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        Ensuring Consumer Safety: Molecular Authentication of Eurycoma longifolia Derivative Products in the Wood Science and Technology Industry

        Arida Susilowati,Henti Hendalastuti RACHMAT,Kusumadewi Sri YULITA,Asep HIDAYAT,Susila SUSILA,Nawwall ARROFAHA,Irsyad KAMAL,Fifi Gus DWIYANTI 한국목재공학회 2024 목재공학 Vol.52 No.4

        Eurycoma longifolia (pasak bumi) is a popular medicinal plant in Indonesia and is widely used in various products. Its high economic value has caused illegal harvesting and product falsification. Using molecular techniques, the authentication and traceability of E. longifolia derivatives can be controlled to ensure consumer safety. Therefore, this study aimed to authenticate the products and derivatives of E. longifolia (pasak bumi) produced, marketed, and consumed in Indonesia using molecular identification techniques. Genomic DNA from 37 leaf samples collected from the Sumatran mainland and the Riau Islands and six E. longifolia products were amplified and sequenced using trnL-trnF and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The results revealed that all leaf samples were indeed E. longifolia based on the markers used, with the six products, only the herbal tea product (sample code TCPB) was most likely derived from E. longifolia based on the two regions, suggesting that not all products labelled as E. longifolia in the market are authentic. The results also indicated that several other plants species are used as substitutes or adulterants, including Simaba spp., Simarouba spp., Homalolepis spp., Vernonia gigantea, Elephantopus scaber, Gymnanthemum amygdalinum, Cyanthillium spp., Potentilla lineata, Ailanthus altissima, Geijera paniculata, Hannoa chlorantha, and Dalbergia spp. Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria were also identified in this study on the outer wooden cup of E. longifolia products. Therefore, this molecular approach is effective in identifying the authenticity of E. longifolia products, with trnL-trnF and ITS as the recommended DNA markers.

      • KCI등재

        Population genetic of the Indonesian rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) fromJava and West Nusa Tenggara revealed using sequence-related amplifiedpolymorphism

        Kusumadewi Yulita,Susila,Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat,Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,Tika D. Atikah,Atok Subiakto,Bayu Pratama,Titiek Setyawati,Wita Wardani,Rizki Ary Fambayun,Nawwall Arrofaha,Irsyad Kama 한국산림과학회 2022 Forest Science And Technology Vol.18 No.4

        Dalbergia latifoliais commercial tropical tree species known for its beautiful heartwood,mainly used for furniture and musical instrument. High market demand has put concerns onits sustainability and conservation aspects in Indonesia. Ninety-five specimens ofD. latifoliawere collected from eight populations of Java, Lombok, and Sumbawa Island to study intra-specific variability and diversity using SRAP. One hundred and eighty SRAP loci with 54.03%± 4.35% polymorphism obtained from PCR amplification of 10 primer combinations, with theaverage PIC for these primers of 0.28. Genetic diversity and variability measures were calcu-lated using GenAlEx software indicating a relatively low-mid level of percentage of poly-morphic loci (PPL) (54.03%), effective number of alleles (Ne) (1.255), Shannon informationindex (I) (0.242), and heterozygosity (He) (0.156) on average. The highest value (I¼0.309, He¼0.196) was observed in population P2CJ (Central Java), followed by West Java of P1WJ(I¼0.300, He¼0.191) and West Sumbawa of P7Wsumb (I¼0.257, He¼0.169), while thelowest (I¼0.202, He¼0.129) was found in West Lombok (P4WL). The genetic relationshipswere measured from genetic distance and identity from the two-pairwise calculation, PCoA,and STRUCTURE analysis. The relative homologous population is found between populationsCentral and West Java of P2CJ and P1WJ (Nei uD¼0.031), suggesting these populationshave the same origin and formed one population, while the most distinct (Nei uD¼0.157)was recorded between Sumbawa regency (P6Sumb) and East Java (P3EJ). The results fromPCoA showed that all individuals are placed in three groups almost in accordance with theirrespective islands, i.e. a group comprised inclusively trees from Sumbawa island, a group ofLombok and some Central Java trees, and a group of trees from Java with the exclusion ofsome trees of Central Java that were clustered with trees from Lombok island. This result wasalso supported by STRUCTURE analysis, which showed that Sumbawa, Lombok, and West-East Java populations formed their respective clusters, and Central Java population contains amixture of West-East Java and Lombok populations. This may suggest evidence of complexorigin, thus needing further study to clarify. It is recommended that the populations with thehighest value of genetic diversity (Central and East Java) are to be maintained as the sourceof the gene pool for genetic enrichment programs.

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