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        Lin28 is Required for Single Niche Development in the Drosophila Male Gonad

        Perinthottathil Sreejith,김창수 한국발생생물학회 2023 발생과 생식 Vol.27 No.4

        A stem cell niche provides an environment that governs stem cell maintenance and division. Thus, the development of a proper niche is of prime importance to stem cell behaviors. Mechanisms of niche development are beginning to be revealed in the Drosophila male gonad. Niche cells are initially dispersed throughout the gonad, then assemble at its apical tip through the anterior migration of posteriorly located niche cells. The molecular mechanisms of this migration and assembly are still poorly understood. Here we show evidence suggesting that Lin28, an RNA-binding protein and regulator of let7 genesis, might be an intrinsic factor for the anterior migration of niche cells. We found that a dispersed, ectopic niche, a phenotype observed with anterior migration defects, occurs in lin28 mutant gonads. This phenotype is rescued by expression of lin28 in the niche cells. These findings suggest that Lin28 might be required for the anterior migration of niche cells.

      • KCI등재

        Lin28 and Imp are Required for Stability of Bowl Transcripts in Hub Cells of the Drosophila Testis

        Van To,Hyun Ju Kim,장위정,Perinthottathil Sreejith,김창수 한국발생생물학회 2021 발생과 생식 Vol.25 No.4

        Hub cells comprise a niche for germline stem cells and cyst stem cells in the Drosophila testis. Hub cells arise from common somatic gonadal precursors in embryos, but the mechanism of their specification is still poorly understood. Here we find that RNA binding proteins Lin28 and Imp mediate transcript stability of Bowl, a known hub specification factor; Bowl transcripts were reduced in the testis of Lin28 and Imp mutants, and also when RNAmediated interference against Lin28 or Imp was expressed in hub cells. In tissue culture Luciferase assays involving the Bowl 3’UTR, stability of Luc reporter transcripts depended on the Bowl 3’UTR and required Lin28 and Imp. Our findings suggest that proper Bowl function during hub cell specification requires Lin28 and Imp in the testis hub cells.

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