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        McGuire, John Michael 한양대학교 민족학연구소 2003 民族과文化 Vol.12 No.-

        이 장에서는 한국과 캐나다 양국의, 간략하지만 대조적인 대학생활과 대학에 관련된 이야기들을 다루어보고자 한다. 캐나다 대학에 관하여 내가 말할 것들은 미국 대학에서도 비슷하게 적용된다고 보면 될 것이다. 하지만 한국 밖에서 내가 받은 고등교육의 경험들이 캐나다 대학에 주로 연관되어 있음으로,나의 비교들을 캐나다 대학들로 한정짓도록 하겠다. 이 글은 4개의 부분으로: 강의실 내에서, 전공분야에서, 캠퍼스에서, 그리고 사회 내부에서, 구성되어져 있다. 그리고 마지막에서는 한국과 캐나다 대학의 차이점들을 보다 넓은 문화적 차이로 확대해 볼 것이다.



        Mcguire, Robin K. Korean Nuclear Society 2009 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.41 No.10

        Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is routinely conducted in the US for nuclear plants, for the determination of appropriate seismic design levels. These analyses incorporate uncertainties in earthquake characteristics in stable continental regions (where direct observations of large earthquakes are rare), in estimates of rock motions, in site effects on strong shaking, and in the damage potential of seismic shaking for engineered facilities. Performance goals related to the inelastic deformation of individual components, and related to overall seismic core damage frequency, are used to determine design levels. PSHA has the ability to quantify and document the important uncertainties that affect seismic design levels, and future work can be guided toward reducing those uncertainties.

      • KCI등재

        Aqyn agha? Abai Zholy as socialist realism and as literary history

        Gabriel McGuire 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2018 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.9 No.1

        In Mukhtar Auezov's 1942 novel Abai Zholy, socialism is an end anticipated not just by history but more specifically by Kazakh literary history. In his earlier scholarly writings, Auezov had presented Abai as a transformational figure in the emergence of written Kazakh literature. In the novel, Abai becomes not only a literary innovator but also a political reformist: Auezov's Abai is horrified by the harsh and feudalistic behavior of his father Qunanbai, a wealthy local leader, and finds companionship and inspiration in his encounters with a series of famous 19th century Kazakh aqyns (bards). Auezov thus used Abai Zholy to argue that Kazakh folk literature had always been animated by a spirit of social critique which, in its laments and desires, had anticipated the Soviet world. This paper compares these aqyns' depiction in the novel first with Auezov's earlier scholarship on the 19th century and second with the content of the aqyns' own surviving works. These ideas reflected both contemporaneous shifts in Soviet nationalities policy and the influence of socialist realist literary models, which commonly staged both literary history and generational conflicts as allegories of political change.

      • KCI등재

        Are Some Beliefs Essentially Indexical?

        John McGuire 한국분석철학회 2017 철학적 분석 Vol.0 No.38

        This article seeks to clarify and resolve a philosophical debate that has arisen around the claim that certain beliefs are essentially indexical. While Perry (1979) provided the first and perhaps most influential argument in support of this claim, Perry’s classic argument has more recently come under fire; in particular, Cappelen and Dever (2013) maintain that Perry’s argument reveals nothing more than the uncontroversial fact that action explanations are referentially opaque. However, Babb (2016) attempts to vindicate Perry’s claim that certain beliefs are essentially indexical by means of a new argument based on the hypothesis that intentions are essentially indexical. According to Babb (2016), it is because of the indexicality of intentions that certain beliefs are also essentially indexical. In this article I attempt to show that Babb (2016) fails to save the claim that certain beliefs are essentially indexical. I do so by arguing for two points: (a) that the hypothesis that intentions are essentially indexical is poorly supported and most likely false; and (b) that even if intentions were essentially indexical it would not follow that certain beliefs are also essentially indexical. The conclusion of this article is that neither Perry (1979) nor Babb (2016) succeeds in defending the idea that certain beliefs are essentially indexical.

      • KCI등재

        Should Abortion Be Decriminalized in Korea?

        John McGuire 한국의료윤리학회 2018 한국의료윤리학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The Constitutional Court of Korea is currently tasked with making a decision on the country’s laws concerning abortion, which is one of the most divisive issues in medical ethics. However, as I argue in this article, the key ethical issue at the heart of this case—whether abortion should be decriminalized—need not be divisive at all. To move beyond the polarization this issue generates, the rights-based thinking that plagues so much of the abortion debate should be replaced with a pragmatic approach that attempts to assess the costs and benefits of maintaining the current abortion ban versus those of decriminalizing abortion. Progress can come when the groups that are divided on the abortion issue recognize that they have something in common, which I claim is the goal of reducing the number of abortions. The key question that is prioritized on the approach that I defend is whether the existing ban on abortion is the best or most effective way to reduce the abortion rate in this country. In this article I present evidence to suggest that it is not.

