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      • The Work of Christ as Mediator in Calvin’s Theology

        Paul Wells 합동신학대학원대학교 출판부 2015 Hapshin Theological Review Vol.4 No.-

        Calvin’s favorite way of saying ‘the person and work of Christ’ is simply to speak of the ‘Mediator’. Fundamental to all Calvin’s thought is the sovereign difference of God who reigns over all else. A Mediator is necessary to bridge this gulf and the true Mediator is the one who incarnates the realities of divinity and humanity in unmodified fashion. Hence the two natures of Christ are united in one person without change and without ‘mixing’. The outcome of this unique mediation is gracious salvation, that is at once a divine work and also appropriate to human responsibilities and needs. The work of the unique person of Christ is carried out in a movement from suffering to glory through three offices which are integral to securing salvation for lost humanity.

      • KCI등재

        Church Government in French Churches in the 17th Century

        Paul Wells 고신대학교 개혁주의학술원 2016 갱신과 부흥 Vol.17 No.1

        본 논문은 17세기 프랑스 개혁교회에서 교회정치가 어떻게 형성되 었는가를 고찰한 논문이다. 칼빈의 교회 정치 개념으로부터 영향을 받은 프랑스 개혁교회는 1559년에 제정된 ‘라 로쉘 고백문’(La Rochelle Confession)과 함께 채택되었던 38개 항목의 ‘교회권징 조례’(La disicipline ecclésiaque)를 1659년까지 252개의 항목 으로 발전시켰다. 교회의 조직 구조는 장로-총회식 제도(le régime presbytéro-synodal)로 불리는데 지역적 다양성의 원리와 통합적 일치성의 원리 사이에 상보성에 주목하면서 교회의 권위가 회중에게 놓여 있음이 강조되었다. 그러나 이러한 회중성의 강조가 곧 회중주 의(cogreatationalism)를 의미하는 것은 아니었다. 프랑스 개혁교 회의 정치형태는 오히려 반계급적이면서도 권위를 인정하는 일종의 피라미드식 구조를 지니게 되었다. 교회의 권위는 지역교회에서 장로회 또는 당회로, 그리고 장로회 또는 당회에서 지역 총회로, 그리고 지역 총회에서 전국 총회 또는 대회의 구조로 발전되었다. 이는 프랑스 개혁교회가 발전시킨 독특한 형태의 장로교주의로서 칼빈의 교회 정치 개념을 프랑스 개혁교회의 필요성에 맞게 수정시킨 것이었 다. 이 구조는 당회와 총회의 지속적 모임을 정당화했으며 이를 통해서 정규적 사역과 권징의 실천적 시행이 프랑스 개혁교회에서 가능해 졌다고 볼 수 있다. 프랑스 개혁교회 총회에서 주로 다루어졌던 주제들은 크게 두 가지로 윤리적 문제들과 신학적 논쟁에서 비롯된 문제들이었다. 첫째, 윤리적 문제와 관련해서 장로회, 즉 목사와 장로로 구성된 당회는 모든 교회 멤버들에게 주어진 권위로부터 위임받아 권징을 시행했는데 이는 주로 행정적인 것으로 해석되었다. 장로회는 또한 교회에 의해서 파견된 대표자들로서 정당성을 지니고 총회에 참석했다. 총회의 권위는 상대적 권위 이상의 것이 아니었으며 성경에 복종하는 한, 교회 들의 뜻을 정당하게 대변할 수 있는 것으로 해석되었다. 총회가 인간적 제도이므로 사실상 새로운 교리와 의식을 제정하는 권한이 주어지지 않았던 것이다. 둘째, 신학적 논쟁과 관련해서 로마 가톨릭, 알미 니우스주의, 소무르 지역에서 출발한 아미로주의의 주장들에 대한 신학적 독단성을 교회 법정에서 처되어야 한다는 결정을 내렸다. 17 세기 프랑스 교회의 주요 논쟁 주제는 알미니우스주의와 논쟁에서 파생된 신학적 문제들이었다. 일반적으로 총회는 이들에 대해서 단호한 입장을 취했지만 자신들의 신학적 주장을 과격하게 내세우려 하지 않는 자들에게는 어느 정도의 관용을 베풀고 건전한 교리로 이들을 설득해야 한다는 태도를 취하였다. This article deals with the origin and development of the church government in the reformed churches in the 17th century. French churches, heavily influenced by Calvin s understanding of church government, had further expanded “the Church Discipline”(1559) with its original 38 articles into 252 articles until 1659. The structural system of the church was called the presbyterian-synodal system. This system especially emphasized the fact that ecclesiastical authority lies in the congregation while noting there is a factor of complementarity between the principles of diversity and unity. But this emphasis does not mean church had adopted congregationalism. In fact, the French church in the 17th century had developed a pyramidal governing system characterized by combining anti-hierarchical attitude and that of submissive to authority. The authority of church, which is originated from local church, is now represented by presbytery or session, from presbytery to local general assembly, from local general assembly to national synod or general assembly. This was a original church government system developed by French Reformed Church. It was modified version of Calvin s understanding of church government suited for the necessity of French Reformed Church. It provided a rationale for the consistent meeting of session and general assembly. As a result, it was possible to conduct regular ministry and practical discipline in the French Reformed Church. There were two subjects which had been mainly dealt with in the general assemblies of French Reformed Church: ethical problems and problems related to the theological controversies. First, regarding ethical problems, presbytery, which was composed of ministers and elders, practiced church discipline utilizing the power originally given to church members. General assembly had a relative authority. The meaning of relativity was interpreted as representing the will of local churches as long as general assembly was subjected to Scripture. Sec-ond, regarding problems resulting from theological controversies, general assembly dealt mainly with Roman Catholicism, Arminianism and Amyraldism. The French Reformed Church had decided dogmatism exhibited by these groups should be prohibited by church court. One of the most controversial issues in the French Reformed Church in the 17th century was problems related to the controversies against Arminians. General assembly had maintained very strict attitude towards them in general. Yet some degree of tolerance had been shown to those who were not radically propagating their thoughts along with maintained an attitude of persuading them with sound doctrines.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamics processes between Sm2+, Sm3+ and color centers in KY3F10 : Sm crystals

        Mitsuo Yamaga,Shin-ichiro Tsuda,Jon-Paul R. Wells,Thomas P. J. Han 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2014 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.15 No.3

        Three distinct Sm2+ impurity centers, a single Sm3+ impurity center, and a color center were identified in KY3F10 with 1 mol.% of Sm ion dopant by their emission and excitation spectra in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), ultraviolet (UV), and visible regions. The excited states of the Sm2+ centers consisted of the lower 5 DJ (J = 0,1,2,3) multiplets and the higher lying 4f5 5d excited states. VUV or UV excitation directly into the 4f6 → 4f5 5d transitions of Sm2+ produced cascade emission from the metastable 5 DJ (J = 3,2,1,0) multiplets to the lowest 7 FJ (J = 0,1,2,3,4) multiplets at low temperatures. Energy transfer from Sm2+ to Sm3+ ions was observed in the excitation spectra of the Sm3+ emission. Excitation at 532 nm for a sample temperature of 300 K produced a broad emission band with a peak at 660 nm and sharp emission lines at 680, 692 and 738 nm, being due to Sm2+. 532 nm irradiation for 30 minutes decreased the intensity of the broadband to one-quarter of the initial intensity and increased slightly the intensities of the sharp lines.

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