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      • KCI등재

        의성김씨의 유래와 五土山 鎭民祠 사적

        김윤규 ( Kim Yun-kyu ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2017 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.62

        의성의 읍민들과 의성김씨 문중에서 오랫동안 향사하고 기념하던 오토산 진민사의 문헌들이 일괄 문화재로 지정되었다. 이는 이 문서들이 가진 역사적 가치를 인정하는 것이면서, 동시에 이 문서가 생산된 오토산과 진민사의 문화유적이 중요한 민족문화의 일부임을 확인한 일이다. 의성김씨는 시조 金錫의 후손으로 그 중 대부분이 고려태자첨사 金龍庇의 후손이다. 이들은 고려시대부터 한국의 중요한 성씨 중 하나로 국가적 사명을 담당했으며, 지금도 30만 명의 인구를 가진 큰 씨족이다. 이들의 조상인 김용비는 고려시대에 의성읍의 사람들에게 큰 공덕을 끼쳐 지역민들이 사당을 지어 향사하기 시작하여 현재에 이르고 있다. 이 과정에서 기록된 수백년의 제향기록은 잘 해석되고 설명되어 민족문화유산으로 제공되어야 할 것이다. 오토산을 중심으로 한 이 지역에는 지질시대의 유적인 공룡화석산지로부터 신라 이전시기인 조문국 유적과 신라시대의 탑리오층석탑 유적 등이 있고, 조선시대의 선비문화를 가까이에서 체험할 수 있는 유서깊은 마을들이 있다. 이 중에 고려시대의 오토산 유적을 연결하면 한국사 전 시기의 중요한 역사와 유적을 연계하여 체험하고 학습할 수 있는 유적지구가 될 것이다. 오토산 지역은 “역사문화유적지구”로 지정되는 것이 바람직하다. 이 지역의 지질시대 유적은 이미 전국적 지명도를 가지고 있고, 삼국시대 전후의 국가발생 유적도 보기 드문 특징을 가지고 발견되고 연구되었으며, 신라 후기 최고의 유적 중 하나인 탑리 오층석탑은 국보로서의 위엄을 가지고 있다. 조선시대에는 명문가의 학자들이 근처에서 생장했으며 조선의 위기와 일제 강점기에는 수많은 의병들과 우국지사의 활동이 있었던 지역이다. 일련의 역사시기 중에 흠결이 되었던 고려시대의 유적으로 오토산 묘소와 진민사 사적이 조명됨으로써 모든 시기가 일관된 역사유적으로 설명될 수 있도록 완성되었다. 이제 필요한 노력은, 산재한 이야기들과 유적들을 서로 연계된 이야기의 틀로 연결하는 일이다. 선대의 삶과 노력이 우리의 삶과 어떻게 연결되어 있는지를 설명하고 공감하게 하는 노력이 있어야 하는 것이다. Documents from Jinmin-sa(鎭民祠) of Mountain Oto(五土山) has long been commemorated by Uisung citizens and Uisung Kim’s Clan(義城金 氏), and now the documents are designated as cultural heritage. This designation represents appreciation of the historic value of these documents, and at the same time it confirms that cultural remains of Mountain Oto and Jinmin-sa, where the documents were generated, are important part of national culture. Uisung Kims are descendants of progenitor Soek Kim(金錫), and most of them are descendants of Yongbi Kim(金龍庇), the Taejachumsa(who educated the crown prince) of Koryo Dynasty. Uisung Kim's Clan is one of the most important clan of Korea ever since the Koryo Dynasty, and it took responsibilities of various national duties. It is also a big clan with 300 thousand people belonging. Their ascendant Yongbi Kim practiced great and generous deeds to Uisung citizen in Koryo Dynasty, so people built a shrine for him and commemorated him until now. All the records of commemoration should be well interpreted and demonstrated to be provided as national cultural heritage. The region surrounding Mountain Oto has many historic remains, from dinosaur fossils of geological period to Jomunguk nation's remains of pre-Shinla period and Tapliochungsuktop(Tapli 5 storied stone pagoda) of Shinla Dynasty. There are also historic and distinguished villages where visitors can experience culture of sunbi(scholars) of Chosun Dynasty very closely. If we connect Mountain Oto with these historic remains, we can establish a historic district where visitors can experience and learn about every period in the history of Korea, with all the remains from every dynasty connected. Regions surrounding Mountain Oto should rightfully be designated as "History and Culture District“. The remains from geological period already earned national recognition, the traces of countries that rose in the area around the Three-Countries-Period have been found and studied due to their distinctive features, and Tapliochungsuktop, one of the best remains from late Shinla Dynasty, has its authority as National Treasure. In Chosun Dynasty, scholars of noble family were raised around this region, and at the crisis of Chosun and at the Japanese colonial period, numerous civil volunteer armies and patriots rose in the area. There had been one absent period in the flow of Korean history, but now since the remains of Mountain Oto and documents of Jinmin-sa are acknowledged as historic remains of Koryo Dynasty, this area now has a complete explanation of Korean history. Now, we need to put our effort in gathering scattered stories and remains into one connected story frame. We should try to explain how ancestors' life and effort are related to our life, and to make people sympathize with their story.

