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      • A comparative review and analysis of tentative ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs) for protection of marine environments in Korea and China

        Khim, Jong Seong,Hong, Seongjin,Yoon, Seo Joon,Nam, Jungho,Ryu, Jongseong,Kang, Seong-Gil Elsevier 2018 Environmental pollution Vol.242 No.2

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs), as tools for implementing ecosystem approach, have long been acknowledged to protect the marine ecosystems and fisheries in regional seas through joint efforts by surrounding countries over the past decade. The present review analyzed the best available meta-data relating to the five ecosystem elements that were recently proposed by the Northwest Pacific Action Plan to evaluate the current status of coastal ecosystem health in marine environment of the Yellow Sea. We suggested the six tentative EcoQOs among five ecological quality elements including: 1) biological and habitat diversity; 2) invasive species; 3) eutrophication; 4) pollutants; and 5) marine litters. Environmental status was assessed, depending on the EcoQOs targets, by comparison to the world average values, existing environmental standards, or reported values of other regional seas. Results of analysis revealed that among the six tentative EcoQOs, two target objectives to marine biodiversity and concentrations of nutrients (viz., DIN and DIP) were met towards good environmental status. Whilst, three EcoQOs relating to hypoxia and red-tide, pollutants (persistent toxic substances and metals), and marine litters (including microplastics) did not meet and one relating to invasive species could not be judged due to insufficient data sets. The biggest weak point for developing suitable EcoQOs and assessing status of ecosystem health could be insufficient meta-data sets available and/or discrepancy in methodological details cross the data-sets or between the two targeted countries. Thus, the cooperation of neighboring countries, viz., Korea and China for the Yellow Sea, is necessary for the ecosystem based management of our regional sea in the future. Overall, this first time review for the assessment of target tentative EcoQOs in the Yellow Sea region encompassing coasts of Korea and China would provide a better understanding of the current status of environmental pollution and ecosystem health.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> First reviewed ecological qualities of the Yellow Sea for the six tentative EcoQOs. </LI> <LI> EcoQOs for marine biodiversity and nutrient concentrations were met. </LI> <LI> EcoQOs for hypoxia and red-tide, pollutants, and marine litters were not meet. </LI> <LI> EcoQO for invasive species could not be judged due to insufficient meta-data. </LI> <LI> Further development and analyses of EcoQOs needed by joint efforts of Korea and China. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Chemical-, site-, and taxa-dependent benthic community health in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea: A sediment quality triad approach

        Khim, Jong Seong,Park, Jinsoon,Song, Sung Joon,Yoon, Seo Joon,Noh, Junsung,Hong, Seongjin,Kwon, Bong-Oh,Ryu, Jongseong,Zhang, Xiaowei,Wang, Tieyu,Lu, Yonglong,Giesy, John P. Elsevier 2018 The Science of the total environment Vol.645 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>To investigate benthic ecological quality associated with coastal pollution in the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea, a sediment quality triad (SQT) approach was applied. Chemical (six groups of persistent toxic substances (PTSs) and 8 metals and metalloids), toxicological (AhR-mediated potency), and ecological (bacterial and meiofaunal communities) elements were selected and used in an integrated sediment assessment. The benthic meiofaunal community was newly analyzed and used as an additional component of the infaunal community during the SQT. Concentrations of chemicals and potential toxicity in sediments both indicated moderate to severe pollution in the study area, characterized by site-specific and land-uses. In particular, As, DDTs, and bioassay-derived dioxin equivalents exceeded corresponding sediment quality guidelines at nearly all locations. Limited occurrences of meiofaunal taxa (mean = 5.2) and relatively low species diversity, mainly comprised of nematodes (75.3%) and copepods (14.6%), among locations was generally consistent with pollution. The benthic community was consistent with compound-specific responses to gradients of contamination, particularly for As. Densities of two taxa, Nematoda and Nemertea exhibited strong negative correlations with concentrations of As. Compound-, site-, and taxa-specific variability of pollution of sediments was further supported by results of cluster analysis (CA) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Finally, assessment integrating five benthic quality elements, including: 1) PTSs; 2) metals and metalloids; 3) sediment toxicity; 4) sediment microbiome; and 5) benthic meiofaunal community, explained contamination of sediments associated with land-uses, locality, or habitat. Status of the benthic community could not be explained by single component and their associations were not quantitative. Results of the integrated assessment, considering multiple benthic quality elements were useful to address overall quality of sediment, and were consistent with chemical-, species-, or site-dependent pollution of sediments in the Bohai and Yellow Seas.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Extended-sediment quality triad was applied to enhance typical benthic assessment. </LI> <LI> Sediment toxicity might be over- or under-estimate chemical pollution and benthic health. </LI> <LI> Meiofaunal abundance would be a good ecological indicator of pollution by arsenic. </LI> <LI> Moderate to severe pollution evidenced in over half of the sampling locations. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        초음파와 UV에 의한 페놀 분해 특성에 관한 연구

