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        Comparison of Pelvic Rotation Angle and Electromyography Activity of the Trunk and Gluteus Maximus Muscles during Four Pilates Exercises

        Eun-joo Jung(Eun-joo Jung),Duk-hyun An(Duk-hyun An),Won-gyu Yoo(Won-gyu Yoo),Tae-hoon Kim(Tae-hoon Kim),Il-bong Park(Il-bong Park),Jea-seop Oh(Jea-seop Oh) KEMA학회 2022 근골격계과학기술학회 Vol.6 No.1

        Background The Pilates method has recently been recommended as the best way to improve spinal stability by strengthening the trunk and gluteus maximus (GM) muscles. Purpose In this study, we compared trunk and GM muscle activities and pelvic rotation angles during four traditional Pilates exercises. Study design Cross-sectional study Methods Twenty healthy volunteers were recruited for this study. During the four exercises, the activity of the trunk and GM muscles were measured via electromyography and pelvic rotation was measured using a smart phone-based measurement tool. Results The activities of the transverse abdominis/internal oblique and external oblique muscles were highest during the leg pull front (LPF) compared to the other exercises. GM activity was significantly higher during the LPF compared to the shoulder bridge and swimming (SW), but not during the one leg kick (OLK). Multifidus (MF) activity was significantly higher during SW than during the other exercises. There were no significant differences in MF activity between the SW and OLK exercises. Pelvic rotation angle was significantly reduced during the OLK compared to the LPF (p=0.004). Conclusions We recommend the LPF exercise if the goal is increased trunk and GM muscle activity and the SW exercise if you target for increased MF activity. The OLK exercise is useful for activating the trunk and GM muscles while reducing uncontrolled pelvic movements.

      • KCI등재

        N스크린 서비스를 활용한 발전적 애니메이션 모델 연구

        오재은(Jea Eun Oh),이승진(Seung jin Lee),이선영(Seon young Lee) 한국애니메이션학회 2011 애니메이션연구 Vol.7 No.3

        최근 스마트폰의 확산과 함께 태블릿 PC의 등장하였고 스마트 TV까지 가세하여 스마트 미디어 환경을 조성하고 있다. 스마트폰을 필두로 시작 된 스마트 기기의 발전은 기존의 TV와 모바일로 이어지던 3스크린 환경에서 스마트 TV와 태블릿 PC, 클라우딩 컴퓨팅 등의 스크린의 변화로 N스크린(N-Screen) 이용을 활성화시키면서 크로스 미디어 환경을 실현하였다. 스마트 미디어의 성장과 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 본격화와 통신 환경의 변화로 본격적인 N스크린 서비스가 시작될 전망이다. 현재 기술혁신과 진화를 보여주는 스마트 미디어 기반의 스마트 콘텐츠 패러다임 속에 수용자의 욕구가 다양하게 변화하였으며, wants를 만들어 내는 기간이 점점 짧아지면서 기업의 신기술 혁신의 생태계 전략은 그 보다 더 빠르게 진화하여 표준화를 만들어 내야 한다. N스크린을 활용하여 애니메이션을 개발, 시장에 진출하는 방법은 기존의 OSMU모델을 활용하는 것과, 그의 발전적 형태인 ASMD를 활용하는 두 가지로 모델로 설명할 수 있다. ASMD 활용 모델은 기본적 N스크린 서비스를 적극 활용하면서 실시간 서비스로, 광고, 음악, 게임, 뉴스, 정보검색 등의 부가서비스를 추가시키는 것이다. 이는, 기기별로 다양한 형태의 정보를 제공할 수 있어 콘텐츠 제작사, 개발사에게 새로운 수익모델로 활용될 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 또한, 소비자의 호기심 충족을 극대화시키고, 이는 소비로 연결, 새로운 수익모델을 창출할 수 있을 것이며, 애니메이션 시장의 다양화와 확장을 가져다 줄 것이라 확신한다. Smart media environment has been created rapidly with widespread of using smartphones, tablet PCs and smart TVs. The development of various wireless gadgets such as smartphones, which had changed from 3 screen environment with normal TVs and Mobiles to cross-media environment with smart TVs, tablet PCs, and clouding computers, invigorated the usage of N-Screen. In company with growth of smart media industry, usage of cloud computing and transition of telecommunication environment will enable N-Screen service in earnest. Consumers’ desire has been changed diversly in smart contents paradigm that was based on smart media. And many businesses need to be in fast motion to fulfil consumers’ wants which rapidly change all the time. They must standardize faster than other companies in terms of embracing and developing new technologies in industry. The effective way to develop animation and get into the animation market with N-Screen is using OSMU models and ASMD models which are expansive version of OSMU. Making good use of ASMD models is to utilize basic N-Screen service with additional real time services such as advertisement, music, games, news, and web search. It has a great advantage that provides various types of information to contents productions and developers according to different devices, so that it could be good role models for profit. Furthermore, it will maximize to satisfy consumers’ curiosities, and it will link to consumption to create the profit model. It certainly will help to animation market’s diversification and expansion.

