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      • 退溪先生 胎生風水 硏究 : 朱子 高祖母墓와 比較分析을 通하여

        김기선 慶北大學校 退溪硏究所 2003 退溪學과 韓國文化 Vol.- No.32

        우리들은 흔히 '人傑는 地靈'이라는 말을 들어왔다. 오랜 세월 風水地理 工夫를 하면서 필자는 有名人士의 先祖 山所에는 반드시 明堂이 있었음을 확인한 바가 있다. 따라서 筆者는 '東方의 朱子'라고 불리고 있는 退溪 李滉先生(1501-1570)처럼 大儒學者의 경우에도 마찬가지일 것이라고 생각했다. 그러나 風水界에 잘 알려져 있는 眞城李氏 始祖산소, 퇴계선생 胎室, 그 옆의 祖父母와 父母山所 등을 보았으나 마음에 흡족하지는 못하였다. 그래서 나머지 祖上 산소인 鳴洞의 2세 松安君(자좌 병오파) 내외산소와 佳邱洞 가매기 3세(高祖父) 云候(자좌 병오파) 산소, 道律洞 3세비 安東權氏 산소(자좌) 와 鵲山先生의 증조부모 李禎墓와 安東金氏墓(임좌)들을 찾았다. 새로 방문한 산소들 모두가 비교적 좋은 편이었으나 그 중에서도 高祖父 산소가 正穴에 入葬되고 朝山도 秀麗하여 상당히 좋았지만 主山이 높지 못하고 明堂局勢가 狹小하여 鵲山先生의 曾祖父母 산소에는 미치지 못하였다. 曾祖父母 산소를 찾은 순간, '바로 이 山所였구나!' 하는 생각이 들 정도로 만족하였다. 主山이 文筆峯이요, 사방에 온통 一字文星이 둘렀으니 큰 學者가 나오지 않을 수가 없다는 생각이 들었다. 더구나 그 유명한 鶴駕山을 太祖山으로 하고 있으니, 퇴계선생과 같은 大儒學者 겸 高官이 나오는 자리가 될 것이 아닌가? 退溪先生과 같은 큰 선비나 大儒學者를 배출하는 데에는 鶴駕山과 같은 名山의 힘을 받은 文筆峰이나 一字文星이 主山이나 案山으로 짜낸 調和로운 明堂局이 필요하다고 본다. 風水工夫를 깊이 하려면 中國의 古代典籍들을 보지 않을 수가 없다. 그중에서도 明나라 徐善繼·徐善述 형제가 지은 『人子須知資孝地理心學統宗』이란 책에 朱子(1130-1200)는 高祖母 程氏夫人墓가 좋아서 태어났다고 했다. 그래서 두 묘를 한번 비교해 보면 재미있겠다는 생각이 들었다. 程氏夫人墓는 일찍이 宋의 국사인 吳景鸞이 點穴하면서 課記에 "오랜 세월이 흐른 후 孔子와 같은 聖人이 나오리라(當出一賢人聰明如孔子)"고 예언을 하고 事實로 판명된 묘로도 유명하다. 穴場은 산의 높은 곳에 위치하는 데다 물은 멀리 떨어져 있으니 初代에는 不利하므로 擴中을 파서 마무리할 때에 큰 바위로 눌러서 덮어야한다고 하였는데 후에 과연 不利하여 이장하려고 하였으나 바위 바위 때문에 그쳤다고 한다. 1,059년 그 곳에 朱子의 高祖母 程氏夫人墓를 쓰고 그 후인 1,130년에 朱子가 태어나 이처럼 課記에 符合하니, 徐善繼·徐善述 형제의 말처럼, 누가 風水地理를 否定할 수 있겠는가? 이제 퇴계선생의 曾祖父母墓(李禎墓)와 程氏夫人墓를 비교해 보도록 하자. 첫째, 大儒學者(文章·科第·顯貴·名譽)를 상징하는 커다란 文筆峰이 李禎墓에는 主山이 되었으나 程氏墓에서는 案山(鵝子峰)과 朝山(信州鴉山)이 되었다. 일반적으로 풍수에서 穴이 氣運을 받음에 있어 位置上으로는 主山이 더 좋지만 穴 자리의 性格을 端的으로 나타내는 案山과 朝山도 穴 자리가 힘이 있으면 무방하다. 李禎墓의 主山 文筆峰이 좀 弱한듯 하나 太祖山인 鶴駕山과 龍虎 및 案山의 一字文星이 補完해 주고 있다. 둘째, 坐向은 兩墓 共히 壬坐丙向이다. 셋째, 兩墓 共히 龍虎는 一字文星이다. 넷째, 兩墓 共히 重重包裏하여 調和로운 明堂局을 만들었다. 다섯째, 兩墓 共히 물이 九曲으로 흘러나간다.(程氏墓 처음은 元辰水) 여섯째, 兩墓 共히 穴 뒤쪽의 頭腦部位가 豊富하다. 以上에서 共通點을 추출해 보았으나 兩墓의 相異點을 對比해보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 李禎墓는 낮은 곳에 위치하나 程氏墓는 높은 곳에 있다. 둘째, 李禎墓는 直龍結穴이나 程氏墓는 橫龍結穴이다. 셋째, 李禎墓는 來龍이 弱하나 程氏墓는 强하다. 넷째, 李禎墓는 乳穴이나 程氏墓는 窩穴이다. 다섯째, 李禎墓는 仙人讀書形(신선이 책을 읽고 있는 모양)이나 程氏墓는 金斗穴梁上形(손잡이가 달린 다리미형)이다. 여섯째, 李禎墓는 內明堂局이 相對的으로 작지만 程氏墓는 外明堂局이 크다. 退溪先生의 曾祖父母 李禎內外墓와 朱子의 高祖母 程氏墓와 比較해볼 때, 主山 또는 朝案의 文筆峰과 龍虎案의 一字文星, 豊富한 頭腦部分과 彎環屈曲의 九曲水, 重重包裏 속에서의 調和로운 明堂局이 작용하고 있다는 共通點을 찾을 수 있었다. 우리들은 일일이 모르고 있지만, 실제로 朱子나 退溪先生의 例에서 보듯이, 偉大한 人物의 背後에는 合當한 明堂이 있었음을 確認하였다는 事實은 커다란 意義가 있다고 본다. 積善을 많이 베풀어서, 明堂에 살거나 先祖를 明堂에 모시면, 心身도 健康하고 運命을 改善할 수 있다. 그리고 偉大한 後孫을 배출하면 道義昻場과 文化暢達을 통하여 國家社會의 發展과 繁榮에도 寄與할 수 있다. From ancient times, Korean and Chinese felt they shared a fate with the earth. They saw a magical link between man and the landscape. So they used feng shui(風水) as a way of linking man's destiny with that of nature by placing graves and residences at auspicious spots, to tap the earth's chi(地氣), where the chi flows smoothly and yin and yang(陰陽) are in harmony, making a productive cycle of the five elements(五行). Nature imitates life. Life imitates nature. Feng shui, as a language of symbols, is the key to understanding the silent dialogue between man and nature. The