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        Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in the Solar Corona and Earth’s Magnetosphere: Towards Consolidated Understanding

        Nakariakov, V. M.,Pilipenko, V.,Heilig, B.,Jelí,nek, P.,Karlický,, M.,Klimushkin, D. Y.,Kolotkov, D. Y.,Lee, D. H.,Nisticò,, G.,Doorsselaere, T. D. Reidel Pub. Co 2016 Space science reviews Vol.200 No.1

        <P>Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillatory processes in different plasma systems, such as the corona of the Sun and the Earth's magnetosphere, show interesting similarities and differences, which so far received little attention and remain under-exploited. The successful commissioning within the past ten years of THEMIS, Hinode, STEREO and SDO spacecraft, in combination with matured analysis of data from earlier spacecraft (Wind, SOHO, ACE, Cluster, TRACE and RHESSI) makes it very timely to survey the breadth of observations giving evidence for MHD oscillatory processes in solar and space plasmas, and state-of-the-art theoretical modelling. The paper reviews several important topics, such as Alfv,nic resonances and mode conversion; MHD waveguides, such as the magnetotail, coronal loops, coronal streamers; mechanisms for periodicities produced in energy releases during substorms and solar flares, possibility of Alfv,nic resonators along open field lines; possible drivers of MHD waves; diagnostics of plasmas with MHD waves; interaction of MHD waves with partly-ionised boundaries (ionosphere and chromosphere). The review is mainly oriented to specialists in magnetospheric physics and solar physics, but not familiar with specifics of the adjacent research fields.</P>


        Effect of Local Thermal Equilibrium Misbalance on Long-wavelength Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves

        Nakariakov, V. M.,Afanasyev, A. N.,Kumar, S.,Moon, Y.-J. American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Vol.849 No.1

        <P>Evolution of slow magnetoacoustic waves guided by a cylindrical magnetic flux tube that represents a coronal loop or plume, is modeled accounting for the effects of finite gas pressure, weak nonlinearity, dissipation by thermal conduction and viscosity, and the misbalance between the cooling by optically thin radiation and unspecified heating of the plasma. An evolutionary equation of the Burgers-Malthus type is derived. It is shown that the cooling/heating misbalance, determined by the derivatives of the combined radiative cooling and heating function, with respect to the density, temperature, and magnetic field at the thermal equilibrium affect the wave rather strongly. This effect may either cause additional damping, or counteract it, or lead to the gradual amplification of the wave. In the latter case, the coronal plasma acts as an active medium for the slow magnetoacoustic waves. The effect of the cooling/heating misbalance could be important for coronal slow waves, and could be responsible for certain discrepancies between theoretical results and observations, in particular, the increased or decreased damping lengths and times, detection of the waves at certain heights only, and excitation of compressive oscillations. The results obtained open up a possibility for the diagnostics of the coronal heating function by slow magnetoacoustic waves.</P>

      • Non-stationary quasi-periodic pulsations in solar and stellar flares

        Nakariakov, V M,Kolotkov, D Y,Kupriyanova, E G,Mehta, T,Pugh, C E,Lee, D-H,Broomhall, A-M IOP 2019 Plasma physics and controlled fusion Vol.61 No.1

        <P>Often the enhanced electromagnetic radiation generated in solar and stellar flares shows a pronounced (quasi)-oscillatory pattern—quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP), with characteristic periods ranging from a fraction of a second to several tens of minutes. We review recent advances in the empirical study of QPP in solar and stellar flares, addressing the intrinsic non-stationarity of the signal, i.e. the variation of its amplitude, period or phase with time. This non-stationarity could form a basis for a classification of QPP, necessary for revealing specific physical mechanisms responsible for their appearance. We could identify two possible classes of QPP, decaying harmonic oscillations, and trains of symmetric triangular pulsations. Apparent similarities between QPP and irregular geomagnetic pulsations Pi offer a promising avenue for the knowledge transfer in both analytical techniques and theory. Attention is also paid to the effect of the flare trend on the detection and analysis of QPP.</P>


