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      • KCI등재

        Tasks for the Catholic Church in Korea on the Path of Pope Francis

        Seil Oh(오세일) 신학과사상학회 2018 가톨릭 신학과 사상 Vol.- No.81

        1. Finding the Signs of the Times in Korea in the Midst of Change and Conflict 2. The Cultural Crisis of the Korean Catholic Church 3. Integrated Messages of Pope Francis 4. Tasks for the Catholic Church in Korea 5. Special Conundrums for the Catholic Church in Korea 교종 프란치스코는 즉위 직후부터 전 세계인들에게서 새롭고 진정성 있는 종교 지도자로 인식되었다. 특히 2014년 8월 한국 방문 시에도 성령의 새로운 바람을 실감할 수 있을 정도로 깊은 영감과 인상을 남겼다. 교종 프란치스코는 “제2차 바티칸 공의회정신” 아래 양성을 받았고 남미의 정치사회적 억압 속에서 ‘복음’과 ‘영신수련’에 근거한 “진정성 있는 리더십(권위)”을 실천하며 아울러 “삶의 주변부”로 나아가 교회가 예언직을 수행하고 “야전병원”의 역할을 할 것을 강조해 왔다. 그중에서도 특히 제도 교회의 영역을 넘어 보편 인류를 지향하는 “하느님의 백성”과 함께 정진하는 “공동합의성”(synodality)을 사목에서 가장 중요하게 생각해 왔다. 그 정신을 성령께서 활동하시는 시대의 표징으로 해석하자면, 교회의 지도자에게는 하느님 자비와 사랑을 체험하고 하느님 백성을 돌보고 위로하는 영적 책임과 의무에 충실해야 하는 “사목적 책무성”이 있음으로 집약된다. 한국천주교회는 보유론의 특성에서 시작하였지만 전통 유교사회에서 “천주 앞에서 만인이 평등하고 존귀하다”는 복음의 기쁨을 혁명적으로 증거하여 왔다. 하지만 오늘날 천주교회에서는 유교 문화의 외피에서 벗어나지 못하고 신분(성직주의), 위계(관료제), 내재적 의식(닫힌 공동체) 등의 폐쇄적 관행, 그리고 주지주의식 교육에 대한 강조로 인해 “앎과 삶의 분리 문제”가 크게 부각되고 있다. 교종 프란치스코의 삶에 근거한 가르침을 한국 문화 안에서 수용하고자 할 때, “진정성 있는 내적 권위”의 리더십을 회복하고, “사목적 책무성”에 기반하여 영적, 제도적 책무성을 강화할 필요가 있으며, 교회 기관들, 특히 본당은 사목의 최전선으로서 울타리를 넘어 지역 사회의 가난한 이들에게 열린 소통과 봉사를 수행하도록 초대받는다. 특히, 한국천주교회는 두 가지 화두를 대면하고 있다. 세속적계층과 서열, 성공에 관해서 집합적 강박의식이 강한 한국인의 의식구조를 지배하는 전통 유교 문화에서 복음의 기쁨을 찾고 실현해 낼 수 있도록 문화의 복음화가 매우 절실하다. 또한 남북분단을 치유하고 화해하며 일치와 평화의 길로 나아가고자 하는 모든 기도와 노력에 있어 한국천주교회가 기여할 수 있는 를 고민해야 한다.

      • Botulinum Toxin Injection in Epicardial Autonomic Ganglia Temporarily Suppresses Vagally Mediated Atrial Fibrillation

        Oh, Seil,Choi, Eue-Keun,Zhang, Youhua,Mazgalev, Todor N. Ovid Technologies Wolters Kluwer -American Heart A 2011 Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology Vol.4 No.4

        <P>Autonomic denervation may suppress atrial fibrillation (AF) vulnerability. This study was designed to assess the short- to mid-term effects of botulinum toxin, a cholinergic neurotransmission blocker, on AF inducibility.</P>

      • KCI등재

        The Cultural Mechanisms of Holistic Practice in the U. S. Spiritual Marketplace

        Seil Oh 한국종교학회 2014 宗敎硏究 Vol.74 No.3

        New types of spiritual practices, such as Yoga or mind-body-spirit meditation (i.e., holistic practice), have been flourishing in the United States in the spiritual marketplace. Little research, however, has been done concerning how the socio-cultural meaning of a self is constructed through a cultural mechanism of spiritual practice and as an alternative choice of religiosity in a consumer-oriented culture, that is, the pluralistic spiritual marketplace. Based on the participatory observations and in-depth interviews of intense mind-body-spirit practitioners at local holistic centers in the North East area of the United States in 2006, this research explores the socio-cultural meanings of spiritual practices as part of alternative religious affiliation and an authentic self as the construction of an inner self in the pluralistic spiritual marketplace. The characteristics of consumer orientation in a spiritual marketplace highlight inter-personal connections, a new type of entrepreneurial leadership with egalitarian care, and visual-physical metaphysics. For holistic practitioners, the search for an experience of an authentic self is crucial. However, the freedom of individual agency may entail the contradictory-faces of individualism; flexibility of heart versus self-entrapment.

