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        持田祐美子 ( Mochida¸ Yumiko ) 한국일어교육학회 2021 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.57

        本研究では、韓国の日本語教育においてどのように[謝罪行動]が扱われているかを韓国内で出版された教材を通じて調査した。 謝罪の研究は、これまで多くの行われているが、文化的な配慮行動の側面を研究する際に教育にも応用することを同時に考えなければならない。それは、文法規則だけでなく、「言語使用のルール」を教育に反映すること(田中2016)を意味する。 上記の立脚点から韓国で出版されたビジネス日本語系の教材29冊について、特に謝罪表現の有無と「言語使用のルール」の記載を調べた結果、主に次のような点が明らかになった。 (1) 謝罪表現と「言語使用のルール」が両方記載されている教材は、30%程度(9冊)であった。 (2) 中級学習者以上を対象とした教材および日本人著者による教材に謝罪表現の「言語使用のルール」が記載されている傾向が見られた。 (3) 「言語使用のルール」の説明がある場合、その内容は、1.理由を話す前に謝罪する。2.言い訳はしない。3.自分が担当者ではなくても同じ会社の一員として自分にも責任があると考えて謝罪する。この3点について記述している教材が、複数見られた。 さらに、上記の調査を土台として「言語使用のルール」を学習者に教授した結果、特に再謝罪に関しての効果が著しく現れた。 今後の課題としては、(3)について韓国語学習者を主な対象とする場合の教授の優先順位の検討、ビジネスシーンという特殊な状況における適切な「謝罪行為」についての記述についての検討、「ロールカード」に頼らないロールプレイの考案なとが挙げられる。 This study investigated and observed how “apology” is taught in Japanese language education in Korea. Apology study has been done by many researchers so far, but when considering various aspects of politeness in Japanese culture, it is necessary to consider its application to education. Moreover, it means reflection not only on the “rules of grammar” but also on the “rules of language use” in education (田中 2016). Based on the above points, this researcher investigated 29 business―Japanese textbooks that were published in Korea. The results of the survey show the following: (1) 30% of the surveyed textbooks have both an apologetic expression and “rules of language use”. (2) There was a tendency that textbooks for intermediate level and higher level had less “rules of language use” than lower level. (3) If there is a description of the “rules of language use”, the content is as follows: 1. Apologizing before telling the reason. 2. No excuses. 3. Apologize, even if you are not the person in charge, assuming that you are also responsible as a boss or an employee of the same company. Furthermore, as a result of teaching learners “rules of language use” based on the above survey, the effect on re-apology was particularly remarkable. Future issues are as follows: Consideration of the priority of education for Korean learners. Consideration of a description of the appropriate “apology” in the special context of the business scene. Invention of role-playing that dose not rely on “role cards”.

      • KCI등재

        在韓経験の有無が与える言語行動の意識への影響 -日本人へのアンケート結果の差に対するχ二乗検定の結果から-

        Yumiko Mochida 한국일본어교육학회 2024 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.108

        本研究では、海外生活経験が言語行動に対する考え方に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために、統計処理分析を行った。前回の調査で、<無反応・無表情>という謝罪の場面で見られる好ましくない行動について、実態とアンケート回答の間に差が見られたからである。 この点について、本研究では、実態調査結果は日本人観光客が韓国で経験した実際の体験をもとにしたものであるのに対し、アンケート調査では、回答者が韓国での生活経験がない人たちであることを原因と仮定した。 統計分析により、一つの項目で有意差が確認され、実際の数値を比較したところ、<無反応・無表情>で大きな差が見られた。 これについて、海外在住者に関する先行研究を調べた結果、海外在住(または海外経験者)に「文化相対的な視点の発達」という共通点があることが示唆された。 In this study, statistical processing analysis was conducted to examine whether experiences of living outside one's home country influence attitudes toward linguistic behavior. Discrepancies observed in a previous investigation concerning undesirable behavior in apology situations labeled as "<No Reaction, No Expression>" prompted this examination. In this research, this researcher hypothesized that the disparities in the results of the actual behavior survey were due to the fact that Japanese informants in the survey, who lacked experience living in Korea, were compared with the real experiences of Japanese tourists in Korea. Statistical analysis confirmed a significant bias in one particular aspect, and upon comparing actual percentages, a substantial difference was observed in the "<No Reaction, No Expression>" category. The statistical analysis confirmed clear differences in responses based on whether individuals had experience living in Korea. It is anticipated that these results will contribute to future research in this field.