        Sausage oscillations in a plasma cylinder with a surface current

        Lim, Daye,Nakariakov, Valery M.,Moon, Yong-Jae Elsevier 2018 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physi Vol.175 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Linear sausage oscillations of a cylinder embedded in a plasma with an azimuthal magnetic field, created by a current on the surface of the cylinder, are studied. Such a plasma configuration could be applied to modelling flaring loops, and magnetic ropes in coronal mass ejections. The plasma is assumed to be cold everywhere. Dispersion relations demonstrate that the lowest radial harmonic of the sausage mode is in the trapped regime for all values of the parallel wave number. In the long-wavelength limit, phase and group speeds of this mode are equal to the Alfvén speed in the external medium. It makes the oscillation period to be determined by the ratio of the parallel wavelength, e.g. double the length of an oscillating loop, to the external Alfvén speed, allowing for its seismological estimations. The application of the results obtained to the interpretation of long-period (longer than a minute) oscillations of emission intensity detected in solar coronal structures, gives reasonable estimations of the external Alfvén speed. Cutoff values of the parallel wavenumber for higher radial harmonics are determined analytically. Implications of this finding to the observational signatures of fast magnetoacoustic wave trains guided by cylindrical plasma non-uniformities are discussed.</P>



        Kumar, Pankaj,Nakariakov, Valery M.,Cho, Kyung-Suk American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astrophysical journal Vol.822 No.1

        <P>We present a multiwavelength analysis of a quasiperiodic pulsation (QPP) observed in the hard X-ray (HXR), radio, and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) channels during an M1.9 flare that occurred on 2011 September 23-24. The nonthermal HXR emission in 25-50 keV observed by RHESSI shows five distinct impulsive peaks of decaying amplitude with a period of about 3 minutes. A similar QPP was observed in the microwave emission recorded by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph and Polarimeter in the 2, 3.75, 9.4, and 17 GHz channels. Interestingly, the 3-minute QPP was also observed in the metric and decimetric radio frequencies (25-180, 245, 610 MHz) as repetitive type III bursts. Multiwavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Image Assembly, Hinode/SOT, and Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory/SECCHI suggest a fan-spine topology at the eruption site, associated with the formation of a quasi-circular ribbon during the flare. A small filament was observed below the fan loops before the flare onset. The filament rose slowly and interacted with the ambient field. This behavior was followed by an untwisting motion of the filament. Two different structures of the filament showed an approximately 3-minute periodic alternate rotation in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The 3-minute QPP was found to highly correlate with 3-minute oscillations in a nearby sunspot. We suggest that the periodic reconnection (modulated either by a sunspot slow-mode wave or by an untwisting filament) at a magnetic null point most likely causes the repetitive particle acceleration, generating the QPP observed in HXR, microwave, and type III radio bursts.</P>


        Yu, Sijie,Nakariakov, V. M.,Yan, Yihua American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astrophysical Journal Vol.826 No.1

        <P>Sausage modes that are axisymmetric fast magnetoacoustic oscillations of solar coronal loops are characterized by variation of the plasma density and magnetic field, and hence cause time variations of the electron plasma frequency and cyclotron frequency. The latter parameters determine the condition for the double plasma resonance (DPR), which is responsible for the appearance of zebra-pattern (ZP) structures in time spectra of solar type IV radio bursts. We perform numerical simulations of standing and propagating sausage oscillations in a coronal loop modeled as a straight, field-aligned plasma slab, and determine the time variation of the DPR layer locations. Instant values of the plasma density and magnetic field at the DPR layers allowed us to construct skeletons of the time variation of ZP stripes in radio spectra. In the presence of a sausage oscillation, the ZP structures are shown to have characteristic wiggles with the time period prescribed by the sausage oscillation. Standing and propagating sausage oscillations are found to have different signatures in ZP patterns. We conclude that ZP wiggles can be used for the detection of short-period sausage oscillations and the exploitation of their seismological potential.</P>


        Kim, S.,Nakariakov, V. M.,Cho, K.-S. IOP Publishing 2014 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - Vol.797 No.2

        <P>Vertical transverse oscillations of a coronal magnetic rope, observed simultaneously in the 171 angstrom and 304 angstrom bandpasses of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), are detected. The oscillation period is about 700 s and the displacement amplitude is about 1 Mm. The oscillation amplitude remains constant during the observation. Simultaneous observation of the rope in the bandpasses corresponding to the coronal and chromospheric temperatures suggests that it has a multi-thermal structure. Oscillatory patterns in 171 angstrom and 304 angstrom are coherent, which indicates that the observed kink oscillation is collective, in which the rope moves as a single entity. We interpret the oscillation as a fundamental standing vertically polarized kink mode of the rope, while the interpretation in terms of a perpendicular fast wave could not be entirely ruled out. In addition, the arcade situated above the rope and seen in the 171 angstrom bandpass shows an oscillatory motion with the period of about 1000 s.</P>

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