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        Effects of Interleukin-1β, Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interferon-γ on the Nitric Oxide Production and Osteoclast Generation in the Culture of Mouse Bone Marrow Cells

        Kwon, Young-Man,Kim, Se-Won,Ko, Seon-Yle The Korean Academy of Oral Biology 2006 International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.31 No.2

        Nitric oxide(NO) is a labile, uncharged, reactive radical that functions as a sensitive mediator of intercellular communication in diverse tissues. It has been reported that NO is produced by osteoblast and these results may suggest that NO is integrally involved in the regulation of osteoclast formation and osteoclast resorption activity by osteoblastic cells. We examined the effect of cytokines on NO release by mouse bone marrow cell. We also examined the effects of cytokokines and sodium nitroprusside(SNP) on the formation of osteoclast-like cell from mouse bone marrow cells in culture. Cytokines stimulated NO production of mouse bone marrow cells, and N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, a specific inhibitor of NO synthase, suppressed the cytokine-induced NO production. SNP showed dual action in the generation of osteoclasts. The addition of 30μM SNP inhibited the formation of tartrate resistant acid phosphatase(TRAP)(+) multinucleated cell, whereas lower concentration(3μM) of SNP enhanced it. Althogh the precise action of NO remains to be elucidated in detail, the action of NO in osteoclast generation in our studies seems to be associated, at least in part, with bone matabolism and bone pathophysiology.

      • Generation of Transgenic Pigs Carrying a Construct for Endothelial Specific Expression of CD73

        Keon Bong Oh,Bella Kim,Nayoung Ko,Dae-Jin Kwon,Dong-Hoon Kim,Gi-Sun Im,Jin-Ki Park,Seongsoo Hwang 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2011 발생공학 국제심포지엄 및 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.1

        Despite of the absence of hyperacute rejection and acute humoral xenograft rejection, the organ graft of the a1,3-galactosyltransferase (GalT) gene knockouted (KO) and complement regulatory protein (CRP) expressing pig into a nonhuman primate is rejected by development of a thrombotic microangiopathy and/or a consumptive coagulopathy. Thus further introduction of genes to overcome the coagulation incompatibilities between pig and primate under GalT KO/CRP genetic background has been strongly suggested. CD73 (ecto-5'-nucelotidase) is an enzyme attached via a glycosyl phosphoinositol anchor to the extracellular membrane of endothelial cells, which catalyses the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate to adenosine. Loss of activity of CD73 results in activation and aggregation of platelets by a reduced capacity to convert nucleotides to adenosine. In previous study, we reported generation of GalT KO fibroblasts concurrently expressing membrane cofactor protein and produced cloned pigs by nuclear transfer of the fibroblast cells (1). In this study, we constructed a vector for expression of human CD73 under control of promoter of pig Icam2 gene expressed specifically at endothelial cells. This vector was introduced into porcine fibroblasts using the nucleofection technology, by which we had forty three fibroblasts clones carrying pIcam2- CD73 vector. Somatic cell nuclear transfer resulted in generation of two transgenic piglets survived.

      • Piezocone과 Rowe Cell을 利用한 水平壓密係數 推定

        권기복,류권일,고영헌,김팔규 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        Site characterization is one of the most important performances in projects with regard to solving geotechnical problems. Piezocone penetration test is a fast, economic, and accurate method of site characterization. Static cone penetrometer and the piezocone represents the most versatile tools currently available for soil exploration. The cone penetration and piezocone tests provide continuous sounding capability and repeatability. Rare of consolidation parameter may be assessed form the Piezocone test by measuring the dissipation or decay of pore pressure with time after a stop in penetration. And many researches have been developed to determine the horizontal coefficent of consolidation from the Piezocone test. Many of these researches using a theoretical solutions which is determined from either the cavity expantion theory or the stress path method. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, the results can be varied considerably. For that reason, many researchers make their effort to improve and complement the defect of already established methods. In this dissertation, the correlation between the Coefficient of Consolidation from Piezocone dissipation test and the Coefficient of Consolidation Rowe Cell horizontal consolidation test in many cases was studied. The purpose of this study is to know the changing of the Coefficient of Consolidation by loading condition while Rowe Cell horizontal consolidation test is used

