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      • KCI등재

        한국 국립공원 산림생태계의 수목 탄소저장량 평가

        이상진,박홍철,박관수,김현숙,이창민,김진원,심규원,최승운,Lee, Sang-Jin,Park, Hong-Chul,Park, Gwan-Soo,Kim, Hyoun-Sook,Lee, Chang-Min,Kim, Jin-Won,Sim, Gyu-Won,Choi, Seung-Woon 한국환경복원기술학회 2022 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the amount of carbon storage for trees in forest ecosystem to support the foundation for carbon neutrality implementation in Korea National Park. It targeted 22 national parks designated and managed as national parks in Korea, and conducted research on forest trees in the terrestrial ecosystem among various natural and ecological carbon sink. The survey and analysis method followed the IPCC guidelines and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Korea. The amount of tree carbon storage in the forest ecosystem of Korea National Park was confirmed to be about 218,505 thousand CO<sub>2</sub>-ton and the amount of carbon storage per unit area was 570.8 CO<sub>2</sub>-ton per hectare. Compared to 299.7 CO<sub>2</sub>-ton per hectare, the average carbon storage per unit area of the entire Korean forest, it was found that about twice as much carbon was stored when assuming the same area. In other words, it means that the tree carbon storage function of the national park is about twice as high as that of the average tree carbon storage function of entire Korean forest. It has great implications in Korea National Park not only provides biodiversity promotion and exploration services as a national protected area, but also performs excellent functions as a carbon sink.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 국립공원 탐방로 내 위험 급경사지 유지관리 방안 연구

        김홍균 ( Hong Gyun Kim ),김태호 ( Tae Ho Kim ),김재학 ( Jae Hak Kim ),곽재환 ( Jae Hwan Kwak ),박성욱 ( Sung Wook Park ),최수원 ( Soo Won Choi ),송영갑 ( Young Karb Song ) 대한지질공학회 2016 지질공학 Vol.26 No.1

        국립공원은 주로 산악 지형 내 조성되어 있으므로 산사태에 의한 피해 가능성을 항상 내포하고 있다. 본 연구는 산사태 연구의 일환으로 국립공원 탐방로 내 위험 급경사지를 체계적으로 유지관리하기 위한 방안을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 국립공원에 특화된 자체 체크리스트를 제작하였으며, 전국 19개 국립공원 183개소 급경사지에 대한 실태조사가 이루어졌다. 실태조사의 최종 목적은 위험 급경사지에 대한 안정화 대책을 마련하는 것으로 현장조사와 안정해석의 과정을 거친다. 일부 급경사지에서는 위험성 판단을 위해 지상라이다 등 특수 장비를 이용한 조사를 시도하였다. 중장기 정비계획을 위한 투자우선순위 공식을 개발하였으며, 현장자료를 이용한 순위 및 위험등급을 산출하였다. 최종적으로 위험 급경사지의 향후 체계적인 관리를 위해 “국립공원 급경사지 유지관리시스템”을 개발하였으며, 모든 현장자료들은 시스템 내 DB화 되었다. National parks, which are located mainly in mountainous areas, are always at risk of damage by landslides. The goal of this study is to establish a method for systematically maintaining hazardous steep slopes along trails in national parks. We produced a checklist suitable for each of the 19 national parks nationwide and investigated 183 slopes. The aim of these investigations is to recommend appropriate slope-stability countermeasures, including field investigations and stability analysis. We made preliminary investigations at specific sites, evaluating the slope hazard using specialized equipment such as terrestrial LiDAR. An investment priority formula was developed, and ranking and hazardous grades were calculated as part of a long-term maintenance plan. Finally, to systematically manage dangerous slopes and to house all the field data within one system, we developed the “Slope Maintenance System in National Parks” based on web server that can show various information for slopes.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 1920년대 초기 『조선일보』 「문예란」 연구 -발굴과 위상의 구명

        박현수 ( Hyun Soo Park ),홍현영 ( Hyun Young Hong ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2015 민족문학사연구 Vol.57 No.-

