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      • Media Technologies In The Educational Space: The Formation Of Intellectual Independence

        Parshukova, Lesia,Loboda, Olga,Maha, Petro,Solomenko, Lina,Svanidze, Lia,Levytskyi, Volodymyr International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.12

        The article examines the process of professional training in educational institutions, media technologies and methods of media communication in the educational space of the institution, characterizes the place of media technologies in the educational space in the context of the term "educational space" itself, systematizes the methods of media communications in education. The peculiarities of media education as a set of means and methods of teaching young people adequate media perception are pointed out.

      • Improving the Professional Competence of a Specialist in Poland by Implementing Multimedia Technologies

        Kravchenko, Tetiana,Varga, Lesia,Lypchanko-Kovachyk, Oksana,Chinchoy, Alexander,Yevtushenko, Nataliia,Syladii, Ivan,Kuchai, Oleksandr International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.9

        The article emphasizes the features of the modern education system in Poland, reveals the peculiarities of improving the professional competence of a specialist in Poland through the implementation of multimedia technologies. Various forms of innovations implemented in improving the professional competence of a specialist are listed: improvement (rationalization), modernization, innovation. The forms of professional improvement through the introduction of computer technologies in general and multimedia technologies, in particular, primarily include various professional courses, qualification, preparatory, methodological conferences, seminars, postgraduate studies, foreign and state internships. At the same time, the main direction is self-education. The subject of professional improvement in the application of computer technologies by specialists is the updating of existing knowledge, exchange of professional experience, planning, as well as discussion of innovative works in which specialists participate. Professional growth of specialists can occur both during work and in higher education institutions during their studies. Modernization of computer technologies, especially multimedia ones, is a necessary condition for the functioning of specialists in modern society, since specialists are at the center of the educational process, during the improvement of professional competence. The main functions of the educational process necessary for improving the professional competence of specialists through the implementation of multimedia technologies are revealed. These functions not only contribute to the professional improvement of specialists, but also affect their solutions and optimize the maintenance of contacts between specialists. The importance of creating conditions that are consistent with the modern needs of innovative education is emphasized.

      • Characteristics of the Problems of Socio-Economic Development in the Conditions of Digital Economy

        Medynska, Tetyana,Sai, Lesia,Akimkin, Oleksandr,Kruchak, Liudmyla,Doroshenko, Tetiana International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.2

        The main purpose of the study is to determine the main aspects of the problem of socio-economic development in the conditions of the digital economy. The post-industrial era is characterized by the development of the electronic environment and the transition to an information civilization. In this regard, the developed countries of the world pay considerable attention to the development of the digital economy. However, there are a significant number of problems associated with this process. The country cannot be successful in the development of the digital economy in the absence of the necessary legal framework, an economic development strategy based on digital technologies. The research methodology involves the use of several theoretical methods for analyzing and synthesizing information. As a result of the study, the key problems of socio-economic development in the digital economy were characterized.

      • Formation of the Digital Generation in a Distance Learning Environment

        Nataliіa, Levchenko,Nataliia, Sukhostavets,Lesia, Zelman,Alla, Kulichenko,Kseniia, Balabanova International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.5

        This article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of the digital generation in a distance learning environment. With the introduction of quarantine due to the spread of COVID-19, opponents of digital technologies were forced to turn to relevant resources, while supporters identified new opportunities for the development of didactics and education in general. The irreversibility of the former educational reality became apparent and only the scale of the vision of potential change by interested and disinterested groups differed. Using a comprehensive approach, the authors consider the issues related to the direct and indirect impact of distance learning on children and young people born after the beginning of the XXI century. The article reveals the prerequisites and implications of distance education for the interaction of participants in the educational process. IC technologies during the educational process in the primary grades, in addition to identifying the student's learning deficit, should provide the transmission of non-verbal signals, which are important for children of this age. At the same time in the secondary school IR-technologies are designed to replace frontal learning during the assimilation of knowledge and at the same time not to worsen the quality of the educational process. Formation of students in the HEI takes place in the political science format, constant discussion of problem situations, so the task of introducing IC technology in this process is the accurate transfer of the content of the discussions. Individualization and autonomization of the educational process, its dependence on the results of the choice of educational content, and the use of pedagogical management tools change the philosophy of education for children and youth. The authors conclude that the formation of a digital generation, characterized by an increased level of digital literacy of children and youth, the possession of a certain level of digital capacity requires the use of strategies aimed at optimizing the learning process in a digital educational environment.

      • Professional Mobility as a Factor of Professional Success of a Modern Specialist in the Conditions of Distance Learning

        Semchuk, Bohdan,Havryliuk, Svitlana,Karnaukh, Lesia,Balakirieva, Viktoriia,Palshkova, Iryna,Leonova, Veronika,Bida, Olena International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.8

        The article considers the training, competitiveness of specialists, professional mobility, professionalism and competence of specialists in the context of distance learning. The advantages of distance learning are shown. The characteristic features of distance learning in the preparation of students and in the implementation of these technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions are determined. Competitiveness, professional mobility, professionalism and competence of a specialist are qualities that determine a person's life and work success. Professional mobility is interpreted as a systemic quality of a specialist's personality, which includes a whole range of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities, value orientations, and so on. The vision of mobility of specialists by foreign scientists is presented. It is noted that the classification of professional mobility presented in the article makes it possible to organize various movements from a single position, to present them as separate manifestations of the general process of professional and pedagogical mobility, to determine which type of mobility ensures the performance of certain social functions. It was found that mobility can be differentiated into differentiated and intergeneration. According to the subject, individual and group mobility are distinguished; according to the direction - internal and external. The classification of employees according to their attitude to mobility is shown, which can be divided into the following groups: actually mobile; potentially mobile; actually stable; potentially stable.

