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      • 자기공명영상을 이용한 정신분열병 환자의 뇌량크기 측정

        성상율,구자섭,조근호,원승희,이종훈,박종한 대한생물치료정신의학회 2004 생물치료정신의학 Vol.10 No.1

        Objectives : Nowadays many studies with MRI have reported structurai abnormalltles of corpus callosum of schizophrenic patients. However, the results are various and inconstant. In this study, we attempted to identify structural change of C O ~ U S cailosurn. Method : We measured the size of corpus callosum of the 24 schizophrenia patients (male 11, female 18) who were diagnosed by DSM-IV (19943, visited at department of psychiatry, catholic university hospital of Daegu from January 2002 to December 2003, by using midline sagittal slice of MRI. These results were compared with the size of corpus callosum of 25 controls (male 7, female 78). We divided corpus callosurn into 7 areas. We calculated and compared the areas of each subregion, mid-sagittal cerebral area, and entire corpus callosum. The results were analyzed by independent t-test. Result :When we compared subregion to corpus callosum adjusted wth mid-sagittal cerebral area, schlzoph-renia patients had significantly smaller genu (1.64k0.32 vs. 1.43k0.26 p<O.O5) and splenium (2.16f0.27 VS. 1.96+0.30 ; ~(0.05). Similarly, the ratio of total corpus callosum to midline sagittal cerebral area (%)(7.50*0.72 vs. 6.90t0.82 ~(0.05) was significantly smaller In schizophrenia than control group. Conclusion : In this study, we found significant differences in corpus callosum between schizophrenic patients and normal control group.

      • KCI등재

        약물 의존에서 Cannabinoid 1 수용체 길항 약물

        조근호(Keun-Ho Joe),김대진(Dai-Jin Kim),이영식(Young-Sik Lee) 한국중독정신의학회 2006 중독정신의학 Vol.10 No.1

        It is now being elucidated that the endocannabinoid system is one of the neurotransmitter system normally existed in our brain. Anandamide, one of the main endocannabinoids, act as a retrograde messenger in the synapse through cannabinoid 1 receptor, and it modulates the activities of synaptic transmission by decreasing the function s of presynaptic neuron. The process is so-called long-term depolarization. Therefore the endocannabinoid system is believed to do a pivotal role in the formations of memory process and habit formation. Furthermore, the endocannabinoid system is thought to be involved into the development, maintenance and relapse of the syndromes in substance dependence, by the endocannabinoid system itself or by the interaction with other neurotransmitter system. By the selective cannabinoid 1 receptor antagonists, the repetitive behaviors of animals or humans toward addictive substance like nicotine, alcohol, opioids, and cocaine were changed. It could mean that not only the brain reward circuit through mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway but also the alternations of neurons by endocannabinoid system will be on the important position in the neurobiologic backgrounds of addiction. Several CB1 receptor antagonists were in developing (e.g., Rimonabant) to treat the substance dependence. According to the outcomes of clinical trials, some of the pharmacological agents will be applied to our patients. Until now, clinically approved medications in addiction fields were just an aversive agent (e.g., disulfiram) and anticraving agents (e.g., naltrexone and acamprosate). It will be meaningful for us to have another therapeutic tools with novel mechanism.

      • KCI등재

        니코틴의존의 약물치료

        조근호(Keun-Ho Joe) 한국중독정신의학회 2008 중독정신의학 Vol.12 No.1

        Despite the short history of pharmacotherapeutic approaches in nicotine dependence, numerous medications were developed and stand as significant clinical advances. In this review, the biological mechanisms, therapeutic usages, and results of meta-analyses in nicotine dependence will be discussed for medications such as nicotine replacement therapy agents, bupropion SR, varenicline, etc. First of all, the diverse formulations of nicotine replacement therapy agents and their properties are summarized. Clinical ap-plication methods of nicotine gum, patch, and lozenge will be explained. Specific features and cautions of bupropion SR and newly-developed varenicline will also be dealt with. Novel candidate agents for nicotine dependence under clinical trials will be mentioned with brief descriptions about the pharmacological mechanisms involved.

