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        수능 영어 절대평가 도입 전후의 대학영어교육 변화 추세에 대한 연구

        이용원 ( Yong-won Lee ),정한별 ( Hanbyul Jung ),양영유 ( Youngyu Yang ),이종우 ( Jong-woo Lee ),배현 ( Hyun Pae ) 한국영어영문학회 2020 영어 영문학 Vol.66 No.4

        In recent years, the English section of the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test (KCSAT English) has undergone significant changes, including the introduction of the “jeoldaepyeongga” (or absolute grading, AG) system. Given the considerable span of time that has passed since the implementation of the AG system, there is an urgent need to investigate the intended and unintended consequences of this system for English education, particularly at college/university levels. With this as background, the purposes of the current study are to collect data that can show the changing trends in college English education in pre- and post-implementation years of jeoldaepyeongga and to examine whether there are any noteworthy patterns of changes that can be linked to the “jeoldaepyeongga” implementation. Analyses of quantitative and qualitative data provided some meaningful results. First, test score data revealed that the percentages of test takers who achieved higher score bands increased in post-implementation years while those who achieved lower ones decreased. Second, the percentage of first-year students attaining the highest score band (Band 1) at a selected national university declined whereas those achieving Score Bands 2, 3, and 4 rose. Third, a college instructor survey showed that instructors of general English courses in colleges are pessimistic about the future of English education in Korea and identify the implementation of the jeoldaepyeongga system to be a prime reason for the diminished status, and gloomy future, of English education. Finally, a focus group interview provided some new insights. Implications of these findings are discussed along with future directions for further investigation.

      • KCI등재

        A continuum mechanics based 3-D beam finite element with warping displacements and its modeling capabilities

        윤경호,Youngyu Lee,이필승 국제구조공학회 2012 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.43 No.4

        In this paper, we propose a continuum mechanics based 3-D beam finite element with crosssectional discretization allowing for warping displacements. The beam element is directly derived from the assemblage of 3-D solid elements, and this approach results in inherently advanced modeling capabilities of the beam element. In the beam formulation, warping is fully coupled with bending, shearing, and stretching. Consequently, the proposed beam elements can consider free and constrained warping conditions, eccentricities, curved geometries, varying sections, as well as arbitrary cross-sections (including thin/thick-walled, open/closed, and single/multi-cell cross-sections). We then study the modeling and predictive capabilities of the beam elements in twisting beam problems according to geometries, boundary conditions, and cross-sectional meshes. The results are compared with reference solutions obtained by analytical methods and solid and shell finite element models. Excellent modeling capabilities and solution accuracy of the proposed beam element are observed.

      • KCI등재

        한국 언론의 범죄보도 무엇이 문제인가? : 사건기자와 범죄뉴스 모니터 집단 심층인터뷰를 통해

        양영유(Youngyu Yang),이완수(Wansoo Lee) 한국언론정보학회 2020 한국언론정보학보 Vol.104 No.-

        범죄뉴스는 기자들의 주요한 보도영역이면서, 동시에 뉴스 소비자들의 범죄현실 인식에 직접적으로 영향을 미친다. 우리는 사건기자 집단과 뉴스 모니터 전문가 집단이 범죄뉴스에 대해 어떤 인식과 평가, 그리고 시각을 갖고 있는지 살펴보기 위해 이들 집단을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 실시했다. 그 결과, 사건기자들과 뉴스 소비자 집단은 국내 범죄뉴스가 대체적으로 선정적·폭력적·자극적이라는 데 의견을 같이했지만, 보도 관행과 절차에 대해서는 인식 차이가 있었다. 사건기자들은 언론사의 특종과 속보 경쟁, 위계질서에 따른 취재, 디지털 환경에서의 ‘클릭 수 올리기’, 그리고 유명무실한 보도준칙 등을 범죄보도의 문제점으로 꼽았다. 기자들은 이런 요인들로 인해 언론이 사실 중심의 객관적인 보도를 통해 범죄환경을 감시해야 할 저널리즘의 사명에 소홀하다고 자평했다. 반면에 뉴스 소비자 집단은 언론이 상업적인 이유로 보도규범을 외면하고 있으며, 성급하고 과도하게 부정확한 뉴스를 보도함으로써 피의자와 피해자의 인권을 침해하며, 사회적 불안감을 증폭시키는 등 사회적 공기(公器) 역할에 소홀하다고 평가했다. 본 연구는 내용분석 중심의 기존 범죄뉴스 연구와는 달리 뉴스 생산자와 소비자들을 대상으로 범죄보도 현장의 문제점을 의견 청취했다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 우리는 범죄뉴스 개선 방안으로 언론 내부 게이트키핑 강화, 클릭 저널리즘의 정화, 모니터링 시스템 강화, 자율적인 보도준칙 제정 등을 제안하였다. Crime news is a major reporting area of reporters, and it directly affects the perception of crime reality of news consumers. We conducted in-depth interviews with the group of reporters and news monitors to see what perceptions, evaluations, and perspectives they have on crime news. As a result, the crime reporters and the crime news consuming group agreed that domestic crime news was generally sensational, violent, and stimulating, but there was a difference in perception about reporting practices and procedures. Crime reporters cited scoops and breaking news competitions between media companies, coverage according to hierarchical order, “increasing the number of clicks” in a digital environment, and poorly known reporting rules as problems of criminal reporting. Reporters self-confessed that due to these factors, the media neglected the mission of journalism to monitor the criminal environment through objective reporting. On the other hand, the news consuming group evaluated the media neglects the role of a public device by ignoring the reporting standards for commercial reasons, violating the human rights of the suspects and victims by reporting impatiently and excessively inaccurate news, and amplifying social anxiety. This study is meaningful in that, unlike existing crime news studies centered on content analysis, news producers and consumers heard opinions about the problems of crime reporting scenes. As a measure to improve crime news, we proposed strengthening internal gate-keeping in the media, purifying click journalism, strengthening the monitoring system, and establishing autonomous reporting rules.


        A continuum mechanics based 3-D beam finite element with warping displacements and its modeling capabilities

        Yoon, Kyungho,Lee, Youngyu,Lee, Phill-Seung Techno-Press 2012 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.43 No.4

        In this paper, we propose a continuum mechanics based 3-D beam finite element with cross-sectional discretization allowing for warping displacements. The beam element is directly derived from the assemblage of 3-D solid elements, and this approach results in inherently advanced modeling capabilities of the beam element. In the beam formulation, warping is fully coupled with bending, shearing, and stretching. Consequently, the proposed beam elements can consider free and constrained warping conditions, eccentricities, curved geometries, varying sections, as well as arbitrary cross-sections (including thin/thick-walled, open/closed, and single/multi-cell cross-sections). We then study the modeling and predictive capabilities of the beam elements in twisting beam problems according to geometries, boundary conditions, and cross-sectional meshes. The results are compared with reference solutions obtained by analytical methods and solid and shell finite element models. Excellent modeling capabilities and solution accuracy of the proposed beam element are observed.

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