        김성근(Seong Keun Kim),손현석(Hyun Seok Son),임종권(Jong Kwon Im),김지형(Jee Hyeong Khim),조경덕(Kyung Duk Zoh) 大韓環境工學會 2010 대한환경공학회지 Vol.32 No.7

        본 연구에서는 난분해성 물질인 페놀을 초음파와 자외선 광선(UV-C)을 이용하여 분해를 알아본 연구이다. 초음파,자외선,그리고 초음파와 자외선의 결합반응에서 주파수,온도,용액의 pH, 아르곤가스 Purging, 그리고 자외선 세기의 효과를 조사하였다. 초음파 단독 반응의 경우 pH 4, 5℃,35 kHz에서 360분 동안 30% 의 페놀의 최적 분해효율을 보였다. 자외선 (UV-C) 단독 반응의 경우 19.3 mw/㎠의 자외선 세기와pH₄, 5℃에서 60분에 100%의 페놀 분해 효율을 보였다. 이에 반하여 초음파와 자외선의 결합반응에서는 동일 조건에서 45분 동안 페놀이 모두 제거되었다. 초음파와 자외선의 결합 반응에서 페놀은 자외선 강도가 7.6 mW/㎠일 때 360분 안에 19.3 mW/㎠일 때는 45분 안에 완전히 분해되었고, 각각의 분해 속도 상수는 17.3x10-3 min-l 와 138.lx10-3 min-1이었다. 페놀의 분해반응에서 OH 라디칼의 scavenger로 작용하는 메탄올을 첨가하는 실험을 한 결과 초음파와 자외선 광선의 조합반응에서 페놀 분해의 주요인자는 OH 라디칼이라는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 페놀 분해의 반응효율 비교는 초음파+광반응 조합반응〉자외선 광선 단독 반응〉초음파 단독 반응과 같이 확인되었다. This study investigated the degradation of phenol using sonication and/or UV-C. The effects of frequency, temperature, pH in solution, argon purging, with UV intensity were estimated in sonication-only, UV-only, and the combined reaction of sonication with UV. The optimum condition for degrading phenol in the sonication-only reaction was 35 kHz, 5℃, and pH 4. As this condition approximately 30% degradation of phenol was achieved within 360 min. However, phenol in the UV-only at 19.3 mw/cm2 under the same condition was completely degraded within 60 min. In the combined system of sonication with UV, the degradation of phenol was well fitted to first-order rate model, and phenol was completely degraded within 360 min and 45 min at UV intensity of 7.6 mW/cm2(17.3×10-3 min-1) and 19.3 mW/cm2(138.1×10-3 min-1), respectively. Adding methanol, as a radical scavenger, in the phenol degradation in the sonication reaction indicates that OH radical is a major factor in the degradation of phenol. The order of degradation efficiencies of phenol was in the order of as follows; combined reaction of sonication with UV > UV-only > sonication-only.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomy and distribution of two small negligible diatoms of Plagiogrammopsis minima and Diploneis aestuarii from Northeast Asian tidal flats

        Kim, Bongho,Khim, Jong Seong,Park, Jinsoon The National Institute of Biological Resources 2021 Journal of species research Vol.10 No.3

