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      • KCI등재

        Development, Evaluation and Genetic Analysis of Sulfosulfuron Herbicide Resistance in Sorghum

        David K. Ndung’u,John Derera,Pangirayi Tongoona,Joel Ransom 한국작물학회 2017 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.20 No.4

        Herbicide tolerant varieties in combination with herbicide seed treatments can be used to manage Striga. However, there are no herbicide resistant sorghum varieties in Kenya. The objectives of this study, therefore, were to develop sulfosulfuron resistance in sorghum, to determine the level of resistance in resultant herbicide tolerant mutants, and to determine the genetic inheritance of herbicide tolerance in sorghum. Five ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS)-derived sulfosulfuron tolerant mutants (designated hb6, hb8, hb12, hb56, and hb462) were identified and selfed to M4 generation. Varying rates of sulfosulfuron, either as a spray or seed coat, were applied to determine the level of tolerance of the mutant lines. Mutant lines were also crossed with the wild-type Seredo and among themselves to determine mode of inheritance. Results showed that the susceptible wild-type Seredo was killed at the lowest herbicide rates of 0.5 g ha-1 and 1 g ha-1 sulfosulfuron. Dry matter from the spraying and seed coating experiments showed mutants to be up to 170 times more resistant to sulfosulfuron than the wild-type. The LD50 values indicated a general trend of hb46 > hb12 > hb462 ~ hb56 > hb8 for level of tolerance under both spraying and seed coating experiments. The F2 progeny of mutant X wild-type crosses segregated in a 1:2:1 fashion for resistant, intermediate, and susceptible, indicating semi-dominant inheritance. Intercrosses between mutant lines did not segregate for resistance in the F2 generation indicating the same mutation could be responsible for the tolerance in all five mutants.

      • KCI등재

        Variability of root traits, seed size and tolerance to low soil phosphorus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

        Kachiguma Nathan Aliel,Ifie Beatrice E.,Eleblu John S. Y.,Maliro Moses F. A.,Ofori Kwadwo,Tongoona Pangirayi B. 한국작물학회 2022 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.25 No.3

        Common bean is an important food and cash crop, but its seed yield productivity is constrained by the soil phosphorus (soil-P) defciency among other factors. This study was implemented to determine variability of root traits and seed size of 14 bean genotypes, and identify genotypes with tolerance to low soil-P. A pot experiment was laid out in split-plot design with two replicates. Highly signifcant (P<0.01) mean square diferences were observed among the genotypes and the genotype×soil-P interactions for all the root traits and seed size. Genotypes BFS-29, USRM-20 and SEF-15 all of MesoAmerican origin had the lowest values for seed size reduction rate and low fertility susceptibility index and were, therefore, considered tolerant to low soil-P. Cumulatively PC-1 and PC-2 accounted for about 99% of the total variability and were both highly correlated with Hypocotyl Root Length (HRL). PC-2 was also highly correlated with basal root whorl number, basal root growth angle, basal root length and tap root diameter. Quadrant-3 comprised of genotypes USRM-20, SEF-15, BFS-29 and SAB-560 that were tolerant to low soil-P and were characterized with longer basal roots, large tap root diameter, and high seed size. The tolerant genotypes need to be tested on a large scale, conserved and could be utilized in bean improvement programs for low soil-P tolerance.

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