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        Temporal-spatial structures of plasmas flows and turbulence around tearing mode islands in the edge tokamak plasmas

        Zhao, K.J.,Nagashima, Y.,Li, F.M.,Shi, Yuejiang,Diamond, P.H.,Dong, J.Q.,Itoh, K.,Itoh, S.-I.,Zhuang, G.,Liu, H.,Chen, Z.P.,Cheng, J.,Nie, L.,Ding, Y.H.,Hu, Q.M.,Chen, Z.Y.,Rao, B.,Cheng, Z.F.,Gao, L. IOP 2017 Nuclear fusion Vol.57 No.12

        <P>The temporal-spatial structures of plasma flows and turbulence around tearing mode islands are presented. The experiments were performed using Langmuir probe arrays in the edge plasmas of J-TEXT tokamak. The correlation analyses clearly show that the flows have similar structures of <I>m</I>/<I>n</I>  =  3/1 as the magnetic island does (<I>m</I> and <I>n</I> are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively). The sign of the potential fluctuations for the flows inverses and the powers significantly reduce at <I>q</I>  =  3 surface. Approaching to the last closed flux surface for the magnetic islands, the radially elongated flow structure forms. The flows are concentrated near separatrix and show quadrupole structures. The turbulence is concentrated near X-point and partly trapped inside the magnetic islands.</P>


        Mode Change of a Gamma-Ray Pulsar, PSR J2021+4026

        Zhao, J.,Ng, C. W.,Lin, L. C. C.,Takata, J.,Cai, Y.,Hu, C.-P.,Yen, D. C. C.,Tam, P. H. T.,Hui, C. Y.,Kong, A. K. H.,Cheng, K. S. American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical journal Vol.842 No.1

        <P>A glitch of a pulsar is known as a sudden increase in the spin frequency and spin-down rate (frequency time derivative), and it can be caused by a sudden release of the stress built up in the solid crust of the star or pinned vortices in the superfluid interior. PSR J2021+4026 is the first pulsar that shows a significant change in the gamma-ray flux and pulse profile at the glitch that occurred around 2011 October 16. We report the results of timing and spectral analysis of PSR J2021+4026 using similar to 8 yr Fermi. Large Area Telescope data. We find that the pulsar stayed at a high spin-down rate (similar to 4% higher than the pre-glitch value) and a low gamma-ray state (similar to 18% lower) for about 3 yr. after the glitch. Around 2014 December, the spin-down rate and gamma-ray flux gradually returned to pre-glitch values within a timescale of a. few months. The phase-resolved spectra and pulse profiles after the relaxation are also consistent with those before the glitch. The observed long-term evolution of the spin-down rate and the gamma-ray flux indicates that the glitch triggered a mode change in the global magnetosphere. We speculate that the glitch changed. the local magnetic field structure around the polar cap and/or the inclination angle of the. dipole axis, leading to. a change in the electric current circulating in the. magnetosphere.</P>

      • X-Ray Study of Variable Gamma-Ray Pulsar PSR J2021+4026

        Wang, H. H.,Takata, J.,Hu, C.-P.,Lin, L. C. C.,Zhao, J. American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astrophysical journal Vol.856 No.2

        <P>PSR J2021+4026 showed a sudden decrease in the gamma-ray emission at the glitch that occurred around 2011 October 16, and a relaxation of the flux to the pre-glitch state at around 2014 December. We report X-ray analysis results of the data observed by XMM-Newton on 2015 December 20 in the post-relaxation state. To examine any change in the X-ray emission, we compare the properties of the pulse profiles and spectra at the low gamma-ray flux state and at the post-relaxation state. The phase-averaged spectra for both states can be well described by a power-law component plus a blackbody component. The former is dominated by unpulsed emission and probably originated from the pulsar wind nebula as reported by Hui et al. The emission property of the blackbody component is consistent with the emission from the polar cap heated by the back-flow bombardment of the high-energy electrons or positrons that were accelerated in the magnetosphere. We found no significant change in the X-ray emission properties between two states. We suggest that the change of the X-ray luminosity is at an order of similar to 4%, which is difficult to measure with the current observations. We model the observed X-ray light curve with the heated polar cap emission, and we speculate that the observed large pulsed fraction is owing to asymmetric magnetospheric structure.</P>


