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      • KCI등재후보

        Effectiveness of Nutrition Education in Improving Maternal Knowledge and Attitudes towards Complementary Feeding Practices: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Ondo State, Nigeria

        Akinrinmade, Remilekun,NJOGU, Eunice,OGADA, Irene Awuor,KESHINRO, Olufunke Oluremi Korea FoodHealth Convergence Association 2019 식품보건융합연구 (KJFHC) Vol.5 No.4

        Significant low knowledge and poor attitudes on complementary feeding undermine the practices. This study was a cluster randomized controlled trial in which 284 study participants were assigned into two groups. One intervention group and a control group in a ratio of 1:1. Nutrition education on complementary feeding was carried out among the caregivers in the intervention group but the caregivers in the control group were not educated. To determine complementary feeding knowledge and attitudes, data was collected from caregiver at baseline, midline and at endline using researcher-administered questionnaires. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. From the analysis, there was a significant difference in complementary feeding knowledge of the caregivers after the intervention. The baseline difference was -0.06, the midline difference was 3.85 the endline difference was 4.00 and the DID of the baseline and endline was 4.06 which was significant at p=0.001. There was a significant difference in the attitude of the caregivers towards complementary feeding at baseline (-0.14), midline (2.09), endline (3.82) and the DID of baseline and endline was 3.96 which was significant at p=0.001. The intervention improved the caregivers' knowledge on complementary feeding and it improved the attitudes of the caregivers towards adequate complementary feeding.

      • KCI등재후보

        Physical Activity and Dietary Patterns in Relation to Weight Status Among University Students in Nairobi County, Kenya

        Mwangi, James,Njogu, Eunice,Kiplamai, Festus Korea FoodHealth Convergence Association 2019 식품보건융합연구 (KJFHC) Vol.5 No.5

        This study examined the physical activity and dietary patterns of university students in Nairobi County and compared to their weight status. The study was a cross-sectional analytical design with a sample of 260 undergraduate students randomly selected from two private and two public universities. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather information from students. Students weight and height measurements were also obtained. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. The study results showed that 53.5% of the students met the recommended levels of moderate physical activity and 18.8% of the students met the recommended levels of vigorous physical activity. Majority of the students consumed fast foods sweetened beverages and pastries most times in a week. The study also showed that 31.2% of the students were overweight and 6.2% were obese. The study reveals that most students did not achieve the recommended levels of vigorous physical activity and showed some poor dietary patterns. Findings show clear evidence of high prevalence of overweight among university students but focus should be on fitness rather than fatness. Efforts should be made to promote physical activity participation and good dietary practices within university environments.

      • KCI등재후보

        Level of Knowledge and Utilization of Fortified Maize Flour by Primary Food Shoppers in Mathare, Nairobi County, Kenya

        SAMIRA, Hussein,NJOGU, Eunice,MAKWORO, Drusilla Korea FoodHealth Convergence Association 2020 식품보건융합연구 (KJFHC) Vol.6 No.2

        Micronutrient malnutrition severely affects development and functioning of the body leading to increased morbidity and mortality. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design; cluster sampling was used to target 318 households. The significance level was P < 0.05, the mean age of primary food shoppers was 33 years and the average income was 3,000-5,000 Kenya shillings. Slightly above half, 55% of the primary food shoppers knew about fortification but only 25% understood its meaning. Fortified maize flour was consumed by < 80% of primary food shoppers however utilization frequency was low. In conclusion factors that were significantly associated with utilization of fortified maize flour included; knowledge on fortified maize flour (p=0.00), household size (p=0.005), preference of fortified maize flour (p=0.000) and level of fortification knowledge (p=0.002). Availability and price were ranked as the most important factors that influence utilization of fortified maize flour at 58% and 55% contrary nutritional value was ranked least important at 37%. The ministry of health and concerned millers should make more emphasis on creating and sustaining awareness more so a steady supply and affordable prices should be ensured by millers so that more primary food shoppers can be able to utilize the fortified maize flour.

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