      • KCI등재

        전망이론 측면에서 본 푸에블로호사건과 북한의 정책선택

        김창규(Kim, Chang-kyu) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2018 군사 Vol.- No.106

        This study is the analysis based on Prospect Theory for the North Korea’s mechanism of policy choices on the USS Pueblo Incident happened in 1968. The Kim’s reference points at the time of the USS Pueblo incident are externally to protect North Korea’s sovereignty, to strengthen the alliance with the U.S.S.R. and China in addition to maintaining the autonomy for national security, internally to consolidate the Kim’s autocratic power and to reinforce the revolutional power against the South Korea The USS Pueblo incident can be divided into two stages. The first stage is to seize of the USS Pueblo and the first response stage of the U.S.A. and North Korea. (from Jan. 16 to Feb. 1) At this stage, Kim estimated that the U.S.A. would not drive the situations to war because of her domestic and international political difficulties. In early January 1968, North Korea faced the difficult political situations due to her contradictory relationships with U.S.S.R. and China, the increase of consciousness to be encircled because of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between South Korea and Japan, and the failure of the raid on Blue House by the North Korea’s guerrillas. In these situations, the information collection of the USS Pueblo on North Korea was a threat against North Korea’s security and a violation of North Korea’s sovereignty, and it was also a challenge against Kim. So Kim perceived the situations were in loss-domain on the basis of his 4 reference points and chose the risk-taking collision policy to seize of the USS Pueblo and to deny negotiation. The second stage is the negotiations between the U.S.A. and North Korea. (from Feb. 2 to Dec. 23). As all efforts were failed, the leadership of the U.S.A. could not help stopping the armed demonstration and sitting down on the table for the individual negotiations with North Korea. As the negotiations had been going on, the U.S.A. had somewhat conceded ‘3A’(Admit, Apologize, Assure) and North Korea could get the result to be admitted the North Korea’s sovereignty by the U.S.A. Kim had got the result to strengthen the alliance with the U.S.S.R. and to acquire her additional economical and military support, to improve the relationship with China, to enhance his internal & external prestige, to support the North Vietnam indirectly and to succeed in resulting in conflict between Korea and the U.S.A. These situations almost satisfied Kim’s 4 reference points. So Kim perceived the situations as gain-domain and decided to choose the risk-avoiding selection to conclude the negotiations. This study shows the effectiveness of Prospect Theory. It will be the short cut to grasp the reference points of North Korea’s leadership and the mechanism of policy choice and to cut or change its links in order to prevent and oppose the continuing North Korea’s provocation effectively. This study expects to contribute to this.

