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      • KCI등재

        유착태반의 보존적 치료법에 속발된 감염증

        이경림(KR Lee),노일병(IB Roh),이승호(SH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.24 No.6

        이 보고는 4례의 각종 유착태반의 임상경험을 다루었고, 특히 그 치료와 합병증에 대한 검 토를 세밀히 하였다. 이 증례들에 실시한 치료법을 면밀히 검토한 결과, 자궁의 보존적료법 으로 용수박리가 시도되었던 2예에서는 태반 및 자궁에 감염증이 인정되었다. 저자들은 유 착태반의 최선의 치료법은 진단직후 자궁적출술이라고 강조하였다. 끝으로 이 증례들의 병리학적 검사를 해주신 고려병원 병리과 이 중달 과장남께 감사를 드 립니다. The report dealt with the clinical course of 4 cases with placenata accreta in various grades of incretion. Evaluation of the mode of treatment applied to each patient and subsquent prognosis had been described in detail. Two of 4 patients who received manual removal of the accreted placenta as a conservative treatment showed acute suppurative inflammation of the placenta and uterine wall. The remaining two patients who received immediate hysterectomy after the diagnosis of placenta accreta became clear had no evidence of infection in the placenta or uterine wall. Authors emphasized that immediate hysterectomy was the best mode of management for placenta accreta in terms of preventation of unexpected complications such as fetal bleeding and serious infection.

      • KCI등재

        남성가성반음양의 2예

        주권량(KR Joo),이승철(SC Lee),이필한(PH Lee),신희철(HC Shin),이진용(JY Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.8

        신환성 여성화 증후군은 남성가성반음양의 유전적인 변체로써 표현형이 정상여성이며, 음모 혹은 액와모가 없거나 소수이고 자궁은 없다.그러나 조직학적으로 하강되지 아니한 신환과 유사한 신환을 가지고 있으며 유전학적으로는 남성이다.신환성 퇴행화 증후군은 유전학적으로는 남성이나, 신환의 손상된 시기에 따라 외성기와 내성기가 다양하게 나타난다. 금번 저자들은 신환성 여성화 증후군 1예와 신환성 퇴행화 증후군 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하였다. Testicular feminization is a hereditary variant of male pseudohermaphroditism manifested in phenotypically normal female with sparse or absent pubic and axillary hair; the absence of the uterus; presence of gonads that are histologically like undescended testis and genetically male sex chromosome. Testicular regression syndrome is genetically male and shows variable abnormalitis of genital development according to the stages of testicular damage. Two cases of male pseudohermaphroditism are presented with brief review of literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신초기 및 임신말기의 인체 태반에서 β-아드레날린성 수용체의 비교

        조경란(KR Cho),신종철(JC Shin),한구택(GT Han),이종건(CK Lee),김수평(SP Kim),이헌영(HY Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.9

        A β-adrenergic receptor may be important in the placenta for mediating a variety of metabolic and hemodynamic effects of catecholamines including placental hormone synthesis and secretion, placental glycogenolysis and placental blood flow. To characterize the β- adrenergic receptor in human placenta of early & term pregnancy, we have used the [125I] Iodocyanopindolol, radioligand with high specific activity and high affinity. 13 placentas from early stage of pregnancy and 15 placentas at term were otained immediately after delivery. The placental membrane particulates were prepared by mechanical homogenization and centrifugation. β-adrenergic binding assays were performed in 0.25 ml of Tris-Magnesium Chloride at pH 7.4 which contained particulate at protein concentration from 200μg/ml to 300μg/ml and [125I] ICYP at concentrations from 6.25 to 600 pmol/L with or without 0.1mmol/L isoproterenol. After incubation at 300C for 60minutes, the reaction was stopped and the samples were filtered over Whatman GF/C filters. The filters were dried and then counted in γ-counter. Saturation experiments were analyzed by a nonlinear curve-fitting program prepared for computer. The results were as follows; 1. The dissociation constant (Kd) and receptor concentration (Bmax) were 161±117 pM and 141± 134 fmol/mg protein respectively in human placenta from early pregnancy. 2. The dissociation constant (Kd) and receptor concentration (Bmax) were 110±55pM and 330±107 fmol/mg protein respectively in human placenta from normal term pregnancy. In conclusion, the human placenta is relatively rich in β-adrenergic receptors. And receptor concentration of the human placenta from term pregnancy increased significantly compared with those from early pregnancy.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        미세난관복원수술 후 누적 임신율에 관한 임상적 고찰

