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      • KCI등재

        Antimicrobial Activity of Polymeric Microfibers Containing Coix Lacryma-Jobi Extract

        Gabriela Lauer Breitenbach,Marina Giombelli Rosenberger,Andressa Giombelli Rosenberger,Josiane Caetano,Michelly Cristina Galdioli Pellá,Desirée Tamara Scheidt,Cleide Viviane Buzanello Martins,Edvani C 한국고분자학회 2020 Macromolecular Research Vol.28 No.9

        Wound dressings are based on the creation of ideal environments for cell mobility, gas exchanges and to promote tissue healing and regeneration, besides controlling bacterial proliferation. Electrospinning is a simple, cheap and common technique used for such purposes and Ecovio®, a polymeric blend based on biocompatible polymers (poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA)), is a good example of polymer with unique properties for wound dressing materials development. To ensure antimicrobial properties, Job’s tears (Coix lacrymajobi) extract was incorporated into the material. The obtained fiber mats were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffractometry (DRX), optical microscopy (OM), and microbiological analysis. The interaction among the compounds of the extract and the polymeric matrix was inferred by the increase in the crystallinity degree and thermal stability of the fibers/extract. Also, a decrease in the diameter, roughness, and fiber homogeneity was observed. It happened due to the presence of extract in the fibers. Microbiological analysis (antimicrobial activity against S. aureus) indicated the effectiveness of the fibers/extract in preventing this bacteria growth, demonstrating the potential of this material for wound dressing purposes.

      • Investigation on Non-invasive Current Mismatch Measurement in Paralleled GaN HEMTs

        A. Lauer,H. Niakan,M. Hiller,B. Parkhideh 전력전자학회 2019 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2019 No.5

        On the recent advancements in current sensor field, single chip contactless current sensors enable the end users to efficiently monitor the switching current in modern power electronics systems. This work further investigates a novel low-cost measurement technique based on Magnetoresistive (MR) sensors. The process uses a single current sensing unit, measuring the current mismatch between the two parallel Gallium Nitride (GaN) MOSFETs, which would be used for prognostic and protection purposes. The magnetic field distribution analysis of GaN devices in switching converter is investigated using FEA simulations, in order to optimize the MR sensor location. The experimental results verify the sensitivity and linearity of the sensing unit up to 20 A of current mismatch.

      • KCI등재

        동화할머니의 이미지, 신화와 현실 사이에서

        ( Bernhard Lauer ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2010 동화와 번역 Vol.20 No.-

        서양문학사를 살펴보면 메르헨과 전설에서 "비유", "예언", "교훈"으로도 이해되는 서술모티브와 서술소재들이 종종 여성 이야기꾼들에 의해 제공되었다. 그림 형제의 『어린이와 가정을 위한 메르혠』도 영향사적으로 살펴볼 때 구연자의 상에서 단순하고 소박하고 나이든 서민 출신의 "메르헨 할머니"에 대한 이미지가 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 그림 형제가 직접 동화할머니의 출신에 대한 묘사와 그림 메르헨에 그려진 "메르헨 할머니"에 전형성을 부여한 것이다. 그 사람은 카타리나 도로테아 피만이다. 그림 형제의 이"메르혠 할머니"는 대부분 교양시민계층 혹은 귀족 출신인 다른 메르헨 전달자들과 사회적 신분, 나이 그리고 탁월한 구연의 재능에 의해서 뚜렷이 구별된다. 그림 형제는 도로테아 피만을 "진정한 헤센인"의 메르헨 할머니로, 시골 출신의 소박한 "농가의 아낙네"로 이상화했다. 그림 형제는 이 메르혠 할머니로 순수한, 최초의 민담의 낭만주의적인 표상을 기록으로 남기고자 했던 것이다. 이렇게 전형화된 도로테아 피만의 모습은 l9세기 대부분의 메르헨 판본에 나타나고 20세기에도 세계적으로 퍼져나가 메르헨 구연자의 상은 아주 다양하게 발전했고 민담의 구전전통에 대한 낭만주의적인 표상이 계속 확고해졌다. 그림의 "메르헨 할머니"는 현대의 대중매체문화에도 들어왔다. 전통적인 대중 매체 뿐만 아니라 현대적인 매체에서도 메르헨은 여전히 구연자의 나이와 밀접한 관계가 있다. 도로테아 피만은 분명히 그림 형제에게 민담을 전해준 가장 중요한 민담 구연자 중의 한 명이다. 그녀는 다른 메르헨 전달자들보다 사회적인 신분이 떨어지기는 하지만 그들보다 뒤진다고는 할 수 없다. "소박한" 서민 출신의 "철저한 헤센인"으로서의 메르헨 구연자라는 정형화는 재고되어야 한다. 도로테아 피만 역시 독일 문화와 프랑스 문화에도 뿌리를 박고 있는 개방적인 교양 있는 여성이었기 때문이다. 그림 메르헨 모음집에 끼친 그녀의 기여는 유럽 전래민담의 상호관계 속에서 살펴보아야 한다. 그래서 민담전승에서 구술과 쓰기의 관계가 더 많이 엄밀하게 탐구되어야만 할 것이다. In the history of western literature, it is often female storytellers that provide narrative motives and materials understood as "metaphors", "prophesies" and "lessons" in the Marchen myths. In Marchen for Children and Families by Grimm Brothers, the images of "Granny Marchen", who is a simple, humble old lady from the commons, play important roles according to the examination results of its history of influence. Grimm Brothers themselves granted typicality to "Granny Marchen" from the descriptions about her origin and her paintings: she is Katharina Dorothea Viehmann. The "Granny Marchen" of Grimm Brothers is clearly distinguished from other Marchens who came from the cultured civil group or the noble class in terms of social class, age, and remarkable storytelling skills. Grimm Brothers idealized Dorothea Viehmann as Granny Marchen that was a "true Hessen figure" and a humble "farm lady" from the country. They tried to leave the first pure romantic representation of folk tales with her. This stereotyped aspects of Dorothea Viehmann appeared in most of the Marchen block books in the 19th century and spread throughout the world in the 20th century. As a result, the aspects of Marchen as a storyteller developed with considerable diversity, and the romantic representation of the oral tradition in folk tales was further strengthened. "Granny Marchen" of Grimm Brothers also entered the scene of contemporary popular media culture. Marchen is still closely related to the age of the storyteller in the contemporary media as well as the traditional popular media. There is no doubt that Dorothea Viehmann was one of the most important storytellers of folk tales who conveyed folk tales to Grimm Brothers. Although her social class was lower than the other Marchens, she is not inferior to them in other ways at all. Her stereotype as a Marchen storyteller from the "humble" commons and "strict Hessen figure" should be reconsidered since Dorothea Viehmann was an open, cultured lady rooted in the German and French culture. Her contributions to the Marchen Collection by Grimm Brothers should be examined in the context of interconnections among the folk tales transmitted in Europe so that the relationships between dictation and writing in the transmission of folk tales can be explored more closely.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Mesophyll Morphology in Determination of Leaf Photosynthesis in Field Grown Soybeans