      • KCI등재

        日韓の関係修復行動としての謝罪に関する一考察 -アンケート結果と日本人観光客がした口コミの質的考察を通して-

        MOCHIDA YUMIKO 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.55

        In this study, the researcher investigated instances where something was wrong in the interpersonal relationship between Japanese and Koreans, and the attempted actions taken to repair the relationship. In particular, the researcher conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify how unfriendly relationships were dealt with, using a customer service setting. As a result, a difference was found in what participants felt in the second unpleasant feeling. While Japanese participants gave low evaluations for “excuse without dealing”, the Korean participants gave low evaluations for “non-responsive / expressionless without dealing”. The Korean participants also did not give low evaluations for “making excuses” itself either. In addition, fora question which asked “What is sometimes seen in your country, despite being undesirable?”,Korean participants responded with “excuse without dealing”. In this research, it was shown that excuses are not welcomed in Japanese society, and this reinforces the idea which Sugimoto (1998) stated, that "a desirable apology for the Japanese is selfless surrender". 本研究においては、日韓の対人関係において何かミスがあった場合、どのように関係修復行動がなされるかという点について調べた。特に、親しい間柄ではなく、親しくはない間柄においてはどうかという点を明らかにするために、接客場面という場面を設定して、アンケート調査を実施した。 その結果、2番目に不愉快であると感じるものについて差が見られた。日本人は、<対処せずに言い訳>をすることに対して低く評価したのに対して、韓国人は<対処せずに無反応・無表情>であることに対しての評価が低く、言い訳に関してはさほど低い評価をしなかった。また、「あなたの国において、望ましくはないかもしれないが、まあまあ見られること」はどれかを選ぶ質問に対し、韓国人は<対処せず言い訳>について、それが見られると答えた数値が日本人より高かった。 つまり、日本社会において言い訳が歓迎されない態度であることが立証されたが、これは、sugimoto(1998)の述べた、日本人にとっての望ましい謝罪とは無私の降伏であるという考えを補強するものともなった。