        이문섭(MS Lee),궁미경(MK Koong),함경렬(KR Ham),현우영(WY Hyun),유근재(KJ Yoo),송지홍(JH Song),홍수정(SJ Hong),백은찬(EC Baik),이경상(KS Lee),전종영(JY Jun) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.10

        Objective: To evaluate what factors can influence the pregnancy outcome of the patients who underwent microsurgical of tubal sterilization and to calculate cumulative preganncy rate and probability of pregancny by period of follow-up. Design: Retrospective clinical study. Patient(s): One hundred nineteen patients who had sterilized and had operated microsurgical tubal reversal by one operator in our hospital between April 1993 and March 1995. Main Outcome Measure(s): Clinical characteristics of patients, influencing factors and cumulative pregnancy rates by logistic regression analysis and life-table analysis. Results: Pregancny outcomes were identified in 72.3% of the total patients (86/119). The overall pregancny rate was 77.9% (67/86), which included biochemical pregnancy (1/86, 1.2%), ectopic pregnancy (4/86, 4.7%) and intrauterine pregnancy (62/86, 72.1%). The factors influencing pregnancy outcome in this study by logistic regression analysis were tubal length after operation and interval from operation to achieving pregnancy. The probability that pregnancy would occur within first 24 months in total patients was 0.75. The median interval from tubal reversal to pregnancy was 6.6 months. Conclusion: The overall probability of pregnancy was 0.75 within first 24 months. The tubal length reconstructed after operation was the major factor affecting the pregnancy outcome according to result of this study.



        Chaubey, Sudhakar Kr,Lee, Jae Won,Yadav, Sunil Kr Korean Mathematical Society 2019 대한수학회지 Vol.56 No.4

        We define a class of semi-symmetric metric connection on a Riemannian manifold for which the conformal, the projective, the concircular, the quasi conformal and the m-projective curvature tensors are invariant. We also study the properties of semisymmetric, Ricci semisymmetric and Eisenhart problems for solving second order parallel symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors on the Riemannian manifolds equipped with a semi-symmetric metric P-connection.

      • KCI등재

        주산기 사망에 관한 고찰

        박찬규(CK Park),이충호(CH Lee),박용원(YW Park),김태효(TH Kim),이경림(KR Lee),이숙환(SH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.9

        1968년 1월부터 1978년 12월까지 만 11년간 연세대학교 의과대학 부속 세브란스병원 산부인과에서 출생한 22,866예의 출산아 중 815예의 주산기사망예의 임상기록부의 자료를 대상으로 임상통계학적으로 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 만 11년간 평균 주산기사망률은 1,000출산아당 35.64였다. 2. 연령별 주산기사망률은 고위험률 임신군인 19세이하와 35세 이상에서 현저히 높았다. 3. 분만회수별 주산기사망률은 회수가 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 4. 산전관리를 받지 않은 군이 받은 군보다 주산기사망률이 4.2배 높았다. 5. 임신주수에 따른 주산기사망율은 37~40주에 9.63으로 가장 낮았다. 6. 임신중 발생한 합병증중 대부분이 태아기형을 동반한 양수과다증이 507.4로 가장 높았다. 7. 지연분만과 추락분만에서 주산기사망률이 증가하였다. 8. 파막후 분만까지의 소요 시간이 증가함에 따라 주산기사망률이 증가하였다. 9. 거대아와 저체중아에서 높은 주산기사망률을 보였다. 10. 중위감자분만이나 둔위분만에서 주산기사망률이 높았었다. 11. 주산기사망의 원인은 원인미상 및 조산아가 대부분이었다. 12. 선천성 기형으로는 복합기형이 가장 많으나 단순기형에서는 무뇌증이 가장 높은 빈도를 보였다. 13. 신생아의 대부분이 24시간 내에 사망하였다. An epidemiological review of all 815 perinatal deaths occurring in Yonsei University Medical Center from 1968 to 1978 was carried out. The results were as follows: 1. Over-all perinatal mortality rate was 35.64 per 1,000 births. 2. The perinatal mortality rate was lowest in the age group 25-29. 3. The perinatal mortality rate was highest in 4 or more parity group. 4. There was a much higher perinatal mortality rate among women who recieved no prenatal care than among women who recieved some prenatal care. 5. The perinatal mortality rate was lowest for gestations between 37 and 40 weeks. 6. In terms of relation between complication in pregnancy and perinatal mortality, the hydramnios was considered to be the cause of the highest perinatal mortality rate. 7. The prolonged and precipitate labor led to increased perinatal mortality rate. 8. The prolongation of the interval between the rupture of membrane and delivery led to increased perinatal mortality rate. 9. A striking correlation existed between high perinatal mortality rates, and low birth weight and giant baby. 10. The perinatal mortality rate was increased in mid-forceps and breech series. 11. The major causes of perinatal death were prematurity and etiology unknown. 12. The most frequently encountered single anomaly was anencephaly. 13. The majority of neonatal deaths occurred within 24 hours of life.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        불임증 치료를 위한 자궁강내 인공수정에 관한 연구