        Yun, Jin Il,Lauer, Michael J.,Taylo, S.Elwynn The Korean Society of Crop Science 1991 Korean journal of crop science Vol.36 No.6

        Photosynthetic variation in field grown soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv Hodgson78] was studied in relation to leaf anatomical variation. Variations in mesophyll morphology were accentuated by manipulating source and sink size. At R3 stage, two treatments were started: one was thinning and continu-ous debranching(6. 5 plants rather than 26 plants per m of row and remaining plants were debranched weekly), and the other was continuous partial depodding (allowing only one pod to develop at each mainstem node). Gas exchange characteristics, mesophyll cell volume and surface area per unit leaf surface, and microclimatic parameters were measured on the intact terminal leaflet at the 10th node. Observations were made 5 times with 3 to 4 day intervals starting R4 stage. Two models were used to compute leaf photosynthetic rates: one considered no effect of mesophyll morphology on photosynthesis, and the other considered potential effects of variations in mesophyll cell volume and surface area on diffusion and biochemical processes. Seventy nine percent of total photosynthetic variations observed in the experiment was explained by the latter, while 69% of the same variations was explained by the former model. By incorporating the mesophyll morphology concept, the predictability was improved by 14.6% in the field condition. Additional Index Words: photosynthesis model, leaf anatomy, Glycine max (L.) Merr., mesophyll surface area, mesophyll cell volume. 콩잎의 광합성능력이 잎의 내부형태 변이와 관련되어 있는지 검토하기 위해 대두품종 ‘Hodg-son 78’을 공시하여 포장실험을 수행하였다. 잎의 내부 형태면이를 촉진시키기 위해 착협시(R3 stage)에 유아주기 (1m이랑당 26주에서 6.5주)와 곁가지 치기를 통해 source활성 증대를, 계속적인 꼬투리 제거 (절위당 한개의 꼬투리만 남김)를 통해 sink활성 감소를 시도하였다. 협신장기(R4 stage)로부터 3-4일 간격으로 5회에 걸쳐 제 10절위 복엽의 중앙소엽을 대상으로 기체교환특성, 잎의 두께, 엽육세포의 체적 및 표면적, 그리고 주변 미기상변수를 측정하였다. 가설검증을 위해 기존의 광합성모형을 엽육세포의 표면적이 기체확산과, 엽육세포의 체적이 생화학적 활성과 관련되도록 수정하였다. 실측 광합성속도의 변이가운데 79%는 이 수정된 모형에 의해 설명 가능하였으며, 엽내부형태의 영향을 무시한 기존의 광합성모형에 비해 평균 14.5%의 추정능력 향상을 확인할 수 있었다.


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