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        Plasma Prolactin, Blood Metabolites and Yield and Composition of Milk during Early Lactation in Goats Following Administration of Bromocryptine

        Singh, M.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1999 Animal Bioscience Vol.12 No.4

        Six crossbred goats in their 2nd or 3rd lactation, were administered bromocryptine at 5 mg/day during early lactation of 15-20 days (period I) and thereafter again at an interval of 13 days, bromocryptine was given for 5 days (period II). Blood samples were collected before (-5, -4, -3, -2, -1) during (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and after (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5) administration of bromocryptine in both the periods of study. In period I, administration of bromocryptine resulted in a decrease in milk yield to the extent of 16..8% in comparison to before treatment, and 28.5% after the cessation of treatment. The glucose content of blood increased (p<0.01) as the milk yield decreased without any change in NEFA concentration. During period II of bromocryptine treatment the milk yields did not change in spite of a decline in prolactin level, perhaps the effect of previous treatment was prolonged. A decline in protein and lactose content of milk after bromocryptine treatment in both the periods of study, when prolactin level also declined suggests a role of prolactin in protein synthesis and also a depressing effect on lactose synthesis.


        Influence of Stages of Lactation, Parity and Season on Somatic Cell Counts in Cows

        Singh, Mahendra,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.12

        The study was undertaken to find out the normal mean and variations in somatic cell count (SCC) of milk in crossbred and indigenous cows as influenced by stage of lactation, parity and season. On day of milk sampling the udders were tested for mastitis by California Mastitis Test (CMT). Only those cows, which were found negative in the CMT, were taken in the study. Paritywise differences in SCC were not significant between the 1st to 6th lactation and above. Similarly, stage of lactation effect, when tested at 30 day intervals, did not differ significantly. However, the seasons significantly (p<0.05) affected SCC count of milk. The SCC was lower during cold ($1.10{\times}10^5cells/ml$) and hot-dry ($1.11{\times}10^5cells/ml$) season then during hot-humid season ($2.14{\times}10^5cells/ml$). On an average SCC recorded were 1.26, 1.31, 1.54 and $1.61{\times}10^5$ cells per ml respectively in Tharparkar, Sahiwal, Karan Swiss and Karan Fries cows irrespective of stage of lactation, parity and season. Further, crossbred Karan Swiss and Karan Fries cows behave similar to the indigenous Tharparkar and Sahiwal cows but are more vulnerable to hot-humid climate then indigenous ones. Significant correlation between the SCC and milk yield during different stages of lactation (1.38 to $1.74{\times}10^5cells/ml$) and parity (1.47 to $1.63{\times}10^5cells/ml$) suggested that the SCC/ml of milk was higher during the later stages of lactation.


        Milk Production, Blood Metabolites and Circulatory Levels of Hormones in Crossbred Goats

        Singh, Mahendra,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.7

        Eighteen crossbred goats were selected from the Institute's goat herd to determine the changes in hormones, blood metabolites and yield and composition of milk during lactation. The blood and milk samples were collected from each goat in a heparinized vacutainer tubes at fortnightly interval for a period of 150 days. In milk samples, fat, protein and lactose contents were estimated while in blood plasma hormones viz., prolactin, GH, cortisol, insulin, $T_4$ and $T_3$ were measured using radioimmunoassay methods. The plasma concentration of prolactin, GH and cortisol were high during early lactation when the goats acquired peak milk yield. During remainder of lactation their concentration varied. The high NEFA concentration during early lactation indicated mobilization of body reserves as the body weights also decrease during early lactation. However, with the advancement of lactation, the body weights of the goats and the concentration of NEFA declined which indicated utilization of NEFA for energy yielding purposes in addition to fatty acid synthesis. The ambient temperatures did not influence plasma concentration of prolactin, GH, insulin, $T_3$ and $T_4$ during the lactation cycle. The fat content of milk varied significantly (p<0.01) but protein and lactose content of milk remains unchanged during different stages of lactation. Growth hormone was positively correlated with insulin (p<0.05) during lactation while prolactin had a positive correlation with lactose and plasma NEFA (p<0.01) and negative correlation with $T_3$ (p<0.05).


