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        Masters, D.G.,Purser, D.B.,Yu, S.X.,Wang, Z.S.,Yang, R.Z.,Liu, N.,Lu, D.X.,Wu, L.H.,Ren, J.K.,Li, G.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1993 Animal Bioscience Vol.6 No.1

        This study determined the macro-mineral levels in plants and sheep, at different times during the year, at three farms in northern China. Samples of plants, animal tissues and faeces were collected at 5 to 8 times during the year from each site. They were analysed for calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Sodium concentrations in plants were below those recommended for optimum animal production at all sites for all or part of the year (0.01-1.66 g/kg DM). Low concentrations of sodium in faeces were measured and signs of sodium deficiency (soil ingestion) were observed on one farm. There were seasonal trends in other mineral levels in plants and animals. Plants were lowest in potassium (2.3-13.4 g/kg DM), magnesium (1.28-4.82 g/kg DM) and phosphorus (0.24-1.62 g/kg DM) in winter and spring. However, high levels of these elements were supplied in the feed supplements used at this time of the year. During the periods of rapid pasture growth, in summer and autumn, supplements of feed and salt are often not provide even though pasture concentrations of phosphorus and sodium are low. It may be at these times that sheep will be most susceptible to deficiencies of these elements.



        Masters, D.G.,Purser, D.B.,Yu, S.X.,Wang, Z.S.,Yang, R.Z.,Liu, N.,Lu, D.X.,Wu, L.H.,Ren, J.K.,Li, G.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1993 Animal Bioscience Vol.6 No.1

        This study determined the concentrations of micro-minerals in pastures, in feed supplements and in grazing, reproducing ewes, at different times during the year, at three farms in Northern China. Samples were collected 5 to 8 times during the year and analysed for selenium, copper, iron, molybdenum and zinc. On two farms selenium concentrations in both pastures and animal tissues were low for part of the year. The lowest concentrations in pasture (< $30{\mu}g/kg$ DM) and liver (< $100{\mu}g/kg$ wet weight) indicated that productivity of the sheep may be reduced by a deficiency of this element. On one farm copper concentrations in the lever were in the liver were in the deficient range (< $5{\mu}g/kg$ wet weight) for part of the year. It is likely that this is a result of high intakes of iron from pasture (up to 4.5 g Fe/kg DM) and soil, as indicated by high concentrations of iron in faeces (up to 7 g Fe/kg DM). Molybdenum intake is unlikely to have had much influence on copper absorption because pasture concentrations of this element were not unusually high (1 to 5 mg/kg DM). Zinc in pastures on two farms was below 10 mg/kg DM for part of the year. On one of these farms, the concentration of zinc in faeces was below 30 mg/kg DM throughout the year and this is consistent with zinc intakes of 7 to 15 mg/kg. Despite these low intakes, the concentratons of zinc in plasma were consistently above deficient levels. No clinical signs of deficiencies of any of the elements studied were observed.



        Masters, D.G.,Purser, D.B.,Yu, S.X.,Wang, Z.S.,Yang, R.Z.,Liu, N.,Wang, X.L.,Lu, D.X.,Wu, L.H.,Rong, W.H.,Ren, J.K.,Li, G.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1990 Animal Bioscience Vol.3 No.4

        The seasonal changes in production, the systems of management and the seasonal climatic and feeding conditions are described for three farms representative of the major areas for growing fine-wool sheep in northern China. At all farms, summer and autumn were seasons of rapid liveweight gain and wool growth. In the winter and spring, during lactation, liveweight declined wool growth decreased by approximately 70%, and fibre diameter by 4 to 8 microns. The wool produced was characterized by a very low clean wool yield (39-51%). Greasy fleece weights ranged from 4.5 to 8.0 kg and average diameter of wool fibres from 20.5 to 23 microns. The number of lambs born per 100 ewes mated ranged from 79 to 95, lamb weights ranged from 3.8 to 4.5 kg, and weaning weights ranged from 17 to 25 kg. Overall, the patterns of sheep production were similar to those found in seasonally arid environments (such as in the mediterranean climatic zone). Yield of clean wool and therefore clean fleece weights were far below those in most other fine-wool producing areas of the world.


        Agricultural Systems for Saline Soil: The Potential Role of Livestock

        Masters, D.G.,Norman, H.C.,Barrett-Lennard, E.G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.2

        Human-induced soil salinity is becoming a major threat to agriculture across the world. This salinisation occurs in both irrigated and rain-fed agricultural zones with the highest proportions in the arid and semi-arid environments. Livestock can play an important role in the management and rehabilitation of this land. There are a range of plants that grow in saline soils and these have been used as animal feed. In many situations, animal production has been poor as a result of low edible biomass production, low nutritive value, depressed appetite, or a reduction in efficiency of energy use. Feeding systems are proposed that maximise the feeding value of plants growing on saline land and integrate their use with other feed resources available within mixed livestock and crop farming systems. Salt-tolerant pastures, particularly the chenopod shrubs, have moderate digestible energy and high crude protein. For this reason they represent a good supplement for poor quality pastures and crop residues. The use of salt-tolerant pasture systems not only provides feed for livestock but also may act as a bio-drain to lower saline water tables and improve the soil for growth of alternative less salt tolerant plants. In the longer term there are opportunities to identify and select more appropriate plants and animals for saline agriculture.


        Characterising Forages for Ruminant Feeding

        Dynes, R.A.,Henry, D.A.,Masters, D.G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.1

        Forages are the most important feed resource for ruminants worldwide, whether fed as pastures, forage crops or conserved hay, silage or haylage. There is large variability in the quality of forages so measurement and prediction of feeding value and nutritive value are essential for high levels of production. Within a commercial animal production system, methods of prediction must be inexpensive and rapid. At least 50% of the variation in feeding value of forages is due to variation in voluntary feed intake. Identification of the factors that constrain voluntary feed intake allows these differences to be managed and exploited in forage selection. Constraints to intake have been predicted using combinations of metabolic and physical factors within the animal while simple measurements such as the energy required to shear the plant material are related to constraints to intake with some plant material. Animals respond to both pre- and post-ingestive feedback signals from forages. Pre-ingestive signals may play a role in intake with signals including taste, odour and texture together with learned aversions to nutrients or toxins (post-ingestive feedback signals). The challenge to forage evaluation is identification of the factors which are most important contributors to these feedback signals. Empirical models incorporating chemical composition are also widely used. The models tend to be useful within the ranges of the datasets used in their development but none can claim to have universal application. Mechanistic models are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated and incorporate both feed characteristics and use of biochemical pathways within the animal. Improvement in utilisation through the deliberate selection of pasture plants for high feeding value appears to have potential and has been poorly exploited. Use of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy is a simple method that offers significant potential for the preliminary screening of plants with genetic differences in feeding value. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy will only be as reliable as the calibration sets from which the equations are generated.

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