        『조선일보』의 「문예란」은 1921년 7월 4일부터 같은 해 8월 27일까지 『조선일보』1면에 개설되었다. 이 글의 목적은 『조선일보』 「문예란」에 실린 작품들을 발굴, 소개하고, 그 위상을 구명하는 것이다. 「문예란」이 개설되었던 때는 『조선일보』가 23회에 이르는 발매반포금지와 2차례의 정간을 겪고 점차 운영에서 정상을 찾아가던 즈음이었다. 「문예란」은 총 38회 개설되었는데, 시가 21편, 평론이 3편, 기행문이 1편, 수필이 1편 등 모두 26편의 작품이 실렸다. 「문예란」에 글을 수록한 작가는 변영로, 남궁벽, 김억, 박종화, 오상순, 오천석, 김찬영, 현진건 등이다. 변영로는 「문예란」에서 가장 활발한 작품 활동을 했으며 필자들의 교류에서도 중심에 있었다. 그는 진리가 확정된 세계에서 벗어나 불확실성에 투신하는 자세를 새롭게 창출될 문학의 핵심이라고 주장했다. 이 글은 남궁벽이 스스로 ``∼다``체로 번역해 발표한 「별의압흠」, 「말」 등을 소개하는 것을 통해 정본 확정의 문제를 제기했다. 또 작가의 과작을 고려할 때 새롭게 발굴, 소개하는 남궁벽의 시 5편이 지니는 무게 역시 가볍지 않다. 박종화의 시 가운데 「廢園에누어셔」는 「黑房秘曲」에 실린 시와 달리 3장으로 되어 있다. 특히 3장이 당시 박종화의 지우였던 정백, 홍사용 등의 갈등과 관련되어 주목을 필요로 한다. 이 글에서 소개하는 오상순의 두 시 역시 처음 발굴, 소개하는 시들이다. 이들은 어린 시절의 상상력이 깃든 언어를 가장 본질적인 것으로 파악하는 당시 오상순의 문학관을 드러내고 있다. 「문예란」의 필자들은 이미 문단의 승인을 받은 존재들이었다는 점에서 작품들 역시 문학청년 시기의 습작이나 투고작과는 다르다. 또 「문예란」의 필자는 각각의 동인지에 얽매이지 않는 문인들의 네트워크와 문학 활동을 파악할 수 있는 대상이기도 하다. 「문예란」이 지닌 가장 두드러진 의미는 『조선일보』를 비롯해 『동아일보』 『매일일보』 등 당시 신문 미디어에 같은 성격의 지면이 존재하지 않았다는 점에 있다. Literary section in Chosun Ilbo was first open on July 4, 1921 and lasted until on August 27 in the same year. The section was reported on the first page of Chosun Ilbo. The purpose of this article was to discover and introduce the pieces of literary work reported in Chosun Ilbo, and to bring light on the status of its literary section. The time when literary section was established was the moment Chosun Ilbo was returning to normal condition of running business after having twenty three times of prohibition of release and two times of suspension. The number of reported literary section was thirty eight, which included twenty one pieces of poem, three pieces of critique, one piece of travel essay, and one piece of essay. Thus, the total number of reported literary work was twenty six. Writers who participated in the section were as followed : Young-Roh Byun, Byuk Namgung, Uk Kim, Jong-Hwa Park, Sang-Soon Oh, Chun-Seok Oh, Chan-Young Kim and Jin-Gun Hyun. Among them, Young-Roh Byun was the most active writer in the literary section and was in the center of mutual exchange of opinion among the writers. He sought the core of literature in the attitude that was devoted to the uncertainty, which was off the world of concrete truth. This article supposed a question on determination of the formal copies by discovering and introducing the Byul-eui-ap-hem(별의압흠), and Mal(말) which were reported by Byuk. He translated these pieces for himself using style of writing, "∼ da". Moreover, as Namgung was not a prolific writer, the importance of five pieces of poem by Byuk Namgung should not be overlooked. Park`s poem, Lying in the closed garden(廢 園에누어셔), consisted of three chapters compared to that of his, which were issued in Secret songs in a black room(黑房秘曲). Especially, the third chapter of it was related to conflict among his companions, Baek Jung and Sah-Yong Hong. Therefore, it needs to be focused on that chapter. Two pieces of poem by Sang-Soon Oh were introduced for the first time. These represented Oh`s literary view at the moment, which the writer understood the language with childhood imagination as the most essential one. Writers of the literary section had already been approve by the literary circle. For this reason, the pieces reported in the literary section had a different character from their studies or submission before starting their literature career. In addition, the writers were the subject of the network and career activities among the writers who were not bound by literary coterie magazines. The most significant meaning of literary section was that the section with the same character did not exist in Dong-A Ilbo, Maeil Shinbo, or Chosun Ilbo itself. To prove this point, relation between news media and literature in early 1920s was discussed.

