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      • Globalization, Digitalization, and Renationalization: Some Reflections from Japanese Cases

        Koichi Iwabuchi 연세대학교 영어영문학과 BK21 Plus 사업단 2019 Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context Vol.12 No.1

        Across the world, globalization processes have been significantlyactivating cross-border flows and promoting the interpenetration ofcapital, people, and media communication. The development of digitalcommunication technologies and social media with their affect-drivencapacities reinforce these tendencies. Globalization apparently disregardsnational borders and undermines exclusionary national identities bygenerating cultural mixing, hybridized identifications, transnationaldialogue, and cosmopolitan consciousness. Digital communicationtechnologies have further intensified mediated collectivities beyond andacross the nation, but these developments do not necessarily bring aboutthe weakening of national imaginations and nation-centered frameworks. In many parts of the world, we have been observing the resilience ofnational identity and the resurgence of nationalism. Globalizationand digitalization have promoted various modes of cross-borderconnection, exchange, and confrontation while at the same time newlyhighlighting the relevance of national borders. This paper will discusshow renationalization accompanies the progression of globalization anddigitalization and considers the role of digital media and traditionalmass media in the reproduction of the nation, referring to Japanese casesin which a growing concern with the promotion of national dignityand national interests has been engendering hate-driven jingoism andcommercialized nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        East Asian Rivalry, Digital Media and Proximate Enemies in Japan

        Koichi Iwabuchi 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2018 아시아리뷰 Vol.7 No.2

        The substantial expansion of global capitalism in the post-cold-war context has accompanied the ascent of Asian economies and (commercialized) cultures as most exemplified by China and South Korea. In contrast, Japan’s experience has been marked by the struggle with economic slump after the collapse of so-called bubble economy. Accordingly we have observed the intensification of economic and cultural rivalry between Japan, China and South Korea, joined together with political contestation over historical issues. This paper discuss the rise of anti-Chinese and Korean sentiment in Japan, which also generates hate-speech movement against resident Koreans. It will be argued that growing East Asian rivalry with the relative decline of Japan, the vague sense of socio-economic frustration and the upsurge of digital media communication have been complicatedly conjoined to engender the attack and hunt of proximate enemies as the object of expression of dislike.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아의 경쟁과 디지털 미디어 그리고 일본의 근접한 적들

        고이치 이와부치(Koichi Iwabuchi),김태균(번역자) 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2017 아시아리뷰 Vol.6 No.2

        중국과 한국의 경제성장 사례에서 드러나는 것처럼, 전후 세계 자본주의의 팽창은 아시아 경제와 (상업화된) 문화의 부상을 가져왔다. 반면, 지난 20여 년간 일본사회는 소위 거품경제의 붕괴 이후 경제침체를 극복하기 위해 악전고투해왔다. 일본의 미디어 문화가 세계적으로 호응이 높아지면서 일본의 문화적 힘이 증가해왔다. 하지만 자본주의의 등장과 문화시장의 팽창은 아시아 국가들의 문화시장의 생산력을 증가시켰고, 특히 한국의 문화시장은 일본을 능가하는 수준에 이르렀다. 우리는 일본, 중국, 한국의 경제적이고 문화적인 경쟁관계가 지속적으로 심화되고 있음을 목격하고 있다. 이러한 경쟁관계는 역사적 문제들에 대한 정치적 갈등과 함께 나타나고 있다. 이 글은 1990년 중반 이후 미디어 문화의 동아시아 지역 내순환 및 소비의 활성화로 문화적 교류기 상당한 수준으로 진전되었음에도 불구하고, 어떻게 일본에서의 증가하는 반중, 반한 감정이 (반한 감정의 증가는 재일한국인들에 대한 혐오연설을 야기하기도 한다) 동아시아의 문화적 교류를 억제하고, 최소한 이것을 압도하게 되는지를 논의한다. 이 글은 동아시아 내의 경쟁관계의 증대가 일본의 상대적인 쇠퇴, 사회경제적인 막연한 좌절감, 그리고 디지털 미디어 커뮤니케이션의 급증과 복잡하게 얽혀서 혐오 표현의 대상으로서 근접한 적에 대한 공격과 추격을 형성해왔음을 주장한다. The substantial expansion of global capitalism in the post-Cold War context has accompanied the ascent of Asian economies and (commercialized) cultures as mostly exemplified by China and South Korea. In contrast, Japan’s experience has been marked by struggles with economic slump after the collapse of the so-called bubble economy. Nonetheless, Japan’s cultural power has been growing as Japanese media culture has been received favorably internationally. However, the advent of capitalism and the expansion of cultural markets have enhanced the production capacity of other Asian countries as well and South Korean counterparts have even surpassed those of Japan. Accordingly, we have observed the intensification of economic and cultural rivalry between Japan, China and South Korea and the rise of inter-Asian antagonism and the “othering,” joined by political contestation over historical issues. This paper discusses how the rise of anti-Chinese and Korean sentiments in Japan, which also generates hate-speech movements against resident Koreans, overwhelm, if not suppress, East Asian cultural exchange. This is considered within the social context of regional circulation and consumption of media cultures which has considerably advanced East Asian cultural exchange since mid-1990s. It will be argued that growing East Asian rivalry with the relative decline of Japan, the vague sense of socio-economic frustration, and the upsurge of digital media communication have been complicatedly conjoined to engender the attacks and search for proximate enemies as the object of animosity.

      • KCI등재후보

        Research Articles : Peptides from Bombyx Fibroin Counter D-Galactose-induced Hair Aging in Mice

        ( Kei Ichiro Yamamoto ),( Masaaki Tsushima ),( Atsushi Yoshida ),( Mayumi Karimazawa ),( Osamu Nagasuna ),( Michimasa Uchidate ),( Akira Iwabuchi ),( Masanobu Goryo ),( Tetsuro Yamashita ),( Koichi Su 한국잠사학회 2011 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.23 No.2

        Using proteases, we produced a peptide mixture from fibroin of the silkworm Bombyx mori. Mice received D-galactose by subcutaneous injection for 8 weeks to accelerate aging, and then received the peptide mixture orally for 7 weeks. In the mice aged with D-galactose, the coefficient of friction of hair increased significantly up to 1.6-fold, but in the mice subsequently given the peptide mixture, it was normal. Scanning electron microscopy showed improved hair cuticles in the latter mice too. These results indicate that oral administration with peptides from Bombyx fibroin counters the aging of hair cuticles.

      • KCI등재후보

        Peptides from Bombyx Fibroin Counter D-Galactose-induced Hair Aging in Mice

        Yamamoto, Kei-Ichiro,Tsushima, Masaaki,Yoshida, Atsushi,Karimazawa, Mayumi,Nagasuna, Osamu,Uchidate, Michimasa,Iwabuchi, Akira,Goryo, Masanobu,Yamashita, Tetsuro,Suzuk, Koichi Korean Society of Sericultural Science 2011 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.23 No.2

        Using proteases, we produced a peptide mixture from fibroin of the silkworm $Bombyx$ $mori$. Mice received D-galactose by subcutaneous injection for 8 weeks to accelerate aging, and then received the peptide mixture orally for 7 weeks. In the mice aged with D-galactose, the coefficient of friction of hair increased significantly up to 1.6-fold, but in the mice subsequently given the peptide mixture, it was normal. Scanning electron microscopy showed improved hair cuticles in the latter mice too. These results indicate that oral administration with peptides from $Bombyx$ fibroin counters the aging of hair cuticles.

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