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        Principal Component Analysis and Molecular Characterization of Reniform Nematode Populations in Alabama

        Seloame T. Nyaku,Ramesh V. Kantety,Ernst Cebert,Kathy S. Lawrence,Joseph O. Honger,Govind C. Sharma 한국식물병리학회 2016 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.32 No.2

        U.S. cotton production is suffering from the yield losscaused by the reniform nematode (RN), Rotylenchulusreniformis. Management of this devastating pest is ofutmost importance because, no upland cotton cultivarexhibits adequate resistance to RN. Nine populationsof RN from distinct regions in Alabama and onepopulation from Mississippi were studied and thirteenmorphometric features were measured on 20 male and20 female nematodes from each population. Highly correlatedvariables (positive) in female and male RN morphometricparameters were observed for body length(L) and distance of vulva from the lip region (V) (r = 0.7)and tail length (TL) and c’ (r = 0.8), respectively. Thefirst and second principal components for the femaleand male populations showed distinct clustering intothree groups. These results show pattern of sub-groupswithin the RN populations in Alabama. A one-wayANOVA on female and male RN populations showedsignificant differences (p ≤ 0.05) among the variables.Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of 18S rRNA sequences(421) showed lengths of 653 bp. Sites within thealigned sequences were conserved (53%), parsimonyinformative(17%), singletons (28%), and indels (2%),respectively. Neighbor-Joining analysis showed intraand inter-nematodal variations within the populationsas clone sequences from different nematodes irrespectiveof the sex of nematode isolate clustered together. Morphologically, the three groups (I, II and III) couldnot be distinctly associated with the molecular datafrom the 18S rRNA sequences. The three groups maybe identified as being non-geographically contiguous.

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