      • KCI등재

        「『拙藁千百』 譯註」(7) : 권1「金文正公墓誌」의 분석을 중심으로

        이진한(Lee, Jin-Han),김보광(Kim, Bo-Kwang),김규록(Kim, Kyu-Rok) 고려사학회 2014 한국사학보 Vol.- No.55

        『졸고천백』은 2권으로 된 최해의 문집이다. 최해는 주로 고려에서 활동하다가 정치적으로 소외되어 크게 현달하지 못하고 40세 정도에 은퇴하였다. 그는 대신 이제현, 이곡, 최문도 등 당대 최고의 문인과 교유하였다. 이 논문에서는 『졸고천백』중 권1의 15번째 글인「김문정공의 묘지」라는 글의 특징을 살피고, 번역 및 주석의 작업을 하였다. 이 글은 고려후기의 인물인 김태현을 위한 묘지명이다. 1261년에 태어난 김태현은 1276년(충렬왕 2)에 과거 급제한 이래 1330년에 사망할때까지 거의 대부분의 시기를 관원으로 활동하였다. 이 시기에 고려는 충렬왕과 충선왕의 重祚, 충선왕의 활동 및 토번 유배, 입성책동 등 굵직굵직한 정치적 사건을 겪었다. 이러한 정치상황에 따라 그는 관직 경력 상의 부침을 겪었는데, 「김태현묘지명」에서 주목되는 몇 가지를 정리하면 아래와 같다. 1) 아버지인 김수에 대한 기록이 주목된다. 삼별초가 제주도로 들어가려 할 때 제주로 파견되어 이를 막으려다 전사하였다는 내용이 실려 있다. 2) 김태현이 1280년에 충렬왕이 직접 선발한 시험에 합격하여, ‘전시문생’이라 불리면서 충렬왕의 측근으로 활동했다. 3) 그래서 충선왕이 1298년에 즉위하였을 때 그가 면직되었다는 사실 등 여타 기록에서 찾을 수 없는 경력을 이 묘지명을 통해서 확인할 수 있었다. Cholgo Ch"onbaek is a two-volume anthology of Choi Hae. He mostly worked in Goryeo, then later became politically isolated and made an early retirement at around 40 without significant achievements. This study examined the characteristics of ‘the epitaph for Kim Tae-hyun,’ the 15th entry in the book, and translated and annotated the original text. Mr. Kim was born in 1261, passed the state examination in 1276, and served as a government official most of his life until his death in 1330. This was a politically turmoil period that saw the enthronement, dethronement, as well as reinstatement of King Chungryeol and King Chungseon, the exile of King Chungseon to the present-day Tibet (Tobun at the time), the Mongol intervention in the Goryeo territory. Amid these political unrest, Mr. Kim’s career fluctuated as well. Some of the events are recorded in the work, which cannot be found elsewhere: 1) His father Su Kim is mentioned, who was dispatched to Jeju Island and killed there while trying to keep Sambyeolcho(a special capital defense unit) from entering the island. 2) Mr. Kim passed a state test directly overseen by King Chungryeol in 1280, and worked as a close aide to the king with a title Jeonsi-munsaeng(king"s students). 3) He lost his post when King Chungseon was enthroned in 1298. 4) The record shows that in the early 1300s, the Yuan dynasty operated 11 stations between Gaepyung and Gamsukseong.

      • 해도 정보를 이용한 선박의 최적 항로 생성

        김민규(Min-Kyu Kim),김종화(Jong-Hwa Kim),양현(Hyun Yang) 한국항해항만학회 2022 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2022 No.2