        김석현(SH Kim),지병철(BC Jee),노경록(KR Noh),이재학(JH Lee),이용찬(YC Lee),문신용(SY Moon),이진용(JY Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.7

        The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the outcomes of intrauterine insemination(IUI) in infertile patients and to investigate the prognostic factors affecting pregnancy results in IUI. From March, 1993 to February, 1996, a total of 123 cycles of IUI in 55 infertile patients were analyzed statistically. Exclusion criteria in this study were the patients ages ≥38 years, high basal serum FSH(≥25mIU/mL), hypothalamic pituitary failure, and previous history of pregnancy by means of IUI. The mean age of study group was 31.7 years, and the mean duration of infertility was 54.5 months. The overall clinical pregnancy rate(PR) was 8.9%(11/123) per cycle and 20.0%(11/55) per patient, and the rates of ectopic pregnancy and multiple pregnancy were the same as 9.1%(1/11). The spontaneous PR with natural intercourse was 5.5%(3/55) per patient. The PR was the highest in patients with ovulatory dysfunction as their infertility factor(25.0% per patient). As the number of IUI trials increased, the cumlative pregnancy rate(CPR) was decreased from 9.1% to 8.1% cycle. In cycles using gonadotropins such as hMG or FSH as their regimen of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH), the PR was higher, compared with those using clomiphene citrate(CC). The PR in cycles with 3 mature follicles(diameter ≥ 16 mm) on hCG administration day was higher than those with 1 or 2 mature follicles, but the largest follicular diameter on hCG administration day was not correlated with the PR. In cycles with premature LH surge, no pregnancy occurred, whereas the PR was 15.0% in cycles without premature LH surge. Between pregnant and nonpregnant groups, there were no significant differences in age of patients, duration of infertility, number of IUI trials, diameter of the largest follicle, number of mature follicles, and length of follicular phase. In conclusion, IUI is a rather simple, safe and cost-effective treatment modality in the management of infertility, and the use of gonadotropins for COH may improve a pregnancy rate significantly in IUI.