        Greene, J. E.,Seth, A.,Kim, M.,Lä,sker, R.,Goulding, A.,Gao, F.,Braatz, J. A.,Henkel, C.,Condon, J.,Lo, K. Y.,Zhao, W. American Astronomical Society 2016 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - Vol.826 No.2

        <P>We use new precision measurements of black hole (BH) masses from water megamaser disks to investigate scaling relations between macroscopic galaxy properties and supermassive BH mass. The megamaser-derived BH masses span 10(6)-10(8) M-circle dot, while all the galaxy properties that we examine (including total stellar mass, central mass density, and central velocity dispersion) lie within a narrower range. Thus, no galaxy property correlates tightly with M-BH in similar to L* spiral galaxies as traced by megamaser disks. Of them all, stellar velocity dispersion provides the tightest relation, but at fixed sigma* the mean megamaser M-BH are offset by -0.6 +/- 0.1 dex relative to early-type galaxies. Spiral galaxies with non-maser dynamical BH masses do not appear to show this offset. At low mass, we do not yet know the full distribution of BH mass at fixed galaxy property; the non-maser dynamical measurements may miss the low-mass end of the BH distribution due to an inability to resolve their spheres of influence and/or megamasers may preferentially occur in lower-mass BHs.</P>


        Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

        Li, G. J.,Hyde, K. D.,Zhao, R. L.,Hongsanan, S.,Abdel-Aziz, F. A.,Abdel-Wahab, M. A.,Alvarado, P.,Alves-Silva, G.,Ammirati, J. F.,Ariyawansa, H. A. Springer Science and Business Media 2016 FUNGAL DIVERSITY Vol.78 No.1

        <P>Notes on 113 fungal taxa are compiled in this paper, including 11 new genera, 89 new species, one new subspecies, three new combinations and seven reference specimens. A wide geographic and taxonomic range of fungal taxa are detailed. In the Ascomycota the new genera Angustospora (Testudinaceae), Camporesia (Xylariaceae), Clematidis, Crassiparies (Pleosporales genera incertae sedis), Farasanispora, Longiostiolum (Pleosporales genera incertae sedis), Multilocularia (Parabambusicolaceae), Neophaeocryptopus (Dothideaceae), Parameliola (Pleosporales genera incertae sedis), and Towyspora (Lentitheciaceae) are introduced. Newly introduced species are Angustospora nilensis, Aniptodera aquibella, Annulohypoxylon albidiscum, Astrocystis thailandica, Camporesia sambuci, Clematidis italica, Colletotrichum menispermi, C. quinquefoliae, Comoclathris pimpinellae, Crassiparies quadrisporus, Cytospora salicicola, Diatrype thailandica, Dothiorella rhamni, Durotheca macrostroma, Farasanispora avicenniae, Halorosellinia rhizophorae, Humicola koreana, Hypoxylon lilloi, Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae, Lindgomyces okinawaensis, Longiostiolum tectonae, Lophiostoma pseudoarmatisporum, Moelleriella phukhiaoensis, M. pongdueatensis, Mucoharknessia anthoxanthi, Multilocularia bambusae, Multiseptospora thysanolaenae, Neophaeocryptopus cytisi, Ocellularia arachchigei, O. ratnapurensis, Ochronectria thailandica, Ophiocordyceps karstii, Parameliola acaciae, P. dimocarpi, Parastagonospora cumpignensis, Pseudodidymosphaeria phlei, Polyplosphaeria thailandica, Pseudolachnella brevifusiformis, Psiloglonium macrosporum, Rhabdodiscus albodenticulatus, Rosellinia chiangmaiensis, Saccothecium rubi, Seimatosporium pseudocornii, S. pseudorosae, Sigarispora ononidis and Towyspora aestuari. New combinations are provided for Eutiarosporella dactylidis (sexual morph described and illustrated) and Pseudocamarosporium pini. Descriptions, illustrations and/or reference specimens are designated for Aposphaeria corallinolutea, Cryptovalsa ampelina, Dothiorella vidmadera, Ophiocordyceps formosana, Petrakia echinata, Phragmoporthe conformis and Pseudocamarosporium pini. The new species of Basidiomycota are Agaricus coccyginus, A. luteofibrillosus, Amanita atrobrunnea, A. digitosa, A. gleocystidiosa, A. pyriformis, A. strobilipes, Bondarzewia tibetica, Cortinarius albosericeus, C. badioflavidus, C. dentigratus, C. duboisensis, C. fragrantissimus, C. roseobasilis, C. vinaceobrunneus, C. vinaceogrisescens, C. wahkiacus, Cyanoboletus hymenoglutinosus, Fomitiporia atlantica, F. subtilissima, Ganoderma wuzhishanensis, Inonotus shoreicola, Lactifluus armeniacus, L. ramipilosus, Leccinum indoaurantiacum, Musumecia alpina, M. sardoa, Russula amethystina subp. tengii and R. wangii are introduced. Descriptions, illustrations, notes and / or reference specimens are designated for Clarkeinda trachodes, Dentocorticium ussuricum, Galzinia longibasidia, Lentinus stuppeus and Leptocorticium tenellum. The other new genera, species new combinations are Anaeromyces robustus, Neocallimastix californiae and Piromyces finnis from Neocallimastigomycota, Phytophthora estuarina, P. rhizophorae, Salispina, S. intermedia, S. lobata and S. spinosa from Oomycota, and Absidia stercoraria, Gongronella orasabula, Mortierella calciphila, Mucor caatinguensis, M. koreanus, M. merdicola and Rhizopus koreanus in Zygomycota.</P>