environment takes on a metaphorical quality. They believed that unless the deceased were properly buried, the descendants would suffer. The offspring of an ancestor with an exceptionally good grave on the basis of accumulated virtuous deeds(積善) for generations, it is believed, will be rewarded with wealth, health, lots of sons, longevity, and even a high position. Besides its offspring, even the fate of a nation depends, it is said, on the correct location of the ruler's residence and the correct burial of his ancestors. According to The Form School(形勢學派), the mountain shapes & configurations(山形) can influence the deceased's descendants, while The Compass School(理氣學派) focuses on the orientation(方位). Man is thus affected by yin and yang dwellings(陰陽宅) - the houses of the dead and the places of the living. I assumed, it would he much more truthful especially when it comes to the case of distinguished scholar like Toegye. Therefore, this article is to examine the feng shui on the residency where Toegye(退溪), known as a Korean Chu Hsi(東方朱子), was born and the tomb sites of his ancestors to reveal which one of those influenced him most strongly to be born a great scholar, in comparison with the case of Chu Hsi(朱熹), a respected neo-Confucian Chinese scholar. The writer visited to find Toegye's great-grand parent's graves(曾祖父母墓), buried on the correct spots where one can find no geomagnetic disturbance phenomena(地磁氣 攪亂 現象), backed by mountain shaped like a calligraphy brush(文筆峰) as the high black tortoise mountain(玄武, 主山) and flanked by & facing many surrounding mountains, in many folds, shaped like the horizontal line(一字文星) impling a successful scholar, making a big round bright yard(大明堂) in the center with views of a front pond and a zigzagged, meandering flow of water, which, I am sure, spurred him scholarly success. In case of Chu Hsi, his great-great-grand mother's grave(高祖母墓) surrounded by various mountains in many folds, especially faced two high mountains shaped like a big calligraphy brush(大文筆峰) soared high in the sky as the lower & higher vermilion birds(朱雀, 朝案) making a bigger wide outer bright yard, which, it is said, actualized him to become a famous neo-Confucian scholar. Finally, we analyzed that very distinguished scholars like Toegye & Chu Hsi were born due to the exceptionally good graves of their ancestors, buried correctly on the most comfortable spots where one can find geomagnetic homogenization effect(地磁氣 均一化 效果), backed or faced by the mountains shaped like a big calligraphy brush comprising a successful scholar in terms of feng shui. Feng shui tells us that locating the correct & auspicious spot, through the accumulation of virtuous deeds, plays a decisive role in casting the destiny of the occupants(residences), its descendants(graves) and even a nation(residence of the ruler & graves of his ancestors, city's shapes & public planning). Let's improve and harmonize the environment for one's better life, a prosperous nation and a peaceful world!