        Min-Kyu Kim*․Jong-Hwa Kim**․†최근 자율 운항 선박에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 특히, MUNIN (Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks) 프로젝트를 계기로 자율 운항 선박에 대한 개발과 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 또한 국제해사기구 IMO는 자율 운항 선박 시대에대응하기 위해 자율 선박을 MASS (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship)라 정의하고 선박 자율화 정도에 따라 4단계 등급을 제시하고 있다. 완전한 자율 운항 선박에 대한 요구조건을 만족하기 위해서는 항로 결정과 제어기술이 필수적이다. 본 연구에서는 여러 가지 기술 중 선박의최적경로를 생성하는 기법을 다룬다. 기존에 최적항로를 생성하기 위한 방법으로는   , Dijkstra와 같은 알고리즘들이 주로 사용되었다. 그러나 이와 같은 알고리즘은 섬이나 육지에 대한 충돌 회피는 고려하고 있지만 수심 및 연안 선박에 대한 규정들은 고려하지 않고 있어실제로 적용하기에는 한계점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 안전을 위해 선박의 선저 여유 수심과, 해도에 규정되어 있는 선박 운항에 대한여러 규정들을 반영하여 최적 항로를 생성하고자 한다. 최적 항로를 생성하기 위한 알고리즘으로는 강화학습 기반의 Q-learning 알고리즘을적용하였다.

      • Discovery of urinary metabolomic biomarkers for early detection of acute kidney injury

        Won, A Jin,Kim, Siwon,Kim, Yoon Gyoon,Kim, Kyu-Bong,Choi, Wahn Soo,Kacew, Sam,Kim, Kyeong Seok,Jung, Jee H.,Lee, Byung Mu,Kim, Suhkmann,Kim, Hyung Sik The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Molecular bioSystems Vol.12 No.1

        <P>The discovery of new biomarkers for early detection of drug-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) is clinically important. In this study, sensitive metabolomic biomarkers identified in the urine of rats were used to detect cisplatin-induced AKI. Cisplatin (10 mg kg(-1), i.p.) was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats, which were subsequently euthanized after 1, 3 or 5 days. In cisplatin-treated rats, mild histopathological alterations were noted at day 1, and these changes were severe at days 3 and 5. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (SCr) levels were significantly increased at days 3 and 5. The levels of new urinary protein-based biomarkers, including kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), glutathione S-transferase-alpha (GST-alpha), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), calbindin, clusterin, neutrophil, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and osteopontin, were significantly elevated at days 3 and 5. Among urinary metabolites, trigonelline and 3-indoxylsulfate (3-IS) levels were significantly decreased in urine collected from cisplatin-treated rats prior to histological kidney damage. However, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a hepatotoxicant, did not affect these urinary biomarkers. Trigonelline is closely associated with GSH depletion and results in insufficient antioxidant capacity against cisplatin-induced AKI. The predominant cisplatin-induced AKI marker appeared to be reduced in urinary 3-IS levels. Because 3-IS is predominantly excreted via active secretion in proximal tubules, a decrease is indicative of tubular damage. Further, urinary excretion of 3-IS levels was markedly reduced in patients with AKI compared to normal subjects. The area under the curve receiver operating characteristics (AUC-ROC) for 3-IS was higher than for SCr, BUN, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein, and glucose. Therefore, low urinary or high serum 3-IS levels may be more useful for early detection of AKI than conventional biomarkers.</P>