      • KCI등재

        난소종양의 임상 및 조직병리학적 고찰

        이상훈,주경란,오봉수,김주욱 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.1

        1984년 1월부터 1988년 12월까지 만 5년동안 울산 동강병원 산부인과에서 난소종양으로 진단되어 입원, 수술 후 병리조직검사상 난소종양으로 확진된 144예를 대상으로하여 임상 및 병리조직학적, 통계학적인 비교관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 전 난소종양 144예중 비종양성 난소낭이 26예(18.1 %), 양성종양이 (79.1 %), 악성종양이 4예(2.8 %) 였다. 2. 비종양성난소낭의 경우에는 황체낭포가 10예(38.5%)로 가장 많았고, 양성종양의 경우에는 낭성기형종이 50예(43.9%)로 가장 많았으며, 그 다음이 장액성낭선종의 45예(39.4%), 다음이 점액성낭선종의 17예(14.9%), 그리고 섬유종 1예(0.9%), 섬유포막종 1예(0.9%)였다. 3. 조직병리학적으로 분류하면 난소상피에서 유래한 종양이 62예로 난소종양의 52.7%를 차지하였으며, 이중에서는 장액성낭선종이 제일 많아서 45예로 난소상피 유래종양의 72.6%를 차지하였다. 배세포에서 유래한 종양은 52예로 난소종양의 44.1%를 차지하였으며, 이중에서는 낭성기형종이 가장 많아 50예로 배세포에서 유래한 종양의 96.2%를 차지하였다. 생식선지질에서 유래한 종양으로는 섬유종, 섬유난포막종, 그리고 유년기과립막난포막세포종이 각기 1예씩으로 전부 3예였다. 4. 연령분포는 양성종양의 경우 1181세로 평균연령이 33.3세였고, 비종양성난소낭의 경우 1853세로 평균연령이 34.0세였으며, 악성종양의 경우에는 1571세로 평균연령이 33.0세였다. 5. 난소종양의 주요 임상증상으로는 복부동통 및 불편감이 제일 많아 52.1%를 차지하였으며, 덩어리촉지가 19.4%, 이상성기출혈이 13.9%, 무증상 9.0%의 순서였다. 6. 난소종양의 평균직경은 비종양성난소낭이 6.9cm, 양성종양이 11.2cm, 악성종양이 14.5cm였으며, 양성종양중에서 평균치가 가장 컸던 것은 점액성낭선종으로 17.2cm였다. 7. 난소종양의 양측성은 비종양성난소낭에서는 전혀 없었으며, 양성난성종양의 경우 7.1 %에서, 악성종양의 경우 50%에서 양측성을 보였다. 8. 분만횟수로는 전 종양의 25.7%(37예)에서 전혀 분만경험이 없었으며, 평균 분만횟수로는 비종양성난소낭이 2.0회, 양성난소종양이 1.9회, 악성종양이 1,8회였다. 9. 월경주기의 규칙성 여부에는 상관없이 월경양상을 살펴보면, 비종양성난소낭의 경우 100%에서 월경을 지속하였으며, 양성난소종양의 경우 83.3%였으며, 악성종양의 경우 폐경기 1예를 제외한 75%에서 월경을 지속하였다. 10. 난소종양과 동반된 임신예는 19예로서 총 144예중 13.2%를 차지하였으며, 이중 비종양성난소낭이 5예였으며, 가장 흔한 경우는 장액성낭선종과 낭성기형종으로 각기 7예씩 36.8%씩을 차지하였다. 11. 난소종양의 합병증으로는 총 27예에서 염전이 23예(85.2%),파열이 3예(11.1%), 경색증이 1예(3.7%)였다. 염전은 장액성낭선종에서 가장 많아 13예로 장액성난선종의 28.4%에서 발생하였으며, 낭성기형종에서도 12%에서 발생하였다. A series of 144 cases of ovarian tumor patients, who had been admitted operated and confirmed postoperatively by histopathological study at the Department of Ob-Gyn, Dong-Kang Hospital, Ulsan, Korea, during the period of 5 years from 1984 Jan. to 1988 Dec. were reviewed. The obtained results were as follows: 1) Among 144 cases, 26 cases (18.1 %) were non-neoplastic, 144 cases (79.1 %) were benign neoplastic tumors and 4 cases (2.8 %) were malignant tumors. 2) In cases of neoplastic ovarian tumors, cystic teratomas (50 cases, 43.9 %) ranked first followed by serous cystadenomas (45 cases, 39.4 %) and mucinous cystadenomas (17 cases, 14.9 %) in order of frequency. 3) According ot histopathological classification, common epithelial cell origin tumors were 62 cases (52.3 %), germ cell origin were 52 cases (43.2 %) and remained were gonadal stromal origin. 4) Age distribution of benign ovarian tumors were between 11 ~ 81 (average 33.3 years), that of non-neoplastic ovarian tumors were between 18 ~ 53 ( average 34.0 years) and that of malignant ones were between 15 ~ 71 ( average 33.0 years). 5) As to the subjective symptoms of the ovarian tumors, lower abdominal pain and discomfort were found in 52.1 %, palable lower abdominal mass in 19.4 %, vaginal bleeding in 13.9 %, and with no symptoms in 9.0 %. 6) Non-neoplastic ovarian tumors showed mean size of 6.9 cm in maximum diameter, and benign ovarian tumors was 11.2 cm and that of malignant ones was 14.5 cm respectively. 7) No site predilection was identified with bilaterality in 8 cases (7.1 %) of benign and 2 cases (50 %) of malignant tumors. Bilaterality was not found in non-neoplastic tumors. 8) Mean parity of non-neoplastic tumors was 2.0, benign ones was 1.9 and that of malignant was 1.8. 25.7 % of all ovarian tumors occured from nulliparous women. 9) Either the menstruation cycle was regular or irregular, 100 % of women with non-neoplastic tumors were in regular menstruation, 83 % of women with benign tumors were in regular menstruation and 75 % of

      • KCI등재

        신경섬유종증이 있는 환자에서 후복막에 생긴 신경섬유종 1 예

        이경란,김성한,예재명,이동섭,양기승 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.2

        저자들은 신경섬유종증과 동반된 악성신경섬유종이 있는 환자에서 난소종양과 감별진단이 어려웠던 후복막신경섬유종 1예를 경험하였기에 이에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Retroperitoneal neurofibroma is relatively rare tumor. It is difficult to differentiate from ovarian tumor by pelvic examination. We present a case of retroperitoneal neurofibroma combined with neurofibromatosis and malignant Schwannoma.

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