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      • Ethical Considerations on Health Policy Making for Vulnerable People : Focused on HIV/AIDS Patients

        Ahn, Kyongjin,Bae, Hyuna Ewha Institute for Biomedical Law & Ethics 2009 BIOMEDICAL LAW & ETHICS Vol.3 No.2

        AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the greatest threat to health in the world. However, AIDS is not only related to health issues but also to social, economic and justice issues. The HIV/AIDS epidemic, which raised many ethical and moral question is a global issue. Even though AIDS is an important global issue, it has not been discussed in the public because there are still many unfair social stigmas attached to HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this paper is to address the seriousness of HIV/AIDS in social context and to reconsider how false perceptions of HIV/AIDS result in social stigma. Also we will examine the theoretical foundations that can help to solve the HIV/AIDS issue centered on human rights. To motivate practical action among people on the global HIV/AIDS issue, examination of our moral and ethical obligations to others who are needy and vulnerable is necessary. This kind of work will help to solve the question of how we can change the social discourse on HIV/AIDS and to make better heath policy for vulnerable group.

      • Women, Egg Donation & Ethics : Women's Rights in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) Research

        Ahn, Kyongjin Ewha Institute for Biomedical Law & Ethics 2007 BIOMEDICAL LAW & ETHICS Vol.1 No.1

        Ethicists primarily focus on the moral status of the embryo when dealing with egg donation and ignore other related ethical issues. For example, ethical considerations about egg donations are absent in Woo-Suk Hwang's case. In this paper, I examine the ethical debates concerning egg donation on SCNT. Exploitation of women is an ever present possibility when dealing with egg donations. This is no less true with egg donations on SCNT research. Therefore, it is imperative that we address, not only the moral status of the embryo, but also the issue of women's rights, I present here a critique of the scandal surrounding Hwang's research from a Korean woman's perspective. Using ethnography, I examine the concept of "voluntariness" as it pertained to Korean women, I will also locate the experience of women involved in the Hwang scandal within the larger discussion of women and their bodies in Korean society through a nexus of a narrative and Korean radical feminist analysis, which calls for an aggressive legal protection of women's health in its critique of patriarchal society.

      • KCI등재후보

        Reflections on the Movement for the Legalization of “Death with Dignity as Withdrawal of Futile Life-Sustaining Treatment” in South Korea

        ( Kyongjin Ahn ),( Hyuna Bae ) 서울대학교 아시아태평양법연구소 2011 Journal of Korean Law Vol.10 No.1

        In this article, we will introduce Korea’s medico-legal cases that are related to the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. This paper examines the issue of the legalization of “death with dignity” by investigating Korea’s leading cases on the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments and the current medical and legal situation in Korea. This paper also examines several preconditions for drafting a bill for such legislation. Considering the complexity of medical circumstances, laws and policies on end-of-life decision-making may not address every possible scenario. Thus, the laws and the policies would have to reflect the differing views of people based on their social status, moral values, religious beliefs, and economic status. Therefore, it should be recognized that a public consensus is necessary for devising successful public policy and guidelines with respect to euthanasia and “death with dignity” in Korea. So proper guidelines and public debates that incorporate the views of the public, the government, and medical and legal professional associations will help create a firmer foundation for making better laws and policies regarding the end of life care issues.

      • KCI등재

        ‘연명의료결정법’ 시행 이후 중환자실 간호사의 환자 연명의료결정 및 임종기 돌봄 경험 연구

        안경진(Kyongjin Ahn),공병혜(Byunghye Kong),송윤진(Yoonjin Song) 한국생명윤리학회 2020 생명윤리 Vol.21 No.2