      • KCI등재

        위험 음주자의 선별을 위한 한국어판 Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test(AUDIT-K)의 최적 절단값

        조근호(Keun-Ho Joe),채숙희(Suk-Hi Chai),박애란(Aeran Park),이해국(Hae-Kook Lee),신임희(Im-Hee Shin),민성호(Seong-Ho Min) 한국중독정신의학회 2009 중독정신의학 Vol.13 No.1

        Objects:Through this study, we intended to set up new cut-off score for the screening of hazardous drinking using the Korean version of alcohol use disorders identification test (AU-DIT-K). Methods:A total of 1,100 subjects were enrolled in this study. Questionnaires about drinking patterns, AUDIT-K, CAGE and NAST (National Alcohol Screening test) were col-lected. The cut-off scores of AUDIT-K for hazardous drinking were calculated and determined by area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Pearson’s correlation test was applied to validate the test and re-test data. Results:Suggestible cut-off scores based on drinking frequency and amount, the AUDIT-K for screening the hazardous drinking would be 11 for men and 8 for women. However, we further proposed the CAGE 1 point as a reference value and concluded that cut-off scores of 10 for men and 6 for women were more appropriate in screening of hazardous drinking in Korean subjects. According to these scores recommended limits for normal drink-ing behavior among Koreans would 13 standard drinks per week for men and 6 standard drinks per week for women. Conclusion:The lower cut-offs of 10 for men and 6 for women suggest that nationwide a more vigorous effort in screening for hazardous drinking is needed in order to prevent alcohol abuse and hazardous consequences.

      • 전자의무기록 보급 및 활용에 대한 정신건강의학과 전문의의 인식

        조근호(Keun-Ho Joe),윤해주(Haijoo Yoon),이수정(Soojung Lee),박종익(Jong-Ik Park) 대한사회정신의학회 2019 사회정신의학 Vol.24 No.1

        목 적 : 전자의무기록의 보급이 확대되고 있으나, 정신건강의학과는 다른 전문과목과 활용도에 차이가 있을 것으로 추정된다. 이에 정신 건강의학과 전문의들을 대상으로 전자의무기록의 경험 정도를 확인해보고자 하였으며, 현행 전자의무기록의 의미 및 향후 확대 보급하기 위한 조건에 대한 의견을 조사해 보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 수련병원, 정신병원 및 정신건강의학과 의원 등으로 의료기관의 유형을 분류한 후, 유형별로 각각 150기관을 무작위로 선별하였다. 이후 각 기관 마다 1명씩의 정신건강의학과 전문의를 무작위로 추출하여 총 450명에게 이메일 설문을 배포하였다. 설문 수거 또한 온라인으로 진행하였다. 전자의무기록의 사용 경험에 대해서 교차분석을 시행하였으며, 사용경험 여부 및 소속 의료기관에 따라 전자의무기록의 의미 및 향후 확대 조건에 대한 의견에 차이가 있는 지 여부를 분석하였다. 결 과 : 설문에 응답한 112명의 정신건강의학과 전문의 중 87.5%에서 처방전달시스템을 사용한 경험이 있다고 하였으며, 84.8%에서 전산 화된 경과기록을 사용한 경험이 있다고 하였다. 전자의무기록의 도입은 병원의 경영효율화 및 의료진간의 의사소통에 도움이 되는 측면이 있다는 응답에 동의한 전문의들이 많았으며, 상대적으로 의료질 향상이나 의사결정에 도움이 된다는 응답은 적었다. 전자의 무기록의 확대를 위해서는 수가를 통한 보상이 필요하다는 응답이 많았으며, 상담 내용의 비밀 보장을 위한 별도의 메뉴가 필요하 다는 응답이 많았다. 그에 비해 표준화된 전자의무기록의 보급이나 지역사회와의 정보교류 네트워크 확보 등에 동의한 비율은 상대 적으로 낮았다. 결 론 : 우리나라에서도 전자의무기록의 도입은 급속히 이루어지고 있지만, 병원의 경영 효율성 증대 및 병원 내 직원 들 간의 의사소통 수준에 머물러 있으며, 의료질 향상이나 업무 표준화 및 지역사회 기관들과의 연계체계, 진료 시 의사결정지원 등의 차원까지 발전 되지는 못하였다. 향후 전자의무기록의 변화에 대해 정신건강의학과 전문의들의 관심이 더 필요한 시점이다. Objectives : Even though the adoption of electronic medical record in hospital increases nowadays but certain hurdles might exist in the department of psychiatry. Therefore, we performed this study to evaluate the experiences of electronic medical record in psychiatrists and invested that the opinions of psychiatrists on the current applying electronic medical record and the necessary conditions to disseminate it more in the future. Methods : Hospitals were divided into three groups as training hospital, mental hospital, and private clinics and randomly selected 150 hospitals/clinics of each group. Request for participation on this survey was sent via e-mail to the 1 psychiatrist of each hospital/clinics who extracted randomly also. The answers were collected by on-line. The cross analysis or nonparametric comparison were done to identify the statistical significances of the responses by the experiences of elec-tronic medical record or by the affiliated hospitals types of the subjects. Results : 87.5% of 112 responded psychiatrists reported their experiences on the order communication system and 84.8% reported their experiences on the electronic progress note. The responded psychiatrists strongly agreed that the adoption of electronic medical record will be helpful for hospital management but weakly agreed that the positive effects on the clinical quality improvement and decision making. They said that the additional reimbursement should be provided to disseminate more in clinical situation and building up special menu to ensure the patients’ privacy. However, the psychiatrists showed slight agreement on the necessary of standard electronic medical record and organizing systemic network between community and hospital through electronic medical record. Conclusion : Despite the rapid spread of electronic medical record in Korea, the psychiatrists' recognition on electronic medical record remains within the boundary of individual hospital. They regarded that the electronic medical record has benefits on hospital management rather than on the communication between the all involved facilities, clinical performance indicator, or assistant for clinical decision. More attentions of psychiatrists should be needed on the evolution of electronic medical record.

