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      • Comparative genomics of geographically distant <i>Fusarium fujikuroi</i> isolates revealed two distinct pathotypes correlating with secondary metabolite profiles

        Niehaus, Eva-Maria,Kim, Hee-Kyoung,,nsterkö,tter, Martin,Janevska, Slavica,Arndt, Birgit,Kalinina, Svetlana A.,Houterman, Petra M.,Ahn, Il-Pyung,Alberti, Ilaria,Tonti, Stefano,Kim, Da-Woon,S Public Library of Science 2017 PLoS pathogens Vol.13 No.10

        <▼1><P><I>Fusarium fujikuroi</I> causes <I>bakanae</I> (“foolish seedling”) disease of rice which is characterized by hyper-elongation of seedlings resulting from production of gibberellic acids (GAs) by the fungus. This plant pathogen is also known for production of harmful mycotoxins, such as fusarins, fusaric acid, apicidin F and beauvericin. Recently, we generated the first <I>de novo</I> genome sequence of <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I> strain IMI 58289 combined with extensive transcriptional, epigenetic, proteomic and chemical product analyses. GA production was shown to provide a selective advantage during infection of the preferred host plant rice. Here, we provide genome sequences of eight additional <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I> isolates from distant geographic regions. The isolates differ in the size of chromosomes, most likely due to variability of subtelomeric regions, the type of asexual spores (microconidia and/or macroconidia), and the number and expression of secondary metabolite gene clusters. Whilst most of the isolates caused the typical <I>bakanae</I> symptoms, one isolate, B14, caused stunting and early withering of infected seedlings. In contrast to the other isolates, B14 produced no GAs but high amounts of fumonisins during infection on rice. Furthermore, it differed from the other isolates by the presence of three additional polyketide synthase (PKS) genes (<I>PKS40</I>, <I>PKS43</I>, <I>PKS51</I>) and the absence of the <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I>-specific apicidin F (NRPS31) gene cluster. Analysis of additional field isolates confirmed the strong correlation between the pathotype (<I>bakanae</I> or stunting/withering), and the ability to produce either GAs or fumonisins. Deletion of the fumonisin and fusaric acid-specific PKS genes in B14 reduced the stunting/withering symptoms, whereas deletion of the <I>PKS51</I> gene resulted in elevated symptom development. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two subclades of <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I> strains according to their pathotype and secondary metabolite profiles.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Author summary</B></P><P><I>Fusarium fujikuroi</I> causes <I>bakanae</I> disease of rice. Infected seedlings appear to be taller and more slender when compared to healthy seedlings due to its ability to produce gibberellic acids (GAs). The disease is responsible for high yield losses, and its incidence varies with regions, rice cultivars grown and the aggressiveness of the fungal isolates. However, not all infected seedlings show <I>bakanae</I> symptoms: one of the isolates, B14, causes stunting and early withering of infected seedlings. The reason for the two pathotypes is not well understood. Researchers thought that the stunting phenotype was mostly caused by fungal-derived secondary metabolites such as fusaric acid, but there is no experimental evidence yet. B14 differs from the other strains by the presence of more PKS gene clusters, low expression of GA genes, lack of detectable levels of GAs and the production of high amounts of fumonisins in rice. Analysis of additional field isolates revealed a strong correlation between the pathotype (<I>bakanae</I> or stunting) and either GA or fumonisin production. Based on phylogenetic analyses, <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I> strains can be divided into two phylogenetically distinct subclades according to their pathotype and secondary metabolite profiles. This study provides new insights into the genomic variations and the population structure inside the species <I>F</I>. <I>fujikuroi</I> which will help to develop disease control strategies for this rice pathogen.</P></▼2>

      • Martial Arts and Popular Culture: Promoting Judo through Manga

        ( Andreas Niehaus ) 대한무도학회 2019 대한무도학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2019 No.2

        Martial arts fascinate the public with myths of invincibility, of secret techniques, heroism, righteousness and moral. Popular culture - including novels, films, anime, or manga - contributes to the way martial arts are perceived to a great extend. It was therefore just a question of time until also martial arts institutions would use popular culture as medium to disseminate their philosophy, ideology, techniques as well as the myths surrounding its adherents or founding personalities. Numerous biographies, including biographical manga, have been written about historical martial arts’ figures, stressing their significance for a specific martial art tradition as well as the ‘nation.’ By focusing on one of the first biographical martial arts manga in Japan, “Jûdô no rekishi - Kanô Jigorô no shôgai” (1987), I will show, how the Kôdôkan disseminates knowledge about its founder Kanô Jigorô as well its own institutional history. The manga, which is meant to entertain and educate and is directed not only to a select group of judoka, but to a readership outside of the Kôdôkan and to a readership of different age groups. A life lived has to be remembered because of a reason: It has to be significant to a group, a community, a nation ..., and the manga series analysed certainly create a narrative of remembrance. Analysing narration as a cultural technique of memory and representation of identity and addressing questions of a biography’s functionality in memory and identity politics will, I argue, give us a better understanding of collective ideas and norms within a specific historical and cultural context. Biographies are, I will further argue, a hybrid genre, which unfolds its effect and its power in the space between fiction and non-fiction. Biographies tell a life story by applying literary techniques: creating a narrative, (pre)structuring and - retrospectively - giving meaning to life in and for a preconceived context. Historians, accordingly, - and despite Hayden White’s general reflections on Clio’s influence on historical writings -, as well as sociologists have questioned the value of biographies for understanding the past, criticizing the genre for its “artificial creation of meaning” (Bourdieu, 1986) I will, however, argue that it is too early to discard manga biographies as ‘historical writing’ and will analyse the strategies that are applied on the textual as well as pictorial level to create authenticity and historical facticity.

