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        Parallel damage detection through finite frequency changes on multicore processors

        Messina, Arcangelo,Cafaro, Massimo Techno-Press 2017 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.63 No.4

        This manuscript deals with a novel approach aimed at identifying multiple damaged sites in structural components through finite frequency changes. Natural frequencies, meant as a privileged set of modal data, are adopted along with a numerical model of the system. The adoption of finite changes efficiently allows challenging characteristic problems encountered in damage detection techniques such as unexpected comparison of possible shifted modes and the significance of modal data changes very often affected by experimental/environmental noise. The new procedure extends MDLAC and exploits parallel computing on modern multicore processors. Smart filters, aimed at reducing the potential damaged sites, are implemented in order to reduce the computational effort. Several use cases are presented in order to illustrate the potentiality of the new damage detection procedure.

      • 콩 식품과 뼈 건강

        Messina, Mark 한국콩연구회 1998 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.15 No.2

        주로 대두 식품들에 들어있는 이소플라본 때문에 대두 식품들이 골다공증의 위험을 줄일 수 있다는 많은 고찰이 있다. 이소플라본의 방어 효과에 대한 초기의 열렬한 관심은 주로 첫째, 이소플라본의 미약한 에스트로겐 기능 둘째, 대두 이소플라본과 골다공증 치료제인 이프리플라본간의 구조적인 유사성 그리고 섯째, 대두 소비가 많은 아시아의 여성들에게 볼 수 있는 골반 골절의 사례가 비교적 낮은 이유등 몇 가지에 근거하고 있다. 지난 3년간, 난소절제 수술직후에 쥐들에게 이소플라본들을 섭취시켰을 때 그 효과가 거의 에스트로겐 만큼이나 이었음이 수 많은 동물 실험들에 의하여 입증되어 왔다. 이러한 보호 효과에 대한 작용 기작은 아직 밝혀지진 않았지만 데이터들은 이소플라본들이 뼈의 붕괴를 저해할 수 있고 뼈의 형성을 촉진할 수 있다고 시사한다. 최근, 몇몇 단기 연구들에 있어서, 비록 그 연구의 초기 데이터에는 이소플라본의 효과가 spine(척추)에 제한되었다고 하였지만, 이소플라본이 폐경기 주변과 폐경기 여성들에 있어서 골 손실을 줄인다는 것을 나타내고 있다. 이러한 이유와 더불어 아시아인들의 이소플라본 섭취량이 사람을 대상으로 한 임상연구에서 뼈의 손실을 지체시키는 것으로 나타난 것보다 낮기 때문에, 아시아 여성들의 낮은 골반뼈 골절을은 대두 소비 때문인 것 같지는 않다.(아시아국가에서 골반뼈 골절률이 낮은 이유중의 하나는 아마도 아시아인들의 짧은 골반축에 있는 것 같다). 이소플라본의 직접적인 효과이외에, 대두 단백질에는 함황아미노산의 함량이 낮기 때문에 유사한 양의 동물 단백질을 대두 단백질로 대체하면 소변으로의 칼슘 배설량을 줄일 것 같다. 뇨를 통한 칼슘 배출을 줄이는 것은 잠재적으로 칼슘 평형과 골 건강을 결정짓는 중요한 요소이다. 골 건강은 흡연, 알코올, 육체적 활동 그리고 칼슘, 비타민D, 마그네슘, 나트륨, 단백질의 섭취 등과 같은 많은 생활스타일 뿐만 아니라 유전에 의해서도 영향을 받는 것으로 생각된다. 비록, 대두 섭취가 골절위험을 줄인다는 어떤 임상 연구는 아직 없지만, 점차 늘어나고 있는 많은 증거들이 아마도 대두 식품들이 골다공증의 위험을 줄일 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. There is considerable speculation that soyfoods primarily due to their isoflavone content, may reduce risk of osteoporosis. Initial enthusiasm for the protective effects of isoflavones was based on several observations including 1) the weak estrogenic activity of isoflavones 2) the similarity in structure between the soybean isoflavones arid the osteoporosis drug, ipriflavone and 3) the relatively low incidence of hip fracture in Asian countries where soyfood consumption is common. Over the past three years, animal studies have consistently shown that that isoflavone rich soy protein and individual isoflavones retard bone loss in ovarietomized rodents: In contrast, two studies involving monkeys have failed to find that soy is protective against bone loss. Several short term (12-24 weeks) studies suggest that isoflavones also reduce bone lass in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, although initial data indicate the effect of isoflavones is limited to the spine. The mechanism (s) for this protective effect has not been established bat there are data suggesting that isoflavones may batik inhibit bone breakdown and stimulate bone formation and that isoflavones may exert their effects through both estrogenic and nonestrogenic mechanisms. In addition to isoflavones, soy protein appears to be less hypercalciuric than animal protein. Thus, two different components of soybeans may enhance bone health. However* the available evidence indicates the amount of isoflavones necessary to exert favorable effects is beyond that typically consumed by Asians. Although no clinical studies have demonstrated that sayfood consumption reduces fracture risk, an increasing amount of evidence suggests soyfoods may help to reduce risk of osteoporosis.

