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      • Integrated Ship Cybersecurity Management as a Part of Maritime Safety and Security System

        Melnyk, Oleksiy,Onyshchenko, Svitlana,Pavlova, Nataliia,Kravchenko, Oleksandra,Borovyk, Svitlana International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.3

        Scientific and technological progress is also fundamental to the evolving merchant shipping industry, both in terms of the size and speed of modern ships and in the level of their technical capabilities. While the freight performance of ships is growing, the number of crew on board is steadily decreasing, as more work processes are being automated through the implementation of information technologies, including ship management systems. Although there have been repeated appeals from international maritime organizations to focus on building effective maritime security defenses against cyber attacks, the problems have remained unresolved. Owners of shipping companies do not disclose information about cyberattack attempts or incidents against them due to fear of commercial losses or consequences, such as loss of image, customer and insurance claims, and investigations by independent international organizations and government agencies. Issues of cybersecurity of control systems in the world today have gained importance, due to the fact that existing threats concern not only the security of technical means and devices, but also issues of environmental safety and safety of life at sea. The article examines the implementation of cyber risk management in the shipping industry, providing recommendations for the safe ship operation and its systems in order to improve vulnerability to external threats related to cyberattacks, and to ensure the safety and security of such a technical object as a seagoing ship.

      • Development of Computer-based Remote Technologies and Course Control Systems for Autonomous Surface Ships

        Melnyk, Oleksiy,Volianska, Yana,Onishchenko, Oleg,Onyshchenko, Svitlana,Kononova, Olha,Vasalatii, Nadiia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.9

        Recently, more and more researches aimed at the development of automated and autonomous ships are appearing in the scientific environment. One of the main reason is the need to solve the problems of safe navigation and reducing accidents due to human factor, as well as the ever-increasing problem associated with the lack of qualified maritime personnel. Development of technologies based on application of artificial intelligence also plays important role, after all for realization of autonomous navigation concept and enhancement of ship automatic maneuvering processes, advancement of maneuvering functions and elaboration of specific algorithms on prevention of close quarter situations and dangerous approach of ships will be required. The purpose of this work is the review of preconditions of occurrence of the autonomous ship navigation conception, overview of introduction stages and prospects for ship remote control based on unmanned technologies, analysis of technical and intellectual decisions of autonomous surface ships, main research tendencies. The research revealed that the technology of autonomous ship navigation requires further development and improvement, especially in terms of the data transmission protocols upgrading, sensors of navigation information and automatic control systems modernization, which allows to perform monitoring of equipment with the aim of improving the functions of control over the autonomous surface ship operation.

      • Experience of Theory and Practice of the Process of Implementing Information Technologies in the Educational Environment

        Melnyk, Yaroslav,Drapak, Halyna,Sverdlyk, Zoriana,Tsilyna, Maryna,Varenko, Volodymyr,Boichuk, Nelia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.4

        The article covered theoretical aspects use of information and communication technologies in teaching. Information and communication technologies are technologies that allow you to search, process and assimilate information from various sources, including the Internet. This is the presentation of information in electronic form, its processing and storage, the use of the computer, a variety of programs. The use of information and communication technologies in the work of a student gives an increase in motivation for learning; increased cognitive interest; evaluate their learning activities, identify the problems of their own educational activities; the formation of cognitive independence of students.

      • Socio-Economic Aspects of the Impact of Military Actions on the Labor Force

        Melnyk, Stepan,Petrukha, Nina,Shuprudko, Nataliia,Ilychok, Bohdan,Balanutsa, Oleksandr International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.7

        Ukraine has a significant in quantity and unique in quality parameters, in particular, the level of education, a resource - the labor force, which, along with natural resources, can serve as the basis for economic growth and the achievement of sustainable development goals. The study is aimed at a thorough identification of the main factors influencing the formation and use of the labor force in Ukraine, including by comparing with the indicators of the EU countries, before the start of the active phase of military aggression by the Russian Federation. It was found that until February 24, 2022, there were negative trends in the change in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the labor force due to the demographic crisis, the transformation of the national economy and shortcomings in state regulation of labor market development processes. The military actions not only exacerbated pre-existing problems, but also led to the emergence of new ones. A significant number of refugees and internally displaced persons, with the termination of the activities of half of the economic entities, provoked a sharp increase in real unemployment and a decrease in wages. The specific problem of the labor market of Ukraine - the "labor crisis", which has and will have a significant impact on the labor force, is carefully considered.