      • KCI등재

        Working Anytime and Anywhere -Even When Feeling Ill? A Cross-sectional Study on Presenteeism in Remote Work

        Schmitz Henrike,Bauer Jana F.,Niehaus Mathilde 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2023 Safety and health at work Vol.14 No.4

        Background: Working despite feeling ill – presenteeism – is a widespread behavioral phenomenon. Previous research has shown that presenteeism is influenced by various work-related and personal factors. It's an illness behavior leading to a range of negative but also positive consequences. Due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, remote work has become the “new normal” for many employees. But so far, little is known about presenteeism in remote work. This study aims to investigate presenteeism in remote work by looking at the extent of remote presenteeism, differences to presenteeism in on-site work, and associated factors. Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional online survey was conducted in Germany with N = 233 participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and correlation analysis. Results: The results reveal that presenteeism is prevalent in remote work x̅ = 4.13 days (Md = 3; D = 2; s = 4.95). A low ability to detach from work (r = -.17; p = .005) and low supervisor support (r = -.14; p = .02) is associated with more remote presenteeism days. Remote working conditions seem to facilitate presenteeism. Conclusion: This study provides empirical insights into a subject area of great societal relevance. The results show that awareness should be raised for presenteeism in remote work. It should be regarded as a behavior that can be functional or dysfunctional, depending on the individual situation. Supervisor support and detachment should be fostered to help reduce dysfunctional presenteeism. Promotion of health literacy might help remote workers to decide on a health-oriented illness behavior. Further research is vital to analyze to what extent and under which circumstances presenteeism in remote work is (dys)functional and to derive clear recommendations.

      • Highly Conductive Boron Nanotubes: Transport Properties, Work Functions, and Structural Stabilities

        Bezugly, Viktor,Kunstmann, Jens,Grundkö,tter-Stock, Bernhard,Frauenheim, Thomas,Niehaus, Thomas,Cuniberti, Gianaurelio American Chemical Society 2011 ACS NANO Vol.5 No.6

        <P>The transport properties, work functions, electronic structure, and structural stability of boron nanotubes with different lattice structures, radii, and chiralities are investigated theoretically. As the atomic structure of boron nanotubes and the related sheets is still under debate, three probable structural classes (nanotubes derived from the α-sheet, the buckled triangular sheet, and the distorted hexagonal sheet) are considered. For comparison with recent transport measurements [<I>J. Mater. Chem</I>. <B>2010</B>, <I>20</I>, 2197], the intrinsic conductance of ideal nanotubes with large diameters (<I>D</I> ≈ 10 nm) is determined. All considered boron nanotubes are highly conductive, irrespective of their lattice structures and chiralities, and they have higher conductivities than carbon nanotubes. Furthermore, the work functions of the three sheets and the corresponding large-diameter nanotubes are determined. It is found that the value of the nanotubes obtained from the α-sheet agrees well with the experiment. This indirectly shows that the atomic structure of boron nanotubes is related to the α-sheet. The structural stability of nanotubes with diameters > 2 nm approaches that of the corresponding boron sheets, and α-sheet nanotubes are the most stable ones. However, for smaller diameters the relative stabilities change significantly, and for diameters < 0.5 nm the most stable structures are zigzag nanotubes of the buckled triangular sheet. For structures related to the distorted hexagonal sheet the most stable nanotube is discovered to have a diameter of 0.39 nm.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/ancac3/2011/ancac3.2011.5.issue-6/nn201099a/production/images/medium/nn-2011-01099a_0003.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nn201099a'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • SCC-DFTB Parametrizationfor Boron and Boranes

        Grundkö,tter-Stock, Bernhard,Bezugly, Viktor,Kunstmann, Jens,Cuniberti, Gianaurelio,Frauenheim, Thomas,Niehaus, Thomas A. American Chemical Society 2012 Journal of chemical theory and computation Vol.8 No.3

        <P>We present the results of our recent parametrization of the boron boron and boron, hydrogen interactions for the self-consistent charge density-functional-based tight-binding (SCC-DFTB) method. To evaluate the performance, we compare SCC-DFTB to full density functional theory (DFT) and wave-function-based semiempirical methods (AM1 and MNDO). Since the advantages of SCC-DFTB emerge especially for large systems, we calculated molecular systems of boranes and pure boron nanostructures. Computed bond lengths, bond angles, and vibrational frequencies are close to DFT predictions. We find that the proposed parametrization provides a transferable and balanced description of both finite and periodic systems.</P>


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