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      • KCI등재

        특집 번역의 동아시아적 시공간과 한국문학 : 「춘향전」의 번역과 민족성의 재현 -이광수의 「춘향」(1925∼1926)을 읽을 또 다른 문맥, 게일,호소이 하지메의 고소설 번역 담론-

        이상현 ( Sanghyun Lee ) 한림과학원 2015 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.16

        본고의 목적은 이광수(李光洙, 1892~1950)의 「춘향(春香)」(『동아일보』 1925. 9. 30~1926. 1. 3)[혹은 『일설 춘향전(一說 春香傳)』(1929)]을 ‘게일(James Scarth Gale, 1863~1937) 그리고 호소이 하지메(細井肇, 1886~1931)가 주관한 자유토구사(自由討究社)의 「춘향전」 번역 실천’이라는 문맥 속에서 읽어 보는 것이다. 「춘향전」을 주어로 놓고 세 사람의 「춘향전」에 관한 번역 실천을 본다면, 이광수의 「춘향」은 비록 자유토구사와 동등한 지평의 근대어로의 전환을 전제로 한 작업이었지만, 상대적으로 더더욱 원전을 보존하고자 한 지향점을 지니고 있었다. 즉 이광수의 「춘향」은 원전을 최대한 보존하고자 한 게일의 번역과 원전에 대한 축역이자 통속역을 지향한 자유토구사 사이에 놓인 글쓰기였던 셈이다. 「춘향전」에 근대소설의 의장을 부여하고자 한 이광수의 실천, 또한 원전의 언어를 근대어로 바꾼 그의 「춘향」은 「춘향전」과 이를 구성하는 언어가 ‘고전문학’ 또한 ‘고전어’로 재편되는 모습을 예비하는 실천이기도 했다. 종국적으로 이광수의 「춘향전」다시 쓰기는 번역 혹은 다양한 매체를 통해 구현되는 「춘향전」의 새로운 형상을 만들며, 원전 「춘향전」을 ‘민족의 고전’으로 정립시키는 행위였기 때문이다. The paper compares Choonhyang , published serially in Dong-A Daily between September 30th 1925 and January 3rd 1926, and IlSul Choonhyang Jeon , published in book form by Lee Kwangsoo in 1929, with the translations of J. S. Gale (1863∼1937) and Hosoi Hajime (細井肇, 1886∼1931) who led the Chayut’ogusa organization (自由討究社). Taking Choonhyang Jeon as a source text and comparing the translation practices of three people from different countries:Lee attempted to render the classical Choonyang Jeon in a modern version, much as the Chayut’ogusa version did, but he tried to preserve much more of the original than Hosoi. Lee’s approach can therefore be considered intermediate between that of Gale, who kept most of the original, and that of Chayut’ogusa, which tried to produce a more concise and popular text. Lee apparently wanted to transform the classical Choonyang Jeon according to the conventions of the modern novel, so he adopted a different approach from that of Lee Haejo (李海朝) and Choi Namsun (崔南善). Lee Kwangsoo made an important contribution by reviving the original Choonhyang in a modern Korean format, and the style and direction of his writing represented a preliminary step toward the restructuring of Choonyang Jeon and its language in the context of classical language and literature.

      • Biological Characteristics of Stick Insect, Baculum elongatum (Phasmida : Phasmatidae) to Develop for the Industrial Insect

        JinGu Lee,AeGyeong Seo,HeeDong Kim,YoungBo Lee2,SangHyun Lee,YoungKyu Park,HaeGil Lee,ChangSung Kang 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.05

        Stick insect has several peculiarities like parthenogenesis, unique external features and dropping oviposition, so it is very hopeful to use for industrial insect. The oviposition was established by only female without fertilization with sperm of male which was not discovered during this study. The oviposition period was 37.3±14.9 days and the number of eggs per female was 41.5±16.5 eggs. The hatchability was 73.3% at 25℃and 66.7% after low temperature treatment(8℃, 60 days). The developmental periods and the length of egg were 100.9±4.2 days and 0.33±0.0cm, respectively, and the adult's life span was 49.7±16.0days. Differently other research which reported five nymph stage, the developmental stages of nymph showed five(62.9%) or six(37.1%) stages. The duration and the length of nymph increased according to the increase of nymph stage. Stick insect preferred the leaf of American locust, White oak, Chestnut, Bush clover in order but could be reared with food of the leaf of all these trees. Stick insects are herbivorus but made an attack each other when encountered in the small space. For sustaining mass rearing of stick insect, it is needed that the development of artificial diet and high density rearing method.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 해양회색지대 전략에 대한 일본의 대응 : 법적 기반정비와 해상안보·보안체제 강화를 중심으로