      • Ultrasound-assisted chiral derivatization of etodolac with (1R)-(-)-menthyl chloroformate for the determination of etodolac enantiomers

        Jin, Y.,Zhao, J.,Rhyman, L.,Ramasami, P.,Shin, Y.,Jeong, K.M.,Lee, J. Elsevier ; King Saud University 2016 Arabian journal of chemistry Vol.9 No.suppl2

        <P>This study presents the first report of an ultrasound-assisted derivatization reaction between a carboxylic acid of etodolac (ETO) and a chiral derivatization reagent, (1R)-(-)-menthyl chloroformate (R-MCF). Fifty mu L of deproteinated mouse serum containing ETO enantiomers was derivatized with 125 mu L of 200 mM R-MCF and 17 mu L of pyridine (a catalyst), with the reaction facilitated by ultrasonic radiation for 13 min, which were the optimal conditions as determined by response surface methodology. After quenching the reaction by adding an aqueous L-proline solution, the mixture was subjected to salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction (SA-LLE), which provided phase separation for sample concentration as well as cleanup. The ETO diastereomers were separated on a Phenomenex Gemini C-18 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m) under a simple gradient elution of a mobile phase containing a mixture of methanol: acetonitrile (10: 1, V/V) and 10 mM acetic acid at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1), followed by fluorescence detection with excitation and fluorescence emission wavelengths of 235 nm and 345 nm, respectively. The developed method was validated for specificity, sensitivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, stability, and matrix effect. A good linearity in the range of 0.5-50.0 mu g mL(-1) for each ETO enantiomer with r(2) > 0.998 and acceptable values for the intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision as well as negligible matrix effects supported the suitability and reliability of the method. Finally, this method was used to analyze real samples taken from mice treated with (+/-)-ETO. (C) 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.</P>


        Effects of L-tryptophan, Fructan, and Casein on Reducing Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Skatole in Fermented Swine Manure

        Sheng, Q.K.,Yang, Z.J.,Zhao, H.B.,Wang, X.L.,Guo, J.F. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2015 Animal Bioscience Vol.28 No.8

        The effects of daily dietary Bacillus subtilis (Bs), and adding L-tryptophan, fructan, or casein to fecal fermentation broths were investigated as means to reduce the production of noxious gas during manure fermentation caused by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide ($H_2S$), and 3-methylindole (skatole). Eighty swine ($50.0{\pm}0.5kg$) were equally apportioned to an experimental group given Bs in daily feed, or a control group without Bs. After 6 weeks, fresh manure was collected from both groups for fermentation studies using a $3{\times}3$ orthogonal array, in which tryptophan, casein, and fructan were added at various concentrations. After fermentation, the ammonia, $H_2S$, L-tryptophan, skatole, and microflora were measured. In both groups, L-tryptophan was the principle additive increasing skatole production, with significant correlation (r = 0.9992). L-tryptophan had no effect on the production of ammonia, $H_2S$, or skatole in animals fed Bs. In both groups, fructan was the principle additive that reduced $H_2S$ production (r = 0.9981). Fructan and Bs significantly interacted in $H_2S$ production (p = 0.014). Casein was the principle additive affecting the concentration of ammonia, only in the control group. Casein and Bs significantly interacted in ammonia production (p = 0.039). The predominant bacteria were Bacillus spp. CWBI B1434 (26%) in the control group, and Streptococcus alactolyticus AF201899 (36%) in the experimental group. In summary, daily dietary Bs reduced ammonia production during fecal fermentation. Lessening L-tryptophan and increasing fructan in the fermentation broth reduced skatole and $H_2S$.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of L-tryptophan, Fructan, and Casein on Reducing Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Skatole in Fermented Swine Manure

