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      • 두성령 이암의 영모화 : 견도(犬圖)와 응도(鷹圖)를 중심으로

        이원복 한국고고미술연구소 2011 고고학지 Vol.17 No.-

        Lee Am (1507-1566) was a celebrated royal descent literati painter of Joseon in the 16th century. His paintings became better known to the Korean public, in recent years, following the unveiling of a series of his surviving works, located in Japan. The extant paintings of Lee Am include Blossoms, Birds, and Puppies in the collection of the Samsung Museum of Art Leeum, which was designated by the Korean government as Treasure No. 1392. In this paper, I establish that this painting and his Blossoms, Birds, and Puppies in the collection of the Joseon Museum of Art in North Korea are not works in duo, as has been assumed thus far, but two of several panels of a folding screen. With his works surviving in Japan becoming unveiled to the public one-by-one, we now understand the style of Lee Am's paintings better, and his style appears to have had a lasting influence on Japanese paintings, as a matter of fact, more than it did on Korean paintings. Within the Chinese-influenced cultural sphere of Asia, Korean paintings distinctly stand out from the rest of painting traditions. The works of Lee Am convey a massive feeling which is unique to early Joseon paintings. Meanwhile, there is a mood in his paintings that is characteristically optimistic and good-natured, yet desolate at times. Lee Am's paintings, even when they are decorative paintings in the taste of the royal palace, still remain natural and unaffected with a nonchalant note about them. They display the combination of great observation skills and execution skills, and their subjects are accurately depicted into fine details. Further more importantly, his paintings have an unmistakable warmth pervading them. Lee Am's paintings influenced, for example, the paintings of dogs by Japan's leading artists of the 17th century to the 18th century, of the likes of Tawaraya Sotatsu, Yosa Buson and Ito Jakuchu. Influencing art scenes beyond the borders of his native land, Lee Am indeed was an international artist of undoubted caliber. In the genre of yeongmo (animal paintings), Lee Am drew on international trends of the Five Dynasties period of China to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, but forged his own style from these various sources of inspiration. While being great examples of animal paintings with 16th-century royal palace flavor, Lee Am's works set themselves apart from others by his contemporaries through a signature relaxed quality in composition and spatial arrangement. Lee Am indeed was a towering genius on Joseon's art scene of the 17th century with a unique stylistic stamp. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to determine how precisely Lee Am's paintings influenced his contemporary Joseon artists and later generations of artists based on the meager body of works surviving today. That being said, one finds echoes of Lee Am's childlike, nonchalant sunniness and humor in mid-Joseon paintings of slightly different subjects, like horses and oxen by Kim Si and Lee Gyeong-yun, and members of their families. Lee Am's works, therefore, are likely to have influenced later