        Somatic Cell Counts in Marrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) During Different Stages of Lactation, Parity and Season

        Singh, Mahendra,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.2

        This study was initiated in an effort to determine the normal mean and variations of the somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of buffaloes as influenced by the milking time, stage of lactation, parity and season. The buffaloes were hand milked at 13 and 11 h. interval during evening and morning respectively. On the day of milk sampling the udders were tested for mastitis by California Mastitis Test (CMT). Only those buffaloes, which were found negative in the CMT, were included in the sampling plan. The mean values for morning and evening were 1.09 (range 0.39-1.76) and $0.97(range\;0.57-2.46){\times}10^5cells/ml$, respectively which did not differ significantly. When data of the morning and evening values was compared on the basis of total cell secretion in milk, even then there was no statistical difference between the morning and the evening values, thereby suggesting that no diurnal variation existed in SCC of milk. Paritywise differences were not significant between the 1st to 5th lactation and above. Similarly stage of lactation effect, when tested at 30 day intervals, did not differ significantly. Significant (p<0.05) correlation coefficients (r) between SCC and milk yield during different stages of lactation and parity suggested that SCC per ml of milk was higher during the later stages of lactation. SCC was higher in primiparous than in multiparous buffaloes. On an average the SCC recorded was $1.0{\times}10^5cells/ml$ of milk irrespective of time of milking, parity and stages of lactation. The SCC was low during cold and hot-dry season but were high during the hot-humid season (p<0.05), the respective values being 0.76, 1.08 and $1.35{\times}10^5cells/ml$. These values were lower than the SCC already reported in cows suggesting less stressful condition of the udder of buffaloes in this study.



        Jindal, S.K.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1994 Animal Bioscience Vol.7 No.2

        To study the relationship between certain hormones and metabolites and between hormones and milk yield during different stage of lactation, six lactating Karan Swiss cows and six Murrah buffaloes were maintained. Growth hormone, insulin, $T_3$, $T_4$, glucose, BHBA, NEFA and milk yield were studied. Highly negative relationship of growth hormone with insulin and triiodothyronine in cows and marginally negative in buffaloes suggest that insulin and triiodothyronine aid in the process of partitioning of nutrients towards milk production through reducing the demands of nutrients by peripheral tissue. The significant and negative correlation of growth hormone with dry matter intake in both the species suggest that the availability of nutrients from the digestive tract play a role in the regulation of growth hormone secretion. Positive relationship of growth hormone with non esterified fatty acids in both the species suggest that high growth hormone levels may result in fat mobilization and thereby increase the availability of energy precursors for milk synthesis. Insulin was negatively correlated with milk yield and lactose content and positively with milk fat and protein but the degree of relationship varied. In both the species the relationship between triiodothyronine and milk yield was negative and between thyroxine and milk yield was positive. However, it was significant only in cows and not in buffaloes. Thyroxine was positively correlated with beta-hydroxybutyrate and non-esterified fatty acids with milk yield in both the species.


        Hormonal Profiles during Periparturient Period in Single and Twin Fetus Bearing Goats

        Khan, J.R.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.3

        The effect of fetal number (single or twin) on plasma concentrations of progesterone, estradiol $17{\beta}$, cortisol, prolactin, growth hormone, triiodothyronine, thyroxine and insulin around parturition (periparturient period) were studied on ten $Alpine{\times}Beetle$ crossbred goats in their first to third lactation. The hormone profiles were studied on days -20, -15, -10, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1 prior to kidding and on day 0 and +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +10, +15, +20 days postkidding. Plasma progesterone levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in twin bearing goats comparison to single bearing goats during all the days of sampling. The decline in progesterone concentration from day 20 to day 1 before kidding was 56% in twin and 42% in single bearing goats. In single bearing goats plasma estradiol $17{\beta}$ was significantly (p<0.01) higher during prekidding days compared to twin bearing goats. The level of estradiol $17{\beta}$ was highest on the day of kidding in both the groups. The plasma prolactin level in twin bearing goats from day 10 to day 1 prepartum was higher as compared to single fetus bearing goats. However there was abrupt increase in prolactin level on the day of kidding in both the groups. The plasma growth hormone levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in twin compared to single bearing goats. On the day of kidding growth hormone levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in twin as compared to single bearing goats (1.40 vs. 0.95 ng/ml). In twin bearing goats plasma cortisol values from day 5 till the day of kidding remained elevated and the levels on the day of kidding was significantly highest in both the groups. The levels of triiodothyronine ($T_3$) were significantly higher (p<0.01) during all the periods of sampling in single compared to twin bearing goats. Plasma thyroxine ($T_4$) was significantly (p<0.01) lower in twin compared to single bearing goats. In single bearing goats plasma insulin levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher than twin bearing goats during prepartum period however during post partum period the levels in both the groups remained similar. It can be concluded that number of fetuses is having significant influence on the hormone profile during periparturient period.