        Q.K. Sheng,Z.J. Yang,H.B. Zhao,X.L. Wang,J.F. Guo 아세아·태평양축산학회 2015 Animal Bioscience Vol.28 No.8

        The effects of daily dietary Bacillus subtilis (Bs), and adding L-tryptophan, fructan, or casein to fecal fermentation broths were investigated as means to reduce the production of noxious gas during manure fermentation caused by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and 3-methylindole (skatole). Eighty swine (50.0±0.5 kg) were equally apportioned to an experimental group given Bs in daily feed, or a control group without Bs. After 6 weeks, fresh manure was collected from both groups for fermentation studies using a 3×3 orthogonal array, in which tryptophan, casein, and fructan were added at various concentrations. After fermentation, the ammonia, H2S, L-tryptophan, skatole, and microflora were measured. In both groups, L-tryptophan was the principle additive increasing skatole production, with significant correlation (r = 0.9992). L-tryptophan had no effect on the production of ammonia, H2S, or skatole in animals fed Bs. In both groups, fructan was the principle additive that reduced H2S production (r = 0.9981). Fructan and Bs significantly interacted in H2S production (p = 0.014). Casein was the principle additive affecting the concentration of ammonia, only in the control group. Casein and Bs significantly interacted in ammonia production (p = 0.039). The predominant bacteria were Bacillus spp. CWBI B1434 (26%) in the control group, and Streptococcus alactolyticus AF201899 (36%) in the experimental group. In summary, daily dietary Bs reduced ammonia production during fecal fermentation. Lessening L-tryptophan and increasing fructan in the fermentation broth reduced skatole and H2S.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of night light regimen on growth performance, antioxidant status and health of broiler chickens from 1 to 21 days of age

        R.X. Zhao,C.H. Cai,P. Wang,L. Zheng,J.S. Wang,K.X. Li,W. Liu,X.Y. Guo,X. A. Zhan,K.Y. Wang 아세아·태평양축산학회 2019 Animal Bioscience Vol.32 No.6

        Objective: The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of night light regimen on growth performance, antioxidant status and health of Lingnan Yellow broiler chickens from 1 to 21 days of age. Methods: A completely randomized factorial design involved 2 photoperiods (constant lighting [CL], 24 L:0 D and intermittent lighting [INL], 17 L:3 D:1 L:3 D)×2 light intensities (10 lx and 30 lx). A total of one thousand six hundred and eighty 1-d-old Lingnan Yellow broiler chicks were randomly divided into 4 treatments with 6 replicates (70 birds per replicate). The experiment lasted for 21 d. Results: Photoperiods and light intensities had no effect on average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and mortality of the broiler chickens (p>0.05). The INL had a significant effect on average daily feed intake (p<0.05) of broiler chickens compared with CL. Photoperiod and light intensity had an interactive effect on melatonin (MT) concentration (p<0.05). At CL, reducing light intensity increased MT concentration; INL birds had higher MT but MT concentration was not affected by light intensity. There was an interactive effect on glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) in serum and total antioxidant capability (T-AOC) in liver between photoperiod and light intensity. With the decrease of light intensity, the activities of GPx and CAT in serum and T-AOC in liver increased in CL group (p<0.05). Broiler chickens reared under INL had better antioxidant status and 10 lx treatments had higher activities of CAT in serum than 30 lx (p<0.05). Different photoperiods and light intensities had no effect on malondialdehyde. There was an interaction between photoperiod and light intensity on serum creatine kinase (CK) concentration (p<0.05). At CL, the elevated light intensity resulted in an increase in CK content; INL birds had lower CK concentration especially in low light intensity group. Besides, INL and low light intensity significantly reduced the concentration of serum corticosterone and heat shock protein 70 (p<0.05). Serum immunoglobulin M contents were increased in broiler chickens reared under the INL compared with CL group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Results above suggest that the night light regimen of INL and 10 lx could be beneficial to the broiler chickens from 1 to 21 days of age due to the better health status and electricity savings.

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