generations of painters, even if indirectly, by serving as a larger aesthetic backdrop, for instance, to such works as paintings of hawks by the late Joseon court painter Jeong Hong-rae. Only nine works have been identified within the Korean peninsula, including three in the collection of the Joseon Museum of Art in Pyeongyang, North Korea, three in the collection of the National Museum of Korea, of which two are attributed to him, and three others in the collection of the Samsung Museum of Art Leeum and private collections. However, compared to other painters of his time, this is actually not a small number. In addition, in recent years, a handful of other paintings of his have been unveiled in Japan and in the US, which indeed correspond to the titles of Lee Am's works mentioned in historical writings. Thanks to this, we now understand Lee Am better as a painter, both in terms of style and artistic bent and taste. As for subjects, his favorites were dogs and cats, hawks and geese. He treated these subjects at times using outlines, at other times without outlines. In his expressive techniques, he coupled the liberal and rough brushstrokes of literati paintings with a soft tone. Some of his works are in ink and light color, producing a limpid and serene effect, while others are highly realistic and provide minute details of the subject treated. These elements are at times found together side-by-side in one work, forming a subtle harmony. While there is undeniably a degree of decorative quality in his paintings, his subjects seem never stilted and are always full of life. The warmth and humor characterizing Lee Am's paintings, meanwhile, are also shared characteristics of Korean paintings as a whole, which set apart the latter from paintings of neighboring countries, and part of the national aesthetic temperament of Korean people. 이암(1507-1566)은 16세기 조선화단에서 종실(宗室)출신 문인화가로 영모에 명성이 높았다. 국내보다는 일본에 전해진 유작들이 공개됨으로 본격적인 조명이 가능해졌다. 그의 유작 중 일찍부터 잘 알려진 현 북한 조선미술박물관 소장〈화조묘구(花鳥猫狗)〉 쌍폭과 보물 제1392호로 지정된 삼성미술관 리움 소장 〈화조구자(花鳥狗子)〉는 함께 그려진 일괄품이 본 논문을 통해 확인되었다. 국내 전해진 유작은 북한까지 포함해 10점으로 한 두 예를 빼곤 일본에 전해진 것을 20세기 일본에서 구입한 것이다. 국외는 전칭작을 포함해 미국에 1점과 일본의 8점으로, 모두 9점의 존재가 확인된다. 그는 동물 그림을 지칭하는 영모화의 영역에 있어 오대(五代) 이후 송·원에 이르는 국제적인 흐름을 적극, 능동적으로 취사선택해 자기 나름의 골격을 형성했다. 16세기 궁정취향의 동물 그림을 잘 보여준다. 짜임새나 화면 구성 측면에서 느슨한 면 등 그들과 구별되는 자신의 그림 세계를 선명하게 구축하여 17세기 조선화단에서 우뚝 솟은 준봉이 아닐 수 없다. 그가 즐겨 그린 소재로는 개와 고양이·매·기러기 등이다. 표현 기법에선 몰골(沒骨)과 구륵(鉤勒)의 혼용, 문인화가로서의 활달·분방함과 거침, 공필(工筆)에 필적하는 극사실주의의 섬세함의 공존, 수묵담채가 주는 담백한 분위기, 이들 요인들이 함께 빚은 절묘한 조화도 읽을 수 있다. 장식적인 면이 없지 않으나 소재를 앞에 놓고 사생을 통해 획득한 생동감과 생명력이 감지된다. 그림 전체 분위기가 주는 따뜻함과 익살은 타국과 구별되는 우리 민족 나름대로 형성된, 우리 옛 그림에 내재된 공통적인 미의식의 구현이기도 하다. 그의 화풍이 조선화단에서 동시대나 후배들에게 구체적으로 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지는 살피기 어려운 실정이다. 하지만 그림 소재는 다르나 조선 중기화단에서 전개된 김시(1524-1593)며 이경윤(1545-1611) 집안의 말과 소 그림에서 역시 동화적이며 익살과 통하는 크게 다르지 않는 미적 정서를 감지하게 된다. 조선후기 화원 정홍래(1720-1791 이후)의 매 그림의 정형성립에 선구적인 면모를 보인다. 무엇보다도 중시될 사항은 이암의 일본 그림에 끼친 영향이다. 일본 린파(淋派)의 양식을 창시한 다와라야 소타쓰(俵屋宗達, 17세기), 린파의 대가인 오가타 코린(尾形光琳, 1658-1716)의 부친 오가타 소켄(尾形光琳, 1621-1687)은 그의 그림을 모방했다. 18세기로 접어들어 요사 부손(与謝蕪村, 1716-1783), 이토 자쿠추(伊藤若沖, 1716-1800) 등 일본의 일급화가들의 그림에서 이암의 영향을 읽을 수 있다. 특히 표현기법에서 다와라야 소타쓰의 수묵화에 보이는 타라시코미 기법은 〈화조구자〉에 서 보이듯 이암이 선구의 위치를 점한다.

