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      • Monitoring and Controlling the Multiple Mobile Robots in Outdoor Environments Based on IoT

        W.Koodtalang,S.Mangkalajan,T.Supsatien,P.Thammalangka,W. Darawan,T.Sangsuwan 제어로봇시스템학회 2022 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2022 No.11

        This paper presents a method for monitoring and controlling the multiple mobile robots in outdoor environments based on IoT. Two robot tank kits are modified and implemented to provide movement capability for outdoor environments. Each robot destination can be reached by a proposed navigation method, incorporating with GPS, encoders and digital compass sensor. Moreover, three ultrasonic sensors placed in 45 degree apart, which has been utilized to automatically avoid obstacles when robot moving towards the goal location. Then, the robot measures temperature, humidity and light intensity in each destination and record to InfluxDB database. Each robot uses an Arduino Mega 2560 broad as a processing unit. Robots can be communicated to connected IoT hub device (coordinator-server) implemented by Raspberry-Pi broad and Xbee module. Therefore, multi robots can be controlled, including both environmental parameters and statuses of each robot able be monitored based on IoT, achieving by Grafana and Node-RED. Experimental results showed that a proposed method is suitable for monitoring and controlling the multiple mobile robots in outdoor environments. The connection between robots and coordinator, reaching a distance of up to 916 meters. While, a proposed navigation method makes robot reached to its destination with small error of ±1 meter.

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