      • KCI등재


        MOCHIDA YUMIKO,하마바타시즈카 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.46

        This study reports on the question formats for intermediate and advanced subjects, in particular the investigation of the actual usage of questions including “Dou” and “Donna”. We used an interview of a trainee aiming for ACTFL-OPI tester qualification. We focused on the next two points : First, the use tendency of the “question type” of the question sentence in the trainee's utterance. Second, a co-occurrence relation between ‘Dou’, ‘Donna’ and the following vocabulary. The result of the survey confirms that in “type of question”, “Questions asking for facts and information” and “yes/no questions” were used, accounting for over 60% for both intermediate and advanced grades. In “Questions asking for facts and information”, there are many cases of using “Dou, Donna questions”, and those with a high percentage of use in other types of questions are “Preface type question” and “Hypothetical questions”. Considering the vocabulary following “Dou” “Donna”, there were many questions in the form of “Donna + N” and “Dou + V”. In the type of “Donna + N”, N has a format noun, and in the type of “Dou + V”, V has many thinking verbs. 本研究はACTFL-OPI(Oral Proficiency Interview)テスター資格を目指す訓練生(以下、訓練生)のインタビュー を調査資料として、中級・上級被験者に対する質問形式、特に「どう」「どんな」類の含まれる質問(以下、「ど う・どんな質問」と称する)に着目し、その使用実態を調査したものである。被験者の効果的な発話抽出のため には、テスター側の質問が目的に応じた的確なものであることが求められる。ここでは、訓練生の発話におけ る質問文の「質問の型」の使用傾向や、「どう・どんな質問」の「どう」「どんな」などの疑問詞と、それに後続する 語彙との共起関係を中心に考察した。 調査の結果、質問文の「質問の型」において「事実や情報を求める疑問文」「『はい/いいえ』疑問文」の多用が確 認でき、中級・上級共に60%以上を占めていた。「どう・どんな質問」は、「事実や情報を求める疑問文」の中で 最も多く使用され、それ以外の「質問の型」では、「前置き型の質問」と「仮定的な質問」の使用割合が高かった。 また、「どう・どんな質問」の「どんな」「どう」などの疑問詞に後続することばをタイプ別に考察すると、「ど んな+N」と「どう+V」の形式での質問文が多かった。「どんな+N」のNには形式名詞が、「どう+V」のVには思考 動詞が多く、特に上級レベルでは複文レベルまたは段落レベルでの発話が必要となる内容説明や状況説明な どを求める際にこれらの質問を使用する傾向が見られた。

      • KCI등재

        教材作成から得られる学術および教育的視点の一例 -作文テキスト『일본어작문코칭』を例として

        MOCHIDA YUMIKO 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.57

        The purpose of this study is to considered to develop an effective Japanese textbookwithin the Korean context. In particular, the study employed an approach that is based on an analysis of “unnatural Japanese” produced by many intermediate-level learners due to the interference from their first language. The researcher used this approach to develop some new materials. At first, the researcher reviewed existing materials and monographs in the area of Japanese language and education, and found there were few studies that dealt with the issue in depth. For this reason, the researcher conducted a study and reviewed materials that have been collected at the educational site where she worked. As a result, it was found that the creation of new teaching materials was effective for Japanese language teachers. The effectiveness can be summarized as follows: 1. It was reconfirmed that the definition of words may vary between Korean and Japanese. 2.It was found that there is a difference in language use depending on the language environment of each teacher. 3.It was found that what needs to be taught varies. In this way, it was found that making teaching materials is effective not only for learners but also for teachers. For more effective study and education in the future, teachers should investigate that what learners cannot understand and why. 本研究においては韓国における日本語教材の作成に対して考察をしていった。特に学習の中級段階において顕在化する韓国語の母語干渉による不自然な日本語表現について先行研究を基に調査を行い、新たな教材の作成を目指した。本研究を通して教材作成が学習者だけではなく教師にも効果があることが明らかになったが、より実効性がある研究および教育のためには学習者が何を、またなぜ理解できないのかを探ろうとする教師側の模索こそが不可欠と言える