      • KCI등재

        조선중기 鹿屯島 확보와 北兵使 李鎰에 관한 일고찰

        李源明(Lee, Won-Myung) 백산학회 2009 白山學報 Vol.- No.83

        This article studies A study of security of Nockdundoe(鹿屯島; down area of the Duman-River) and Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander(咸慶北道兵馬節度使) in the middle age of Chosun Dynasty. Take care of this study, First of all, writer took a system of military affairs and reform of military administration of the middle of Chosun-Dynasty. Accordingly this, we are capable of Limites of the Jin-guan System(鎭管體制; defence of 鎭管) and effective Campaign of defence(制勝方略) in the Jurchen area. And in the 16 century, Accordingly military service and reform bills of military adminstration of lee-li(李珥) and You-sung roung(柳成龍) we have confirmed inconsistency and limitation of defence system of Chosun Dynasty. Second of all, writer took Jurchen campaign of North commander of military Lee il(李鎰) and Nocdundoe(down area of the Duman-River). Third of all, took Life of Lee-il(李鎰) General of military and his activities the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Specially this 2, 3 chapter, writer took campaigns and activities Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander of military and Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Accordingly this studies, writer requested truly-valuation of Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592, and careful judge a person by true materials.

      • An Investigation on the Life of Master Won Guk Lee, the Creator of Chung-Do-Kwan

        ( Seon Young Jung ),( Jun Ho Lee ),( Seung Woo Shin ),( Chun Hwan Cho ),( Seung Hyun Jang ),( Won Shin ) 경남대학교 기초과학연구소 2014 기초과학지 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to review (or, investigate) the life of Won Guk Lee. He is the creator of Chung-Do-Kwan, which is one of the five original Taekwondo kwans. Data was gathered from advanced research, newspapers, documentaries, the Internet, magazines, and journals etc. Thus, we were able to create a sequence of events based on the research data. First, we can say that in Won Guk Lee``s career, he created Chung-Do-Kwan and brought Dangsoodo to Korea. These events have had a significant development on Taekwondo. Second, Taekwondo curriculum, which was published by Won Guk Lee, established the foundation of Taekwondo poomsae, as well as giving us the pure spirit of Korean martial arts.

      • KCI등재

        지역 스포츠이벤트의 경제적 파급효과 분석에 관한 연구

        송석록(Sok Rok Song),이재우(Jae Woo Lee),이달원(Dal Won Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2007 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic impact of sports event as a part of sports marketing strategies of local city. To reach the purpose, Index of S city for 6 years - number of the sports events, public investment, survey for consumption, and Input-Output analysis. - were researched. S city held most sports event with 8 in 2001 and invested 14.8 million won. The most investment was 39.6 million won with 4 Sports events in 2003. The Production inducing effect reached 2,019 million won in 2001, 3,054 million won in 2002, 3,091 million won in 2003, 538 million won in 2004, 542 million won in 2005 and 1,548 million won in 2006. The highest income inducing effect was 862 million won in 2002 with 7 sports events, the employment inducing effect was calculated to 95 persons in 2002 and 94 persons in 2003, and the valued-added inducing effect was 1,738 million won in 2002. The most economic effects were higher than the average effects of whole other industries in Gangwondo which imply that the in S city held sports events contribute to regional development and more regional sports marketing.

      • KCI등재

        Bi-factor MIRT True-Score Equating for Testlet-Based Tests

        이규민(Gue min Lee),Won Chan Lee,Michael J Kolen,박인용(In Yong Park),Dong In Kim,Ji Seung Yang 한국교육평가학회 2015 교육평가연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Lee and Lee (2014) proposed bi-factor multidimensional item response theory model (BFM) "observed-score" equating procedures. The main purposes of this study were to develop BFM "true-score" equating procedures, and to investigate applicability of the proposed procedures with actual data. Eight equating methods (including both true- and observed-score) based on dichotomous IRT (2-parameter logistic model: 2PL), polytomous IRT (graded response model: GRM), testlet response model (TRM), and BFM were compared with target equipercentile equating. Data for this study were from the Reading Comprehension test for a large-scale state assessment program, which consisted of several passages and corresponding groups of items. True- and observed-score equating methods based upon 2PL and BFM produced similar equating results. The GRM true- and observed-score equating methods provided equating results somewhat different from others, and more similar to the target equipercentile equating. Lee와 Lee(2014) 연구는 혼합형 검사에서의 bi-factor 다차원 문항반응모형을 적용한 IRT "관찰점수" 동등화 절차를 제안하였다. 이 연구는 Lee와 Lee(2014) 연구의 추수연구로 단위검사를 대상으로 bi-factor 다차원 문항반응모형을 적용한 IRT "진점수" 동등화 절차를 제안하고, 그 적용 가능성을 실제 자료를 이용하여 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 단위검사로 구성된 대규모 독해 검사 자료를 이용하여, 2모수 로지스틱 모형(2-parameter logistic model: 2PL), 등급반응모형(graded response model: GRM), 단위검사모형(testlet response model: TRM), bi-factor 모형(bi-factor model: BFM)을 적용하였으며, 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화를 시행하여 총 8개의 동등화 방법을 적용하고, 산출된 결과를 동백분위 동등화 결과와 비교하였다. 연구 결과, 2PL과 BFM을 적용한 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화는 유사한 결과를 산출하였으며, GRM을 적용한 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화 방법은 다른 방법들과 다소 차이를 보이는 결과를 산출하였고, 비교 기준이 된 동백분위 동등화 결과와 보다 유사한 결과를 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        Kommunikationsverfahren und funktional-kommunikative Merkmale im Rahmen der funktional-kommunikativen Sprachbeschreibung Ein Beitrag zur Textlinguistik

