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        Probing the Source of the Proton Mass by "Unbreaking" Scale-Chiral Symmetry

        Mannque Rho 한국물리학회 2016 새물리 Vol.66 No.12

        I describe a possible scenario for the origin of the proton mass in terms of the Cheshire Cat, half-skyrmions, topology change and interplay between hidden chiral-scale symmetry and induced local symmetry. This differs from the standard constituent-quark scenario. As the baryonic matter density is increased toward the vector manifestation (VM) fixed-point at which the $\rho$ mass is to vanish, the effective in-medium mass ratio $m^*_\rho/m^*_N$ tends to zero proportionally to $g^*_\rho$, where $g^*_\rho$ is the in-medium hidden gauge coupling constant. I develop the thesis that the intricacy involved in the mass generation can be decoded from experiments at RIB accelerators and data on massive compact stars.

      • KCI등재

        The "Folk Theorem" on Effective Field Theory: How Does It Fare in Nuclear Physics?

        Mannque Rho 한국물리학회 2017 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.71 No.7

        This is a brief history of what I consider as very important, some of which truly seminal, contri- butions made by young Korean nuclear theorists, mostly graduate students working on PhD thesis in 1990s and early 2000s, to nuclear e®ective ¯eld theory, nowadays heralded as the ¯rst-principle approach to nuclear physics. The theoretical framework employed is an e®ective ¯eld theory an- chored on a single scale-invariant hidden local symmetric Lagrangian constructed in the spirit of Weinberg's \Folk Theorem" on e®ective ¯eld theory. The problems addressed are the high-precision calculations on the thermal np capture, the solar pp fusion process, the solar hep process { John Bahcall's challenge to nuclear theorists { and the quenching of gA in giant Gamow-Teller reso- nances and the whopping enhancement of ¯rst-forbidden beta transitions relevant in astrophysical processes. Extending adventurously the strategy to a wild uncharted domain in which a systematic implementation of the \theorem" is far from obvious, the same e®ective Lagrangian is applied to the structure of compact stars. A surprising, unexpected, result on the properties of massive stars, totally di®erent from what has been obtained up to day in the literature, is predicted, such as the precocious onset of conformal sound velocity together with a hint for the possible emergence in dense matter of hidden symmetries such as scale symmetry and hidden local symmetry.

      • KCI등재

        QCD and Nuclei

        Mannque Rho 한국물리학회 2003 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.43 No.I

        I discuss how the fundamental theory of strong interactions given by QCD can be exploited to make accurate predictions for the solar fusion processes involving few-nucleon systems and to provide a novel description of nuclear matter as well as excitations near the chiral phase transition. The tool used is eective field theory combined with the modern technique of renormalization group ow. The notion of \BR scaling" is reinterpreted in terms of the vector manifestation a la Harada and Yamawaki. It is argued that the vector manifestation scenario predicts a QCD phase structure much richer than the standard scenario discussed up to date in the literature.



        World Scientific 2010 International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol.25 No.27

        <P> I describe a novel phase structure of cold dense baryonic matter predicted in a hidden local symmetry approach anchored on gauge theory and in a holographic dual approach based on the Sakai-Sugimoto model of string theory. This new phase is populated with baryons with half-instanton quantum number in the gravity sector which is dual to half-skyrmion in gauge sector in which chiral symmetry is restored while light-quark hadrons are in the color-confined phase. It is suggested that such a phase that aries at a density above that of normal nuclear matter and below or at the chiral restoration point can have a drastic influence on the properties of hadrons at high density, in particular on short-distance interactions between nucleons, e.g., multi-body forces at short distance and hadrons - in particular kaons - propagating in a dense medium. Potentially important consequences on the structure of compact stars will be predicted. </P>



        PAENG, WON-GI,RHO, MANNQUE World Scientific 2010 Modern Physics Letters A Vol.25 No.6

        <P> This is an extended version of the note taken by the first author (W.-G.P.) on a lecture given by the second author (M.R.) as a first part of the series on 'Hadronic Matter Under Extreme Conditions,' the principal theme of the WCU-Hanyang Program. It covers the attempts to go in a framework anchored on effective field theory of QCD from zero density to the nuclear matter density and slightly beyond, with the ultimate goal of arriving at the density relevant to compact stars, including chiral phase transition and quark matter. The focus is on the conceptual aspects rather than detailed 'fitting' of the data on the kinds of physics that are being addressed to in radioactive-ion-beam machines in operation as well as in project (such as 'KoRIA' in Korea) and will be explored at such forthcoming accelerators as FAIR/GSI. The approach presented here is basically different from the standard ones found in the literature in that the notion of hidden local symmetry - which underlies the chiral symmetry of the strong interactions - and its generalization to dual gravity description involving infinite tower of hidden gauge fields are closely relied on. </P>

      • Dynamics of baryons from string theory and vector dominance

        Hong, Deog Ki,Rho, Mannque,Yee, Ho-Ung,Yi, Piljin Institute of Physics Pub 2007 The journal of high energy physics Vol.2007 No.9

        We consider a holographic model of QCD from string theory, <I>à la</I> Sakai and Sugimoto, and study baryons. In this model, mesons are collectively realized as a five-dimensional U(<I>N</I><SUB><I>F</I></SUB>) = U(1) × <I>SU</I>(<I>N</I><SUB><I>F</I></SUB>) Yang-Mills field and baryons are classically identified as SU(<I>N</I><SUB><I>F</I></SUB>) solitons with a unit Pontryagin number and <I>N</I><SUB><I>c</I></SUB> electric charges. The soliton is shown to be very small in the large 't Hooft coupling limit, allowing us to introduce an effective field &calB;. Its coupling to the mesons are dictated by the soliton structure, and consists of a direct magnetic coupling to the SU(<I>N</I><SUB><I>F</I></SUB>) field strength as well as a minimal coupling to the U(<I>N</I><SUB><I>F</I></SUB>) gauge field. Upon the dimensional reduction, this effective action reproduces all interaction terms between nucleons and an infinite tower of mesons in a manner consistent with the large <I>N</I><SUB><I>c</I></SUB> expansion. We further find that all electromagnetic interactions, as inferred from the same effective action via a holographic prescription, are mediated by an infinite tower of vector mesons, rendering the baryon electromagnetic form factors <I>completely</I> vector-dominated as well. We estimate nucleon-meson couplings and also the anomalous magnetic moments, which compare well with nature.

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