      • KCI등재


        MOCHIDA YUMIKO,Nakamura Yuri 한국일본어학회 2019 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        This paper categorized, aggregated, and reviewed 92 linguistics studies on apology that could be searched by "CiNii Articles". As a result, this paper reached the following seven trends and perspectives. (1) Looking at the number of papers by year of publication, it is the largest in 2005-2009 and there is a tendency to decrease gently after that. From this trend and the universality of the subject “apology”, it is unlikely that there will be a drastic increase or decrease in apology research from now on. (2) Looking at the number of papers by types of languages being studied, there are overwhelmingly many ones targeting only Japanese, followed by contrastive studies of Japanese and Chinese, Japanese and English, Japanese and Korean in order. (3) The total number of papers shows a decreasing trend. In the other hand, apology research on Japanese shows an increasing trend. (4) There are overwhelming majority of papers related to the “spoken language”, but the proportion decreases after 2015. From now on it can be expected that the research on “typing language ” will increase. (5) Overwhelming majority of studies used “actual observation” and questionnaire. In particular, “actual observation” showed a stable appearance rate. (6) As a result of aggregating about keywords, researchers could confirm the point that the fixed form expression is emphasized in the Japanese apology, the feeling of apology and gratitude are connected, in Japanese apologies it focus on guilt and the burden of the other party. Moreover, the apology were related to other politeness behaviors. (7) A part of the future tasks is survey targeting working adults and survey using corpus. 본 연구에서는 ‘CiNii Articles’에서 검색된 언어학분야의 사죄연구 총92편을 분류, 집계하여 개관하였다. 그 결과, 동향과 전망을 다음 7가지유형으로 도출하였다. (1) 발행연도별로 논문수를 보면 2005~2009년에 가장 많고, 그 후 완만한 감소 경향이 보인다. 이 경향과 ‘사죄’라는 주제의 보편성을 고려하여 앞으로 사죄연구가 가파르게 증가, 감소한다고는 생각하기 어렵다. (2) 대상언어별로 논문수를 보면 일본어만을 대상으로 한 것이 압도적으로 많고, 중일, 영일, 한일 대조연구가 그 다음으로 이어진다. 그 것을통하여 일본어에 관한 연구의 향후 가능성, 국제어로서 시장가치가 높은 영어에 대한 관심, 문화접촉의 기회가 많은 이웃 나라 언어에 대한 학술적 관심을 볼 수 있다. (3)논문 총수자체는 감소경향을 나타내는 것과는 대조적으로 일본어에 관한 사죄연구는 증가경향을 나타내며, 연구의 여지가 아직 남아 있다는 것을 가리킨다고 볼 수 있다. (4) ‘구어’, ‘문어’, ‘타어(打ちことば)’별로 논문수를 보면, 구어에 관한 논문이 전체 80%가량을 차지하고 있으나, 2015년 이후에는 그 비율이약간 감소하는 경향을 보인다. 근년 SNS가 커뮤니케이션의 중심적인 매체가 되어 있다는 것을 감안해도 앞으로는 타어(打ちことば)에 관한연구가 서서히 증가하여 그 것에 따라 구어에 관한 연구는 감소할 것으로 예상이 된다. (5) 조사방법별로 논문수를 보면 실태조사에 의한 것과 설문조사에 의한 것이 압도적으로 많고, 특히 실태조사는 계속 안정적인 출현율을 나타내고 있다. 그 것으로 앞으로도 사죄라는 언어행동의 조사방법으로서는 실태조사가 계속 주류가 될 것이 예상된다. (6) 키워드에 대해서 집계한 결과, 정형 표현이 일본어 사죄에 있어서 중요시된다는 점이나 사죄와 감사의 감각이 관련되어 있다는 점, 일본어사죄에 있어서는 죄악감이나 상대의 부담에 착목한다는 점, 사죄가 다른 배려행동과 서로 관련되어 있다는 점 등이 선행연구를 증명하는 식으로 확인되었다. (7) 조사 자료에 관해서 본 결과, 사회인을 대상으로 한 조사나, 코퍼스(corpus)를 이용한 조사가 적어, 앞으로의 과제로 제안된다.

      • KCI등재


        MOCHIDA YUMIKO,이부키사야카 한국일본어학회 2017 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.52

