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      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정상면역을 가진 성인에서 발생한 식도 방선균증

        김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),천종운 ( Jong Woon Cheon ),김민수 ( Min Su Kim ),정창길 ( Chang Kil Jung ),김경록 ( Kyung Rok Kim ),최재원 ( Jae Won Choi ),강동우 ( Dong Woo Kang ),김선영 ( Sun Young Kim ) 대한소화기학회 2013 대한소화기학회지 Vol.61 No.2

        Hyun Soo Kim, Jong Woon Cheon, Min Su Kim, Chang Kil Jung, Kyung Rok Kim, Jae Won Choi, Dong Woo Kang and Sun Young Kim1 Departments of Internal Medicine and Pathology1, DongKang Medical Center, Ulsan, Korea Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative disease and caused by Actinomycosis species, principally Actinomyces israelii, which are part of the normal inhabitant on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital tract. It usually affects cervicofacial, thoracic and abdominal tissue. Cervicofacial type has the highest percentage of occurrence with 50%. Actinomycosis frequently occurs following dental extraction, jaw surgery, chronic infection or poor oral hygiene. It may also be considered as an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised patients such as malignancy, human immunodeficiency virus infection, diabetes mellitus, steroid usage or alcoholism. But, actinomycosis rarely occurs in adults with normal immunity and rare in the esophagus. We report an unusual case of esophageal actinomycosis which was developed in a patient with normal immunity and improved by therapy with intravenous penicillin G followed oral amoxicillin, and we also reviewed the associated literature.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 직무 스트레스 측정도구의 개발 및 표준화

        장세진,고상백,강동묵,김성아,강명근,이철갑,정진주,조정진,손미아,채창호,김정원,김정일,김형수,노상철,박재범,우종민,김수영,김정연,하미나,박정선,이경용,김형렬,공정옥,김인아,김정수,박준호,현숙정,손동국 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Background and Purposes: Over the past three decades, numerous studies performed in Korea have reported that job stress is a determinant risk factor for chronic diseases and work disability. Every society has its own culture and occupational climate particular to their organizations, and hence experiences different occupational stress. An occupational stress measurement tool therefore needs to be developed to estimate it objectively. The purpose of this study is to develop and standardize the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) which is considered to be unique and specific occupational stressors in Korean employees. Subjects and Methods: Data were obtained from the National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project: 2002-2004). A total of 12,631 employees from a nationwide sample proportional to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification and the Korean Standard Occupational Classification were administered. The KOSS was developed for 2 years (2002-2004). In the first year, we collected 255 items from the most popular job stress measurement tools such as JCQ, ERI, NIOSH and OSI, and 44 items derived from the a qualitative study (depth interview). Forty-three items of KOSS, in the second year, were retained for use in the final version of the KOSS by using Delphi and factor analysis. Items were scored using conventional 1-2-3-4 Likert scores for the response categories. Results: We developed eight subscales by using factor analysis and validation process: physical environment (3 items), job demand (8 items), insufficient job control (5 items), interpersonal conflict (4 items), job insecurity (6 items), organizational system (7 items), lack of reward (6 items), and occupational climate (4 items). Together they explained 50.0% of total variance. Internal consistency alpha scores were ranged from 0.51 to 0.82. Twenty-four items of the short form of the KOSS (KOSS-SF) were also developed to estimate job stress in the work setting. Because the levels of the subscales of occupational stress were gender dependent, gender-specific standard norms for both the 43-item full version and the 24-item short form using a quartile for the subscales of KOSS were presented. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that KOSS might be an appropriate measurement scale to estimate occupational stress of Korean employees. Further and more detailed study needs to be conducted to improve the validity of this scale.