      • OCA – Graphical System for Algorithm Structure Analysis and Processing

        Anatoliy Melnyk,Inna ?акоvl?eva 한국산학기술학회 2012 SmartCR Vol.2 No.2

        We suggest a graphical system for analyzing and processing algorithm structure with a user-friendly interface and a set of necessary tools. The system is designed to make the process of visualization, modification, and analysis of algorithm graphs easier. The system provides algorithm flow graph building and analysis, the algorithm flow graph height and width adjustment, algorithm simplification due to the data output rule, and algorithm flow graph parameters output.

      • Marine Incidents Management and Information Exchange Technologies in the Process of Safe Ship Operation

        Oleksiy, Melnyk,Yana, Volianska,Oleg, Onishchenko,Svitlana, Onyshchenko,Alla, Bondar,Andrii, Golovan,Nataliia, Cheredarchuk,Iryna, Honcharuk,Tetyana, Obnyavko International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.1

        Maritime transport is dominant in the overall volume of all international transportation. Existence and overcoming of problems, which cause pressure on shipping safety, remain actual and fully concern both maritime and inland transport. Increasing speed and cargo capacity of the ships along with the reduction of crew members lead to the automation of a growing number of work processes, which indicates the need to actively introduce appropriate measures in the security system of sea-going ships and commercial ports and to develop modern approaches to minimize negative events and incidents in the process of ship operation. Advantages in use of modern methods of monitoring the safety of ship operations, management of possible events and incidents, including investigation of accidents, first, aimed at prevention of negative occurrences and ways of prevention on this basis. Considering statistics on incidents increase, this work presents analysis of general ship accident rate, study of major accidental events growth annually, and investigation of causes of incidents, which most frequently occur in port waters and at open sea. A survey of current approaches to ensuring the safety of shipping by implementing effective tools, such as event and incident management, has been conducted.

