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        Regulation of OsLPR1 gene on the formation of rice root iron plaque under low phosphorus

        Ding Yan,Ren Menglian,Mo Shuangrong,Liu Jing,Wang Zegang,Ge Cailin,Wang Yulong 한국식물생명공학회 2022 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.16 No.3

        In rice, low phosphorus results in the formation of reddish-brown iron plaque on the root surface, affecting the absorption of different elements by roots. In this paper, three different types of rice varieties were used as materials, and the transcriptomic and proteomic analysis, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR), and OsLPR1 gene knockout techniques were employed to study the regulation of the OsLPR1 gene on the formation of iron plaque on root under low phosphorus. The transcriptomics and qRT-PCR analysis results showed that the transcription of five OsLPR1 homologous genes in roots of the three tested rice varieties was significantly induced by low-phosphorus treatment. Proteomic analysis results demonstrated that low-phosphorus treatment increased LPR1 protein content in rice roots compared with the control. Furthermore, the formation of iron plaque on rice root surface under low-phosphorus treatment was significantly inhibited by OsLPR1 gene knockout. These results further evidence that low phosphorus-induced OsLPR1 gene expression promotes the formation of iron plaque on rice root surface.

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