      • 국립공원 내 철새중간기착지에서 철새 도래현황 비교 : 흑산도와 소매물도를 중심으로

        홍길표(Gil-Pyo Hong),빙기창(Gi-Chang Bing),조숙영(Sook-Young Cho),박세영(Se-Young Park),김양모,권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2013 국립공원연구지 Vol.4 No.1

        국립공원 내 주요 철새중간기착지의 철새이동 현황을 비교하기 위해 동시 조사를 실시하였다. 조사 지역은 다도해해상국립공원의 흑산도와 한려해상국립공원의 소매물도 지역이며, 조사 기간은 2013년 4월 29일~5월 2일까지 4일간 실시하였다. 조사결과 2개 지역에서 총 109종 2,537개체가 기록되었으며, 지역별로는 흑산도에서 96종 1,615개체, 소매물도에서 45종 922개체가 조사되었다. 흑산도에서는 제비 Hirundo rustica가 최우점종이었으며, 소매물도에서는 괭이갈매기 Larus crassirostris가 최우점종으로 조사되어, 지역별로 우점종의 구성이 다른 것으로 나타났다. 국립공원내에 위치한 철새중간기착지에서의 동시 조사는 본 조사가 처음이다. We performed simultaneous survey in order to compare the status of migratory birds at stopover sites in National Park. The study areas were Heuksan-do in Dadohaehaesang National Park and Somaemul-do in Hallyeohaesang National Park from 29 April to 2 May in 2013. We observed total 109 species, 2,537 individual. In two regions, 96 species, 1,615 individuals were observed in Heuksan-do and 45 species, 922 individuals observed in Somaemul-do. The dominant species was the Barn Swollow Hirundo rustica in Heukan-do and the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris in Somaemul-do. Domiant species differed between two regions. This study is the first time to monitor stopover sites simultaneously in Korea National Park.

      • KCI등재
      • 자외선 조사에 의한 인체 각질형성세포 세포고사 방어인자에 관한 연구

        박수홍,박준홍,이종석,황규왕,김계정 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.2

        Back ground: Human skin is continuously exposed to UV irradiation. Ultraviolet irradiation of human skin cause sunburn cell which is relevant to the apoptosis of keratinocytes. In the epidermis, apoptosis inducing factors and anti-apoptotic factors probably exist to maintain the integrity of keratinocytes. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the exsistence of apoptosis inducing factors and anti-apoptotic defence factors by evaluation of UV induced apoptosis in cultured human keratinocyte and other keratinocyte cell lines(A-431 cells, KB cells) and its susceptibility of UV induced apoptosis in various conditions. Method: In this study, the percentages of apoptosis, necrosis and cell viability of irradiated human keratinocytes and othe keratinocyte cell lines by MMT assay and AO/EO stain. The percentages of those were measured before UVB irradiation and 8, 24, 48 hours after UVB irradiation. Also, the same evaluations were performed with irradiated human keratinocytes cultured without growth factor and with enough growth factors, both results were compared with each other. And the effect of cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor was evaluated. Also that of aurintricarboxylic acid(ATA), an inhibitor of endonucleases which play an important role in inducing apoptosis of human keratinocytes was evaluated. Result: Human keratinocytes and other keratinocyte cell lines(A-431 cells, KB cells) were cultured in vitro developed maximal apoptosis 48 hours after irradiation, keratinocytes were more resistant to UV induced apoptosis than the others. The withdrawal of growth factors from keratinocyte and addition of cycloheximide decreased the cell survival rate following UV irradiation and increased the induction of apoptosis. And ATA inhibited UV induced apoptosis. Conclusion: These results indicate that human keratinocytes have both anti-apoptotic factors and apoptosis inducing factors to maintain the homeostasis. And survival signals mediated through growth factors or cellular proteins are responsible for the resistance to apoptosis observed in keratinocytes in vitro.

      • Benzanilide類의 光化學

        朴龍泰,黃正儀,鄭倧在,呂壽東,洪錫 慶北大學校 物理化學硏究所 1981 硏究論文集 Vol.1-2 No.-

        Several model compounds for photocyclization of alkaloids were synthesized. When benzanilide was irradiated with UV lamp in quartz photocell, surprisingly 2-aminobenzophenlone and 4-aminobenzophenone were produced as a Photo-Fries reaction. However, when the benzanilide was irradiated in Pyrex photocell, the expected photocyclic compound, phenanthridone was appeared. Orthosubstituted benzanilildes in Pyrex photocell also gave 8-substituted-9-oxyphenanthridines. Thus, the dihydrophenanthridone was assumed as intermediate of the photocyclization of benzanilides as model for alkaloid photocyclization reaction.

