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        Developments in the Privatisation of Policing in England and Wales and the Netherlands

        Francis Pakes,Lee, Ju-Lak,Park Hyeon-Ho 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2012 치안정책연구 Vol.26 No.2

        최근 다양하고 방대한 치안활동 담당주체 및 이들 간의 관계를 이해하기 위해 ‘치안활동 가족 (policing family)’이라는 개념이 흔히 원용된다. 이 연구에서는 비교사례연구를 통해 이러한 치안활동 가족을 ‘새로운 구성원들’이 기존의 전통적 경찰이 지니고 있던 권한들을 어떻게 습득하게 되는지의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서 사용된 비교사례는 영국의 지역사회안전인가제도(Community Safety Accreditation Schemes: CSAS)와 네덜란드의 ‘특별수사관제도(Special Investigative Officers: SIO)’인데, 이들은 모두 사적 개인과 조직에 특정한 경찰권한을 부여하는 제도로서 치안활동의 민영화 관해 의미하는 바가 크다. 영국의 인가제도와 네덜란드의 특별수사관 제도의 차이점을 살펴보면, 먼저 그 규모 면에서 큰 차이가 남을 알 수 있다. 즉, 네덜란드의 특별수사관 인력 규모(약 26,000명)는 정규경찰의 절반에 육박하는데 비해 영국의 인가소지자(약 1,500명)는 정규경찰의 극히 일부에 불과하였다. 그리고 영국의 경우 지역경찰이 인가권한을 갖는데 비해, 네덜란드에서는 법무부가 인가권한을 가지고 있었다. 또 네덜란드의 경우 특별수사관 제도는 경찰권한의 대대적인 민영화보다는 치안활동의 다원화를 목적으로 하고 있는데 비해 영국의 인가제도는 보다 급격한 치안활동의 민영화로 볼 수 있었다. 결과적으로, 네덜란드의 특별수사관 제도는 오랜 기간 지속되어 온 제도로서 법집행 및 지역사회 안전을 담당하는 많은 공무원의 역할을 강조하는 것임에 비해, 영국의 인가제도는 치안의 민영화를 위한 비교적 새로운 제도로서 앞으로 영국 경찰이 이러한 제도에 익숙해지기 위해서는 많은 노력이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 이 연구에서 살펴본 영국과 네덜란드의 사례들은 치안활동의 민영화가 논의되기 시작한 우리나라에 있어서도 시사하는 바가 크다고 할 수 있다. Recently, ‘policing family’ has been increasingly referenced as a way of understanding the actors involved and the relations among them. This paper looks at the policing family in relation to how new members acquire powers normally associated with the traditional police. Two examples are analysed in this study. One is the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme in the UK. The other is the rise of Special Investigative Officers in the Netherlands. Both developments give u valuable information on current trends in the privatisation of policing. The case in the Netherlands is perhaps a case of pluralisation but not necessarily wholesale privatisation of police powers, something that is perhaps more the case in the UK where, possibly for that reason, it attracts more controversy. The two cases of the UK and the Netherlands have meaningful implications for South Korea in which the discussion of privatisation of policing has begun recently.

      • SCIE

        Some properties of the exponential distribution class with applications to risk theory

        Cheng, Dongya,Ni, Fenglian,Pakes, Anthony G.,Wang, Yuebao 한국통계학회 2012 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.41 No.4

        This paper derives some equivalent conditions for tail equivalence of a distribution G and the convolution G*H, where G belongs to the exponential distribution class and H is another distribution. This generalizes some existing sufficient conditions and gives further insight into closure properties of the exponential distribution class. If G also is O-subexponential, then the new conditions are satisfied. The obtained results are applied to investigating asymptotic behavior for the finite-time ruin probability in a discrete-time risk model with both insurance and financial risks, where the distributions of the insurance risk or the product of the two risks may not belong to the convolution equivalence distribution class.

      • KCI등재

        Some properties of the exponential distribution class with applications to risk theory

        Yuebao Wang,Dongya Cheng,Fenglian Ni,Anthony G. Pakes 한국통계학회 2012 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.41 No.4

        This paper derives some equivalent conditions for tail equivalence of a distribution G and the convolution G∗H, where G belongs to the exponential distribution class andH is another distribution. This generalizes some existing sufficient conditions and gives further insight into closure properties of the exponential distribution class. If G also is O-subexponential,then the new conditions are satisfied. The obtained results are applied to investigating asymptotic behavior for the finite-time ruin probability in a discrete-time risk model with both insurance and financial risks, where the distributions of the insurance risk or the product of the two risks may not belong to the convolution equivalence distribution class.


        Utilization of DNA Marker-Assisted Selection in Korean Native Animals

        Yeo, Jong-sou,Kim, Jae-Woo,Chang, Tea-Kyung,Pake, Young-Ae,Nam, Doo-Hyun The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2000 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.5 No.2

        The recent progress od DNA technologies including DNA fingerprinting (DFP) and random amplified DNA polymorphism (RAPD) analysis make it possible to identify the specific genetic trits of animals and to analyze the genetic diversity and relatedness between or withinspecies or populations. Using those techniquse, some efforts to identify and develop the specific DNA markers based on DNA polymorphism, which are related with economic traits for Korean native animals, Hanwoo(Korean native cattle),Korean native pig and Korean native chicken, have been made in Korea for recent a few years. The developed specific DNA markers successfully characterize the Korean native animals as the unique Korean genetic sources, distinctively from other imported breeds. Some of these DNA markers have been related to some important economic traits for domestic animals, for example, growth rate and marbling for Honwoo, growth rate and back fat thinkness fornative pig, and growth rate, agg weight and agg productivity for native chicken. This means that those markers can be used in important marker-assised selection (MAS) of Korean native domestic animals and further contribute to genetically improve and breed them.

      • KCI등재

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