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      • KCI등재

        Abelson Virus Transformation Prevents TRAIL Expression by Inhibiting FoxO3a and NF-${\kappa}$B

        Wilson, Mary K.,McWhirter, Sarah M.,Amin, Rupesh H.,Huang, Dan,Schlissel, Mark S. Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2010 Molecules and cells Vol.29 No.4

        The Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus (A-MuLV) encodes v-Abl, an oncogenic form of the ubiquitous cellular nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, c-Abl. A-MuLV specifically transforms murine B cell precursors both in vivo and in vitro. Inhibition of v-Abl by addition of the small molecule inhibitor STI-571 causes these cells to arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle prior to undergoing apoptosis. We found that inhibition of v-Abl activity results in upregulation of transcription of the pro-apoptotic TNF-family ligand tumornecrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Similarly to BCR-Abl-transformed human cells, activation of the transcription factor Foxo3a led to increased TRAIL transcription and induction of a G1 arrest in the absence of v-Abl inhibition, and this effect could be inhibited by the expression of a constitutively active AKT mutant. Multiple pathways act to inhibit FoxO3a activity within Abelson cells. In addition to diminishing transcription factor activity via inhibitory phosphorylation by AKT family members, we found that inhibition of IKK${\beta}$ activity results in an increase in the total protein level of FoxO3a. Furthermore overexpression of the p65 subunit of NF-${\kappa}$B results in an increase in TRAIL transcription and in apoptosis and deletion of IKK${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}$ diminishes TRAIL expression and induction. We conclude that in Abelson cells, the inhibition of both NF-${\kappa}$B and FoxO3a activity is required for suppression of TRAIL transcription and maintenance of the transformed state.

      • KCI등재

        Abelson Virus Transformation Prevents TRAIL Expression by Inhibiting FoxO3a and NF-kappa B

        Mary K. Wilson,Sarah M. McWhirter,Rupesh H. Amin,Dan Huang,Mark S. Schlissel 한국분자세포생물학회 2010 Molecules and cells Vol.29 No.4

        The Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus (A-MuLV) encodes v-Abl, an oncogenic form of the ubiquitous cellular non-receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Abl. A-MuLV specifically trans-forms murine B cell precursors both in vivo and in vitro. Inhibition of v-Abl by addition of the small molecule inhibi-tor STI-571 causes these cells to arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle prior to undergoing apoptosis. We found that inhibition of v-Abl activity results in upregulation of tran-scription of the pro-apoptotic TNF-family ligand tumor-necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Similarly to BCR-Abl-transformed human cells, activation of the transcription factor Foxo3a led to increased TRAIL transcription and induction of a G1 arrest in the absence of v-Abl inhibition, and this effect could be inhibited by the expression of a constitutively active AKT mutant. Multiple pathways act to inhibit FoxO3a activity within Abelson cells. In addition to diminishing transcription factor activity via inhibitory phosphorylation by AKT family members, we found that inhibition of IKK activity results in an increase in the total protein level of FoxO3a. Furthermore over-expression of the p65 subunit of NF-B results in an in-crease in TRAIL transcription and in apoptosis and deletion of IKK and  diminishes TRAIL expression and induction. We conclude that in Abelson cells, the inhibition of both NF-B and FoxO3a activity is required for suppression of TRAIL transcription and maintenance of the transformed state.

      • KCI등재

        TerraPower, LLC Traveling Wave Reactor Development Program Overview

        PAVEL HEJZLAR,Rovert Petroski,Jesse Cheatham,Nick Touran,Michael Cohen,Bao Truong,Ryan Latta,Mark Werner,Tom Burke,Jay Tandy,Mike Gattett,Brian Johnson,Tyler Ellis,Jon Mcwhirter,Ash Odedra,Pat Schweig 한국원자력학회 2013 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.45 No.6