      • KCI등재후보

        구미지역 직업성질환 감시체계

        김성아,김진석,전혜리,정상재,김상우,이채용,함정오,유재영,최태성,하봉구,조민환,우극현 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        목적: 구미지역 내 대학병원이자 특수건강진단·보건관리대행기관의 산업의학전문의, 보건관리대행 간호사, 사업장 간호사를 중심으로 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하여 주요 직업성질환들의 발생현황과 규모를 파악하고자 하였다. 또한 연차적으로 산업, 직업, 업무내용 등에 따른 분포나 원인을 기존 자료원(특수건강진단의 직업병 유소견자와 산재요양승인 되는 직업병자)과 비교하여 분석·기술하고 예방 및 관리를 포함한 보건의료기술개발까지을 포함하는 종합적인 감시체계를 구축하고 운용하고자 하였다. 방법: 구미지역의 산업적 특성에 맞는 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하고 지역 감시체계의 모델을 제시하였다. 6대 감시대상 직업성질환(독성 간염, 직업성천식, 직업성 근골격계질환, 직업성 피부질환, 직업성 암, 수지진동증후군)의 실행적 환례정의, 보고양식 및 보고체계 개발, 분석양식 및 결과 배포 형식을 개발하였으며, 그 유병규모를 파악하고, 감시질환의 분포 및 특성, 관련인자 등을 분석·기술하고자 하였다. 이때, 1년간의 환례분석시 직업병 유소견자 및 직업병 요양자에 대한 자료와 함께 비교 분석하였으며, 노동통계자료를 이용하여 년간 발생률을 추정하였다. 결과: 2001. 1. 1일부터 2002.4.30일까지 총 287건이 보고되었으며, 직업성 근골격계질환 132건(46.0%), 직업성 피부질환 100건(34.8%), 독성간염 34건 (11.8%), 직업성천식 16건 (5.6%), 수지진동증후군 5건 (1.7%) 이었으며 직업성 암은 한건도 보고되지 않았다. 보고경로별로는 보건관리대행에서 33건 (11.5%), 해당 유해인자별로 실시되는 특수검진 외의 각종 건강진단업무 수행 중 발견된 환례에 대한 보고가 206건(71.7%)이었다. 직종별 분류의 결과는 섬유업종사자, 단순노무종사자, 음식업종사자 등이 다수를 차지하였다. 근골격계질환의 경우, 수근관증후군이 42건(33%), 외상과염/내상과염이 39건(30%)로 가장 많았다. 직업성 피부질환은 97건이 접촉성 피부염으로 유기용제류가 59건(59%)으로 가장 많고, 니켈 및 에폭시수지에 의한 알레르기성 접촉성 피부염이 각각 6건과 5건이었다. 독성 간염은 모두 DMF 나 DMAc에 의한 것으로, 근무시작 후부터 간기능이상이 발견되기까지의 근무기간은 대부분이 3개월 이하이며, 1개월 이하인 경우도 10건이나 되었다. 동 기간 중 감시환례에 대해 산재요양 자료와 중복여부를 확인한 결과, 중복되는 것은 하나도 없었다. 특수건강진단에서 직업병유소견자로 판정된 경우는 독성간염에서 3건이 있었으며, 나머지 질환은 중복되는 것은 없었다. 2001도 구미지역의 근로자수와 보고환례건수를 이용하여 연간 발생률을 추정하였다. 근로자 10만 명당 연간 발생률은 상지 근골격계질환은 63.6명, 피부질환 48.2명, 독성 간염 17.9명, 천식 7.7명, 수진진동증후군 2.4명이었다. 참여예상인원은 총 46명이었으며, 실제 참여자수는 21명, 평균참여율은 46%, 실제 참여 1이당 평균 보고건수는 산업의학전문의가 28건으로 가장 많았고, 대행간호사는 45,건, 사업장 간호사는 3.3건이었다. 결론: 지역 감시체계는 기존 통계자료들에서 발견되지 않았던 직업성질환의 발견에 유용한 통계원이며, 특히 지역의 특성과 여건을 고려하여 체계화된 시스템을 구축하여 운용한다면 더 성과가 클 것이다. Objectives: Area-based occupational disease surveillance in Kumi (KODS) was used to collect data on occupational diseases. The data was used to estimate the magnitude of the diseases, to analyze for their characteristics and to find links for their intervention and prevention. Methods: Since January 2001, occupational physicians and nurses in Occupational Health Service (OHS) have reported six major occupational diseases; occuaptional musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities (MSDUE), occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, occupational asthma (OA), hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and occupational cancer. For the respective diseases, a reporting sheet and operational diagnostic criteria were developed by the KODS. An analysis of the KODS data, collected over a certain period, was compared with data from the Korea Labor Workers Corporation (KLWC) and the Specific Health Examination (SHE), and the incidence rates of the diseases estimated. Results: Between Jan 2001 and Apr 2002, 287 cases of the six major occupational disease were reported. Of these, there were 132 (46.0%), 100 (34.8%), 34 (11.8%), 16 (5.6%), and 5 (1.7%), cases of MSDUE, occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, repectively. But, there were no cases of occupational cancer. 33 (11.5%) of the incidence were reported via the OHS, 206 (71.7%) from health checkups, and the other 48(16.8%) from other routes. The synthetic fibers and electronic components manufacturing industries accounted for the greatest number of reported cases. With resport to occupation, the greatest numbers of incidence were reported from the elementary occupations, textile workers, assemblers, and cooks and food services worker, in that order. Of the MSDUE cases, carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis were the two most common diseases. Most of the occupational dermatoses were due to contact dermatitis, with organic solvents (59%), nickel (6%), and epoxy resin (5%) accounting for the majority of these cases. All cases of toxic hepatitis were induced by dimethylformamide or dimethylacetamide, which were reported by a unique monitoring system. During same period, there were no cases claimed by workers to the KLWC, and only three cases from SHE, were identified. Using data from workers' number and surveillance, the annual incidence of MSDUE, dermatoses, hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, per 100,000 workers were 63.6, 48.2, 17.9, 7.7, and 2.4, respectively. Conclusions: These results show that an area-based surveillance system can be very effective for the collection of data on work-related diseases, at least in Kumi.