        Changes in Maternal Blood Glucose and Plasma Non-Esterified Fatty Acid during Pregnancy and around Parturition in Twin and Single Fetus Bearing Crossbred Goats

        Khan, J.R.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.4

        The effects of fetal number (single or twin) on blood glucose and plasma NEFA during pregnancy and around parturition were studied on ten Alpine ${\times}$ Beetal crossbred goats in their first to third lactation. The animals were divided in-groups 1(carrying single fetus, n=4) and 2(twin fetus, n=6). The samples were drawn on day1 after estrus and then at 14 days interval (fortnight) for 10 fortnights. Around parturition the samples were taken on days -20, -15, -10, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1 prior to kidding and on day 0 and +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +10, +15, +20 days post kidding. In twin bearing goats the blood glucose concentration continued to increase from 1st until 4th fortnight and thereafter gradually decline from 5th upto 8th fortnight. In single bearing goats there was increase in levels from 2nd upto 4th fortnight and thereafter it declined from 5th uptill 9th fortnight. The difference in sampling interval was highly significant (p<0.01) in both the groups. However the values were higher in single than in twin bearing goats. The plasma NEFA concentration was low in both the groups' upto 4th fortnight and thereafter it is continuously increased upto 9th fortnight. During prepartum period the blood glucose was higher in single than in twin bearing goats. The values were minimum on the day of kidding in both the groups. During postpartum period the values were significantly (p<0.01) higher in twin than in single fetus bearing goats. The plasma NEFA was significantly (p<0.05) higher in twin than in single fetus bearing goats. The blood glucose and plasma NEFA concentration can be used as index of nutritional status during pregnancy and around parturition in goats.


        A Study on the Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Buffalo Mammary Gland

        Dang, A.K.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.1

        Scanning Electron Microscopy of twelve lactating buffalo mammary gland was done. The lactating mammary gland showed alveolus, arrangement of blood vessels and myoepithelial cells on the alveolus, the formation of lobules and interlobular connective tissue. From the exposed alveolar lumen fat globule formation can be seen which is still attached to the alveolar surface by microvilli. This technique should further be extended to study the alveolar structure in detail during different stages of mammary gland development in buffaloes.



        Jindal, S.K.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1990 Animal Bioscience Vol.3 No.4

        The studies were conducted on 12 lactating animals comprising of six Karan Swiss (KS) cows and six Murrah buffaloes in second and third lactation. At the start of experiment the cows had completed on an average 51 days in lactation and were yielding an average of 15.1 kg milk a day. The buffaloes had completed 53 days in lactation and were yielding an average of 11.6 kg milk a day. At fortnightly intervals jugular blood samples were drawn at morning, noon, evening and night hours. Plasma growth hormone concentrations were highest during morning and thereafter decreased. In both the species there was a definite trend in the change of growth hormone concentrations during the day. In general growth hormone concentration decreased as the stage of lactation advanced. The overall average values of plasma growth hormone in cows and buffaloes were 2.95 and 2.48 ng/ml which were not statistically different. With the advancing lactation, the decline in milk yields in both the species was positively correlated with the growth hormone concentrations.



        Jindal, S.K.,Ludri, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1993 Animal Bioscience Vol.6 No.4

        Six lactating crossbred cows and six Murrah buffaloes, maintained under similar conditions of feeding and management were studied for body composition by the antipyrine dilution technique. Measurements were made at the start of the experiment when the animals had completed about 50 days in lactation and thereafter at monthly intervals up to 90 days of the experimental period. The percent body water estimates in both species at different time intervals did not change significantly. Percent body fat and protein content also remained unchanged. The correlation coefficient between body composition parameters and various hormones (growth hormone, insulin, $T_3$ and $T_4$) were generally low and non-significant. It was concluded that body composition studies using body water are not sufficiently sensitive to predict changes in body composition of lactating cows and buffaloes and/or the changes in body composition during lactation are not very drastic.

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