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        Dynamic immobilization of simulated radionuclide <sup>133</sup>Cs in soil by thermal treatment/vitrification with nanometallic Ca/CaO composites

        Mallampati, Srinivasa Reddy,Mitoma, Yoshiharu,Okuda, Tetsuji,Simion, Cristian,Lee, Byeong Kyu Elsevier 2015 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY Vol.139 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Although direct radiation induced health impacts were considered benign, soil contamination with <SUP>137</SUP>Cs, due to its long-term radiological impact (30 years half-life) and its high biological availability is of a major concern in Japan in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. Therefore <SUP>137</SUP>Cs reduction and immobilization in contaminated soil are recognized as important problems to be solved using suitable and effective technologies. One such thermal treatment/vitrification with nanometallic Ca/CaO amendments is a promising treatment for the ultimate immobilization of simulated radionuclide <SUP>133</SUP>Cs in soil, showing low leachability and zero evaporation. Immobilization efficiencies were 88%, 95% and 96% when the <SUP>133</SUP>Cs soil was treated at 1200 °C with activated carbon, fly ash and nanometallic Ca/CaO additives. In addition, the combination of nanometallic Ca/CaO and fly ash (1:1) enhanced the immobilization efficiency to 99%, while no evaporation of <SUP>133</SUP>Cs was observed. At lower temperatures (800 °C) the leachable fraction of Cs was only 6% (94% immobilization). Through the SEM–EDS analysis, decrease in the amount of Cs mass percent detectable on soil particle surface was observed after soil vitrified with <I>n</I>Ca/CaO + FA. The <SUP>133</SUP>Cs soil was subjected to vitrified with <I>n</I>Ca/CaO + FA peaks related to Ca, crystalline phases (CaCO<SUB>3</SUB>/Ca(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>), wollastonite, pollucite and hematite appeared in addition to quartz, kaolinite and bentonite, which probably indicates that the main fraction of enclosed/bound materials includes Ca-associated complexes. Thus, the thermal treatment with the addition of nanometallic Ca/CaO and fly ash may be considered potentially applicable for the remediation of radioactive Cs contaminated soil at zero evaporation, relatively at low temperature.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Vitrification with nanometallic Ca/CaO is a promising treatment for Cs in soil. </LI> <LI> Dynamic Cs immobilization and zero evaporation were done by nanometallic Ca/CaO. </LI> <LI> By SEM analysis the amount of cesium detectable on soil particle surface decreases. </LI> <LI> Leachable cesium concentrations reduced, lower than the standard regulatory limit. </LI> <LI> Nanometallic Ca/CaO is unique amendment for the remediation of Cs in soil. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>SEM–EDS element maps of <SUP>133</SUP>Cs contaminated soil before and after thermal treatment at 1200 °C with different addictives. Color intensity for Cs is from 0 to 100 (low to high).</P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Evaluation of heavy metals in hazardous automobile shredder residue thermal residue and immobilization with novel nano-size calcium dispersed reagent

        Lee, Chi-Hyeon,Truc, Nguyen Thi Thanh,Lee, Byeong-Kyu,Mitoma, Yoshiharu,Mallampati, Srinivasa Reddy Elsevier 2015 Journal of hazardous materials Vol.296 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study was conducted to synthesize and apply a nano-size calcium dispersed reagent as an immobilization material for heavy metal-contaminated automobile shredder residues (ASR) dust/thermal residues in dry condition. Simple mixing with a nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB> dispersion mixture immobilized 95–100% of heavy metals in ASR dust/thermal residues (including bottom ash, cavity ash, boiler and bag filter ash). The quantity of heavy metals leached from thermal residues after treatment by nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB> was lower than the Korean standard regulatory limit for hazardous waste landfills. The morphology and elemental composition of the nanometallic Ca/CaO-treated ASR residue were characterized by field emission scanning election microscopy combined with electron dispersive spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDS). The results indicated that the amounts of heavy metals detectable on the ASR thermal residue surface decreased and the Ca/PO<SUB>4</SUB> mass percent increased. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern analysis indicated that the main fraction of enclosed/bound materials on ASR residue included Ca/PO<SUB>4</SUB>− associated crystalline complexes, and that immobile Ca/PO<SUB>4</SUB> salts remarkably inhibited the desorption of heavy metals from ASR residues. These results support the potential use of nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB> as a simple, suitable and highly efficient material for the gentle immobilization of heavy metals in hazardous ASR thermal residue in dry condition.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB> for heavy metals immobilization in ASR residue. </LI> <LI> Heavy metals immobilization in dry condition attained about 95–100%. </LI> <LI> Remaining heavy metals were lower than the Korean standard regulatory limit. </LI> <LI> The amounts of heavy metals detectable on the ASR dust surface decreased. </LI> <LI> Nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB> has a promising potential for heavy metal remediation. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>Schematic representation of possible mechanisms determining the heavy metals immobilization efficiencyof ASR dust/thermal residues after treatment with nanometallic Ca/CaO/PO<SUB>4</SUB>.</P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

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