      • KCI등재

        Simple Maneuver for Estimating the Depth of the Focal Activation Source in Myocardium

        Seil Oh 대한심장학회 2020 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.50 No.5

        Background and Objectives: It is difficult to estimate the depth of the focal source by activation mapping. The present study was performed to demonstrate the usefulness of a simple maneuver in estimating the depth of the focal activation source (S). Methods: A total of 44 sites (15 shallow, depth<3.5 mm; 29 deep, depth>5.5 mm) were analyzed in 3 canine left ventricles under general anesthesia. A custom-made bipolar needle electrode was used to simulate a focal activation source. A mapping catheter with an electrode tip size of 2 mm, band electrode size of 1 mm, and inter-electrode spacing of 2-10-2 mm was placed at the mapping area. The position of the center of the distal 2 electrodes was kept at the insertion site of the needle electrode. The time interval between distal and proximal electrodes of the mapping catheter (Ttachy) was measured during needle electrode pacing. The time interval between distal and proximal electrodes (Tpace) was measured during pacing with distal electrodes of a mapping catheter. Depth index (δ) was defined as Ttachy/Tpace. Using in vivo data, simulation was performed to evaluate the depth and δ. Results: Ttachy was 24±7.7 ms and 15±5.6 ms for shallow source and deep source simulation, respectively (p<0.001). δ values were 0.86±0.21 and 0.55±0.21 for shallow source and deep source simulation, respectively (p<0.001). According to simulation data, if δ<0.52, the depth of the focal source will be >5.5 mm. Conclusions: Ttachy was shorter and δ was smaller for a deep S than for a shallow S.


        Neuromodulation for Atrial Fibrillation Control

        Seil Oh The Korean Society of Cardiology 2024 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.54 No.2

        Trigger and functional substrate are related to the tone of autonomic nervous system, and the role of the autonomic nerve is more significant in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) compared to non-paroxysmal AF. We have several options for neuromodulation to help to manage patients with AF. Neuromodulation targets can be divided into efferent and afferent pathways. On the efferent side, block would be an intuitive approach. However, permanent block is hard to achieve due to completeness of the procedure and reinnervation issues. Temporary block such as botulinum toxin injection into ganglionated plexi would be a possible option for post-cardiac surgery AF. Low-level subthreshold stimulation could also prevent AF, but the invasiveness of the procedure is the barrier for the general use. On the afferent side, block is also an option. Various renal denervation approaches are currently under investigation. Auditory vagus nerve stimulation is one of the representative low-level afferent stimulation methods. This technique is noninvasive and easy to apply, so it has the potential to be widely utilized if its efficacy is confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        교육 패러다임과 영성교육

        오세일(Oh, Seil) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2017 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.31

        This paper studies on the Korean education systems under the neoliberal regime. Current educational institutions are forced to become more and more job-prep training centers targeting merely entrance into labor-markets. Therefore, pursuing the essences and purposes of education, this study compares three different education paradigms: 1) a moral paradigm based on humanities aims at ‘moral persons’, 2) an intellectual paradigm based on neo-Confucian traditions seeks ‘accumulation of knowledges’, 3) a practical paradigm stemming from pragmatic values supports entrepreneurial persons. This study suggests an alternative paradigm based on ‘engaged spirituality.’ Practice-oriented spirituality stems from religious worldviews; however, it is a rather integrated and wholistic value system relatively free from institutionalized and standardized religious formality. In order for us to apply engaged spirituality universally to education systems, religious institutions should overcome (Western) dualism and traditional authoritarianism, respect one’s autonomy and ecology, and build up open communities.

      • KCI등재

        교계제도 설정 이후 한국 천주교회

        오세일(Seil Oh, s.j.) 한국교회사연구소 2012 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        In 2012, the Korean Catholic Church is celebrating its 50th anniversary of the Constitution of the Sacred Hierarchy. At the same time, it commemorates the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (VCII 1962~65), which placed the “People of God” before the traditional structure of church hierarchy. In the light of VCII, I trace the historical development and ecclesiastical principles of the Post-Constitutional Korean Church, focusing on the Seoul archdiocese. During the Post-Constitutional period(1962~2012), the Korea Catholic Church has experienced extraordinary development. It has seen phenomenal growth in the numbers of priests (7 times), male religious (6.5), female religious (3.6), and lay believers (10.5). The average age of diocesan priests is 47.3 years, and the portion of indigenous priests in the Seoul Archdiocese has risen from 78.1% in 1962 to 93.9% in 2012. Economically, the Seoul Archdiocese has transformed since the mid-1980s from a status of being helped to one of helping foreign churches. In spite of quantitative development of the Korean Church, there have been limits in its maturation. 1) A parish of a large size can hardly supply a living sense of community. 2) Parish priests with bureaucratic and clerical minds may be seen as secularized administrators, which can hinder the Church’s ecclesiastical and communal growth with the whole “People of God”. 3) Without substantial change in authoritarian clericalism, the small (basic) community movement can hardly function as a complimentary church inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. 4) The increase of faithful belonging to the upper-middle class may marginalize the poor in the pastoral contexts of a parish. 5) The Korean Church had contributed to Korean democracy in the 1970~80s, but it has sharply shown internal division regarding her social engagements in national, socio-political issues in 2000s. So far, the Korean Church has been strenuously moving forward on its pilgrimage on earth. The church leaders should open their minds and hearts to listen to and learn from the “People of God” in order to faithfully follow the guidance of the Spirit. Then the Church will be humbly able to realize its mission in the nation and the world, and actualize its renewal to face the “signs of times”, which commands that “the church should not be “possessing and ruling”, but “sharing and serving”.

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