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        중국·조선문화의 전래 - 유교·불교·도교의 수용을 중심으로 -

        增尾伸一郞 ( Masuo Shinichiro ),최유림 백제학회 2024 백제학보 Vol.- No.47

        본문은 『東アジア世界の成立』(吉川弘文館, 2010)에 실린 마스오 신이치로(増尾伸一郎, 1956~2014)의 글이다. 마스오 신이치로는 동아시아 문화사와 사상사에서 저명한 연구자로, 이글은 중국과 한국 삼국시대의 儒佛道 문화가 일본에 준 영향을 서술하고 있다. 동아시아 여러 국가는 중국과 정치적 관계를 맺으며 한자와 한적을 도입·수용하였다. 저자는 6세기 계체·흠명기에 일본이 백제에서 영향을 받았음을 주목하고 있다. 7세기 천지천황 대 ‘庠序’(학교)가 창설되었고, 學職頭는 상서의 총괄자였다. 675년 大學寮가 처음 나타나고 이후 관리양성의 중추기구가 되는데, 그 기초는 백제계 도래인들이 이룬 것이다. 일본은 당의 학제에 영향을 받아 國學을 설치하고 郡司의 자제를 입학하여 『周易』, 『尙書』, 『周禮』, 『儀禮』, 『禮記』, 『毛詩』, 『春秋左氏傳』 등 유교 경전을 가르쳤다. 일본의 학제 형성기에는 당과의 교류가 30여 년 동안 단절되었기 때문에, 신라의 영향이 컸다. 일본은 한적의 정본을 입수하기 어려운 상황을 보완하기 위해 한적을 書寫하는 방법을 취하였다. 율령법은 유교적 덕치주의에 기초하여 예의 질서의식을 형성하였고, 戶令의 國守巡行條에서 지방에 퍼져 있던 예의 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 한편 불교 역시 초기에는 백제와 도래계 씨족에 의해 수용되었다. 7세기 중반 신라와 대항의식에 의해 불전을 필사하게 하였고 8세기 五月一日經 등의 서사가 시작되었다. 이와 같은 사경에는 國家鎭護의 이념이 담겨 있었으며, 국가의 관리 하에 이루어졌다. 당왕조에서는 노자를 同姓이라 인식하여 시조로서 존숭하였고, 『노자』를 여러 경전 가운데 제일로 두며, 도교를 보호하였다. 이 때문에 일본은 공식적으로 도교를 수용하기 어려웠으나 지식층 사이에서는 사적으로 수용되었다. 결국 고대 일본의 儒佛道 문화는 원본을 구하기 어려운 상황을 극복하고자 書寫 형식으로 전해졌고, 삼교의 상호 교섭 위에 성립되었다. The text is written by Masuo Shinichiro(増尾伸一郎, 1956-2014) in the 『東アジア世界の 成立』(吉川弘文館, 2010). Masuo Shinichiro is a prominent researcher in East Asian cultural history and thought history, and This article describes the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoist culture in the Three Kingdoms of China and Korea on Japan. Several East Asian countries established political relations with China and introduced and accepted Chinese characters and Chinese characters. The author notes that Japan was influenced by Baekje during the 6th century. In the 7th century, “庠序” (school) was established in the Tenji-tenno and the 學職頭 was the general manager of 庠序. In 675 大學寮 first appeared and later became a pivotal body in fostering management, and the foundation was achieved by the people of Baekje descent. Influenced by the Tang's academic system, Japan established a 國學 and enrolled the children of the 郡司, and taught Confucian scriptures such as 『周易』, 『尙書』, 『周禮』, 『儀禮』, 『禮記』, 『毛詩』, 『春秋左氏傳』. During the formation of the Japanese academic system, exchanges with the Tang were cut off for more than 30 years, so Silla was greatly influenced. Japan took the method of copy the Chinese characters to compensate for the situation in which it was difficult to obtain the original copy of the Chinese characters. The 律令法 formed a sense of order based on Confucian virtueism, and in the 國守巡行條 of the 戶令, it can be confirmed that the appearance of etiquette spread in the provinces. Meanwhile, Buddhism was also initially accepted by Baekje and the immigrants from Korea. In the middle of the 7th century, a sense of opposition to Silla led to the transcription of the Buddhist scriptures, and narratives such as the 五月一日經 began. Such a scripture contained the ideology of 國家鎭護 and was carried out under the management of the state. In the Tang Dynasty, Lao-tzu was recognized as the same 姓 and revered as the founder, and the 『老子』 was placed as the top of several scriptures to protect Taoism. For this reason, it was difficult for Japan to officially accept Taoism, but it was privately accepted among the intellectuals. Eventually, ancient Japanese 儒佛道 culture was handed down in the form of a transcription of the book to overcome the situation in which it was difficult to obtain the original, and was established on the mutual negotiations between the three religions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) Supplementation Decreases Dioxin and Increases Immunoglobulin A Concentrations in Breast Milk