        The purpose of this study is to provide an effective method for teaching the sentence pattern "v-マス+ながら" to Korean native speakers who study Japanese. Japanese and Korean have many similarities, and because of this, "language transfer" or "Cross-linguistic influence" occur often. "v-マス+ながら" and "(으)면서" is one such case. Three steps were taken to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching method. First, precedent studies about "v-マス+ながら" were checked and reclassified to make them usable in the classroom. Second, the researchers delivered a lesson and conducted a test to discover the effect of "v-マス+ながら". During the lesson, which was less than one hour long, the researchers bore the following points in mind: (i) Use words that are easy to understand, and (ii) Do not use any linguistic words or concepts. Finally, the researchers undertook several simple tests to discover the educational effect. As a result, by examining the percentage of questions answered correctly, it was evident that the method has a positive effect. The examination that was conducted immediately after the class showed that the percentage of the most correctly-answered question increased by 80%. When the same test was taken exactly one month later, it was also 92%. Based on these results, it can be said that the teaching method was effective. The issue to be addressed in the future will be how to make it easy to understand momentary verbs and teach them more effectively. 本研究は、韓国人日本語学習者に対して「マス形+ながら」という文型をより効果的に教授することを目的としている。日本語と韓国語は対応する部分が多く、そのために母語転移の負の干渉が起こりやすい。「マス形+ながら」(以下「ながら」)と「(으)면서」(以下「면서」)もその一つである。 「면서」と「ながら」について先行研究を調べ、それぞれが対応しないものに関して、現場で生かしやすいように再分類・整理し、それを使用した調査兼授業を行った。調査授業は、わかりやすい言葉で、言語学的な用語や概念を用いないことに留意しつつ、全てを1時間以内で行ったが、結果は明らかであった。 当該学習項目における正答率を調査した結果、教授直後の学習者の正答率は、一番良いもので80%強の上昇をみせた。同じものが、一ヶ月後においては92%であり、指導方法は効果的であったと言っていいだろう。 今後は、正答率の成果がさほど見られなかった「瞬間動詞」という項目について如何にわかりやすくかつ効果的に教えることができるのかを考えることが課題となる。

      • KCI등재

        日本人観光客の口コミから見る日韓謝罪文化の比較 -ミスに対して「謝罪がなかった」事例から-

        MOCHIDA YUMIKO 한국일본언어문화학회 2015 일본언어문화 Vol.33 No.-

        This study analyzed for the content of the “complaints” in Korea trip by Japanese tourists, in particular, focused on their feeling as “trouble, or problem” in the customer service scenes, and the service provider’s response to it, and investigated by targeting the customer’s reviews on the internet. The writer considered the typology (classification), similarities and features focusing on “no apology” or “the way of apology”, and targeted the difference of “apology culture” between Korea and Japan for the consideration as one of the factors which cause the “complaints”. Also, the writer picked up the case that the “complaints” were resolved because of the “apology act”, and pointed out the importance of apology for Japanese customer. Through this research, the Japanese response or not is important to the South Koreans is dealing with matters that it became clear. It became clear that the importance is “whether there is one’s reaction to complaints or not” for Japanese people, on the other hand, “whether there is one’s dealing with the complaints or not” for Koreans people through this study. From the result above, the writer examined about “presence or absence of the reaction for Japanese people” and “Korean people’s unresponsive, or silence” furthermore, and expanded the target of study as far as “the silence of the Korean culture” and “the response to the apology”. .

      • KCI등재

        韓国国内における謝罪研究の動向 -日本国内との比較を通して-

        持田祐美子(Mochida Yumiko) 동아시아일본학회 2019 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.72

