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      • Decreased Bone Volume and Bone Mineral Density in the Tibial Trabecular Bone Is Associated with <i>Per2</i> Gene by 405 nm Laser Stimulation

        Yoo, Yeong-Min,Lee, Myung-Han,Park, Ji Hyung,Seo, Dong-Hyun,Lee, Sangyeob,Jung, Byungjo,Kim, Han Sung,Bae, Kiho MDPI 2015 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.16 No.11

        <P>Low-level laser therapy/treatment (LLLT) using a minimally invasive laser needle system (MILNS) might enhance bone formation and suppress bone resorption. In this study, the use of 405 nm LLLT led to decreases in bone volume and bone mineral density (BMD) of tibial trabecular bone in wild-type (WT) and <I>Per2</I> knockout (KO) mice. Bone volume and bone mineral density of tibial trabecular bone was decreased by 405 nm LLLT in <I>Per2</I> KO compared to WT mice at two and four weeks. To determine the reduction in tibial bone, mRNA expressions of alkaline phosphatase (<I>ALP)</I> and <I>Per2</I> were investigated at four weeks after 405 nm laser stimulation using MILNS. <I>ALP</I> gene expression was significantly reduced in the LLLT-stimulated right tibial bone of WT and <I>Per2</I> KO mice compared to the non-irradiated left tibia (<I>p</I> < 0.001). <I>Per2</I> mRNA expression in WT mice was significantly reduced in the LLLT-stimulated right tibial bone compared to the non-irradiated left tibia (<I>p</I> < 0.001). To identify the decrease in tibial bone mediated by the <I>Per2</I> gene, levels of runt-related transcription factor 2 (<I>Runx2</I>) and <I>ALP</I> mRNAs were determined in non-irradiated WT and <I>Per2</I> KO mice. These results demonstrated significant downregulation of <I>Runx2</I> and <I>ALP</I> mRNA levels in <I>Per2</I> KO mice (<I>p</I> < 0.001). Therefore, the reduction in tibial trabecular bone resulting from 405 nm LLLT using MILNS might be associated with <I>Per2</I> gene expression.</P>

      • 다기능 대칭형 AFM 탐침을 이용한 나노구조물의 기계적 물성 측정

        조기호(Kiho Cho),이학주(Hak-Joo Lee),김재현(Jae-Hyun Kim),유영은(Young-Eun Yoo),백창욱(Chang-Wook Baek) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.3

        Geckos owe an excellent ability to cling to walls and walk rapidly on smooth ceilings. Electron microscopy has shown that gecko's foot consists of nearly 5,000 setae ㎜?² and can produce over 10N of adhesive force. The artificial polymeric nano-hair structures terminating 100-200 ㎚ thick have been fabricated to replica gecko's attachment systems using cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) and polypropylene. Adhesive forces between single crystal silicon tip and nano-hairs have been measured using the developed diamond-shaped AFM cantilever and 3.29 ㎪ of maximum contact strength is detected on the polypropylene nano-hair arrays.

      • KCI우수등재

        How do International Tax Systems Influence Multinational Corporations’ Income-shifting and Dividend Strategies?

        ( Jiseon Yoo ),( Kiho Choi ) 한국회계학회 2018 會計學硏究 Vol.43 No.2

        This study tests the effects of international tax systems on multinational corporations’ income-shifting and dividend strategies. The empirical results of the study yield three main findings. First, there is no substantial difference in the level of income shifting between foreign affiliates subject to the territorial system (territorial affiliates) and those subject to the worldwide system (worldwide affiliates). The high tax incentives of U.S. multinationals for income shifting are considered a potential factor in this result. Second, compared to worldwide affiliates, territorial affiliates remit more earnings to their parents as dividends because their dividends are exempt from repatriation taxes. Specifically, territorial affiliates pay, on average, 29.1 percent more of their earnings as dividends compared to worldwide affiliates. Lastly, territorial affiliates pay more dividends as more income is shifted in, whereas worldwide affiliate pay less dividends. The last finding implies that territorial affiliates attempt to avoid home-country taxes by shifting income to lower-tax-rate affiliates and repatriating the income to their parents. By contrast, worldwide affiliates shift income to lower-tax-rate affiliates and hold the income overseas to defer home-country taxation. The results are generally supported by a series of supplementary tests.