      • KCI등재

        Parallel damage detection through finite frequency changes on multicore processors

        Arcangelo Messina,Massimo Cafaro 국제구조공학회 2017 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.63 No.4

        This manuscript deals with a novel approach aimed at identifying multiple damaged sites in structural components through finite frequency changes. Natural frequencies, meant as a privileged set of modal data, are adopted along with a numerical model of the system. The adoption of finite changes efficiently allows challenging characteristic problems encountered in damage detection techniques such as unexpected comparison of possible shifted modes and the significance of modal data changes very often affected by experimental/environmental noise. The new procedure extends MDLAC and exploits parallel computing on modern multicore processors. Smart filters, aimed at reducing the potential damaged sites, are implemented in order to reduce the computational effort. Several use cases are presented in order to illustrate the potentiality of the new damage detection procedure.

      • Efficacy of Soyfoods and Soybean Isoflavone Supplements for Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms Is Positively Related to Initial Hot Flush Frequency

        Mark Messina,Claude Hughes 한국식품영양과학회 2003 Journal of medicinal food Vol.6 No.1

        Soy has received attention as an alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy(HRT) largely because it is a unique dietary source of isoflavones. Isoflavones are dipheno-lic compounds that have both hormonal and nonhormonal properties and are considered tobe selective estrogen receptor modulators. The estrogen-like effects of isoflavones in combi-nation with the low reported frequency of hot flushes in Japan has prompted investigationof the effect of soy on menopausal symptoms. The purpose of this review is to evaluate theefficacy of soyfoods and isoflavone suplements for the alleviation of hot flushes. Nineteentrials (13 using a parallel design) involving more than 1,70 women were identified. Six tri-als were excluded from analysis: two that involved breast cancer patients, two that reporteddata on severity but not hot flush frequency, one that was not blinded, and one that did notinclude a control group. Based on a simple regression analysis of the remaining data set (13trials), there was a statistically significant relationship (P 5 .01) betwen initial hot flush fre-quency and treatment efficacy. Initial hot flush frequency explained about 46% of the treat-ment effects, and hot flush frequency decreased by about 5% (above placebo or control ef-fects) for every aditional initial hot flush per day in women whose initial hot flush frequencywas five or more per day. Although conclusions based on this analysis should be consideredtentative, the available data justify the recommendation that patients with frequent hot flushesconsider trying soyfoods or isoflavone suplements for the alleviation of their symptoms.1


        Micro-Raman investigation of vanadium-oxide coated tubular carbon nanofibers for gas-sensing applications

        Santangelo, S.,Messina, G.,Faggio, G.,Willinger, M.G.,Pinna, N.,Donato, A.,Arena, A.,Donato, N.,Neri, G. Elsevier 2010 Diamond and related materials Vol.19 No.5

        Commercial tubular carbon nanofibers were uniformly coated with a 5nm thick vanadium oxide layer via a modified approach to atomic layer deposition. The composition and microstructure of the resulting hybrid material was analyzed by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The effect of the post-synthesis thermal treatment in air at temperatures in the range of 25-375<SUP>o</SUP>C was investigated in order to more deeply understand the behavior of the hybrid material in gas sensing devices. The obtained results demonstrate that the thermal treatment primarily affects the oxide coating-layer that is responsible for the sensing properties. The best sensor performance was obtained at the temperature at which the oxide layered-structure exhibits the highest structural order.