        본 연구에서는 국내에서 검색이 가능한 논문 중 2000년부터 2018년의 등재지 및 등재 후보지를 대상으로 사죄 관련 연구에 관한 동향을 살펴보았다. 한국의 대표적인 학술논문검색 사이트 5개(『KISS(한국 학술정보)』,『RISS(학술연구 정보서비스)』『국회도서관 논문검색 서비스』 ,『DBpia(누리미디어 -지식 컨텐츠 전문기업)』,『KCI(한국 학술지 인용 색인)』) 를 조사해서 『謝罪』『사죄』『사과』『apologizing』이라는 단어로 검색하여 나온 논문 중에서 언어학과 관련된 논문을 추출했다. 조사 결과는 아래와 같다. (1) 추출된 논문의 연대와 논문 수의 관계를 보면 계속 증가하는 경향이 보였지만 그것은 저자 중복에 의한 것이었다. 즉 논문 수는 증가했고 앞으로도 증가하겠지만 해당 분야에서 활동하는 연구자들의 동향을 보면『2005~2009』년 경에 가장 활발해지기 시작했고, 그 이후는 증가 추세가 없는 것을 알 수 있다. 이것을 감안하면 앞으로도 증가는 없을 것이라고 보여진다. (2) 조사 자료는 한일 양국의 대부분 논문들이 대학생 위주로만 진행되었다는 문제점과 코퍼스의 사용이 부족하다는 문제점이 보여졌다. 반면, 인터넷 이용 등에서 두 나라의 차이도 보여졌다. (3) 한국 논문의 키워드들을 조사한 결과, 한국 논문 키워드는 복수의 어휘를 한 단어로 묶어서 제시하는 경우가 많았다. (4) 폴라이트니스 이론으로 사죄를 논술하는 연구가 한국에서는 비교적으로 활발하게 진행되어 있다. (5) 일본어를 대상으로 한 논문이 압도적으로 많고, 한국에서 일본어에 대한 관심이 높은 것이 보여진다. (6) 영어를 사용한 논문이 비교적으로 많고, 한국에서의 [영어의 높은 시장가치]와 [영어의 특권화]가 밝혀졌다. This study outlines the trend of apology-related research in Korea. Specifically, this researcher used five representative dissertation search sites (“KISS”-Korean studies Information Service System-, “RISS”-Research Information Sharing Service-, “국회 도서관 논문검색 서비스” -search service at National Diet Library-, “DBpia” -Data Base Periodical Information Academic-, “KCI”- Korea Citation Index-) in Korea. This researcher searched with the words “사과”, “사죄”, “謝罪”, and “apologizing”, and extracted linguistic related papers among them. Moreover, the researcher limited research scope to articles from 2000 until 2018 to investigate recent studies. The results of the survey show the following: (1) By Looking at the relationship between age and number of articles, an obvious upward trend was investigated, which was due to duplication of authors. In other words, from the perspective of researchers who are active in the relevant field, research has begun to be active around “2005~2009”. (2) The survey resources have the same problems as in Japan, in which only university students are surveyed, but there was a difference in the use of the internet to research. Moreover, there was a problem that the use of the corpus was low. (3) There were many keywords in Korean papers that used particles or connected multiple words as one word. (4) In Korea, the apology research from [Politeness theory] is relatively active. (5) There are overwhelmingly many articles dealing with Japanese, which show the high interest of Japanese in Korea. (6) There are relatively many articles written in English. It is clear that “high market value of English” and “privileged of English” in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        韓国における言語景観から見る外来語受容に関する考察 ─百貨店内の店舗名に関する調査から―

        持田祐美子 ( Yumiko Mochida ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.96

        This study is an investigation about the commercial language landscape in Korea. As a result of the investigation about a store name in the department store of Korea, the next points became clear. ①In every department store, the name of the domestic brand shop has loan words (non-Korean) mainly. ②Transcription of the shop name of the Korean origin is by the alphabet mostly. ③Loan words in English are used more than 60 percent for the name of the domestic brand shop. In addition, more than 80 percent are the language of Europe and US. From the above result, the consciousness for the loan word in Korea and the height of the market value of English became clear. On the other hand, the writer considered the appointment of the model with the domestic brand affiliated with Europe and America, n addition to the adoption of the language of Europe and US. As a result, it became clear that “the feeling of European-American-like” creates sense of high-class and of extraordinary, and the adoption of the language of Europe and US and appointment for European and American model are functioning effectively for it. In addition, This researcher compared the recent trend of language landscape in Korea with the trend of Japan, and both Japan and Korea showed the same appearance regarding the adoption of loaned language. For loaned language and foreign language It turned out that “freshness stepping down(新鮮さ逓減)” was happening. At the same time, This researcher would like to pay attention to the fact that the name of the store that has Asian concept can be seen.

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