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        The Junction of Language and Culture : The Significance of Teaching Culturally Loaded English Words

        Yook,Cheong-Min 신영어영문학회 2011 신영어영문학 Vol.49 No.-

        Yook, Cheong-Min. The Junction of Language and Culture: The Significance of Teaching Culturally Loaded English Words. The New Studies of English Language & Literature 49 (2011): 253-267. This paper highlights the significance of teaching culturally loaded English words that are interpreted differently by people from different cultures. Intended to be a general discussion, the paper explores pedagogical issues related to the acquisition of culturally loaded English words in the EFL context of Korea. It first discusses what culturally loaded words are and why they should receive our attention. It then shows the scarcity of theoretical and empirical research on culturally loaded English words and how to teach them in the EFL context. The paper finally makes several suggestions for teaching culturally loaded English words in the Korean EFL context, including a suggestion to make a list of culturally loaded words and provide relevant cultural information in the textbook. (Chungnam National University)

      • KCI등재

        <최척전>에 나타난 이합(離合)의 다중구조 양상과 그 의미

        김청아 ( Cheong Ah Kim ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인문학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        <최척전(崔陟傳)>은 명종 말년에 태어나 선조·광해군·인조 대에 정치 활동을 했던 조위한(趙緯韓;1567~1649)이 1621년에 창작한 작품이다. 조위한은 현곡(玄谷), 또는 소옹(素翁)이란 호로 불렸으며 당쟁과 잦은 전란으로 인해 치열한 삶을 살았다. 이러한 질곡의 삶은 작품에 고스란히 응집되어 표현되었다. 조위한은 임진왜란을 직접 경험하였다. 그는 전란 중에 어머니와 아내, 어린 딸을 잃었다. 심지어 신혼 생활 중이던 동생의 처까지 순절하는 것을 보았다. 이산의 체험뿐 아니라 의병이 되어 왜적을 물리치는 일에도 참여하고, 또 명나라 군사들과도 교우하며 전장에서 몸으로 고통과 맞섰다. 약탈로 인한 빈곤과 기아, 포로와 이산, 여성 문제 등은 비단 현곡만이 아닌 조선의 모든 백성에게 상처로 남았다. 현실의 상처는 <최척전>에 그대로 표현되었다. 최척과 가족은 전쟁의 화를 피하기 위해 장소를 불문하고 피난생활을 하며 만남과 이별을 반복한다. 이들은 조선과 중국, 해상 등을 오가며 가족, 조선인, 타국인에 이르기까지 많은 사람들을 만난다. 이러한 만남의 양상은 사건의 도화선이 되기도 하고, 위기를 해결하는 실마리가 되기도 한다. 이에 본 논문에서는 조위한이 전란 경험을 바탕으로 창작한 <최척전>에 나타나는 이합(離合)에 주목하여 논의하였다. 먼저 2장에서는 조위한의 생애를 통해 그의 삶에 나타나는 사별(死別)과 별리(別離)의 정서를 살폈다. 3장에서는 작품의 다중구조를 통해 중첩된 이합(離合)의 양상을 분석하고, 이를 통해 작가의식을 읽어보았다. 4장에서는 <최척전>에 나타나는 이합의 문학사적 의미를 확인하였다. 작품의 이해를 높이고 그 안에 담겨 있는 작자의 의식을 읽어 내기 위해 본 논문에서 시도한 이합의 의미를 살피는 작업은 적절한 시도였다고 생각한다. 또한 조위한의 <최척전>은 임진왜란을 배경으로 주인공인 최척과 옥영의 만남과 이별, 전쟁으로 인한 가족의 이산, 민중의 고단한 삶의 여정 등을 복합적으로 그려낸 작품임을 확인할 수 있었다. Multiple-structured pattern and the meaning of meeting and separation described in Choicheok-jeon Kim, Cheong-Ah Choicheok-jeon is written by Wui-han, Jo(1567~1649) in 1621 who was born in latter years of Myeonjong`s ruling and had engaged in politic activities through Seonjo, Gwangheagun, and Injo`s ruling. His pen name was Hyeon-gok or So-ong. He had lived fiercely going through party strife and wars whose harsh experience is reflected in his book condensedly. Wui-han, Jo experienced Imjin War in which he lost his mother, wife and young daughter. Even, he had to watch his sister-in-law dying for her chastity. In addition to losing his family, he joined the volunteered civilian army and fought against Japanese enemies in battle fields together with allied troops of dynasty Meng. Poverty, famine, POW, separated families, and women`s issues from being looted at war are left as pain in all Chosun people`s mind. The pain in real life is reflected in Choicheok-jeon. Choicheok and his family were separated and back together repeatedly fleeing from the war. They encountered their family members, Chosun people, and people from the other countries while wandering everywhere from Chosun to China. Those kinds of meeting sometimes became triggers of special events or clues of resolution for them. Therefore, this thesis is mainly focusing on meeting and separation described in Choicheok-jeon written by Wui-han, Jo based on his experience of the war. First of all, In chapter 2, the sentiment of separation by death and parting in his life are spotlighted. Also, the pattern of overlapped meeting and separation is analyzed through the multiple structures in chapter 3. Furthermore, it enablesus to read the writer`s idea. Finally, the literary-historical meaning of meeting and separation described in Choicheok-jeon is verified in chapter 4. The attempt to study the meaning of meeting and separation in order to understand writer`s idea is believed to be an appropriate trial. It is concluded that Choicheok-jeon describes the meeting and separation between Choicheok and Okyoung, family separation at the war and people`s tough lives from multiple points of view during Imjin War.