        Lanzafame, R.,Messina, M. The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 2003 International journal of automotive technology Vol.4 No.3

        Several models for the evaluation of Gross Heat Release from the internel combustion engine (ICE) are often used in literature. One of these is the First Law - Single Zone Model (FL-SZM), derived from the First Law of Thermodynamic. This model present a twice advantage: first it describes with accuracy the physic of the phenomenon (charge heat release during the combustion stroke and heat exchange between gas and cylinder wall); second it hat a great simplicity in the mathematical formulation. The evaluation of Heat Release with the FL-SZM is based on pressure experimental measurements inside the cylinder, and ell the assumption of several parameters as the specific heat ratio, wall temperature, polytropic exponent for the motored cycle evaluation, and many others. In this paper the influence of gases thermodynamic properties on Cross Heat Release has been esteemed. In particular the influence of an appropriate equation for k=k(T) (specific heat ratio vs. temperature) which describes the variations of gases thermodynamic properties with the mean temperature inside the cylinder has been evaluated. This equation has been calculated by new V order Logarithmic Polynomials (VoLP), fitting experimental gases properties through the least square methods.

      • Isoflavone Supplements Do Not Affect Thyroid Function in Iodine-Replete Postmenopausal Women

        Bonnie Bruce,Mark Messina,Gene A. Spiller 한국식품영양과학회 2003 Journal of medicinal food Vol.6 No.4

        Despite the safety review conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the process of awarding ahealth claim for the cholesterol-lowering properties of soy protein, concerns about the possible goitrogenic effects of soybeanisoflavones persist. Concerns are based primarily on in vitroresearch, animal studies, and older reports of goiter in infantsfed soy formula not fortified with iodine. In a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study, we investigated the effecton thyroid function of a daily supplement containing 90 mg (aglycone weight) of total isoflavones/day versus placebo in 38postmenopausal women, 64 83 years old, not on hormone replacement therapy. Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3) were measured at baseline and after 90 and 180 days. In the supplement group, atbaseline and 6 months, TSH (mU/ml), T4 (n M), and T3 (n M) levels (mean 6 SE) were 3.00 6 0.44, 149.00 6 5.04, and 1.53 60.13, respectively, and 3.49 6 0.52, 154.52 6 2.09, and 1.78 6 0.12, respectively. In the control group, levels at baseline andat 6 months were 3.35 6 0.51, 145.39 6 6.69, and 1.55 6 0.18, respectively, and 3.63 6 0.57, 153.77 6 6.64, and 1.75 60.10, respectively. Intragroup differences for all three measures were statistically indistinguishable at 6 months, and levelswere similar between the isoflavone supplement and placebo groups at each measurement. These results indicate that in thisgroup of healthy iodine-replete subjects, soy isoflavones do not adversely affect thyroid function.KEY WORDS . isoflavones . phytoestrogens. soy . thyroid function . thyroid hormones309

      • KCI등재

        High Efficacy and Safety of Flat-Dose Ribavirin Plus Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir in Genotype 3 Cirrhotic Patients

        Adriano Pellicelli,Vincenzo Messina,Valerio Giannelli,Marco Distefano,Valeria Pace Palitti,Pascal Vignally,Pierluigi Tarquini,Antonio Izzi,Alessandra Moretti,Sergio Babudieri,Serena Dell’Isola,Massimo 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2020 Gut and Liver Vol.14 No.3

        Background/Aims: Patients with genotype 3 hepatitis C virus (G3-HCV) cirrhosis are very difficult to treat compared to patients with other HCV genotypes. The optimal treatment duration and drug regimen associated with ribavirin (RBV) remain unclear. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of daclatasvir (DCV)/sofosbuvir (SOF) plus a flat dose of 800 mg RBV (flat dose) compared to DCV/SOF without RBV or DCV/SOF plus an RBV dose based on body weight (weight-based) in G3-HCV patients with compensated or decompensated cirrhosis. Methods: We analyzed data for 233 G3 cirrhotic patients. Of these, 70 (30%), 87(37%) and 76 (33%) received SOF/DCV, SOF/DCV/RBV flat dose, and SOF/DCV/RBV weight-based dose, respectively. Treatment duration was 24 weeks. Sustained virological response (SVR) was evaluated at week 12 posttreatment (SVR12). Results: Overall, SVR12 was achieved in 220 out of 233 patients (94.4%). The SVR12 rate was lower in the DCV/SOF group than in the DCV/SOF/RBV flat-dose group and the DCV/SOF/RBV weight-based group (87.1% vs 97.7% and 97.4%, respectively, p=0.007). A higher incidence of anemia occurred in the DCV/SOF/RBV weight-based group compared to those in the other two groups (p<0.007). Conclusions: We found that the DCV/SOF/RBV flat-dose regimen is an effective treatment in terms of efficacy and safety in patients with G3-HCV compensated or decompensated cirrhosis. Therefore, antiviral regimens without RBV should be restricted only to naïve patients with G3-HCV compensated cirrhosis who have a clear contraindication for RBV.

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