        Tidal flats are well developed in and around the Yellow Sea of Northeast Asia, and benthic diatoms are the most important primary producers in corresponding habitats. In the present study, the taxonomy and distribution of small negligible diatom species from Northeast Asian tidal flats are investigated for better understanding of the diversity of Korean marine benthic diatoms. The presence of Plagiogrammopsis minima and Diploneis aestuarii, which may have been ignored and/or misidentified due to their small size, were identified by both means of light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Plagiogrammopsis minima has never been reported from Korea before the present study, while Diploneis aestuarii was only once mentioned without any photographic information. Accordingly, we provide the morphological characteristics of the two species in detail with LM and SEM observation. Information on the regional distribution of the two species is also provided. Results of the present study contribute to the better understanding of the biodiversity of the Korean marine benthic diatoms.


        Two Years after the <i>Hebei Spirit</i> OilSpill: Residual Crude-Derived Hydrocarbons and Potential AhR-MediatedActivities in Coastal Sediments

        Hong, Seongjin,Khim, Jong Seong,Ryu, Jongseong,Park, Jinsoon,Song, Sung Joon,Kwon, Bong-Oh,Choi, Kyungho,Ji, Kyunghee,Seo, Jihyun,Lee, Sangwoo,Park, Jeongim,Lee, Woojin,Choi, Yeyong,Lee, Kyu Tae,Kim, AmericanChemical Society 2012 Environmental science & technology Vol.46 No.3

        <P>The <I>Hebei Spirit</I> oil spill occurredin December2007 approximately 10 km off the coast of Taean, South Korea, on theYellow Sea. However, the exposure and potential effects remain largelyunknown. A total of 50 surface and subsurface sediment samples werecollected from 22 sampling locations at the spill site in order todetermine the concentration, distribution, composition of residualcrudes, and to evaluate the potential ecological risk after two yearsof oil exposure. Samples were extracted and analyzed for 16 polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 20 alkyl-PAHs, 15 aliphatic hydrocarbons,and total petroleum hydrocarbons using GC-MSD. AhR-mediated activityassociated with organic sediment extracts was screened using the H4IIE-<I>luc</I> cell bioassay. The response of the benthic invertebratecommunity was assessed by mapping the macrobenthic fauna. Elevatedconcentrations of residual crudes from the oil spill were primarilyfound in muddy bottoms, particularly in subsurface layers. In general,the bioassay results were consistent with the chemistry data in adose-dependent manner, although the mass-balance was incomplete. Moreweathered samples containing greater fractions of alkylated PAHs exhibitedgreater AhR activity, due to the occurrence of recalcitrant AhR agonistspresent in residual oils. The macrobenthic population distributionexhibits signs of species-specific tolerances and/or recolonizationof certain species such as <I>Batillaria</I> during weatheringperiods. Although the <I>Hebei Spirit</I> oil spill wasa severe oil exposure, it appears the site is recovering two yearslater.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/esthag/2012/esthag.2012.46.issue-3/es203491b/production/images/medium/es-2011-03491b_0001.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/es203491b'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        Naphthenic Acids in Coastal Sediments after the <i>Hebei Spirit</i> Oil Spill: A Potential Indicator for Oil Contamination

        Wan, Yi,Wang, Beili,Khim, Jong Seong,Hong, Seongjin,Shim, Won Joon,Hu, Jianying American Chemical Society 2014 Environmental science & technology Vol.48 No.7