        의・생명공학기술의 발달로 많은 사람들이 응급실 및 중환자실 등에서 집중연명치료를 받다가 죽음을 맞이하게 된다. 이러한 사회적 관행 속에서 ‘김할머니 사건’은 임종기 상황에서 무분별하게 적용되는 연명의료에 대한 사회적 인식 개선과 법제화의 필요성에 대해 공론화의 장을 열어주었다. 그 결과로 우리사회는 ‘호스피스·완화의료 및 임종과정에 있는 환자의 연명의료결정에 관한 법률(이하 연명의료결정법)’을 제정하였으며, 이 법을 시행한지 2년이 넘었다. 현재 시행되고 있는 ‘연명의료결정법’은 생애말기 의료적 의사결정과정에서 생명연장을 위한 연명의료 적용에 대한 환자의 자율적 의사 존중과 호스피스 및 완화의료를 통한 죽음의 질 문제를 포괄적으로 고려하기 위한 목적에서 제정되었다. 그러나 이 법은 대부분의 임종이 중환자실에서 이루어지고 있는 의료현실에 대한 성찰로 연결되지 못하고, 연명의료결정 과정에서 야기되는 다양한 딜레마 상황을 제대로 고려하지 못하고 있기 때문에 환자의 존엄한 죽음을 확보하는데 있어서 근본적 한계를 가진다. 이에 본 논문에서는 연명의료결정법 시행 이후 중환자실 간호사들의 연명의료결정 및 임종기 돌봄에서의 다양한 경험을 살펴봄으로써, 실제 의료 현장에서 법이 제정 목적에 맞게 제대로 작동하고 있는지 그 현황을 파악하고자 한다. 하지만, 본 연구는 지역 일개 종합병원의 중환자실 간호사의 경험을 중심으로 살펴보았기 때문에 다양한 지역 및 기관 간 격차 등을 비교분석하지 못한 측면이 있으며, 따라서 이들의 중환자실 임종기 돌봄 경험을 일반화하기에는 한계가 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 본 연구는 연명의료결정법 시행 이후 발견되는 관련 제도의 유의미한 장·단점을 중환자실 간호사의 경험에 근거해 파악하고, 이를 통하여 환자의 존엄한 죽음을 위한 연명의료결정 및 임종기 돌봄환경을 위한 근본적 개선방안을 도출하고 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 이는 임종기 돌봄 환경의 실질적인 개선을 위한 제도적·정책적 개발을 위한 중요한 연구 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다. Despite recent developments in medical and biotechnology, most people die while undergoing intensive life-sustaining treatments in emergency rooms or intensive care units. Amid these social practices, the “Grandmother Kim case” opened a forum for public debate about the necessity to improve social awareness and about the legalization of life-sustaining treatments that are indiscriminately applied to dying patients. As a result, the “Act on Hospice and Palliative Care and Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatments for Patients at the End of Life” was enacted and has been in effect since February of 2018. The ‘Life-sustaining Treatment Decision-making Act’, currently in effect, was enacted for the purpose of comprehensively considering the patient"s autonomy regarding the application of life-sustaining treatments and the quality of death through hospice and palliative care during the medical decision-making process at the end of life. However, because this law does not properly consider the reality of the medical setting in the intensive care unit environment and the various dilemma situations that arise during the actual intensive care unit life-sustaining treatment decision process, this law has fundamental limitations in securing a dignified death for patients. The purpose of this study is to examine the various experiences of intensive care unit nurses in life-sustaining care decisions-making and end-of-life care after the implementation of the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision-making Act ultimately to determine whether the law is properly operating in accordance with the purpose of its enactment in the actual medical field. In addition, by grasping the significant strengths and weaknesses of related systems which have arisen since the implementation of the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision-making Act, this study attempts to derive improvement measures pertaining to life-sustaining treatment decision-making for the dignified death of patients and end-of-life care environments. This study is expected to provide important research data for both institutions and those involved in policy development, leading to practical improvements of end-of-life care environments. However, since this study focused on the experiences of nurses in the intensive care unit of a local general hospital, there are limits to generalizing the results of this study.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 죽음에 대한 인식과 경험: 죽음의 고통과 삶의 의미

        안경진(Ahn, Kyongjin),박경숙(Park, Keong-Suk) 인제대학교 인간환경미래연구원 2021 인간 · 환경 · 미래 Vol.- No.26

        죽음을 둘러싼 사회적 환경이 과거와 다르게 변화되면서 사회구성원들은 다양한 갈등과 고통을 경험하지만, 죽어가면서 겪는 고통이 무엇이며 왜 이런 고통이 발생했는지에 대한 논의와 이와 관련된 연구들이 많이 부족하다. 이 연구는 노인과 노인을 돌보는 가족 그리고 돌봄 종사자들의 죽음 인식과 경험을 인터뷰하여, 죽음 인식과 경험 속에서 발견되는 다양한 갈등과 고통의 의미를 해석하였다. 이 연구는 인터뷰 참여자들이 구술하는 죽음을 둘러싼 고통과 갈등을, 존재가 무너지는 상실에 대한 고통, 정리되지 못한 관계로 인한 고통, 후회와 원망으로 가득한 삶, 나의 죽음을 인식하지 않으려는 수동적 태도, 원치 않는 방식대로 죽는 데에 대한 두려움, 임종기 연명의료결정에 대한 갈등, 오랜 시간이 걸리는 죽음과 돌봄 부담, 그리고 고독사의 개념으로 해석하였다. 나아가 관계 회복을 통해 고통을 치유하고 삶의 의미를 재통합하는 성찰적 자아를 발견하는 계기들을 해석하였다. 인터뷰 참여자들이 죽음에 대한 다양한 고통과 갈등을 경험하면서 새롭게 성찰한 의미는 죽음을 통한 삶의 의미통합, 지금 여기의 삶의 충만함, 주체적 존재로 죽음을 준비한다는 것의 의미, 상호돌봄과 연대로 개념화하였다. As the social environment surrounding death evolves, people experience various forms of unexpected pain. However, neither current social discourse nor previous studies have addressed in any depth why such pain occurs, what this pain might mean, and what constitutes these sorts of pain. Therefore, the present study aims to explore various conflicts and reflections related to perceptions of death through interviews with the elderly, their families, and care workers for elderly. In this study, participants reflected on the meaning of suffering and death. The aspects of suffering and conflict, as they pertain to death, experienced by the research participants could be categorized into eight themes: suffering from loss at the end of life, suffering from unresolved relationships, experiencing strong regret and resentment, one’s perception of their own impending death, the fear of dying in an unwanted manner, conflicts over medical decisions, the burden of long-term care, and loneliness. The research participants also reflected on the meaning of life and the meaning of human existence at the end of life based on a new understanding of suffering through recognition and reflection on death. This reflection was analyzed with five themes: the integration of the meaning of life through death, the fullness of life in the ‘here and now’, the meaning of preparing for death, and mutual care relationships and solidarity.