      • KCI등재


        정약용 ( Yag Yong Cheong ),장정욱 ( Jang Jeong Wook ) 다산학술문화재단 2005 다산학 Vol.- No.6

        Ch`eng jiong(程逈: 沙隨, 南宋人)`s The old divination method of the Yijing(周易古占法) is based on Shao K`ang-chieh(邵康節)`s Theory of Antedates Heaven(先天論), and make reference to divinations of Ch`un-ch`iu Tso-chuan(春秋左傳) and Guoyu(國語), however his explication is very wrong, now I try to refute. 1. Ch`eng jiong(程逈): T`ai-chi(太極, the Supreme Ultimate) have no direction and no body, such is spirit(神) and principle(理). Cheong yong(丁鏞)`s refutation: T`ai-chi in the Yijing is nothing but an imitation of the Universe. 2. Ch`eng jiong: Two Symbols(兩儀) are the first lines of C`ien(乾) and K`un(坤), three counts(三變) of Da yan(大衍). Four images(四象), in the same manner, are the first and second lines of C`ien and K`un, six counts(六變) of Da yan. Cheong yong`s refutation: Liang yi(兩儀) is two symbols, not two properties. Four images are an imitation of four seasons. 3. Ch`eng jiong: The eight primary trigrams(八卦) are three lines of C`ien and K`un, nine counts(九變) of Da yan. The hexagram(重卦) is mixed double with eight primary trigrams. Cheong yong`s refutation: It is difficult to understand how such a baseless fiction could have arisen. The eight primary trigrams are eight emblem.


        Leptin Polymorphisms Associated with Carcass Traits of Meat in Korean Cattle

        Cheong, Hyun Sub,Yoon, Du-Hak,Kim, Lyoung Hyo,Park, Byung Lae,Chung, Eui Ryong,Lee, Han Ju,Cheong, Il-Cheong,Oh, Sung-Jong,Shin, Hyoung Doo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.11

        Leptin has been investigated as a candidate gene for fat characteristics in beef cattle. Previously, we have reported 57 sequence variants discovered in Korean cattle (Bos Taurus coreanae). In this study, we examined the association between polymorphisms of leptin and carcass traits (cold carcass weight (CWT) and marbling score (Marb)) in Korean cattle. Among 57 polymorphisms, 11 common polymorphic sites were genotyped in our beef cattle (n = 437). Statistical analysis revealed that one single nucleotide polymorphism in coding exon (c.+411T>C (A137A)) showed a significant association with the yield trait, CWT. The C-bearing genotypes (CC or CT) of c.+411T>C (A137A) showed the higher CWT (p = 0.006). c.+150C>G (S50S) also showed a significant association with the quality trait, Marb (p = 0.01). Our findings suggest that polymorphisms in leptin might be one of the important genetic factors that influence carcass yield and quality in beef cattle, especially in CWT and Marb.

      • KCI우수등재

        Association Analysis between Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP3) Polymorphisms and Carcass Traits in Cattle

        Cheong, Hyun Sub,Yoon, Du-Hak,Kim, Lyoung Hyo,Park, Byung Lae,Lee, Hye Won,Namgoong, Sohg,Kim, Eun Mi,Chung, Eui Ryong,Cheong, Il-Cheong,Shin, Hyoung Doo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.3

        The insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) has been investigated as a candidate gene for growth promoting effects in beef cattle and a modulator of IGF bioactivity. Previously, we have reported twenty two sequence variants discovered in Korean native cattle (Hanwoo). In this study, we examined the association between gene-specific polymorphisms of IGFBP3 and cold carcass weight (CW) and marbling score (MS) among Korean native cattle. Among twenty two polymorphisms, four common polymorphic sites (-854G>C, -100G>A, +421G>T and +3863C>A) were genotyped in our beef cattle (n = 437). Statistical analysis revealed that one common polymorphism in the promoter region (-854G>C) showed putative associations with MS (p = 0.03). IGFBP3 variation/haplotype information analyzed in this study will provide valuable information into strategies for the production of a commercial line of beef cattle.

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