      • Spatiotemporal downscaling approaches for monitoring 8-day 30m actual evapotranspiration

        Ke, Y.,Im, J.,Park, S.,Gong, H. Elsevier 2017 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing Vol.126 No.-

        Continuous monitoring of actual evapotranspiration (ET) is critical for water resources management at both regional and local scales. Although the MODIS ET product (MOD16A2) provides viable sources for ET monitoring at 8-day intervals, the spatial resolution (1km) is too coarse for local scale applications. In this study, we propose a machine learning and spatial temporal fusion (STF)-integrated approach in order to generate 8-day 30m ET based on both MOD16A2 and Landsat 8 data with three schemes. Random forest machine learning was used to downscale MODIS 1km ET to 30m resolution based on nine Landsat-derived indicators including vegetation indices (VIs) and land surface temperature (LST). STF-based models including Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model and Spatio-Temporal Image Fusion Model were used to derive synthetic Landsat surface reflectance (scheme 1)/VIs (scheme 2)/ET (scheme 3) on Landsat-unavailable dates. The approach was tested over two study sites in the United States. The results showed that fusion of Landsat VIs produced the best accuracy of predicted ET (R<SUP>2</SUP>=0.52-0.97, RMSE=0.47-3.0mm/8days and rRMSE=6.4-37%). High density of cloud-clear Landsat image acquisitions and low spatial heterogeneity of Landsat VIs benefit the ET prediction. The downscaled 30m ET had good agreement with MODIS ET (RMSE=0.42-3.4mm/8days, rRMSE=3.2-26%). Comparison with the in situ ET measurements showed that the downscaled ET had higher accuracy than MODIS ET.