      • KCI등재

        연명의료결정법 시행 이후 일반인과 의대생 대상 죽음교육 개선을 위한 예비연구

        김정아,안경진,Kim, Claire Junga,Ahn, Kyongjin 연세대학교 의과대학 2022 의학교육논단 Vol.24 No.2

        Considering the recent medicalization of death, the importance of preparing both laypersons and medical students to have meaningful end-of-life conversations, which is among the objectives of death education, will grow. The Act of Hospice and Palliative Care and Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment for Patients at the End of Life provided a new source of momentum to death education for both laypersons and medical professionals, as the importance of education on death is widely recognized. However, problems remain regarding how to prepare people for productive conversations at the end-of-life and how to secure the continuity of care. Different focuses and deficiencies are observed in death education programs for each category of learner. In education for laypeople, tangible information on how to actualize one's existential and personal understanding of death through real-life options is lacking, except for presenting the "protocol" of the Act. Conversely, basic medical education lacks an understanding of or confrontation with death on the existential and personal levels. Death education should aim to build a shared understanding that can facilitate communication between the two groups. The scant overlap between layperson education and basic medical education even after the Act's enactment is worrisome. Further fundamental changes in death education are required regarding its content. Topics that patients and doctors can share and discuss regarding death and end-of-life care should be discovered and provided as educational content both to laypeople and future medical professionals.

      • KCI등재

        연명 의료 결정의 딜레마와 그 사회적 맥락

        박경숙(PARK, Keong-Suk),서이종(Suh, Yi-Jong),안경진(Ahn, Kyongjin) 한국이론사회학회 2015 사회와 이론 Vol.26 No.-

        오늘날 죽음을 직접적으로 경험하고 인식하고 죽음에 대해 소통할 가능성은 줄어들고 있지만 죽어가는 과정(임종)에 대한 경험과 인지와 우려는 빠른 속도로 사회 저변으로 확대되고 있다. 한편으로 임종 의료 결정의 기준으로 회복 가능성과 환자의 자기 결정권이 강조된다. 회복 가능성이 없는 상황에서 연명의료 처치는 바람직하지 않고 연명의료 결정에 대하여 환자의 자기 결정이 존중되어야 한다는 인식이 커지고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 임종현장에서는 연명의료 처치가 일반적이고 환자의 자기결정이 제약되는 상황들이 지속되고 있다. 이 연구는 노인, 가족, 의료진, 요양기관 담당자, 종교 및 사회단체 종사자들의 인식 조사에 기초하여 임종 의료결정이 딜레마에 놓이게 되는 사회적 맥락을 구체적으로 살피고 있다. 몸의 회복 가능성에 대한 의학적 판단은 결코 확정적이지 못하고 죽음의 의미를 소통하는 것이 기피되고 죽음 선택이 강제될 수 있는 상황들의 의미를 밝히고 있다. Social concerns about the end of life care have rapidly extended in Korea with the development of medical industry and the increasing need of long term care for the elderly. Moreover, the rise of complex and diverse actors in medical-social care sites brings the knowledge, practice, and value of end of life care into confusing and political contest. Nevertheless, the issues about end of life care in Korea remain without being publicized fully or clearly articulated. We try to elaborate issues and meanings accrued in the decision making about life-sustaining treatment in Korea by interpreting perceptions of diverse actors who experience or participate in end of life care, including elderly people, nursing staffs, family members, medical physicians, care related social organization, and religious groups. The analysis is based on the survey data collected in 2014 for 600cases and in depth interviews of those diverse actors in the long term care and end of life care. Main themes to inquire into are composed of the uncertainty of the medically irreversible condition, patient’s self determination in a dilemma, and multiple pains in the prolonged dying, and the social context about the medicalization of dying.

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