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      • KCI등재

        Subcellular localization of endogenous IAA during poplar leaf rhizogenesis revealed by in situ immunocytochemistry

        Ningguang Dong,Dong Pei,Ying Gao,Yanbin Hao,Weilun Yin 한국식물생명공학회 2014 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.8 No.5

        Poplar 741 [Populus alba 9 (P. davidiana? P. simonii) 9 P. tomentosa] leaves were rootedwithin 8 days when cultured on 1/2 MS medium. Thesubcellular localization of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) in the rhizogenesis was investigated, using animmunocytochemical approach. The results of IAA subcellularlocalization revealed organelle-specific distribution. Three days after root induction, IAA in vascularcambium cells of the basal region of the petiole was distributedmainly in the plasma membrane, endoplasmicreticulum (ER), and nucleus, with a lesser amount in thecytoplasm. In phloem of the basal region of the petiole,IAA was detected in the plasma membrane and ER of thecompanion cell and in the plasma membrane of the sieveelement. In xylem of the basal region of the petiole, no IAAgold particles were labeled. In mesophyll cells IAA wasdistributed in the chloroplast starch grains before rootinduction, and the amount in the chloroplast starch grainsincreased after 3 days after root induction. This suggeststhat the plasma membrane and nucleus of cambium cellsmay be the target sites where IAA performs its physiologicalactivities during poplar leaf rhizogenesis. IAA polartransport from lamina mesophyll to the basal region of thepetiole during rhizogenesis is mediated by phloem. Thestarch grains of mesophyll chloroplasts appeared to accumulateIAA and may be a source of IAA during poplar leafrhizogenesis. Novel and direct evidence regarding thefunction of IAA during rhizogenesis is provided in thisstudy.

      • KCI등재

        Tissue-specific localization and dynamic changes of endogenous IAA during poplar leaf rhizogenesis revealed by in situ immunohistochemistry

        Ningguang Dong,Weilun Yin,Dong Pei 한국식물생명공학회 2012 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.6 No.2

        Poplar 741 [Populus alba 9 (P. davidiana ?P. simonii) 9 P. tomentosa] leaves were rooted within 8 days when cultured on 1/2 MS medium. The spatial distribution of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and its dynamic changes in the rhizogenesis were investigated,using an immunohistochemical approach. Anatomical analyses showed that the root primordia arose from vascular cambium cells in the basal regions of the petioles of the leaves. Before root induction, immunostaining patterns showed a basipetally decreasing gradient of IAA along the leaves. Three days after induction, the IAA immunostaining pattern observed along the leaves was high at both ends and low in the middle. And IAA in the basal regions of the petiole was distributed mainly in the vascular bundles. Localized application of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA)on laminas of the leaves delayed the accumulation of IAA in the vascular bundles of the basal regions of the petioles,but not in the mesophyll of the laminas. These data indicate that an accumulation of IAA in the vascular bundles of the basal regions of the petioles induces the occurrence of rhizogenesis of poplar leaves. And IAA accumulated in the vascular bundle of the basal region of the petiole results from its polar transportation from mesophyll of the laminas,rather than by in situ IAA generation.

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