      • KCI등재

        중년, 위기인가? 전환점인가? 중년기 위기에 대한 통합적 접근

        오제은(Jea-Eun Oh) 한국인문사회과학회 2013 현상과 인식 Vol.37 No.3

        이 글은 오늘날 국내 인구의 3분의 1을 차지하면서 동시에 한국 사회에서 가장 핵심적인 역할을 감당하고 있는 중년층(40-59세)의 위기 문제를 좀 더 심도 있게 이해하기 위한 하나의 시도로서 쓴 것이다. 한국의 중년들은 심하게 흔들리고 있다. 그 결과로 우리 사회는 큰 위기에 처해 있다. 그러므로 이들을 보다 잘 이해하기 위해, 인간발달에 있어서 가장 중요한 3가지 차원으로 잘 알려진 (1)칼 융의 심리학적 유형론과 (2)에릭 에릭슨의 심리사회 발달단계론, 그리고 (3)제임스 파울러의 신앙과 영적 발달론을 상호통합적으로 접근, 적용함으로써 중년의 위기를 증상이나 문제 중심의 관점보다는 인간 발달과 성장이라는 관점에서 통합적으로 살펴보았다. 이를 통해서, 중년의 위기를 경험하고 있는 이들로 하여금 자신들이 지금 어디를 향해 가고 있는지, 그리고 왜, 무엇 때문에 위기인지 < 자기탐색> 의 과정을 통해, 자신의 삶의 방향을 정확하게 파악하고, 새롭게 방향을 설정할 수 있도록 < 중년기 여정의 지도> 을 제공하고자 시도하였다. 그 결과, 중년의 위기는 인생의 중요한 전환점으로서, 중년인 자신이 본래 타고난 자신의 심리학적 유형을 잘 이해하고 통합하는 것이 중년기의 중요한 발달과제임을 확인할 수 있었으며, 심리사회발달 과정의 결과로 나타난 심리사회발달 자원을 발판으로 인생의 후반기를 더욱 발전시켜 가는 것과 동시에, 인생의 전반부에서 아직 끝내지 못했던 미해결 발달과제를 우선적으로 끝마칠 수 있도록 구체적인 전략과 실행이 중년기 과제에서 반드시 필수적이라는 점을 제시하였다. 끝으로 신앙적, 영적 발달 또한 중년기의 특성을 바탕으로 구체적으로 제시되어 있음을 인식하고, 중년기의 다른 발달과제들과 함께 상호통합적으로 적용되어야함을 강조하였다. The aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the midlife crisis (40-59 years) among Koreans. Middle aged Koreans play a central role making up a third of the population in Korea. The middleaged individuals in Korea are in ‘crisis’ and therefore our society is in a great emergency. To comprehend the population better, this paper examined the mid-life crisis not in the perspective of symptoms or problems but from the viewpoint of human development and growth by approaching the following with interactive integration: (1) Carl Jung’s psychological Type, (2) Erik Erikson’s stages of psycho-social development, and (3) James Fowler’s stages of faith development, which are known as the most important three dimensions in human development. Through this approach, this paper provided a mapping of mid-life journey for those who are experiencing the mid-life crisis by describing the process of self-exploration that enables individuals to apprehend their direction of life and to create a new path with the sense of where they are going and further understand the mid-life crisis. As a result, several factors are reclaimed to explain the mid-life crisis that is a significant turning point of life: the developmental task of the middleaged is to figure out their own innate psychological types and need to integrate and actualize them; the middle-aged individuals need to build up their future life plan on the basis of one’s psycho-social development resources shown in their process of psycho-social development; it is essential for the middle-aged individuals to finish the unfinished business preferentially left from their first half of life with the concrete strategy and implement. In conclusion, this paper highlights different developmental tasks in the middle years of life that are to be applied with the mutual integrated acknowledgement that religious and spiritual development are also suggested in details with the attribute of the middle aged.

      • KCI등재

        첫 아이 출산 후 남편이 경험한 가족관계 변화에 대한 현상학적 연구

        오제은 ( Jea Eun Oh ) 대한가정학회 2011 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.49 No.8

        This study examined changes in family relationship focusing on the experience of husbands after the birth of their first child. The research questions were as follows: (1) what social and economic changes are experienced by Korean husbands (2) how to reform the dynamic from a dyad to a triad relationship (3) how the relationship changes with the experience of parenthoods. The participants in this research included six men and the data was gathered through half-structured interviews and analyzed using Van Manen`s analysis guideline. The results were as: First, there was a distinct financial change to stabilize the role of the couple. Second, the husbands` voluntary participation in house work was influenced by the couples` intimacy. Third, the enriching dialogue between couples was related to becoming parents. Lastly, after child birth, husbands felt less attraction toward their wives as women and the sexual relationship was almost completely controlled by their wives.


        Genetic effects of sterol regulatory element binding proteins and fatty acid-binding protein4 on the fatty acid composition of Korean cattle (Hanwoo)

        Oh, Dong-Yep,Lee, Jea-Young,Jang, Ji-Eun,Lee, Seung-Uk Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2017 Animal Bioscience Vol.30 No.2

        Objective: This study identifies single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) or gene combinations that affect the flavor and quality of Korean cattle (Hanwoo) by using the SNP Harvester method. Methods: Four economic traits (oleic acid [C18:1], saturated fatty acids), monounsaturated fatty acids, and marbling score) were adjusted for environmental factors in order to focus solely on genetic effects. The SNP Harvester method was used to investigate gene combinations (two-way gene interactions) associated with these economic traits. Further, a multifactor dimensionality reduction method was used to identify superior genotypes in gene combinations. Results: Table 3 to 4 show the analysis results for differences between superior genotypes and others for selected major gene combinations using the multifactor dimensionality reduction method. Environmental factors were adjusted for in order to evaluate only the genetic effect. Table 5 shows the adjustment effect by comparing the accuracy before and after correction in two-way gene interactions. Conclusion: The g.3977-325 T>C and (g.2988 A>G, g.3977-325 T>C) combinations of fatty acid-binding protein4 were the superior gene, and the superior genotype combinations across all economic traits were the CC genotype at g.3977-325 T>C and the AACC, GACC, GGCC genotypes of (g.2988 A>G, g.3977-325 T>C).

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