      • KCI등재

        Clarke’s Account of the Distinction between Practical and Cognitive Decisions

        John McGuire 한국분석철학회 2016 철학적 분석 Vol.0 No.34

        While it is common for philosophers of action to claim that there is a distinction between practical and cognitive decisions, it is not so common for them to explain exactly what that distinction consists in. One exception is Clarke (2010), who argues that there are at least three important differences between practical and cognitive decisions. In particular, he claims that (a) practical decisions are based on practical reasons whereas cognitive decisions are based on epistemic reasons, (b) practical decisions have the phenomenology of agency while cognitive decisions do not, and (c) practical decisions are intentional actions while cognitive decisions are not. In this article I challenge Clarke’s arguments in support of each of these claims and show that none of them withstands scrutiny. I conclude that Clarke (2010) fails to provide any reason to believe that there is an important difference between practical and cognitive decisions.

      • KCI등재

        An Evidence-Based Critique of Intention Cognitivism

        John McGuire 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2022 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.23 No.3

        “Intention Cognitivism” (IC) refers to a family of theories concerning the relation between the concepts of intention and belief. While there are important differences between the various theories that belong to this family, each is committed to the idea that an agent intends to X only if they believe that they (probably) will X. In this article I argue against this core commitment of IC on the basis of recent experimental evidence concerning the ways in which ordinary speakers of English use the concepts of intention and belief. After summarizing some of this evidence, I consider a possible defense of IC, one based on the distinction between full versus partial intentions and beliefs. I report on a new study that was conducted specifically to evaluate this defense of IC, the results of which indicate that this distinction fails to protect IC against the compelling empirical evidence against it. Additionally, I consider, and argue against, two recent arguments for IC.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Does Canada Provide a Realistic Model for Korea to Follow in Regulating Abortion?

        John McGuire 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2022 Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics Vol.15 No.2

        2019년 헌법재판소는 낙태를 금지하는 형법 조항을 2020년 말 이전에 개정할 것을 입법부에 명령하였으며, 이는 ‘무효’가 되었다. 그러나 현재까지 국회는 해당조항들을 개정하거나 새로운 낙태법안을 제정하지 않고 있다. 법원의 조치와 의회의 입법 공백으로 인해, 한국에서 낙태는 현 재 법의 사각지대에 놓여있다. 낙태는 완전히 비범죄화되었지만 명확하게 법제화되지는 않고 있다. 낙태 규제와 관련하여 답변이 필요한 현실적인 질문이 많이 존재하며 이 질문들은 낙태에 대 한 명확한 법적 틀이 없는 상황에서 답변하기 어려운 것들이다. 이러한 법적 맥락에 기초하여 한 국에서 낙태는 어떻게 규제될 것인가? 논문에서 저자는 낙태를 규제하는 캐나다의 접근 방식을 살펴보고 한국도 이와 비슷한 방식을 따를지를 고찰해보고자 한다. 34년 전 낙태죄가 전면 무효 화 된 이후 캐나다에는 연방 낙태법이 존재하지 않았기 때문에 이 질문과 관련이 있다고 하겠다. 낙태를 범죄나 입법사항으로 접근하는 대신 캐나다는 낙태를 의료의 표준영역으로 규제하는 의료 모델을 채택해왔다. 낙태 규제에 대한 캐나다의 접근 방식을 형성한 주요 사법 판례를 검토하고 이를 한국 헌법재판소의 최근 낙태 판결과 비교해 본 결과, 한국의 낙태 규제가 캐나다에서 규제되었던 것과 같은 방식으로 규제될 가능성은 작다고 결론지었다. In 2019, the Constitutional Court of Korea ordered the legislature to revise the provisions of the Criminal Act that prohibited abortion before the end of 2020, at which point they would become “null and void.” However, as of this writing the National Assembly has neither revised those provisions nor enacted new abortion legislation. As a result of the Court’s actions and the Assembly’s omissions, abortion in Korea is now in legal limbo: it has been fully decriminalized but not clearly legalized. Yet there are a number of practical questions concerning the regulation of abortion that need to be answered and which are difficult to answer in the absence of a clear legal framework for abortion. How, in this legal context, will abortion be regulated in Korea? In this article, I address this question by looking at the Canadian approach to regulating abortion and considering whether Korea might follow a similar path. The question is relevant since Canada has been without federal abortion laws ever since abortion was fully decriminalized 34 years ago. Instead of approaching abortion as a criminal or legislative matter, Canada has adopted a medical model, regulating abortion as a standard part of healthcare. After reviewing the main judicial decisions that have shaped the Canadian approach to regulating abortion and comparing them to the Constitutional Court of Korea’s recent rulings on Korea’s abortion legislation, I conclude that the Canadian approach to regulating abortion is an unrealistic model for Korea.

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