      • 유도 '되치기 본'의 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        김의환,김도준,김규수,김관현,김종달,최종삼,조용철,박순진,윤익선,안병근,정 훈,김미정,한성철 龍仁大學校 武道硏究所 1999 武道硏究所誌 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to reform practically a Korean Judo's Doechigi-Bon(Forms of Counterattack, judo's Gaeshi no Kata, Judo's Uradori no Kata, Judo's Gonosen no Kata) that was established in 1955 Korea, according to changing of techniques by Judo's modernization, in order to have Judo's carefulness and systematic diffusion. Reform procedure of Judo's Doechigi-Bon was 1st stage, Questionnaire survey 303 judokas, 2nd stage, Technical seminar by judo experts(12 judo professor) 4 times, 3rd stage, wording report for reform, 4rd stage, Discussion and judgement of Teaching and Judgement commission of Korean judo Association(KJA), 5th stage, Public hearing for reform in KJA, 6th stage, Report and decision of board of directors in KJA, 7th stage, public publication of Judo News(No.53) in KJA. Basic principle of reform of Judo's Doechigi-Bon were as table 1. Table 1. Basic principle of reform of Judo's Doechigi-Bon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items Reformed Key Points of Judo's Doechigi-Bon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Structure 1) Grand classification : Classified by 3 parts(1,2,3Gyo) 2)Medium classification : Te waza, Goshi waza, Ashi waza devided per each part(Gyo) 3)Sub-classification : Classified five techniques per each part(Gyo) 2. Contents 1) Selected established techniques as possible 2) Considered rationalty and overlapping of counterattack techniques 3. Decision of Conterattack techniques 1) Refered to results of Basic Questionnaire survey 2) Priority to decisions of Judo expert technical seminar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reformed Korean Judo's Doechigi-Bon(Forms of Counterattack techniques-KJA, 1999) are as follows: 1. Gyo; ① Uki otoshi -> Uchi mata ② Harai goshi -> Harai goshi gaeshi ③ O soto gari -> O soto gake ④ Ko uchi gari -> Sasae tsurikomi ashi ⑤ O uchi gari -> Ko soto gari 2. Gyo; ① Ippon seoi nage -> Okuri eri jime ② Tsuri domi goshi -> Uki waza ③ Okuri ashi harai -> Okuri ashi harai ④ Ko soto gari -> Tai otoshi ⑤ Hiza guruma -> Hiza guruma 3. Gyo; ① Kata guruma -> Sumi gaeshi ② Tai otoshi -> Ko soto gari ③ Hane goshi -> Harai tsurikomi ashi ④ Uchi mata -> Tai otoshi ⑤ Tomoe nage -> O uchi gari

      • KCI등재

        Formulation Sequence in Korean TV Talk Shows : Pre-Sequence as Consensual Grounds for Managing Category Work

        김규현(Kyu-hyun Kim),서경희(Kyung-Hee Suh) 한국사회언어학회 2018 사회언어학 Vol.26 No.2

        Kim, Kyu-hyun & Suh, Kyung-Hee. 2018. “Formulation Sequence in Korean TV Talk Shows: Pre-Sequence as Consensual Grounds for Managing Category Work”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(2). 85~117. From the perspectives of conversation analysis (CA) and membership categorization analysis (MCA), this paper analyzes the formulation sequence in Korean television news interviews and celebrity talk-shows. The analysis shows that the host s formulation is normatively oriented to by the guest as a preliminary action, which projects a range of face-impinging actions, such as challenge, assessment, request, etc. The formulation-confirmation sequence furnishes the host with consensual grounds for embarking on affectively-loaded assessment activities vis-à-vis the guest in his/her own terms. The guest, as the formulation-recipient, may block the host s projected action by using disconfirmation, which points to the contingent nature of the power that the host exercises as the agent of morality. The analysis of the formulation sequence is brought to bear upon the examination of the compositional features of the formulation turn (e.g., sentence-ending suffixes, discourse particle, etc.) and their interactional imports.



        Kim, Jong-Kyu,Kim, Kyung-Soo Korean Mathematical Society 2007 대한수학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        We introduce a new system of generalized nonlinear mixed quasivariational inequalities and prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution for the system in Hilbert spaces. The main result of this paper is an extension and improvement of the well-known corresponding results in Kim-Kim [16], Noor [21]-[23] and Verma [24]-[26].

      • A study on the pressure behaviour during the rupture by gas explosion

        Kim,Min-Kyu,Oh,Kyu-Hyung,Kim,Hong 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        The destruction by accident is affected by the blast of explosion. However, there are few of research on the external effect of vented gas explosions. Therefore it is necessary to study the effect of vented explosion. This study aims to find the characteristics of gas explosion, and the effect of vented gas explosion. Using an explosion chamber, we obtained a LPG explosion characteristics according to the vent size and concentration. The result of experiment showed that the explosion pressure effect to external space was much stronger than inner space during the course of a gas explosion. And the external pressure become higher in explosion pressure as the vent diameter become smaller.

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