        Lee, Jae-Won 德成女子大學校 人文科學硏究所 2005 인문과학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        언어학은 철학적 방향들로부터 영향을 받는다. 본고의 주제가 되는 구동독의 기능적ㆍ통보적 언어기술(FKS)은 구소련의 유물론과 심리학의 결과물이다. 원래 FKS는 슈미트가 중심이 된 구동독의 포츠담언어학파를 일컫는다. 이 방향은 행동중심 또는 행위중심 언어개념과 관련 있다. 본고는, 짧은 기간이나마 동독에서 많이 연구되었던 FKS 언어학을 이와 유사한 서구에서 발생한 언어학인 오스틴과 서얼의 언어행위론과 비교해 가면서 전체적인 얼개를 조명하는 것이 목표이다. 비록 지금은 사라졌지만, 그래도 언어학사라는 큰 줄기에서 보면 FKS의 연구 가치는 충분히 있기 때문이다. 우선 FKS에서 가장 중요한 개념들에 속하는 기능, 행동, 행위 그리고 조작과 같은 용어들이 설명되고, 이어서 언어행위론의 발화수반행위에 해당하는 통보방식(KV)이나 통보목적등이 구체적으로 논의된다. 이어서 통보방식의 하위개념에 해당하는 통보자질(FKM)이 상세하게 논의된다. 그리고 난후, 통보방식이 실현되는 구체적인 응용영역인 영역개념에 대한 여러 가지 사항들이 언급되고, 마지막으로 KV와 FKM의 응용가능성에 대한 문제점과 대안이 제시된다.

      • KCI등재

        Yong-Lee의 익명 핑거프린팅 프로토콜의 안전성 취약점 및 개선 방안

        손기욱(Kiwook Sohn),이윤호(Yunho Lee),원동호(Dongho Won) 한국정보보호학회 2006 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        2005년, Yong과 Lee는 buyer-seller 핑거프린팅 프로토콜을 제안하면서, 대칭(symmetric) 암호계와 가환 (commutative) 암호계를 이용하기 때문에 속도가 빠르고 익명성을 갖는다고 주장한 바 있다. 그러나 이 방식은 공격자가 man-in-the-middle 방법을 이용하여 공격할 경우 정당한 사용자의 핑거프린트가 포함된 콘텐츠를 얻을 수 있는 문제가 있다. 본 논문에서는 Yong-Lee 방식의 안전성 취약점을 살펴보고 이를 막을 수 있는 방안을 제시한다. In 2005, Yong and Lee proposed a buyer-seller fingerprinting protocol using symmetric and commutative encryptions. They claimed that their protocol was practical and anonymous since they used symmetric and commutative encryptions. However, an attacker can get the content embedded with one or more honest buyers' fingerprints using man-in-the-middle attack. In this letter, we point out the weakness and propose methods for improving to their protocol.

      • 기능성 파운데이션의 소비자 구매행동

        이원자,전지원 건국대학교 생활문화연구소 2003 생활문화ㆍ예술논집 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of the present, study si to investigate and analyze the influences of the subject's various external variables, such as demographic as well as physical characteristics variables. on the behaviors in the purchase of body make-up foundations. For this purpose, this study examined some Korean women in their 20s to 50s on the relevant matters of wearing foundation garments, and also on their purchase behaviors. A survey method was used to 303 adult women in their 20s to 50s, who was living m Korea. The collected data was analyzed using the SPSS statistical processing program. The conclusion drawn from the result of this study is as follows: 1) Matters Relevant with Wearing. of Foundations: The foundation garment worn by the most people at the time of survey was a bra (90.l%), which many people responded they wore generally for 24 hours. Most of them said they wore foundations for their body make-up. A11 the physique tipes - thin, standard, and obese types - responded that they wore foundations for body reform as a means of self-confidence and satisfaction. 2) Foundation Garments Purchase Behavior: Most of the women seemed to get informations about foundations. It was found that they bought the garments after confirming their quality, and that they thought much of the feelings in them. Many people seemed to buy them at the department stores. The meanings the subjects attach to the purchase of foundations were self-confidence and self-satisfaction. High proportion of the subjects responded they bought only the necessary item(s) at the prices ranged from l0,000 to 50,000 won. The places of purchase were different according to the prices: at the discount stores for the items costed less than 10,000 won. at the brand shops for those costed 10,000 to 50,000 won, and: at the department stores for those costed more than 50,000 won. Many respondents said that they had an experience of repetitive purchases after they had bought an item costed more than 50,000 won. The factor for evaluating the foundations in terms of the motive of purchase and the wearing time was the feelings in the garments. While, when they wore foundations for the physique management, they evaluated the products based on their potential for body reform.