      • Value Complexity of Virtual Communities and Information Security in the Postmodern World: Semantic Focus and Language Innovations

        Khrypko, Svitlana,ALEKSANDROVA, Olena,Stoliarchuk, lesia,Ishchuk, Olena,OBLOVA, Liudmyla,Pavlovska, Olena,Andrii, Bezuhlyi International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.spc12

        Virtual communities are studied to analyze their characteristic features, types, and tole to modern society. The article is aimed at creating a classification of virtual communities according to specific characteristics, which can be used to model the interaction, and necessity of components that are important for the community. The classification of virtual communities will contribute to their better performance and satisfy the users' needs in information. The study reveals the value structure of virtual communities, educational and communicative influence, and the possible threats these communities may bring to society and security.

      • Value Complexity of Virtual Communities and Information Security in the Postmodern World: Semantic Focus and Language Innovations

        Khrypko, Svitlana,ALEKSANDROVA, Olena,Stoliarchuk, lesia,Ishchuk, Olena,OBLOVA, Liudmyla,Pavlovska, Olena,Andrii, Bezuhlyi International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.12

        Virtual communities are studied to analyze their characteristic features, types, and tole to modern society. The article is aimed at creating a classification of virtual communities according to specific characteristics, which can be used to model the interaction, and necessity of components that are important for the community. The classification of virtual communities will contribute to their better performance and satisfy the users' needs in information. The study reveals the value structure of virtual communities, educational and communicative influence, and the possible threats these communities may bring to society and security.

      • Organizational-Economic Mechanism of the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Modern Conditions

        Ivanko, Anatolii,Vasylenko, Nataliia,Bushovska, Lesia,Makedon, Halyna,Dvornyk, Inna International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.2

        The main purpose of this study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of the agro-industrial complex in modern conditions. Organizational and economic mechanism is presented as a complex organizational structure of the system type, which is aimed at performing specific functions, the characteristic feature of which is the constant support of process changes without which the organizational and economic mechanism can not exist. There are four components of the agro-industrial complex, represented by agriculture and the national economy, which ensure its operation, including industry, processing of agricultural products, its storage and transportation, sale and repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and more. It is proved that the organizational and economic mechanism of development of agro-industrial complex in modern conditions it is expedient to consider: from the point of view of system and process approaches; as a set of economic levers and organizational measures to influence the agro-industrial complex; constituent components of organizational influence on the development of the complex; a set of components, elements that are integrated into the system of economic relations of the subjects of the agro-industrial complex; a set of purposeful stimulators of agro-industrial complex development. The functions of the organizational component of the mechanism of agro-industrial complex include: redistributive, planning, interaction, control, integration and regulatory functions, the functions of the economic component include consumer, investment and innovation, social, incentive, monitoring functions of the mechanism. The symbiosis of the functions of organizational and economic components ensure the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of the organizational and economic mechanism through its functionalities as a whole.

      • Paradigm of the Transformation of Potential-Forming Space Under the Impact of Intellectual-Innovation Determinants

        Khanin, Semen,Derhaliuk, Marta,Stavroyany, Serhii,Kudlasevych, Olga,Didkivska, Lesia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.1

        The article examines the formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. Based on the study of different scientific views on the nature and properties of potential-forming space through the study of approaches to understanding the concept of "space" clarified the complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon and found that its characteristics are relevant to the industrial development model. It is revealed that the leading modern trends related to the spread of globalization and regionalization, rapid development of information and communication technologies, diffusion of innovations accompany the transition from industrial to post-industrial development and its development, which leads to new development: changes production, nature and relations between business entities, etc. It is proved that under such conditions, the region as a key element of the economic system, acquires a leading role in achieving sustainable and balanced development. These processes significantly affect the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants, leading to the need for its transformation and change in accordance with modern realities, which is reflected in thorough research on the formation of scientific paradigm based on the formation of its theoretical foundations and methodological basis. This study reveals the essence, role, functions, structure, process of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. It is proved that the formation of the modern scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants occurs in the context of building a post-industrial model of development, accompanied by consideration of the region as a spatial object territories from the physical plane to the spatial environment in which the development of human capital, innovation and self-development of the region. Taking into account the above, the article outlines the prerequisites and factors of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants.

      • Pedagogical Analysis Of The Phenomenon Of Digital Competence

        Yovenko, Larysa,Novakivska, Lyudmyla,Sanivskyi, Oleksandr,Sherman, Mykhailo,Vysochan, Lesia,Hnedko, Natalia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.6

        The article analyzes and concretizes the understanding of the differences between the concepts of competence / competence according to the criterion general - personal. Based on the identified characteristics of competence (completed personal quality, activity character, educational result, successful implementation of professional and educational activities), the concept of competence as an integrative dynamic quality of a person, manifested in effective activity in a specific area, is defined. The structure of the IC has been substantiated, including motivational and value; information technology; communicative and reflective components. The content of the named IC components is disclosed. The article analyzes the essence of the characteristics of basic concepts (competence / competence), consideration of information competence in the research of famous scientists in order to concretize the studied phenomenon; concretization of the identified pedagogical conditions in educational process.

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