      • KCI등재후보

        공동체의 탐색 -협동조합의 역사적 전통 고찰 -

        최경식 ( George R Melnyk ) 농협대학교 협동조합경영연구소 2003 협동조합경영연구 Vol.30 No.-

        협동조합이라는 제도는 세계 모든 지역에서 발견되며, 협동의 범위도 가장 낮은 자유민주주의 협동조합에서부터 고도의 코뮌에 이르기까지 다양하다. 또한 그 역할 역시 어떤 나라에서는 무관심으로 일관된 반면, 다른 국가에서는 국가 발전의 핵심으로 이용되기도 한다. 이렇듯 다양한 협동조합에서 발견되는 공통된 성질에서 협동조합의 본질과 새로운 형태의 협동조합 근원을 발견할 수 있다. 모든 종류의 협동조합은 그것들을 하나로 묶는 두 가지 기본적인 특징을 공유하고 있다. 첫째가 자조적인 공동행위를 통하여 착취적인 관계(exploitative relations)를 종결시킨다는 이념적인 목표이고, 둘째는 성공적인 경제 활동이라는 실용적인 목표이다. 이상주의와 실용주의의 변증법적 상호작용은 협동조합을 새로운 차원으로 발전시켜 유토피아적 단계에서 시스템 단계5)로 전개시키는 모형을 창조한다. 협동조합 운영원리가 지배하는 협동조합 공화국 또는 사회를 건설하겠다는 원시적 이상은 성취될 수 없는 것이며, 협동조합은 자본주의 사회든 공산주의 사회든 보다 큰 정치 이데올로기의 종속물이라는 것이다. 협동조합은 이러한 소수적 입장 때문에 적응력과 유연성을 강제적으로 얻게 된다. 협동조합의 이데올로기와 가치를 정치적 이데올로기와 분리하면, 5가지의 원칙을 찾을 수 있다. 그것은 ①Non-exploitation(비착취) ②Democracy(민주주의) ③Utilitarianism(실리주의) ④Cooperation over competition(경쟁을 넘어서는 협력) 그리고 ⑤Group-self determination(집단적 자율성)이다. 이러한 5가지 원칙은 모든 협동조합에서 완벽하게 관찰될 수는 없지만 앞에서 고찰한 4가지 전통을 하나로 묶는 기반이 될수는 있다. 각 전통 역시 협동조합 제도의 생명력을 확보하는데 필요한 통찰력을 제공한다. 첫째로 협동조합은 특수하고 때로는 강렬한 사회적 경제적 욕구에 대한 해답이 될 수 있다. 로치데일 협동조합은 노동자에게 값싸고 신선한 식료품을 제공할 필요성 때문에 설립되었다. 이러한 사회경제적 요구는 시대와 장소에 따라 다르게 나타나기 때문에 협동조합의 형태도 사회환경 만큼이나 다양하게 된다. 둘째, 협동조합의 형성은 이념에 좌우된다. 로치데일 개척자들이 점포를 설립할 때는 유토피아 협동조합 공동체를 만들기로 한 것이다. 또한 키부츠에서는 동료간 착취가 존재하지 않는 새로운 생활양식이 만들어졌다. 실제적 의미에서 보면 모든 협동조합 전통은 실험일 수도 있다. 셋째, 모든 협동조합의 형태는 그들이 존재하는 주류 시스템에 순응할 수 있어야 한다. 만약 콜호즈가 이념적으로 소비에트 시스템과 명령 경제의 메커니즘에 통합되지 못했다면 사라졌을 것이다. 적응력(순응)은 태생적으로 협동조합이 어떤 방식으로든 주류시스템을 위협할 수 있는 형태를 가질 수 없다는 것을 의미한다. 역사적 전통은 우리에게 ①실질적인 욕구가 충족될 수 있을 때, ②협동조합 프로젝트가 고도의 이념에 의해서 동기가 부여될 때, ③조직의 형태가 특수상황에 적응할수 있을 때 협동조합이 생성한다는 것을 알려주고 있다. 이러한 생존능력의 세 가지조건으로 인하여 협동조합은“역사적으로 살아남기에 적절하다.”라고 선언할 수 있다. 이러한 적절성은 협동조합이 그들이 활동하는 사회의 일부분이고 산물이기 때문에 가능하다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Evolutionary Theory Of Management In Education

        Moskalenko-Vysotska, Olena,Melnyk, Emiliia,Tovstenko-Zabelin, Serhii,Lehka, Svitlana,Didenko, Maryna,Hrubych, Kostiantyn International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.1

        The article notes that one of the reasons for the crisis in education was the sharp discrepancy between the emerging new forms and content and the model of macro-management that has developed over the decades. The level of management of the educational system did not emerge as a specific activity characterized by its own mechanisms and processes, just as qualified carriers of this activity - professionals - managers - did not appear. At the same time, there is practically no theoretical and methodological model of the macrolevel of education management, that is, management of the educational system as an integral structure.

      • Use Of Interactive Internet Services In Education

        Moskalenko-Vysotska, Olena,Melnyk, Emiliia,Tovstenko-Zabelin, Serhii,Lehka, Svitlana,Didenko, Maryna,Hrubych, Kostiantyn International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.1

        The article describes the concept of a Web-portal of an educational institution; the technical conditions for the creation of the Web-portal of the educational institution were determined; the features of the use of the Web-portal in the educational process and its organization are revealed. The scientific and practical value of the article lies in the fact that the use of portals in education will improve the management of an educational institution, activate and bring the educational process to the level of modern technologies at all its stages, as well as enhance the interaction of parents and students with employees of the educational institution.

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