      • 파랑후측에서 나타난 동해 파랑기후의 선형추세

        김기호(Kim, Kiho),장찬주(Jang, Chan Joo),최원근(Choi, Wonkeun),도기덕(Do, Kideok),유제선(Yoo, Jeseon) 한국연안방재학회 2019 한국연안방재학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.1

        파랑후측을 이용하여 40년(1979~2018) 동안의 동해 99 백분위수 유의파고, 첨두주기, 그리고 첨두파향을 분석하였다. 99 백분위수 유의파고와 첨두주기 월평균은 겨울이 여름에 비해 크며, 남동쪽 해역으로 갈수록 증가하였다. 99 백분위수 유의파고와 첨두주기는 동해 전체에서 대체로 증가추세를 보였으며, 특히 일본 연안인 남동쪽에서 증가추세가 크게 나타났다. 첨두파향은 겨울에는 북서계열 파가 우세하였으며, 여름에는 남동계열 파가 우세하였다. 하지만, 남동, 남서해역에서는 첨두파향이 일정하게 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        조세소송 판결에 대한 주식가치 반응 분석

        유지선 ( Jiseon Yoo ),최기호 ( Kiho Choi ) 한국회계학회 2017 회계저널 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 최근 선고된 두 조세사건의 대법원 판결에 대한 주가 반응을 분석하였다. 하나의 사건은 KT의 단말기보조금에 대한 부가가치세 부과 소송이며, 다른 하나는 롯데쇼핑의 마일리지에 대한 부가가치세 부과와 관련된 소송이다. 두 사건이 주목을 받았던 이유는 그 소송가액이 큰 규모였을 뿐만 아니라, 유사한 사건에 대한 최초 판결로서 향후 유사 조세소송의 결과에 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 관측되었기 때문이다. 또한 두 사건 모두 2심에서 패소한 후 대법원에서 승소판결을 받아 주주들이 인식하는 판결로 인한 비기대이익이 매우 커서 상당히 큰 주가상승을 예상할 수 있었다. 그러나 실제로 관찰된 주가반응은 예상보다 적었다. 선고 당일 KT와 롯데쇼핑은 각각 0.26%와 2.76%의 미약한 주가상승만을 보였다. 두 조세소송의 대법원 판결의 소송가액이 막대할 뿐만 아니라 투자가들이 예상할 수 없었던 갑작스러운 사건이었음에도 불구하고 예상보다 주가반응이 미약했던 원인으로 본 논문은 낮은 기대현금흐름 증가효과와 명성회복 효과를 제시한다. 이 중 명성효과의 영향을 보다 구체적으로 확인하기 위해 KT의 개인정보유출 및 불법보조금 과징금에 대한 주가반응을 살펴본 결과 두 사건 모두에서 실제 부과된 과징금액을 상회하는 주가하락이 관찰되었다. 이는 선행연구의 결과와 같이 비조세사건이 조세사건보다 명성효과가 크다는 사실을 나타낸다. 다음으로 KT 및 롯데쇼핑의 하급심 선고일의 주가반응을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 1·2심선고일에서도 명확하거나 일관된 주가반응을 확인할 수 없어 미약한 주가반응이 대법원 판결이나 승소판결에만 국한되어 나타난 현상이 아님을 확인하였다. This study investigates market responses towards the release of two supreme court decisions for KT and Lotte Shopping cases. Both decisions are related to disputes over value-added taxes(“VAT”) and recently ruled in favor of plaintiffs. Based on several evidential circumstances, we expect that these two decisions have significant impacts on the market value of each company. If investors are rational enough to adjust firm value of KT(Lotte Shopping) in order to reflect tax refunds equivalent to 2.43%(5.3%) of total market value, its stock price will increase approximately by 2.43%(5.3%) on the decision date. However, stock price of KT(Lotte Shopping) raised only by 0.26%(2.76%) on the decision date, which is apparently under the expected level. This study suggests that the result of mere market reaction is led by weak cash flow effects and reputational effects of court decisions. We performed several additional analysis in order to find further evidence of reputational effects. First, we investigate market reponses to imposition of two non-tax penalties to KT. In both cases, KT experienced market value reduction beyond the amount of penalties imposed. This result supports that discriminant market reactions to tax and non-tax issues are partly due to difference in the level of their reputational effects. Second, we investigate market responses to first and second tax court decisions of KT and Lotte Shopping, respectively. We consistently observe mere market reactions from first and second court decisions of KT and Lotte Shopping.