        Energy security is a topic of high importance to many countries throughout the world. Countries with access to vast energy supplies enjoy all of the economic and political benefits that come with controlling a highly sought after commodity. Given the desire to diversify away from fossil fuels due to rising environmental and economic concerns, there are limited technology options available for baseload electricity generation. Further complicating this issue is the desire for energy sources to be sustainable and globally scalable in addition to being economic and environmentally benign. Nuclear energy in its current form meets many but not all of these attributes. In order to address these limitations, TerraPower, LLC has developed the Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) which is a near-term deployable and truly sustainable energy solution that is globally scalable for the indefinite future. The fast neutron spectrum allows up to a ~30-fold gain in fuel utilization efficiency when compared to conventional light water reactors utilizing enriched fuel. When compared to other fast reactors, TWRs represent the lowest cost alternative to enjoy the energy security benefits of an advanced nuclear fuel cycle without the associated proliferation concerns of chemical reprocessing. On a country level, this represents a significant savings in the energy generation infrastructure for several reasons 1) no reprocessing plants need to be built, 2) a reduced number of enrichment plants need to be built, 3) reduced waste production results in a lower repository capacity requirement and reduced waste transportation costs and 4) less uranium ore needs to be mined or purchased since natural or depleted uranium can be used directly as fuel. With advanced technological development and added cost, TWRs are also capable of reusing both their own used fuel and used fuel from LWRs, thereby eliminating the need for enrichment in the longer term and reducing the overall societal waste burden. This paper describes the origins and current status of the TWR development program at TerraPower, LLC. Some of the areas covered include the key TWR design challenges and brief descriptions of TWR-Prototype (TWR-P) reactor. Selected information on the TWR-P core designs are also provided in the areas of neutronic, thermal hydraulic and fuel performance. The TWR-P plant design is also described in such areas as; system design descriptions, mechanical design, and safety performance. Energy security is a topic of high importance to many countries throughout the world. Countries with access to vast energysupplies enjoy all of the economic and political benefits that come with controlling a highly sought after commodity. Given thedesire to diversify away from fossil fuels due to rising environmental and economic concerns, there are limited technologyoptions available for baseload electricity generation. Further complicating this issue is the desire for energy sources to besustainable and globally scalable in addition to being economic and environmentally benign. Nuclear energy in its currentform meets many but not all of these attributes. In order to address these limitations, TerraPower, LLC has developed theTraveling Wave Reactor (TWR) which is a near-term deployable and truly sustainable energy solution that is globally scalablefor the indefinite future. The fast neutron spectrum allows up to a ~30-fold gain in fuel utilization efficiency when compared toconventional light water reactors utilizing enriched fuel. When compared to other fast reactors, TWRs represent the lowestcost alternative to enjoy the energy security benefits of an advanced nuclear fuel cycle without the associated proliferationconcerns of chemical reprocessing. On a country level, this represents a significant savings in the energy generationinfrastructure for several reasons 1) no reprocessing plants need to be built, 2) a reduced number of enrichment plants need tobe built, 3) reduced waste production results in a lower repository capacity requirement and reduced waste transportation costsand 4) less uranium ore needs to be mined or purchased since natural or depleted uranium can be used directly as fuel. Withadvanced technological development and added cost, TWRs are also capable of reusing both their own used fuel and used fuelfrom LWRs, thereby eliminating the need for enrichment in the longer term and reducing the overall societal waste burden. This paper describes the origins and current status of the TWR development program at TerraPower, LLC. Some of the areascovered include the key TWR design challenges and brief descriptions of TWR-Prototype (TWR-P) reactor. Selectedinformation on the TWR-P core designs are also provided in the areas of neutronic, thermal hydraulic and fuel performance. The TWR-P plant design is also described in such areas as; system design descriptions, mechanical design, and safetyperformance.



        Hejzlar, Pavel,Petroski, Robert,Cheatham, Jesse,Touran, Nick,Cohen, Michael,Truong, Bao,Latta, Ryan,Werner, Mark,Burke, Tom,Tandy, Jay,Garrett, Mike,Johnson, Brian,Ellis, Tyler,Mcwhirter, Jon,Odedra, Korean Nuclear Society 2013 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.45 No.6

        Energy security is a topic of high importance to many countries throughout the world. Countries with access to vast energy supplies enjoy all of the economic and political benefits that come with controlling a highly sought after commodity. Given the desire to diversify away from fossil fuels due to rising environmental and economic concerns, there are limited technology options available for baseload electricity generation. Further complicating this issue is the desire for energy sources to be sustainable and globally scalable in addition to being economic and environmentally benign. Nuclear energy in its current form meets many but not all of these attributes. In order to address these limitations, TerraPower, LLC has developed the Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) which is a near-term deployable and truly sustainable energy solution that is globally scalable for the indefinite future. The fast neutron spectrum allows up to a ~30-fold gain in fuel utilization efficiency when compared to conventional light water reactors utilizing enriched fuel. When compared to other fast reactors, TWRs represent the lowest cost alternative to enjoy the energy security benefits of an advanced nuclear fuel cycle without the associated proliferation concerns of chemical reprocessing. On a country level, this represents a significant savings in the energy generation infrastructure for several reasons 1) no reprocessing plants need to be built, 2) a reduced number of enrichment plants need to be built, 3) reduced waste production results in a lower repository capacity requirement and reduced waste transportation costs and 4) less uranium ore needs to be mined or purchased since natural or depleted uranium can be used directly as fuel. With advanced technological development and added cost, TWRs are also capable of reusing both their own used fuel and used fuel from LWRs, thereby eliminating the need for enrichment in the longer term and reducing the overall societal waste burden. This paper describes the origins and current status of the TWR development program at TerraPower, LLC. Some of the areas covered include the key TWR design challenges and brief descriptions of TWR-Prototype (TWR-P) reactor. Selected information on the TWR-P core designs are also provided in the areas of neutronic, thermal hydraulic and fuel performance. The TWR-P plant design is also described in such areas as; system design descriptions, mechanical design, and safety performance.

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