        Masuo Nakano,Shiro Nakano,Hideo Takekoshi 한국식품영양과학회 2007 Journal of medicinal food Vol.10 No.1

        In addition to meeting nutritional requirements, breast milk plays important roles in biodefense for nursing in-fants. Dioxins have been detected at high concentrations in breast milk, raising concerns about disorders in nursing infantscaused by breast milk containing dioxins in Japan. We analyzed dioxin levels in breast milk and maternal blood samples from35 pregnant women in Japan. We also measured immunoglobulin (Ig) A concentrations in breast milk and investigated cor-relations with dioxin concentrations. In addition, 18 of the 35 women took Chlorella pyrenoidosa(Chlorella) supplementsduring pregnancy, and the effects on dioxin and IgA concentrations in breast milk were investigated. Toxic equivalents weresignificantly lower in the breast milk of women taking Chlorellatablets than in the Control group (P. .003). These resultssuggest that Chlorellasupplementation by the mother may reduce transfer of dioxins to the child through breast milk. No sig-nificant correlation was identified between dioxin and IgA concentrations in breast milk in the Control group. It is unlikelythat normal levels of dioxin exposure via food have a remarkable influence on IgA in breast milk. IgA concentrations in breastmilk in the Chlorellagroup were significantly higher than in the Control group (P. .03). Increasing IgA levels in breast milkis considered to be effective for reducing the risk of infection in nursing infants. The present results suggest that Chlorellasupplementation not only reduces dioxin levels in breast milk, but may also have beneficial effects on nursing infants by in-creasing IgA levels in breast milk.

      • Blended Elemental P/M Synthesis of Titanium Alloys and Titanium Alloy-based Particulate Composites

        Hagiwara Masuo,Emura Satoshi 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        Titanium alloys and Titanium alloy-based particulate composites were synthesized using the blended elemental P/M route. First, processing conditions such as the fabrication of master alloy powder were investigated. Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-5Al-2.5Fe, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo, IMI685, IMI829, Timetal 1100 and Timetal 62S, and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo/ 10%TiB and Timetal 62S/10%TiB were then synthesized using the optimal processing conditions obtained. The microstructures and mechanical properties such as tensile strength and high cycle fatigue strength were evaluated.

      • Money Beliefs and Behaviors : A Comparison of Korean, Japanese and Asian American Female College Students

        Diane Masuo,Lakshmi Malroutu,Jung Hoon Kim,Rieko Hanahiro 원광대학교 생활자원개발연구소 2002 생활자원개발연구 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper compares the money beliefs and behaviors of 200 female college students from Japan and Korea, and Japanese American and Korean American students from Hawai'i and New York, uning Furnham's (1984) Money Beliefs and Behaviors instrument. To control for the influence of culture on money beliefs and behaviors, the U.S. sample was limited to Japanese American and Korean Americans. The Asian and Asian American groups differ significantly on variables such as: age, religious preference, living arrangements, and work experience. Results from the exploratory factor analysis of the Money Beliefs and Behavior Scale indicate the presence of 11 belief and behavior-related factors. The Asian students held more idealistic conceptions about money (e.g. higher ratings on factors such as Power, Obsession, and Achievement), compared to the Asian Americans, who viewed money in more practical and behavioral terms (e.g. higher ratings on the Budget factor).


        Aizawa, Masuo 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1991 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        Current development of biocatalytic and bioaffinity sensors is reviewed with emphasis on electron transfer-type enzyme sensors and optical immunosensors. The electron transfer-type enzyme sensors are exemplified by an enzyme sensor for gaseous ethanol, which comprises a conducting polymer membrane-bound alcohol dehydrogenase and electrodes. Several optical immunosensors such as an electrochemical luminescence immunosensor, optical fiber/wave guide immunosensor, and surface plasmon immunosensor are involved.

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