        이상현 ( Lee¸ Sanghyun ) 현대일본학회 2020 日本硏究論叢 Vol.52 No.-

        2012년 일본의 센카쿠열도 국유화 선언으로 강화된 중국의 해양공세는 북한의 핵미사일 개발과 더불어 일본의 안보를 심각하게 저해하는 위협요인으로 부상하였다. 이 논문은 중국의 해양 회색지대 전략에 대한 일본의 대응을 법적기반 정비와 전략적 해상보안체제 구축이라고 하는 두 가지 측면을 중심으로 고찰한다. 2010년대 중반 일본국회에서는 평화안보법제 제정을 둘러싸고 활발한 논의가 전개되었다. 당시 아베정부는 회색지대사태에 대한 대응을 집단적 자위권 도입 여부와 더불어 핵심의제 중 하나라는 인식을 보였지만, 원거리 도서지역의 영역경비와 관련한 신법제정은 유보하였다. 이러한 배경에는 중국의 해양공세에 대해 영역경비와 관련한 신법을 제정하여 평시에도 자위대가 출동할 수 있도록 군사적 대응을 강화하게 되면, 이것이 오히려 센카쿠열도를 포함한 남서제도에서의 군사적 위기를 초래할 수 있다는 인식이 있었다. 이후 일본은 해양경찰인 해상보안청을 중심으로 한 전략적 해상보안체제 구축과 자위대의 해상억지력 강화에 역량을 집중시키는 양상을 보이고 있다. 전략적 해상보안체제 강화가 시급한 한국에게 있어 중국의 해양공세에 대한 일본의 적극적 대처방안은 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다. China’s maritime offensive, strengthened by Japan’s nationalization declaration over the Senkaku Islands in 2012, along with North Korea’s development of nuclear missiles, has emerged as a threat seriously impeding Japan’s security. This paper examines Japan’s response to China’s maritime gray zone strategy in the 2010s, focusing on two aspects: legal system discussion, and strategic maritime security system establishment. In the mid-2010s, active discussions took place in the Japanese National Assembly over the enactment of peace and security legislation. At that time, the Abe administration showed recognition to be one of the core agendas, along with the introduction of the right to collective self-defense, to respond to the gray zone situation, but it delayed the enactment of a new law. Behind the scenes, there was a perception that if a new law related to territorial security was enacted against China’s maritime offensive, and with a strengthened military response (so Self-Defense Forces could be dispatched even in peacetime), this could instead lead to a military crisis in the Southwest Islands, including the Senkaku Islands. Since then, Japan has shown a pattern of concentrating its capabilities on establishing a strategic maritime security system to strengthen its own maritime deterrence, centering on the Maritime Security Administration (a maritime police force).

      • Analysis of Eleutherosides B and E in Acanthopanax divaricatus and A. koreanum by Different Fertilizer Ratio

        Jeong Min Lee,Dong-Gu Lee,Sunghun Cho,Jung Jong Lee,Myoung-Hee Lee,Sanghyun Lee 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.07

        Acanthopanax species is known commonly as Siberian ginseng, touch-me-not, devil’s shrub, prickly eleutherococc, eleutherococc and wild pepper. A diverse group of chemical compounds isolated from Acanthopanax species was named ‘eleutherosides’. Among eleutherosides, eleutherosides B and E were widely known in Acanthopanax species. Acanthopanax species are cultivated and grow wild in a various area of Korea and have a variety of pharmacological effects. But, there are a lot of difficulties on producing excellent Acanthopanax species, according to the cultivated method is different pharmacological ingredients. This study, therefore, analyzed eleutherosides B and E in A. divaricatus and A. koreanum by different fertilizer ratio using HPLC. We will be investigated a high content of eleutherosides B and E by different fertilizer ratio and suggest an efficient fertilizer ratio of A. divaticatus and A. koreanum. All samples of A. divaricatus and A. koreanum were collected at Yeongcheon Agricultural Technology & Extension Center, Yeongcheon, Korea. The sample was prepared by upper and lower parts. The fertilizer ratio are N-P-K(10.5-8.5-8.5: 50 kg/10a), 2N-P-K (21-8.5-8.5: 50 kg/10a), N-2P-K (10.5-17-8.5: 50 kg/10a), N-P-2K (10.5-8.5-17: 50 kg/10a), and 2N-2P-2K (21-17-17: 50 kg/10a), respectively. To analyze eleutherosides B and E, 5 g of A. divaricatus and A. koreanum was extracted with 50% MeOH (3 × 100 ml) by reflux and evaporated in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in 1 ml of MeOH. The resulting solution was used for HPLC analysis. HPLC separation of eleutherosides B and E for qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed using a reverse phase system. A Discovery®C18 (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm) column was used with a mobile phase that consisted of water and acetonitrile. A gradient solvent system of water and acetonitrile (90:10 to 70:30 for 20 min) was used for the elution program. UV detection was conducted at 350 nm. The injection volume was 10 μl and the flow rate was 1 ml/min. All injections were performed in triplicate. The different fertilizer ratio yielded total eleutherosides B and E contents of 4.417-6.905 and 3.652-7.227 mg/g in the upper and lower parts of A. divaricatus, respectively. In A. koreanum, the total eleutherosides B and E contents were 4.591-10.108 and 3.834-9.079 mg/g in the upper and lower parts, respectively. The best conditions to increase eleutherosides B and E content in A. divaricatus was determined to be with N-2P-K fertilizer ratio, on the other hand, in A. koreanum was 2N-2P-2K fertilizer ratio.

