of the management of the coffee agroforestry systems. This paper is based on the theoretical and conceptual aspects of leaf litter decomposition in agroforestry systems, emphasizing the combination with coffee cultivation and critically examined the role of the different factors involved in the decomposition. This study made a comparison of different investigations with regards to weight loss, decomposition rates (k), initial chemical composition, and release of the main nutrients. This study suggested that it is necessary to implement studies of decomposition and mineralization, and the microflora and fauna associated with these processes, so that serves as an important tool to develop a model for enabling a description of the short, medium, and long-term dynamics of soil nutrients in coffee agroforestry systems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        La Bible à Toulouse (France) : lecture interreligieuse programmée sur internet

        Benoît Petit 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2016 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.15

        A public reading of the Bible was organized in Toulouse twice, by two groups of people who built a website. Two of them are presented here, with a focus on decision and social transaction: BECATOU and the public reading of the “Bible in Toulouse” (BAT) ─ The author follows these events by participative observation over a couple of years from the point of view of sociology: how information is passed (on to a reader, a listener or a web user). The focus is both on the relationship between religious communities, and within each one. This article shows people’s way of thinking evolve through time and highlights the question raised by the internet in religious exchanges and relationships. Many questions arise with internet for the transmission of beliefs and interreligious exchanges with the end of the parish civilization. À deux reprises une lecture en public de la Bible a pu être organisée, à Toulouse, à partir d’un site mis en place sur internet. Ces deux manifestations toulousaines « Bible en continu (BECATOU) et « Lecture de la Bible à Toulouse » (B-A-T) que l’auteur a suit par observation participante sont analysées, sous l’angle de la sociologie de la transmission des informations (pour un lecteur, un auditeur ou un internaute). Elles reflètent les rapports entre les communautés religieuses et à l’intérieur de chacune avec la fin de la civilisation paroissiale. L’article témoigne de l’évolution des mentalités et des questions que pose, à côté de l'école, internet, avec la fin de la civilisation paroissiale, pour la transmission des croyances et les échanges interreligieux.

      • KCI등재

        French good practice guidelines for medical and occupational surveillance of the low back pain risk among workers exposed to manual handling of loads

        Audrey Petit,Jean-Baptiste Fassier,Sandrine Rousseau,Philippe Mairiaux,Yves Roquelaure 대한직업환경의학회 2015 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.27 No.-

        Several clinical practice guidelines related to the assessment and management of low back pain (LBP) have been published with varied scopes and methods. This paper summarises the first French occupational guidelines for management of work-related LBP (October 2013). There main originality is to treat all the three stages of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of work-related LBP. The guidelines were written by a multidisciplinary working group of 24 experts, according to the Clinical Practice Guidelines method proposed by French National Health Authority, and reviewed by a multidisciplinary peer review committee of 50 experts. Recommendations were based on a large systematic review of the literature carried out from 1990 to 2012 and rated as strong (Level A), moderate (B), limited (C) or based on expert consensus (D) according to their level of evidence. It is recommended to deliver reassuring and consistent information concerning LBP prognosis (Level B); to perform a clinical examination looking for medical signs of severity related to LBP (Level A), encourage continuation or resumption of physical activity (Level A), identify any changes in working conditions and evaluate the occupational impact of LBP (Level D). In case of persistent/recurrent LBP, assess prognostic factors likely to influence progression to chronic LBP, prolonged disability and delayed return to work (Level A). In case of prolonged/repeated sick leave, evaluate the pain, functional disability and their impact and main risk factors for prolonged work disability (Level A), promote return to work measures and inter professional coordination (Level D). These good practice guidelines are primarily intended for professionals of occupational health but also for treating physicians and paramedical personnel participating in the management of LBP, workers and employers.