        <P>Naphthenic acids (NAs) as toxic components in most petroleum sources are suspected to be one of the major pollutants in the aquatic environment following oil spills, and the polarity and persistence of NAs make it a potential indicator for oil contamination. However, the contamination and potential effects of pollutants in oil spill affected areas remain unknown. To investigate NAs in oil spill affected areas, a sensitive method was first established for analysis of NAs, together with oxy-NAs in sediment samples by UPLC-QTOF-MS. Then the method was applied to determine the NA mixtures in crude oil, weathered oil, and sediments from the spilled sites after the <I>Hebei Spirit</I> oil spill, Taean, South Korea (Dec. 2007). Concentrations of NAs, O<SUB>3</SUB>–NAs, and O<SUB>4</SUB>–NAs were found to be 7.8–130, 3.6–44, and 0.8–20 mg kg<SUP>–1</SUP> dw in sediments from the Taean area, respectively, which were much greater than those measured in the reference sites of Manlipo and Anmyundo beaches. Concentrations of NAs were 50–100 times greater than those (0.077–2.5 mg kg<SUP>–1</SUP> dw) of PAHs in the same sediment samples, thus the ecological risk of NAs in oil spill affected areas deserves more attention. The sedimentary profiles of oil-derived NAs and background NAs centered around compounds with 21–35 and 12–21 carbons, respectively, indicating that the crude-derived NA mixtures originating from the 2007 oil spill were persistent. Acyclic NAs<SUB><I>n</I>=5–20</SUB> were easily degraded compared to cyclic NAs<SUB><I>n</I>=21–41</SUB> during the oil weathering processes, and the ratio of oxy-NAs<SUB><I>n</I>=21–41</SUB> relative to NAs<SUB><I>n</I>=21–41</SUB> could be a novel index to estimate the degree of oil weathering in sediments. Altogether, the persistent oil-derived NAs<SUB><I>n</I>=21–41</SUB> could be used as a potential indicator for oil-specific contamination, as such compounds would not be much affected by the properties of coastal sediments possibly due to the high sorption of the negatively charged compounds (NAs) in sediment.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/esthag/2014/esthag.2014.48.issue-7/es405034y/production/images/medium/es-2013-05034y_0005.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/es405034y'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • 동북아시아 갯벌의 해양저서규조류 다양성에 대한 최근 연구 성과

        김혜숙(Hyesuk Kim),김종성(Jong Seong Khim),박진순(Jinsoon Park) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2021 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        규조류는 광합성을 하는 독립영양 생물로서 미세조류의 일종이다. 갯벌과 연안에서 저서 규조류는 가장 우점하는 1차 생산자로서 해양 생태계 유지에 중요한 역할을 한다. 규조류의 규산질 세포벽은 매우 다양한 형태를 가지고 있어 종을 구별하는 분류 형질로서 활용된다. 규조류 연구는 많은 경우 광학현미경 관찰에 의존하기 때문에, 종의 크기가 작거나 구조가 단순한 경우에는 무시되거나 오동정되기 싶다. 본 연구에서는 해양저서 규조류 다양성을 이해하기 위해 동북아시아 갯벌 여러 곳의 시료를 채집하여 관찰하였다. 그 결과 한국에서는 기록된 바 없었던 Navicula 속 1종과 Tryblionella 속의 2종, Plagiogrammopsis 속의 1종이 관찰하여 그 형태적 특징을 자세히 기재하였다. 더불어 단순히 명칭만이 보고되었던 Diploneis 속의 1종에 대해서 그 자세한 형태를 관찰하여 기재하였다. 또한 종의 형태적 특징과 함께 지리적 분포에 대한 정보를 제공함으로써 한국은 물론 동북아시아 갯벌에서의 해양저서규조류 다양성의 이해를 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Diatoms are a group of microalgae which are photosynthetic autotrophs. In tidal flats and coastal areas, benthic diatoms play an important role in maintaining marine ecosystems as the most dominant primary producers. The siliceous cell walls of diatoms have very diverse shapes thur are used as classification keys to identify species. Because many of diatom studies rely on the observation under light microscopy, diatoms with small sizes and/or simple and inconspicuous morphology have easily been ignored particularly in terms of ecological studies. In the present study, the morphological classification and distribution of diatoms were investigated to better understand the diversity of marine benthic diatoms across the Northeast Asian tidal flats. As a result four speicies viz. one species of the genus Navicula, two species of the genus Tryblionella, and one species of the genus Plagiogrammopsis have been newly observed from Korea. In addition, a photographic information of a species of the genus Diploneis was also provided for the first time. Biogeographic information as well as the morphological characteristics for the five species are described in detail, thereafter the present study will further improve the understanding of the diatom diversity across the Northeast Asian tidal flats.

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