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Oh, Seung-Joon,Jeong, In-Kyung,Kim, Young-Seol,Choi, Young-Kil,Paeng, Jeong-Ryung,Bae, Jung-Hwan,Shin, Hyun-Dae 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1
Seung-Joon Oh, In-Kyung Jeong, Young-Seol Kim, Young-Kil Choi, Jeong-Ryung Paeng¹, Jung-Hwan Bae and Hyun-Dae Shin²Department of internal Medicine, College Medicine, Endocrine Research Institute¹. Department of Rehabilitation, College of Oriental Medicine², Seoul, korea. Bady Fat Reduction Effects of Red Ginseng Compound Preparation on the Patients with Obesity. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 244-254, 1999.-Obesity can be defined as a metabolic disease due to an increased state of fat tissues caused by an imbalance of calorie intake and use. Recently, in Korea by improvement and westernization of food intake, along with decrease in exercise activities, the prevalence of obesity has increased greatly. Our objectives were to study stability and effects of decrease in body fat by administering red ginseng compound preparation (known to have body fat decreasing effects in laboratory animals) to obesity patients on low calorie diets. Changes in weight and body fat were measured while carrying out calorie-restricted diets on patients for 4 weeks, then administering red ginseng compound preparation for another 4 weeks. The patients were 20 people whose BMI were 25kg/㎡ or over and whose percent body fat was also 30% or over when tested by bioelectrical conductivity. 1. Changes in weight were from 70.04kg(base line) to 67.43kg(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 2. In similar sense, BMI decreased from 27.12kg/㎡(base line) to 26.56kg/㎡(after dieting), and further to 26.01kg/㎡ (after taking red ginseng compound preparation). The BMI seemed to decrease significantly compared to the baseline after the use of red ginseng compound. 3. Waist hip ratio was changed from 0.8858(base line) to 0.8728, but it was statistically insignificant. 4. The percent body fat was 35,16%(base line), 33.87%(after dieting), and 31.68%(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 5. Complete blood cell count and blood chemisrty remained unaffected by the administration. 6. In concern to endocrinologic studies, T3 decreased from 118.7 to 98.2ng/dL, and T4 increased from 8.8 to 9.2㎕/ dL. Epinephrine showed a tendency to decreased from 0.27 to 0.25 ng/mL, and norepinephrine increased from 0.39 to 0.44ng/mL. 7. Leptin was not changed. 8. Some patients complained adverse effects; constipation(5 patients, may be due to diet therapy), fatigue (2 patients), pruritus(2 patients), flushing(s patients), dizziness(3 patients) and epigastric discomfort(2 patients). However their symptoms were mild, so medication did not stopped. In conclusion, loss of weight without significant side effects was observed during low calorie diet and red ginseng compound preparation administration. This is thought to be in relation to sympathetic nerve system rather than adrenal gland. Also, further long0term studies should be required, since the observed results were based on short-term changes in weight.
Paeng, Ki-Jung,Lim, Chae-Yun,Lee, Bo-Young,Myung, No-Seung,Rhee Paeng, In-Sook Korean Chemical Society 2003 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.24 No.9
Stepwise dechlorination of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene was observed at a glassy carbon electrode in dimethylformamide containing 0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate. Especially, dechlorination to dichlorobenzene and further to monochlorobenzene or benzene was successfully demonstrated with a porous reticulated vitreous carbon electrode. Electrochemical dechlorination of polychlorobenzenes employing a flow cell with a reticulated vitreous carbon working electrode is also described. Preliminary experiments with a flow cell showed that dechlorination of trichlorobenzene to dichlorobenzene was partially completed while dechlorination to benzene or monochlorobenzene was not successful, suggesting that a flow rate and electrolysis time should be further optimized for the complete electrolysis.