      • 트레드밀 運動프로그램 適用이 高血壓者의 血壓과 血淸脂質 및 心肺機能에 미치는 影響

        홍영우,황수관,박철빈 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1995 體育學論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        In order to clarify how the treadmill program influences the blood pressure, serum lipids, and cardiopulmonary function of the hypertensive adult, total 34 subjects-26 male subjects and 8 female subjects- in an age group of 30-65 year joined in a program of treadmill exercise which was carried out for 12 weeks sequentially. The intensity of exercise given to the subjects was within 50-80% of their maximun oxygen uptake, and they had exercise for 20-40 minutes a day which was executed for 5 days a week. And in order to find out any difference or change happening for the application of the program to the subjects, blood pressure, physical composition or structure, serum lipids, metabolism, and cardiopulmonary function were checked before and after exercise and compared with reference to the changes of blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen uptake while the subjects were taking exercise. And those data were reviewed in terms of a male group and female group and a total group which includes both male and female subjects. Also the data were reviewed in an age group of less than 50 years and another age group of more than 50 years. And additionally, the data were reviewed in three groups concerning systolic blood pressure; a group whose systolic blood pressure decreased by 0-9 mmHg, another group whose systolic blood pressure decreased by 10-19 mmHg, and another group whose systolic blood pressure decreased more than 20 mmHg. And also they were reviewed in three groups regarding diastolic blood pressure; a group whose diastolic blood pressure decreased by 0-5 mmHg, and another group whose diastolic blood pressure decreased by 6-10 mmHg, and another group whose diastolic blood pressure decreased more than 11 mmHg. In the result of such a study, findings are as follows : 1.It appeared that systolic pressure and diastolic pressure in a stable condition after the execution of the program significantly decreased(p<0.001) in the male group and the total group, with also decreased heart rate showing as well in these groups. 2.It appeared that forced vital capacity(FVC), forced expiratory volume for 1 second percent(FEV1), and maximum voluntary ventilation(MVV) after the execution of the program significantly increased (p<0.05, p<0.01) in the male group and the total group, and however only maximum voluntary ventilation increased in the female group. Regarding age, FEV1 increased more in the age group of less than 50 years than in the age group of more than 50 years. 3.Body weight, persent body fat, and fat body weight decreased in all the groups-the male group, female group, and total group since the execution of exercise, and body fluids incresed only in the male group and total group. Regarding age, persent body fat decreased more in the male group whose age is less than 50 years and in the female group whose age is more than 50 years than in other groups. Regarding the decrease rate of blood pressure, the group in that systolic blood pressure decreased more than 20 mmHg in male body fat rate and the group in that diastolic blood pressure decreased more than 11 mmHg showed more decrease rare of blood pressure than other groups. 4.Total cholesterol(TCH), low density lipids protein(LDL), ratio of total cholesterol to high density lipids protein and triglycerides(TG) decreased in all the groups- the male group, female group and total group since the execution of exercise, however high density lipids protein increasing. Regarding age, total cholesterol decreased more in both the male and female groups whose age in under 50 years than both the male and female group whose age is above 50 years. And triglycerides decreased more in the female group whose age is under 50 than in the female group whose age is above 50. Regarding the decrease rare of blood pressure, the group in the systolic blood pressure decreased more than 20 mmHg in male triglycerides and the group in that diastolic blood pressure decreased within 6-11 mmHg showed more decrease rate of blood pressure than other groups. 5.Heart rate in exercise decreased after the execution of the program than before the execution of the program. 6.The increase of systolic blood pressure in exercise decreased in all the groups-the male group, female group, and total group, howere no change showing in their diastolic blood pressure. 7.The amount of oxygen uptake in exercise and after exercise incensed in all the groups- the male group, female group, and total group after the execution of the program than before the execution of the program. 8.Maximum oxygen uptake significantly increased(p<0.01) in all the groups-the male group, female group, and total group after the execution of the program. 9.A regression equation showing the relations between systolic blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen uptake was obtained, and it indcated a close relation between them. Based on the finding indicated so far, those results after the application of the treadmill exercise program to hypertensive adults such as decrease in blood pressure, weight, body fat rate, and body fat, increase of body fluids, improvement of the metabolism of serum lipids and cardiopulmonary function, and more increase of both systolic blood pressurea and diastolic blood pressure in the male group whose age is less than 50 years than in the male group whose age is more than 50 year-all these indicates significance. And also, based on the regression equation, the possibility to estimate heart rate and oxygen uptake with only systolic blood pressure is a noteworthy result of this study.

      • 교류전해에칭용 에틸렌글리콜의 알루미늄박판의 부식억제 효과

        박성민, 양정진, 김홍일, 김한주, 김성한, 신진식, 박수길 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 2008 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        In this study, additions of aluminium foil eching characteristics were compared with sulfuric acid for capacitor. sulfuric acid and ethylene glycol is used as addition, characteristics of funtional group from addition were guessed by comparing of aluminium foil eching characteristics. When sulfuric acid was added in HCI etching solution, corrosion of aluminum metal was inhibited by the chemical adsorption of sulfate ion, when ethylen glycol was added in HCI etching solution, corrosion inhibited by the chemical adsorption of OH­^ion.

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