      • Simultaneous Determination of Flavonoids in Filipendula glaberrima by HPLC/DAD

        Sanghyun Lee,Hak-Dong Lee,Juree Kim,Jungwon Choi,Yunji Lee,Ki-Young Kim,Hangeun Kim 한국원예학회 2021 한국원예학회 학술발표요지 Vol.2021 No.10

        Filipendula glaberrima, commonly known as meadowsweet, is a plant endemic to South Korea. It is economically important as a food source and used as a medicine in treating ailments. Previous studies have shown that F. glaberrima contained monotropitoside, (+)-catechin, and β-sitosterol 3-O-glucoside, and studies of the same genus, Filipendula, indicated that flavonoids and polyphenolic constituents were high. The aim of this study is to establish a method for simultaneous determination of major flavonoids, such as (+)-catechin, quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, quercitrin, and afzelin, in F. glaberrima. High-performance liquid chromatography with a gradient elution system system (0.25% acetic acid in water:acetonitrile = 90:10 to 0:100 for 40 min) was used. A reverse-p hase INNO C18 column with UV detection at 270 nm was employed for the separation of four constituents at room temperature. The developed HPLC method has been successfully applied to flavonoid analysis of F. glaberrima. These results provide the basis for further experimentation. F. glaberrima has been scarcely studied not only in compound isolation but also in component analysis and its bioactivities. Therefore F. glaberrima has great value for future research.


        Ginsenoside Rg12, a new dammarane-type triterpene saponin from Panax ginseng root

        Lee, Dong Gu,Lee, Jaemin,Cho, Ik-Hyun,Kim, Hak-Jae,Lee, Sang-Won,Kim, Young-Ock,Park, Chun-Gun,Lee, Sanghyun The Korean Society of Ginseng 2017 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.41 No.4

        Background: Panax ginseng has been used as Korean medicine for various diseases. It has antioxidant, hypotensive, sedative, analgesic, and endocrine activities. Dammarane-type triterpenes from the plant have various beneficial effects. Methods: A dammarane-type triterpene saponin was isolated from P. ginseng root through chromatography such as repeated column chromatography and medium pressure liquid chromatography. Results and conclusion: New dammarane-type triterpene saponin was isolated for the first time from nature. The structure was elucidated as ginsenoside Rg12 (1) based on spectral data. There may be good materials from P. ginseng for the development of industrial applications such as nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical purposes.


        High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of phytosterols in Panax ginseng root grown under different conditions

        Lee, Dong Gu,Lee, Jaemin,Kim, Kyung-Tack,Lee, Sang-Won,Kim, Young-Ock,Cho, Ik-Hyun,Kim, Hak-Jae,Park, Chun-Gun,Lee, Sanghyun The Korean Society of Ginseng 2018 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.42 No.1

        Background: The Panax ginseng plant is used as an herbal medicine. Phytosterols of P. ginseng have inhibitory effects on inflammation-related factors in HepG2 cells. Methods: Phytosterols (e.g., stigmasterol and ${\beta}$-sitosterol) in the roots of P. ginseng grown under various conditions were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. The P. ginseng roots analyzed in this study were collected from three cultivation areas in Korea (i.e., Geumsan, Yeongju, and Jinan) and differed by cultivation year (i.e., 4 years, 5 years, and 6 years) and production process (i.e., straight ginseng, red ginseng, and white ginseng). Results: The concentrations of stigmasterol and ${\beta}$-sitosterol in P. ginseng roots were 2.22-23.04 mg/g and 7.35-59.09 mg/g, respectively. The highest concentrations of stigmasterol and ${\beta}$-sitosterol were in the roots of 6-year-old P. ginseng cultivated in Jinan (82.14 mg/g and 53.23 mg/g, respectively). Conclusion: Six-year-old white ginseng and white ginseng cultivated in Jinan containing stigmasterol and b-sitosterol are potentially a new source of income in agriculture.

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