Scale-invariant hidden local symmetry, topology change, and dense baryonic matter
Paeng, Won-Gi,Kuo, Thomas T. S.,Lee, Hyun Kyu,Rho, Mannque American Physical Society 2016 Physical Review C Vol.93 No.5
<P>When scale symmetry is implemented into hidden local symmetry in low-energy strong interactions to arrive at a scale-invariant hidden local symmetric (HLS) theory, the scalar f(0)(500) may be interpreted as pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone (pNG) boson, i.e., dilaton, of spontaneously broken scale invariance, joining the pseudoscalar pNG bosons pi and the matter fields V = (rho,omega) as relevant degrees of freedom. Implementing the skyrmion-half-skyrmion transition predicted at large N-c in QCD at a density roughly twice the nuclear matter density found in the crystal simulation of dense skyrmion matter, we determine the intrinsically density-dependent 'bare parameters' of the scale-invariant HLS Lagrangian matched to QCD at a matching scale Lambda(M). The resulting effective Lagrangian, with the parameters scaling with the density of the system, is applied to nuclear matter and dense baryonic matter relevant to massive compact stars by means of the double-decimation renormalization-group V-lowk formalism. We satisfactorily postdict the properties of normal nuclear matter and more significantly predict the equation of state of dense compact-star matter that quantitatively accounts for the presently available data coming from both the terrestrial and space laboratories. We interpret the resulting structure of compact-star matter as revealing how the combination of hidden-scale symmetry and hidden local symmetry manifests itself in compressed baryonic matter.</P>
Scale-invariant hidden local symmetry, topology change, and dense baryonic matter. II.
Paeng, Won-Gi,Kuo, Thomas T. S.,Lee, Hyun Kyu,Ma, Yong-Liang,Rho, Mannque American Physical Society 2017 Physical Review D Vol.96 No.1
<P>Exploiting certain robust topological inputs from the skyrmion description of compressed baryonic matter with a scale-chiral symmetric Lagrangian, we predict the equation of state that is consistent with the properties of nuclear matter at the equilibrium density, supports the maximum mass of massive compact star similar to 2 M-circle dot and surprisingly gives the sound velocity close to the 'conformal velocity' 1/root 3 at densities greater than or similar to 3n(0). At the core of this result is the observation that parity-doubling occurs in the nucleon structure as density goes above similar to 2n(0) with a chiral-singlet mass m(0) similar to (0.6-0.9) m(N), hinting at a possible up-to-date unsuspected source of proton mass and an emergence at high density of scale symmetry and flavor local symmetry, both hidden in the QCD vacuum.</P>
Alternative Medical Treatment for Radioiodine-Refractory Thyroid Cancers
Paeng, Jin-Chul,Kang, Keon-Wook,Park, Do-Joon,Oh, So-Won,Chung, June-Key The Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine 2011 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.45 No.4
Thyroid cancer is one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in many countries. Although most thyroid cancers are differentiated cancers and easily treated with radioiodine (RI), a portion of differentiated and undifferentiated cancers is refractory not only to RI therapy, but also to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Thus, various alternative therapies have been tested in RI-refractory thyroid cancers. These alternative therapies include two major categories: redifferentiation therapy and recent molecular target therapy. Several clinical trials have investigated these therapies. They demonstrated potential effects of the therapies, although the results have been somewhat limited so far. Thus, the future strategy for undifferentiated thyroid cancers will involve individualized, lesion-specific, and combined therapy. In this review, the basic mechanism of each redifferentiation and molecular target therapy is discussed, and results of recent clinical trials using these therapeutic agents are summarized.
Paeng, Seong-Hun Korean Mathematical Society 1999 대한수학회지 Vol.36 No.1
Under the condition of RicM $\geq$ -(n-1), injM $\geq$ I0, we prove the existence of an $\varepsilon$>0 such that on the region of volume $\varepsilon$>0 the curvature condition of splitting theorem can be weakened.
Computation of the Mutual Radiation Impedance in the Acoustic Transducer Array: A Literature Survey
Paeng, Dong-Guk,Bok, Tae-Hoon,Lee, Jong-Kil The Acoustical Society of Korea 2009 한국음향학회지 Vol.28 No.e2
Mutual radiation impedance becomes more important in the design and analysis of acoustic transducers for higher power, better beam pattern, and wider bandwidth at low frequency sonar systems. This review paper focused on literature survey about the researches of mutual radiation impedance in the acoustic transducer arrays over 60 years. The papers of mutual radiation impedance were summarized in terms of transducer array structures on various baffle geometries such as planar, cylindrical, spherical, conformal, spheroidal, and elliptic cylindrical arrays. Then the computation schemes of solving conventional quadruple integral in the definition of mutual radiation impedance were surveyed including spatial convolution method, which reduces the quadruple integral to a double integral for efficient computation.
The Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi cryptosystem using polynomial representations
Paeng, Seong-Hun 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 2003 理學論集 Vol.28 No.-
A public key cryptosystem based on the closest vector problem was suggested by Goldreich, Goldwasser and Halevi [2]. We suggest an improvement of this system by suing polynomial representations.