      • 德洞九曲에 나타난 傳統景觀構造의 解析에 관한 硏究

        崔杞秀 서울市立大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The planners and designers as well as people who live in the present had used to be able to use easily the word of landscape which means only a visually beauty. Even the professonal people may tink to be able to achieve their purpose which is to satisfy only the structural theory of aesthetics which are composed of a harmony, a unity, a rhythm and an emphasis. We are recently eager to search for our inner thoughts within the existing of our culture in all walks of life. This thesis is also an effort to search for what our ancestors used the word with the meaning of landcape. I choose the Duck Dong village which is located in Gi Buk Menu, Young I1 Gun, Kyung Sang Buk Do. The origination of Gok(曲) is from Chu-tzu who made a comprehensive compilation of the theory of metaphysics. Chu-tzu was composed of Muidoga(武夷權歌:a beautiful natural landscape song of Mui mountain boating along the Chung-chun river) humorously in nine Goks of Chung-gae(淸溪九曲) and also made of Mui Jungsa( 精舍:Jungsa is a kind of building, which is a learning place for Confucianism students under the control of confucianist. Jungsa was usually located at the fifth Gok out of nine goks.). Muidoga which was called a Muigugok-ga was analysed as a poetry of progressing morality or a didactic poem. According to Chu-tzu's attitudes, the scholars of Confucianism were composed of a poetry and wanted to have a painting and set up nine Goks with a beautiful scene at the Lee Dynasty. The location of nine Goks was followed the thoughts of seclusion and kept a pace with the trend of times. The scholars were established to prepare the necessity of settlement with the location of geography, the ecological profit, the goodhearted mind and the beautiful mountain and water. The people who is living today who can learn the location of nine Goks came from out ancestors' mind with the thoughts of mountain worship and worship of heaven. The one of important meanings is a spatially continuity in a stream and is also continuity in a thoughts with a national and relief. Duck dong village had three Gi(寄:a mystic natural shape), eight Kyoung(景:Kyoung can be in any place and in any orientation because Kyoung can be felt through the experience and the perception, and also any one can express in any time and in any season even if any people can have a mutual response with nature) and nine Goks around villager's way of life. From this, our ancestors had a holistic view of nature with an empathy theory and a contemplation thought.

      • 地域社會發展 : 그 展望에 대한 文化心理的 檢證

        權奇星 단국대학교 대학원 1980 學術論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        Human behavior is determined by his psychological state or value-orientation, and this by interactions of the course of his life time. Therefore, human behavior is a function of human organism and environment. This view many proceed from "the field theory" on behavior proceed by the psychologist K. Lewin. Lewin used the term "life space" to refer to "the totality of forces acting on the person at a given moment of time," implying both the individual internal psychological environment and his external environment. He used a schematic diagram, an egg-shaped "Jordan curve." to show a person in a particular environment. Levin's Jordan Curve ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) Behavior is a function of the person and his psychological environment in terms of Lewin's formulas: B=F(P.E). A person's behavior (B) is determined by both the external environment (E) and the internal personal environment (P). Hereby, we may link other aspects of personal behavior since community development is dependent on community inhabitants' behavior and their behavior is a special form of human activity and cannot be independent of social behavior generally. In this respect, we have to understand community inhabitant's value-orientation formed in the condition of their socio-cultural environment in order to understand community development. Korean community inhabitants tend to authoritarianism, emotional humanism, fatalism and homogeneity. These value-orientations are constructed by religious influence: Confucian authority and hierarchy: Buddhist collectivism and passivity: and Taoist non-activist virtue. Therefore, Korean community inhabitants are characterized by these value-orientation such as authoritarianism, emotional humanism, fatalism and homogeneity. Authoritarianism here can be defined as hierarchical relations in terms of domination, submission relationships, that is, a tendency in an individual to adopt uncritical and submissive attitude toward the more powerful man and at the same time to wish to make other submit to him. An authoritarian person is accustomed to submission. He wouldn't like to do what to do for himself and he is much dependent on his superior. The important effect of the authoritarian attitude of Korean community inhabitents is that most of the decisions are likely to be made at the top in the hierarchy, and decision making is also heavily influenced by the political philosophy and outlook of the decision maker himself. Another important implication of authoritarianism is that there is relatively little room for the incremental approach to solving problems. Emotional humanism can be defined as an attitude or tendency to maintain the relationship with others. An emotional humanistic person is much dependent on others and lacks the pioneer-spirit, while emotional humanim fosters the spirits of cooperation based on the mutual cooperative spirit. The important effect of emotional humanistic attitudes to reduce rationality in decision making. Community inhabitants who are equipped with deep and warm sentiments do not usually deal with things reasonably and rationally but emotionally and intuitively. Fatalism can be defined as a tendency or belief system to evaluate one's success by the supernatural forces, e.g., fate beyond one's capability. A fatalistic person lacks not only a fighting spirit to attack difficulties but also determination to pursue any goal persistently. Many plans or programs are likely to end as plans or programs, per se without ever being tried. And he lacks self-reliance or developmental value-orientation. These fatalistic people are more concerned with the "Being" orientation than with the "Doing" orientation in human activity. And they are more attentive to what the human being is than to what he might accomplish. Homogeneity can be defined as common consciousness―ethnic, linguistic, religious, racial, cultural and regional, etc.―in life. Homogeneous person is more exclusive to others. These homogeneous people do not believe in others because of exclusive tendency. These homogeneity would like to find and aggregate more homogeneous things within homogeneity. Therefore, homogeneity results in factionalism and so factionalism caused by a loyalty to him, family, school, and province has directly led to the brakdown is that it deprives one of the opportunity to develop individualistic attitudes and abilities. In summary of survey research, community inhabitants' authoritarianism and homogeneity are high and their emotional humanism and fatalism are relatively low. But their emotional humanism and fatalism are not converted to development-orientation. Therefore, it may be difficult to expect community development. It is considered that non-developmental value-orientation is due to cultural tradition based on the religious influence in the long-run and the influence of the authoritarian strategy for community development (New Village Movement) in the short-run.

