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      • Evolutionary Reconstruction

        Mohsin Bilal,Muhammad Shams-ur-Rehman,Muhammad Arfan Jaffar 한국산학기술학회 2013 SmartCR Vol.3 No.4

        Pseudo-deconvolution is an effective approach to restore space variant degradation (SVD), where each sub-problem is treated as an optimization problem that simultaneously performs image de-blurring and de-noising. De-blurring is an inverse problem primary to visual processing systems. It becomes ill-posed if noise taints the blurry image. Thus the problem is very sensitive to small perturbation in the data. Additive noise has made obsolete classical approaches of inverse filtering and linear algebraic restorations. The restoration formulation for the ill-posed inverse degradations is constrained least square error (CLSE) minimization. Generally, regularization of solutions by “smoothness constraint” is an addition in the classical approaches to cater to the sensitivity of solutions for small perturbations. In this paper, two well-known evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms: 1) the genetic algorithm (GA) with binary and real encoding schemes, and 2) the particle swarm algorithm (PSO), are proposed to evolve the estimated image in order to obtain an optimal solution for restoration with adaptive regularization. Thus the restoration framework presented in this paper is new and novel, such that it reconstructs the image guided by evolutionary computations. Furthermore, modifications in the initial evolutionary framework are proposed to make it a novel hybrid meta-heuristic approach for real-world restoration applications. Quantitative and visual results of the proposed framework are presented in the paper, with comparative analysis within the EC domain and state-of-the-art methods.

      • KCI등재

        Phenol removal and hydrogen production from water: Silver nanoparticles decorated on polyaniline wrapped zinc oxide nanorods

        Asim Jilani,Mohammad Omaish Ansari,Ghani ur Rehman,Muhammad Bilal Shakoor,Syed Zajif Hussain,Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman,Sajid Rashid Ahmad,Mohsin Raza Dustgeer,Ahmed Alshahrie 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.109 No.-

        The toxic and carcinogenic organic compounds discharge from industries, contaminate the natural reservoirsof water and air which eventually pose a global threat not only to the aquatic life but also to thehumanity. Herein, ternary nanocomposites of silver-nanoparticle (AgNPs)-decorated on polyaniline(Pani)-wrapped zinc oxide nanorods (AgNPs@Pani/ZnO) were prepared via a facile approach. Thenanocomposite degraded 97.91% phenol with an optimized dosage and concentration of H2O2. Moreover, the apparent rate constant for phenol degradation was 3.69 times higher than for pure ZnOnanorods. The hydrogen production from AgNPs@Pani/ZnO was 1.58 and 2.74 times higher than Pani/ZnO and ZnO, respectively. The enhanced phenol degradation and hydrogen production is attributed tothe transfer of holes to the Pani, from which the electrons were transferred to the conduction band ofZnO and eventually to the conduction band of the AgNPs, where they accelerated the redox reactionsfor rapid photolysis of water and phenol. The concentration of the catalyst dosage affected the rate ofphenol degradation. Further, response surface methodology was also applied in order to design 13 setsof random experiments in which the catalyst dosage and degradation time were varied to predict thephenol degradation.

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