      • A Study on the Mythological Figures in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats

        Lee, Jung-Won 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 人文學論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        긴 작품활동 동안 예이츠의 관심의 초점은 항상 사람들에게 맞춰져 있었다. 이는 희곡이나 산문 작품에만 해당하는 말이 아니라 그의 시에도 마찬가지로 적용된다. 그의 시에 등장하는 인물 중에는 신화적 인물들이 상당수 있는데 예이츠가 정의하는 신화는 단지 신들의 이야기만이 아닌 보다 넓은 의미의 정의, 여러 세대를 두고 전해 내려온 전설적 인물들도 포함한다. 릴리안 페더는 예이츠에게 신화의 주인공들은 한 문명의 발단단계를 나타내며 그 소산물이라고 말한 바 있다. 한 시대의 특징들이 신화를 통해 전달되며 현대에 도전하는 시금석이 된다는 것이다. 예이츠의 신화적 인물들은 신화라는 단어가 일반적으로 연상시키는 그리스, 로마 신화보다도 그의 조국 아일랜드의 신화에서 나온 인물이 더 많다는 특성을 지니고 있다. 예이츠는 물론 아일랜드 인들만을 자신의 독자로 생각하고 글을 쓴 것은 아니지만 이들 인물들을 시에서 묘사함으로써 잘 알려지지 않았던 아일랜드의 문화적 유산을 성공적으로 보편화, 세계화하는 본보기를 보여주고 있다. 예이츠는 시에서 기존 신화를 단순히 인용하는 것이 아니라 자신의 필요에 맞게 한, 두 양상을 선택해 확대하고 증보하는 자유로운 상상력의 구사로 새로운 인물로 창조하는 면모를 보여준다. 또한 그에게 신화적 인물은 사라진 고대세계의 인물로만 존재하는 것이 아니라 현대사회에 재현될 수 있는 인물상으로 그려진다. 그리하여 신화적 영웅 쿠훌린은 1916년 혁명의 현장에 되살아나며 트로이의 헬렌은 그의 평생의 연인 모드 곤의 모습에 투영되어있다. 예이츠가 한 편의 시에서는 한가지 양상을 중점적으로 묘사했기 때문에 예이츠 시의 신화적 인물들은 여러 편의 시를 종합하여 고찰할 때 그 인물의 유형적 특성이 잘 드러난다. 본고에서는 사랑의 신 엥거스, 은둔현자 퍼거스, 시인 어쉰, 전사 쿠훌린, 절세미녀 트로이 헬렌의 다섯 인물의 분석을 통해 예이츠가 이들 신화적 인물들을 통해 구현하고자 했던 인간관을 살펴본다.

      • KCI등재

        인위적 진화의 세계

        이재원(Lee, Jae-Won) 동남어문학회 2012 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.33

        This writing is an attempt to examine the logic behind artificial evolution in the early writing of Lee Kwang-su. According to his account, human civilization is the result of artificial evolution. By defining human personality as abilities of artificial evolution, he tried to change the way of basic understanding human being. He presented in the existence which comes true the essence of the human being which is such the civilized person. At logic of his artificial evolution, the problem of civilization was converted with creation of individual all who have the desire toward civilization. He looked at the situation and position of korean society from the viewpoint of world history and admitted the differential temporality which is dividing between korean society and western civilization. The Lee’s ideas of artificial evolution serves as alternative way to jump over the differential temporality. In the early writing, the methods of the artificial evolution are reform of education system, reading literature and revolution. Through this method, Lee tried to prepare ‘Civilized people’ and ‘shared commitment to social values’ that are practical foundation of artificial evolution.

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