      • 전이온도 근방에서 Poly propylene telephthalate의 열처리에 의한 구조변화에 관한 연구

        김기식 대진대학교 1995 大眞論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        The glass transition temperature of poly propylene telephthalate(PPT) was studied by differential scanning calorimeter(DSC). Tg determinate by extrapolation to zero scanning rate was 20 C PPT was treated at 20 C for various annealing times. on annealing, Tg shifted to higher temperatutes and endothermic peak at Tg increased with increasing annealing times. The density increased and the X-ray diffraction patterns became sharper. Spin-lattice relaxation time of protonated aromatic carbons showed a significant change on annealing, although no change in chemical shift was observed. The structural chnges caused by annealing therefore is atributed to changes in chain packing of PPT.

      • 「集合建物의 所有 및 管理에 관한 法律」小考

        李起羽 湖南大學校 1985 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The rapid growth of economy caused the industrialization and concentration of population in the cities of Korea. Accordingly, it made urgent the effective utilization of land in the cities. Due to these social phenomena the massive building which utilizes land vertically has made popular various kinds of Buildings of Divided Ownership. It is estimated that Buildings of Divided Ownership will continue to be increased and that the style and structure will be of further variety. In result of this a new pattern of possession, i.e., divided ownership, has become important. On April 10 in 1984, the Act of Ownership and Administration of Buildings of Divided Ownership was passed and proclaimed so that the defects in legislation could be supplemented. the act is to rule a new modus vivendi of divided ownership and common utilization of Buildings of Divided Ownership. the law which will be practised after one year's reservation will contribute to rule the common life of multiply owned buildings and to clarify their rights of possession. In this paper are analyzes the contents and problems of the same act.