      • 고구마 收量에 미치는 諸形質의 直接效果 및 間接效果

        高美錫,張權烈,韓鏡秀 진주농과대학 1970 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.9

        고구마의 수량에 影響하는 形質을 보다 正確하게 알기 위하여 形質相互間의 相關關係 그리고 經路係數를 分析한바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 고구마의 收量과 關係있는 形質은莖長, 莖數, 直徑, 節數, 莖重, 地下重, 塊根數의 各形質이었다. 2. 고구마의 收量에 直接的으로 영향하는 形質은 直徑節數, 莖重, 地下重이었다. 3. 間接效果는 莖長과 地下重, 莖數와 地下重, 直徑과 地下重, 節數와 地下重, 莖重과 地下重 間에 높은 값을 보였다. 4. 고구마의 收量은 直徑이 크고 節數가 많고 莖重과 地下重이 무거운 것일수록 收量이 많다는 사실을 알 수 있다. The studies were intended to clarify the correlations between the characters and the influences upon yields of some sweet potatoes. The analysis of covariance was used to obtain genotypic correlations and phenotypic correlations among the eight characters such as stem-length, stem-number, stem-diameter, node-number, stem-weight, underground weight, root-number and root-weight, and the path-coefficients were calculated by Dewey's method. The results obtained are summerized as follows; 1. The yield of sweet potatoes was mainly associated with the characters such as stem-length, stem-number, node-number, stem-weight, undergroundweight, etc. 2. Node-number, stem-weight and underground-weight have positively influenced directly upon the yield of sweet potatoes. 3. Stem-length, stem number and root number also had little or negative influences upon yield but it had rather considerable indirect influence upon yield by increasing of sweet potatoes. 4. As a result, it can be concluded that the yield of sweet potatoes is determined underground weight, node number and stem number etc.

      • 大豆雜種初期世代의 收量에 대한 經路係數 分析

        張權烈,高美錫,韓鏡秀,金鎭馨 慶尙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.25 No.2

        大豆 新品種育成의 重要性에 비추어 選拔에 대한 基礎資料를 얻고자, 6個品種을 二面交雜하고 이들에서 얻은 15個組合 雜種 F1 및 F2世代를 材料로 經路係數를 分析하여 各量的 形質들이 收量에 미치는 直接 果와 形質相互間의 間接 果를 算出한바, 그 結果는 다음과 같았다. 1. 各形質들의 收量에 미치는 直接 果는 世代間에 多少의 差異는 있었지만, 株當莢數, 莖直徑, 莖長, 成熟口數 및 100粒重等이 크게 評價되었다. 2. 形質間의 間接 果는, 株當莢數가 全組合間에 큰 影響을 미쳤으나 100粒重은 成熟日數, 分枝數로부터 받는 間接的 影響이 더 컸었다. 3. 株當莢數가 收量에 미치는 影響은 直接 果가 支配的이었으나 莖長, 莖直徑 및 生育日數로부터 間接的 影響을 받음으로써 그 果는 더욱더 컸을 것으로 推定되었다. A set of 15 crosses of F1's and F2's from six soybean varieties (Danyeopkong, D70-7485, Ilyangjidu, Yukoo#3, Gungnae Jungsaengjidu and Ganglim) were grown in the field to estmiate the path-coefficient for direct and indirect effects of each character influencing grain yield. From a serious of experiments conduced in 1981 to 1982, nine agronomic characters, i.e., days to flowering, days from flowering to maturity, days to maturity, stem length, stem diameter, branch numbers per plant, pod numbers per plant, 100-grain weight and grain weight per plot(grain yield) were observed. By means of a path-coefficient analysis method, the yield of soybean was found to be mainly associated with the characters such as pod numbers per plant, stem length, stem diameter and the highest affectable character to grain yield was pod numbers per plant. The direct effect of 100-grain weight to yield was found to be lower than the indirect effect of other characters.

      • 大豆栽培의 省力化를 爲한 除草劑의 效果

        張權烈,韓鏡秀,高美錫,崔震龍 慶尙大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        以上의 結果를 要約하면 아래와 같다. 1. 雜草發生率은 品種間에는 有意性이 없으며 약제간에는 Mon가 7%, Lark 31%, MA 32%로서 Mon가 雜草發生이 제일 낮았다. 2. 雜草重은 品種間에는 有意性이 없으며 약제간에는 Mon 12.5kg, LA 13.7kg, MA 15kg로서 Mon가 제일 적었다. 3. 除草劑의 처리에 의한 種實重量은 관행구에 비하여 Mon은 56.8%, MA는 55.9%가 감소 되었고 LA는 가장 낮은 46.7%가 감소 되었다. 4. 經濟性 分析의 結果 10a當 순수익으로 LA 3,463원 MA 2,736원 Mon 2,641원으로서 관행구의 868원에 비하여 除草劑의 처리에 의하여 순수익을 높일 수 있었으므로 除草劑의 導入이 時急하다. The objective of this study was to evaluate the three herbicides, Machete, Mon-097 EC, and Lasso for annual weed control in soybeans at the experimental farm of Gyeong-Sang College. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The ratio of weed was not shown significance among the varietieties, as shown Tables 1 and 2, but the significance was shown among the herbicides and the plot of Mon-097 herbicide showed lowest value, 7%, as shown in Table 1. 2. The weight of weed also was not shown the significance among the varieties but the significance was shown among the herbicides, such as shown in Tables 1 and 2. The weight of weed also showed the same tendency as the ratio of weeds. 3. The yields of treated soybeans showed lower yield than normal condition plot, such as Mon-51.8%, Ma-55.9%, La-46.7%, respectively. 4. According to the analysis of economic values, herbicide plots were got more net-income than normal condition plot. It is needless to say that herbicides had to be recommendable in this case.