      • KCI등재

        Mainstream economics and economic crises

        Pascal Petit 한국사회경제학회 2011 사회경제평론 Vol.37 No.2

        Mainstream economics have often generated policies that either led to economic crises or could not cope with their occurrence and their effects. What did they learn from these dramatic experiences? What have been the driving forces acting on mainstream economics between the lessons drawn from the failures (lack of effectiveness/ or of realism), the complacency to dominant ideologies (conformism) and the construction of the economist profession (corporatism). Can we tentatively draw some lessons from the recent crisis from the reactions to the present crisis?Can mainstream economics take a progressive turn? Can alternative streams benefit from the widespread resentment against (standard) economics? The assessment proposed in this paper will take advantage of recent statements of standard economists on how mainstream economics should take into account its recent blunder.

      • KCI등재

        Generalized hexagons embedded in metasymplectic spaces

        Sebastian Petit,Hendrik Van Maldeghem 대한수학회 2023 대한수학회지 Vol.60 No.4

        We consider thick generalized hexagons fully embedded in metasymplectic spaces, and we show that such an embedding either happens in a point residue (giving rise to a full embedding inside a dual polar space of rank 3), or happens inside a symplecton (giving rise to a full embedding in a polar space of rank 3), or is isometric (that is, point pairs of the hexagon have the same mutual position whether viewed in the hexagon or in the metasymplectic space--these mutual positions are \emph{equality, collinearity, being special, opposition}). In the isometric case, we show that the hexagon is always a Moufang hexagon, its little projective group is induced by the collineation group of the metasymplectic space, and the metasymplectic space itself admits central collineations (hence, in symbols, it is of type $\mathsf{F_{4,1}}$). We allow non-thick metasymplectic spaces without non-thick lines and obtain a full classification of the isometric embeddings in this case.

      • KCI등재

        Litter Decomposition Process in Coffee Agroforestry Systems

        Judith Petit-Aldana,Mohammed Mahabubur Rahman,Conrado Parraguirre-Lezama4,,Angel Infante-Cruz,Omar Romero-Arenas 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2019 Journal of Forest Science Vol.35 No.2

        Decomposition of litter is a function of various interrelated variables, both biotic and abiotic factors. Litter decomposition acts like a natural fertilizer play a prime role in maintaining the productivity and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems. There are few studies of decomposition carried out in agroforestry systems with coffee; so it is necessary to perform more research work to fill the research gap, which will allow a better understanding of the management of the coffee agroforestry systems. This paper is based on the theoretical and conceptual aspects of leaf litter decomposition in agroforestry systems, emphasizing the combination with coffee cultivation and critically examined the role of the different factors involved in the decomposition. This study made a comparison of different investigations with regards to weight loss, decomposition rates (k), initial chemical composition, and release of the main nutrients. This study suggested that it is necessary to implement studies of decomposition and mineralization, and the microflora and fauna associated with these processes, so that serves as an important tool to develop a model for enabling a description of the short, medium, and long-term dynamics of soil nutrients in coffee agroforestry systems.

      • KCI우수등재

        L’expérience française en matière de procédure administrative non contentieuse

        Jacques PETIT 한국공법학회 2018 公法硏究 Vol.47 No.1

        Pendant longtemps, la France, à la différence de la plupart des autres Etats européens et des Etats-Unis, n’a pas eu de loi générale sur la procédure administrative. Cette « exception française » s’expliquait par deux raisons : le droit administratif français a été construit par la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat ; il n’a manifesté qu’un faible intérêt, voire même une certaine méfiance, pour l’encadrement procédural de l’action administrative. Cependant, à partir des années 1970, le législateur est intervenu en matière de procédure administrative dans le but de renforcer les droits des citoyens en imposant de nouvelles exigences procédurales à l’administration. La multiplication des textes et leur coexistence avec les règles jurisprudentielles ont fait naître le projet de codifier la procédure administrative pour la rendre plus accessible. Après plusieurs échecs, ce projet a abouti en 2015 avec l’adoption du Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. Si « l’exception française » a ainsi pris fin, ce code reste marqué par la tradition d’un droit jurisprudentiel conçu par le Conseil d’Etat et plutôt réservé à l’égard de la procédure administrative. D’une part, l’élaboration du code des relations entre le public et l’administration a été largement maîtrisée par le Conseil d’Etat. D’autre part, son contenu, qui est principalement une mise en ordre du droit existant, reste d’une ambition modeste.

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