      • 韓國에서 發生되는 벼 오갈病에 關한 硏究

        李起運 慶北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.38 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to obtain basic informations for an integrated control of the disease by studying the occurrence, damage disease cycle comprising virusinsect vector-plant, host range, and, testing methods for varietal resistance. The results obtained are as follow. It is expected that the disease be limited to southern area below the line connecting Daejon, Boeun and Uljin in Korea because viruliferous vectors are not able to overwinter in the area above the line. As a result, rice dwarf does not occur in seedling bed in the northern area although the disease may be found in the paddy field by infection by viruliferous vectors moved from southern area. High yield strains have been planted extensively for their high yield. In southern area ratoons of the high yield strains remain alive 8-30 days after harvest. The ratoons of infected plants serve insect vectors for acquisition of the virus by feeding and contribute to the increased number of the overwintered viruliferous insect vectors. Foot path serves as a habitat for insect vectors and contribute to higher disease occurrence near the foot path than in the middle of the field. When rice plants were inoculated at different leaf stages with the virus, high yield strains showed less infection than japonica strains in vegetative growth stage, but difference between the two strains was minor inreproductive growth stage. Incubation period in the plant was also longer in high yield strains than in Japonica strains. Inoculation of japonica strain rice at 3-9 leaf stage resulted in a high percentage of withering, whereas high yield strains inoculated at 5 leaf stage or later showed relatively low percentage of withering. Heading was possible only when rice plants of both high yield and japonica strains were inoculated at 7 to 9 leaf stages or later and ripening only at 9 leaf stage or later. Thirty five species of plants including cereals and weeds were tested for host of the rice dwarf virus. Twenty nine of them were identified to be hosts of the virus. There were Oryza sativa L. Nagdongbyeo, Hordeum sativum Jess. Olbori, Triticum aestivum L. Dahong mil, Avena sativa L. Zea mays L. Suwoen╋29, Setaria italica Beauv, Alopecurus aequalis Sosbol, Echinochloa hispidula Nakai, Echinochloa echinata Nakai, Glyceria acutiflora, Panicum miliaceum, Phleum pratense L., Poa annua L., Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentosa, Secal cereal L. Digitaria sanguinalis L. var. cilialis, Digitaria sanguinalis Scopoli var. aultinervis Honda, Eleusine indica Gaert., Zoysis japonica Steudel, Arthraxon hispidus (Thunberg), Leersia sayanuka, Setaria viridis Beauvis var. purpurascens, Eragrostis curvular Mees, Eleocharis acicularis L., Eriocaulon atrvm Nakai, Eriocaulon robustius Nees., Elymus arenarius L. Coix agrestis Lour, Isachne globosa Kuniz. When the rice dwarf virus was double inoculated with other viruses such as rice stripe virus and rice black-streaked dwarf virus, only 6.7 to 17.0% of double infection was obtained. But the rate was relatively low compared to single inoculation indicating that infection is inhibited by double inoculation. Only 0.5 to 1.6% of barley seedlings infected with rice dwarf virus servived winter. This suggests that overwintering of the virus on infected plants is almost impossible. In fluctuation in occurrence of vectors, peak period was late July. Percentage of infected hills rapidly increase early in July and late in August. This suggests that overwintered adults, nymphs of second generation, and nymphs of third generation served as transmission of the virus. The percentage of viruliferous vectors was the highest in the second generation ones. Insect vectors can acquire infectivity by feeding infected plants only for 48 hours. Incubation period in the insect body was about 10 to 18 days. Vectors could be infective by injection with juice of infected plants or viruliferous insects. The transmission activity was high in nymphal stage and virus affinity was relatively highl in ecotype Ⅱ-a vectors collected from southern part of the peninsula. Inoculating seedlings at 3 leaf stage with an inoculum level of 1 to 2 insects was effective. On the physiopathological ecology of viruliferous vectors, viral infection reduced oviposition period of female vectors, and the number of hatched nymphs from oviposited eggs. Especially infected insects were sensitive to alternating temperature with low Causal virus of the rice dwarf disease was purified by an improved method. Purity was 3.24㎎/ml. Purified virus was injected to rabbit as an antigen and an antiserum with a titer of 1/4096 was obtained. When viruliferous vector and infected leaves were used as an antigen, detection of the virus was possible upto 1/8192 dilution by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) test. Seedlings of ninety lines of rice were inoculated for testing resistance. Eight lines including Milyang 30 were resistance, 23 lines including Nampung were moderate resistance and 60 lines including Kaya were susceptible. In mass screening of seedlings, of the 20 lines tested, Milyang 30 was resistance Naekyung and Nampung were moderate resistance and all the rest 17 lines were susceptible. In field screening, of the 64 lines tested, 20 lines including Milyang 30 were resistance, 15 lines including Baekyang were moderate resisance and 29 lines including Kaya were susceptible. temperature.

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