      • KCI등재후보

        라디오 광고 언어사용의 변천양상

        김정우(Kim Jung-woo) 한국사회언어학회 2004 사회언어학 Vol.12 No.2

        Kim, Jung-woo. 2004. The Changes of Language Usage in Radio Advertisements. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). The purpose of this study is to examine the changing trends of language usage in radio advertisements. Radio has made efforts to compete with other mass media. This study proposes to divide the changing trends of radio advertisements into five periods according to competing relationships between radio and the other media. Diverse aspects of language usage were found in each period; they relate to the radio's efforts to solidify its position against other competing media such as newspaper and television. This paper suggests, in conclusion, that the trends of language usage in radio advertisements have reflected the radio's efforts to fortify its communication efficiency in communicating to the masses.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재후보

        하악골에 발생한 골막 골육종

        김태우,김승범,권혁찬,문선재,윤정훈,김형준,차인호,육종인,김진 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.1

        Periosteal osteosarcoma is a distinct entity of malignant bone tumor with characteristic clinical, morphological, and histological features within the group of juxtacortical osteosarcoma. Periosteal osteosarcoma is predominantly located in the tubular long bones, and extremely rarely involving the jaws. A case of periosteal osteosarcoma of the right mandible is presented. A 27-year-old woman complained of the gingival swelling and bleeding tendency of the right posterior mandible. Clinical examination revealed a reddish brown strawberry-like swelling on the affected mucosa, which measured 1.5㎝×1.5㎝. The tumor was located on the lingual cortex of the mandible and extended into the surrounding soft tissues. Microscopically, the tumor consisted exclusively of atypical chondroblastic cells with a small osteoblastic area. A minimal bone marrow involvement was noted and the adjacent cortex was free of tumor. These findings suggested that the tumor originated from the periosteal cambium layer, which lies between the periosteal fibrous layer and the cortex of mandible.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1997)

        김재홍,문득곤,김정수,김용준,임동진,박상훈,김희성,이민수,송기훈,김갑형,김형석,성소영,이인섭,김석우,황지환,조창근,김경문,부태성 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1997. 99 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 45(45.5%) were PPNG. Conclusion : The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 45.5% in 1997.

      • 골분을 이용한 구리 흡착 첨착

        김은정,박정훈,김정섭,유현철,이봉섭,곽명화,우성훈,박승조 東亞大學校 環境問題硏究所 2005 硏究報告 Vol.27 No.1

        Spent pig bone was consist of hydroxyapatite. And then we thought that it have a possibility as a adsorbent. The preparation of bone char prepared from spent pig bone in this study. We study on the recycling possibility as a adsorbent is able to adsorb copper ion from their single aqueous solutions. The results are summarized as follows. Bone char that prepared from spent pig bone at 105, 400, 700℃. The adsorption removal efficiency of copper ion onto bone char as adsorbent was above 90% for 15 hours. Increase in the initial pH of the copper ion solution result in an increase in the copper ion uptake per unit weight of the adsorbent. Freundlich isotherm model was found to be applicable for the experiment data of copper ion. The results showed that spent pig bone can be used for the absorption of the copper ion.

      • KCI등재

        Thermoelectric Properties of Cu-doped Bi2−xSbxTe3 Prepared by Encapsulated Melting and Hot Pressing

        Woo‑Jin Jung,Il‑Ho Kim 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.2

        P-type Bi2−xSbxTe3:Cum (x = 1.5–1.7 and m = 0.002–0.003) solid solutions were synthesized using encapsulated meltingand were consolidated using hot pressing. The effects of Sb substitution and Cu doping on the charge transport and thermoelectricproperties were examined. The lattice constants decreased with increasing Sb and Cu contents. As the amount ofSb substitution and Cu doping was increased, the electrical conductivity increased, and the Seebeck coefficient decreasedowing to the increase in the carrier concentration. All specimens exhibited degenerate semiconductor characteristics andpositive Hall and Seebeck coefficients, indicating p-type conduction. The increased Sb substitution caused a shift in the onsettemperature of the intrinsic transition and bipolar conduction to higher temperatures. The electronic thermal conductivityincreased with increasing Sb and Cu contents owing to the increase in the carrier concentration, while the lattice thermalconductivity slightly decreased due to alloy scattering. A maximum figure of merit, ZTmax= 1.25, was achieved at 373 Kfor Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3:Cu0.003.

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