      • KCI등재후보

        니코틴 의존의 정신사회적 치료

        조근호(Keun Ho Joe) 한국중독정신의학회 2015 중독정신의학 Vol.19 No.1

        There are still debates that the needs of medical advice for smoking cessation. On the contrary, some physicians look down on the addictive characters of nicotine and act as if they can handle it only with some medications easily. However, similar to another addiction problem, the medications for smoking cessation are not the perfect remedy yet. Even though it is possible to reduce the withdrawal and craving some extent through the medication, the risk of recurrence is still present. The psychosocial intervention itself can increase the success rate of for smoking cessation, and when combined with some medications it can improve the cessation rate and reduce the relapse rate. The psychosocial advices for smoking cessation are diverse, for example, from simple way like brief medical advice of the doctors, up to the more complex and systematized program on the basis of the motivation enhancement therapeutic and cognitive behavioral therapeutic approach. The smoking rate is much higher in mentally ill patients compared to the general population, and heavier smoking also leads to more physical problems. Accordingly, psychiatrists in Korea who could effectively apply both psychosocial intervention and pharmacological treatment could practice better smoking cessation programs.

      • KCI등재

        프로그램 종속성 그래프 기반의 소프트웨어 유사도 측정 알고리즘 개발

        윤호영(Ho Yeong Yun),조용준(Yong Joon Joe),정병옥(Byung Ok Jung),신동명(Dong myung Shin),방효근(Hyo Keun Bahng) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2016 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.21 No.12

        In this paper, we attempt to prevent certain cases by tracing a history and making genogram about open source software and its modification using similarity of source code. There are many areas which use open source software actively and widely, and open source software contributes their development. However, there are many unconscious cases like ignoring license or intellectual properties infringe which can lead litigation. To prevent such situation, we analyze source code similarity using program dependence graph which resembles subgraph isomorphism problem, a typical NP-complete problem. To solve subgraph isomorphism problem, we utilized harmony search of metaheuristic algorithm and compared its result with a genetic algorithm. For the future works, we represent open source software as program dependence graph and analyze their similarity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        니코틴 의존자에서 인지행동 단독치료와 Naltrexone 추가치료 간의 흡연행동 비교

        성종호(Jong-Ho Sung),이영식(Young-Sik Lee),조근호(Keun-Ho Joe),나 철(Chul Na) 한국중독정신의학회 2003 중독정신의학 Vol.7 No.1

        Objectives:The present study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of naltrexone combined CBT(cognitive behavior therapy). Method:This study design was double blind placebo controlled method. Naltrexone(n=13) and placebo(n=12) were added to CBT for 2 weeks in 25 subjects. Administered Naltrexone dosage was 23.4 mg/day in 1st week and 37.1 mg/day in 2nd week. Multimodal CBT technique was conducted for three times once every week. Total cigarette consumption amounts per a week, Brief Questionnaire for Smoking Urge (B-QSU), and expiratory CO levels, Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ) were checked at baseline and 4 weeks later. Results: 1) There were no differences between naltrexone add-on CBT group and CBT alone group in nicotine withdrawal symptoms and drug side effects containing GOT/GPT levels. 2) In Naltrexone add-on CBT group, total cigarette consumptions (p=0.021), the expiratory CO levels (p=0.039), B-QSU score (p=0.036), and FIQ scores (p=0.028) were significantly lower than CBT alone group. 3) Subjective reports about the smoking reduction are greater in naltrexone add-on CBT group than CBT alone (53.0% vs. 16.7%). Conclusions: Naltrexone and CBT combined therapy could be a effective and safe treatment in nicotine dependence.

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