      • 3분 및 4분 상완골근위부 골절에서의 외반형 및 내반형에 따른 임상적 비교

        최창혁,권굉우,김신근,이상욱,신동규,이승진 대한골절학회 2002 대한골절학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        목 적 : 수술적으로 치료한 3분, 4분 상완골 근위부 골절을 외반형과 내반형으로 재분류하여 임상적 결과를 비교하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : Neer 분류상 3분, 4분 상완골근위부 골절로 분류된 21례에 대해 수술적 치료를 시행하고 12개월 이상 추시된 증례를 대상으로, 골절부위의 각형성, 상완골두의 방향성, 그리고 우세 전위결절의 양상에 따라 외반형과 내반형으로 재분류하여 UCLA shoulder rating scale에 따른 기능적 평가를 시행하였다. 결 과 : 단순 방사선 소견을 기준으로 Neer의 3, 4분 상완골 근위부골절을 외반형과 내반형 및 각각의 아형(subtype)으로 분류할 수 있었다. 견관절 반치환술을 시술한 2례를 제외하고 분석한 각 그룹의 UCLA 기능적 평가는 외반형에서 양호 이상의 결과가 9례중 8례(89%), 내반형에서 10례중 4례(40%)로 외반형에서 더 우수한 임상적 경과를 보였다. 결 론 : 상완골 근위부 골절에서 골두의 방향성은 골절의 각형성 및 우세 전위결절의 양상과 높은 상관관계를 가졌으며, 내반형의 경우 혈행과 신경장애가 좀더 빈번하고 예후도 불량한 것으로 나타났고, 이러한 경우 수술시 도달 방법, 연부조직 상태에 대한 평가가 더욱 신중하게 고려되어야 할 것으로 생각되었다. Purpose : We reclassified three-and four-part proximal humerus fracture by Neer's classification into valgus & varus type, and compared the results of these groups. Materials & methods : 21 cases classified as three- and four-part fracture in Neer's classifiation were treated surgically and followed for 12 months. We reclassified the 21 cases vlagus and varus type fractures, according to angulation of fractures, facing of humeral head, and dominant displaced tuberosity. Functional evaluation was done by UCLA shoulder rating scale. Results : Neer's three- and four-part proximal humerus fractures could be reclassified based on angulation, facing of humeral head, and dominant tuberosity displacement. The functional results according to UCLA shoulder rating scale were good or excellent in 8 of 9 cases of valgus type(89%), and at 4 in cases of varus type(40%). The clinical result of the valgus type was better than that of the varus type. Conclusion : Based on reclassification system of proximal humerus fractures, clinical results and radiographic findings including angulation, facing of head and domonant tuberosity displacement showed close relationship. Neurovascular complication were more frequent in the varus type. Therefore, careful evaluation including surgical approach and soft tissue status should be considered in the varus type of complex proximal humerus fracture.

      • 스퍼터로 제작된 WO ₃박막의 CMP 광역평탄화 특성

        이우선,최창주,고필주,최권우 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 2004 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.26 No.1

        Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process has been widely used to planarize dielectric layers, which can be applied to the integrated circuits for sub-micron technology. Despite the increased use of CMP process, it is difficult to accomplish the global planarization of in the defect-free inter-level dielectrics (ILD). we investigated the performance of WO_(3) CMP used silica slurry, ceria slurry, tungsten slurry. In this paper, the effects of addition oxidizer on the WO_(3) CMP characteristics were investigated to obtain the higher removal rate and lower non-uniformity.

      • F.D.M.을 應用한 1次元 壓密解析의 最適法 糾明

        김지호,류권일,고영헌,김팔규 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        In general, the term soft ground includes clayey soils, which have large compressibility and small shear resistance due to the external load. All process of consolidation in compressible soils can be explained in terms of transfer of load from an incompressible pore-water to a compressible soil structure. Therefore, one of the most important subjects about the characteristics of the time-dependant consolidation of the clay foundation by the charge of load may be the presumption of the final settlement caused by consolidation and the degree of consolidation according to the time. Pioneering work by Terzaghi imparted scientific and mathematical bases to many aspects of this subject and many people have used this theory to measure the consolidation settlement until now. In the paper, Finite Difference Methods for consolidation are considered. First, it is shown the stability criterion of Explicit scheme and the Crank-Nicolson scheme, although unconditionally stable in the mathematical sense, produces physically unrealistic solutions when the time step is large, it is also shown that The fully Implicit scheme shows more satisfactory behavior, but is less accurate for small time steps. And then we need to decide what scheme is more proper to consolidation. The purpose of this paper is to suggest the pertinent scheme to consolidation.

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