      • KCI등재후보

        소프트웨어사업 관리를 위한 지침과 적용방안

        유천수(Cheonsoo Yoo),이상호(Sangho Lee),심승배(Seungbae Sim),조성림(Sungrim Cho),송기호(Kiho Song,) 허정(Jung Hur) 한국IT서비스학회 2009 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The Ministry of Information and Communication announced The Guideline for Management of Software Project in October 2006. The public employees(acquirer) have to manage software projects with this guideline. The guideline was based on the international standard(ISO/IEC 12207) and IEEE standard(IEEE/EIA 12207), and was developed by considering the domestic software industry environment. The guideline can help to establish a software acquisition process for appropriate management of software projects, and the process can increase the management productivity of software projects. This study provides the explanation about the guideline with terms of 5W1H(who(user), what(summary), when(time to apply), where(domain of application), why(objective), how(method of use)) for understanding of the guideline.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 구조화신탁(STARS) 거래를 이용한 국제조세전략 사례연구

        유지선 ( Jiseon Yoo ),최기호 ( Kiho Choi ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.5

        본 논문에서는 구조화신탁(Structured Trust Advantaged Repackaged Securities, “STARS”) 거래를 통한 국제조세전략의 사례를 검토한다. STARS 거래는 2001년 미국은행인 BNY와 영국 은행인 Barclays가 수행한 조세차익거래이다. BNY는 세법상 도관으로 취급되는 신탁을 미국에 설립하고 영국에는 자회사를 설립한 후 이를 신탁의 수탁자로 지정함으로써 미국원천소득을 영국원천소득으로 전환시켰다. Barclays는 BNY에게 담보부대출을 해주면서 형식상으로는 BNY 신탁의 수익자가 될 수 있도록 일련의 계약을 맺음으로써 이 거래가 영국에서는 신탁수익으로 과세될 수 있도록 하였다. STARS 거래를 통해 BNY는 영국 자회사가 납부한 외국납부세액을 미국에서 공제받고 Barclays는 BNY의 영국 자회사가 영국에서 납부한 법인세를 환급받아서 그 일부를 스왑거래를 통해 BNY에게 이전하였다. 그 결과 미국 정부는 BNY의 외국납부세액공제 만큼의 세수 손실을 입었고 이 세수손실은 Barclays, BNY 그리고 영국정부에게로 흘러갔다. 이러한 STARS 사례는 조세전략, 조세법, 조세정책적인 면에서 다양한 시사점을 갖는다. 조세전략 측면에서 STARS 사례는 국가 간의 세법 차이를 활용한 국제조세전략이며 국내 원천소득을 국외원천소득으로 전환시킨 사례임과 동시에 Scholes et al.(2014)이 말한 바와 같이 모든 당사자(all parties) 관점에서 당사자 간 조세차익을 배분한 사례이다. 또한 이자율 스왑이라는 파생상품을 적극적으로 활용한 조세전략의 사례로서 가치가 있다. STARS 거래가 발생한 후 미국과 영국 정부는 STARS 사례를 통한 조세회피 및 유사한 사례의 재발을 방지하기 위해 적극적으로 대응하였다. 조세법 측면에서 이러한 양국 정부의 대응과정을 보면 우리나라도 증가하는 국제간 조세회피문제에 대응하기 위해서 실질과세 원칙을 보다 적극적으로 적용해야 하며 세법의 국제적 정합성을 높이기 위한 노력을 해야 한다는 시사점을 얻는다. 마지막으로 STARS 사례는 조세정책 측면에서도 시사점이 있다. STARS 사례는 외국납부세액공제제도의 구조적, 태생적 한계로 인해 조세회피 및 탈세의 유인이 증가함으로써 등장하게 된 국제조세전략으로 이해된다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위한 근본적인 해결방안으로서, 외국납부세액공제제도보다 정보 비대칭의 발생 가능성이 낮고, 조세회피의 규제가 비교적 용이한 지역과세방식으로의 전환을 검토해볼 필요가 있다. This study examines a transaction known as Structured Trust Advantaged Repacked Securities(“STARS”) conducted between BNY and Barclays in 2001. The STARS transaction is a type of tax avoidance scheme referred to as “Foreign Tax Credit Generators”. Foreign Tax Credit Generators are transactions designed to claim foreign tax credits even when there was no double-taxation. The STARS transaction conducted between BNY and Barclays consisted of two parts: creating a STARS structure and carrying out of STARS loan. BNY, a US-based bank, had income producing assets. Net income generated from the income producing assets shall be subject to tax at a rate of 35% in the US. However, BNY converted this US source income into foreign source income by creating a STAR structure. BNY formed a Delaware trust and funded the trust with the income producing assets. BNY then established a wholly owned subsidiary in the UK and appointed it as a trustee of the trust. The trustee was a UK resident for UK tax purposes. The trust income of the trustee was treated as UK income under the US-UK income tax treaty. As such, this trust income was treated as