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        Change in Care Dependency of Stroke Patients: A Longitudinal and Multicenter Study

        Nursiswati Nursiswati,Ruud J.G. Halfens,Christa Lohrmann 한국간호과학회 2017 Asian Nursing Research Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: The study was conducted to investigate the change of care dependency in stroke patients from inpatient wards and outpatient units in Indonesia. Methods: This study is longitudinal and multicentered. One hundred and nine patients were included from four hospitals on the island of Java. Care dependency was assessed using the Indonesian version of the 15-item Care Dependency Scale (CDS) at five points in time: at inpatient wards for admission and discharge and at outpatient units after discharge in the 1st week, the 5th week, and the 13th week. Results: Most of the patients were male (65.1%), and diagnosed with ischemic stroke (71.5%). The results showed that care dependency in stroke patients decreased significantly from admission to discharge, as well as from the 5th to the 13th week as measured by the CDS. At admission, 23.0% of the patients were completely dependent on care, and at the 13th week about 1.0% were. Patients' care dependency decreased significantly in all care dependency items of the CDS in the inpatient ward, but five care dependency items of the CDS did not significantly decrease in the outpatient unit. Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study,we recommend that hospital-based andcommunity-based services should include continual care dependence monitoring using this comprehensive instrument. Care dependency is subject to change over time, therefore nurses have to plan and tailor adequate nursing care measures to patient needs in the different stages, especially with respect to the aspect of mobility.

      • Binge drinking and drinking and driving among South Korean international college students in the USA

        Sa, J,Seo, D-C,Nelson, TF,Lohrmann, DK,Ellis, NT SAGE Publications 2015 HEALTH EDUCATION JOURNAL Vol.74 No.1

        <P><B>Objective:</B></P><P>To investigate two risky behaviours (i.e. binge drinking and drinking and driving) and their individual- and college-level correlates among South Korean international college students in the USA</P><P><B>Design:</B></P><P>Cross-sectional online survey (student response rate = 41.6%).</P><P><B>Setting:</B></P><P>South Korean college students (<I>N</I> = 1201) were recruited from 52 different four-year universities in the USA in 2009.</P><P><B>Method:</B></P><P>Self-reported binge drinking, drinking and driving, smoking, study-related stress, life dissatisfaction, region lived in, and type of university attended, were assessed using already-validated instruments.</P><P><B>Results:</B></P><P>A total of 92% of the sample reported at least one occasion of binge drinking in the previous 30 days. Among those who had driven a motor vehicle in the previous 30 days (<I>n</I> = 950; 79% of the overall sample), 67% had engaged in drinking and driving. Students’ binge drinking was positively associated with current cigarette use and higher levels of life dissatisfaction at college and study-related stress. Students’ drinking and driving was also positively associated with higher levels of life dissatisfaction at college and study-related stress. These relationships were stronger among students attending private institutions than among those attending public institutions. While both college-level correlates (university region and university type) were significantly associated with drinking and driving, none of the college-level correlates were significant in the binge drinking models.</P><P><B>Conclusion:</B></P><P>A very high proportion of South Korean international students attending colleges in the USA appear to engage in binge drinking and drinking and driving. Development of intervention programmes designed specifically for them is necessary.</P>

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