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        Effect of Micro Flipped Method on EFL Learners’ Speaking Fluency

        Ali Roohani,Parisa Etemadfar 아시아영어교육학회 2021 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.18 No.2

        This study investigated the effect of the micro flipped method on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ speaking fluency and compared its effect with the traditional face-to-face teacher-fronted method in the EFL context of Iran. To this end, 40 intermediate-level EFL learners in a language institute were selected through a placement test and were assigned to experimental and control groups. The control group (non-flipped classroom) was exposed to in-class activities and instructional materials in the print format whereas the experimental group (micro flipped classroom) was exposed to both in-class and out-of-class instructional materials, including mini videos uploaded before class via Edmodo, a technology-based pedagogical environment. To assess the participants’ speaking fluency, they were interviewed at the beginning and end of their course, and the recorded speech data were analyzed through PRAAT (computer software package for speech analysis) in terms of six aspects of speaking fluency, including articulation rate (syllables per second), rate of all pauses, rate of long pauses, rate of unfilled and filled pauses and mean length of run. The analysis of the data through Mann-Whitney tests revealed statistically significant differences regarding the measures of fluency with the higher articulate rate and mean length of run and lower rates of pauses for the experimental group in the posttest interview. The findings accentuate the role of the flipped classroom and blended learning where second/foreign language (L2) leaners can develop their L2 speaking skills and fluency in online and actual settings.

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