foreign source income of BNY for US income tax purposes. By converting US source income into foreign source income, BNY could claim a foreign tax credit in the US for taxes paid by the trustee in the UK. Barclays, a UK-based bank, entered into a series of complex arrangements with BNY. Barclays entered into sale and resale arrangements of the trust unit, a zero coupon swap arrangement and a guaranty and security arrangement with BNY. The net economic effect of these arrangements was to create a secured loan to BNY from Barclays. However, Barclays was liable for taxes on the trust income in the UK as a trust unit holder according to the legal structure of the arrangements. The STARS allowed BNY to claim foreign tax credits for taxes paid by its UK subsidiary, the trustee. Meanwhile, Barclays was able to get a tax refund for taxes paid by the trustee. Barclays shared some of the tax benefits indirectly with BNY by entering into the zero coupon swap agreement with BNY. In conclusion, the STARS transaction resulted in the decrease of tax revenues of the US government by the amount of foreign tax credit claimed by BNY and sharing of the relevant tax benefits between BNY, Barclays, and the UK governments. The Internal Revenue Service disallowed the foreign tax credits claimed by BNY and reclassified the income earned on the income producing assets as US source income. BNY challenged the IRS in the Tax Court. The IRS argued that the STARS transaction lacked economic substance. BNY, in contrast, contended that the STARS transaction had economic substance because BNY entered into the transaction to obtain low-cost funding for its banking business and that it reasonably expected to earn a pretax profit from the transaction. In 2013, The Tax Court held that BNY was not entitled to the tax benefits generated by the STARS transaction because the transaction lacked economic substance. The STARS transaction has implications from various perspectives. From the tax strategic perspective, the STARS transaction is a tax planning exploiting mismatches between tax rules and treatments in different jurisdictions. It is noteworthy that this scheme converted US source income into foreign source income, considered the tax implications for all the parties involved in the transaction as mentioned in Scholes et al.(2014), and exploited derivatives, the zero coupon swap, when designing the structure. From the legal perspective, the STARS transaction has implications regarding the application of the economic substance doctrine. After the STARS transaction became a controversial issue, the US and UK governments actively encountered the STARS transaction and other possible arrangements substantially similar to the STARS. The way both governments encountered tax avoidance schemes suggests the Korean government the need for broader application of the economic substance doctrine as well as the increased consistency of tax rules with different jurisdictions. Lastly, the STARS transaction has implications from the political perspective. Foreign tax credit generator scheme including the STARS transaction started to arise due to the structural and inherent deficiency of the foreign tax credit system. In order to restrict tax avoidance and evasion exploiting foreign tax credits, it is suggested to adopt territorial tax system which may reduce asymmetric information problem. It is forecasted that territorial tax system may also facilitate the restrictions of artificial arrangements designed for tax avoidance and thus reduce tax compliance and administration costs.


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